Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 869

Chapter 869: Pilgrimage civilization

As a high-level warrior, Fonu is indeed a few steps higher than the speed and strength of the thorough vision. Hao Zhi tried his best to barely keep up with the opponent’s movements, even if he could see the opportunity to swipe the tip of the dagger across his body, But it also failed to cause any harm.

He is like an active diamond man, light and clear, but extremely hard!

In the distance, a fight between the Allied forces and the Featherman fleet has begun. The Allied forces’ encirclement of the Featherman mothership has been easily torn apart by a big hole, and the unilateral slaughter is still ongoing.

Along the arc of the encirclement, the White Fleet began to disperse the Allied warships. The Allied warships were as fragile as they were built of chocolate. Even a direct impact can collapse a large area in the blink of an eye. Those who can’t avoid being shot by high-energy particle weapons The battleship in the middle of the world quickly melted into a pile of iron juice in space, and then quickly condensed into a strange pile of garbage in a low temperature environment.

Can’t delay any longer, Hao Zhi’s physical strength is consuming a little bit. This is not the way to go. He mobilizes the Adam energy group in his chest, and suddenly gathers his strength to increase his speed and strength in the blink of an eye, and his moves become fierce. Up.

Fo Nu was shocked, thinking that Hao Zhi only had so much strength, but he couldn’t imagine that he could mobilize so much energy from his body. After several defenses, he couldn’t keep up with Hao Zhi’s movements.

In a hurry, Fo Nu had to wave the feather sword in his hand to block Hao Zhi’s dagger abruptly. Hao Zhi’s changing wrists were as unpredictable as a ghost. After deceiving the other party to reveal his flaws, With a loud shout, you are here for me!

The steel dagger pierced the enemy’s weak underbelly. Fonu had no time to evade, so he had to strengthen the local skin and take it hard. Only a loud sound echoed in the circular cabin in his ears. The generals of the Feathers looked sideways.

The Yinggang dagger in Hao Zhi’s hand was broken into several knots, just like a glass knife, it fell apart in an instant!

“Hmph, I’ve already told you that your broken knife won’t do much, so you still use it stubbornly. Are you stupid?” Hao Zhi was halfway talking, and Hao Zhi had a strange smile on his face. When I looked down at my body again, I realized that a feather sword was inserted under my ribs!

“When are you…” Fonu looked at Hao Zhi incredulously.

“Return to the other body in the same way. Since your feather sword is so powerful, how can I not use it? Your reaction is too slow. I grabbed the feather sword from your hand and stabbed you, consciously acting It’s already very slow, but you still don’t feel it. What should I say to you?” Hao Zhi reluctantly buckled the nail of his ring finger with his thumb, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“You…what kind of energy are you using? Your consciousness has never been so powerful!” Buddha Nu fell back two steps, his legs weakened, and fell to the ground on one knee.

“I know that you Yuren monitor the information of the earth in all directions. You know many things that happen, but there is one thing that you never think of, because it did not happen in this time and space. I used to travel through time. At the time, I encountered the ancestors of our earthlings in the sea cave. The energy group left by the elders of the Gendaya civilization is a powerful existence that gathers all the power of a consciousness capable race. Your point is supplemented from the outside world. Hao Zhi’s meager energy, I am embarrassed to brag in front of me? It’s not worth mentioning, haha…” Hao Zhi suddenly exerted all his strength, and a fiery aura like fire burst out around his body. The huge impact made him high above him. Guangmu Tian and a group of warriors almost stood unstable and almost fell off the high pole!

“What a strong momentum!” Guang Mutian covered his face with his hands, “You just said Elder Gendaya?”

“Yes, they are the ancestors of our earth civilization, advanced civilizations that have been developed as far back as the Pangu Continent period. Today, they may have reached the form of a god-level civilization long ago, traveling in the deep space of the universe!” Hao Zhi’s **** pulled out.

“Are they… are they the Prophet of the Five Elements?” Guangmu Tian cried out in surprise.

“Huh? How do you know that there are five elders?” Hao Zhi was startled, and quickly stopped his aura.

Guangmu Tianchang sighed: “Hehe, it’s no wonder that there are such high similarities among the three civilizations of Earth Civilization, Blood Moon Civilization, and Feather Civilization. It is not surprising that similar technologies and cultures have developed… …

In fact, in the ignorant period of the Yuren civilization, when the pace of civilization development has not taken the first step, according to the original written records of our ancestors carved on the rocks, there were five prophets who visited Nibi in ancient times. Planet Lu taught our ancestors the early civilization technology.

And the legend of the Heavenly Enlightened One seems to have been left at that time. ”

Hao Zhi thought: “How long did you say when the five elders arrived at the planet Nibiru?”

Guang Mutian said thoughtfully, “According to our guess, it’s about 60 million years ago!”

“It was when the five elders of Gendaya left the earth. Their first deep space exploration was when they left the earth at that time. After that, they must have reached Sirius at the first stop, and then sowed the fire of earth civilization to you. On the planet Nibiru, in fact, what you use is also the technology left by our ancestors!” Hao Zhi laughed.

“Nonsense! The prophet is a **** unique to our Yuren civilization. How could the great Yuren civilization have the same ancestors as such backward people on Earth?”

Hao Zhi smiled indifferently: “You don’t want to admit it, so good, if I’m not mistaken How did your feather civilization discover the existence of earth civilization more than a thousand years ago, and send out an exploratory spacecraft? of?

When the earth civilization hadn’t even invented the light bulb at that time, it looked 8.9 light-years away as just an ordinary planet that evolved naturally. We have not emitted a trace of man-made light or radio waves to outer space. How does your technology lock the earth among the many galaxies in this direction? ”

Guangmutian was speechless.

Yes, this is a question he has been trying to avoid before, and the answer is clearly engraved on the ancient stone wall.

On the ancient murals 60 million years ago, behind the five elders, there are painted concentric circles symbolizing the nine planets of the solar system.

That is a totem buried in the evolution of the Yuren civilization. Since ancient times, they believed that the solar system was the residence of the five elders and the residence of the gods, where they could find the origin of civilization and the ultimate secret of the universe.

The reason why the ancestors of the Yu civilization spent their lives developing technology and technology, the biggest purpose is not to invade, but to “pilgrimage!”

It was not until a thousand years ago that the technology of the Yu civilization finally developed to the point where they could explore the neighboring galaxies at close range. They launched a probe toward the solar system that they had always dreamed of but was out of reach, and finally reached the earth. However, the situation is so They were disappointed. They yearned for scientific knowledge and technology, and even the idea of searching for the true meaning of the universe was shattered by reality. They found that there was no God or any elder in the “paradise” they had been looking forward to, but only a bunch of connections. The “primitives” who have not yet used electric lights.

The situation is as if human beings finally found the Garden of Eden in their dreams, pushed open that gorgeous fence gate, and saw a crowd of worms living in the mud. God has already abandoned this place…

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