Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 871

Chapter 871: Yuren’s Buddha

Fifteen Jialan guardians tightly surrounded Hao Zhi and Deng Xiaoyu. Three of them were already wounded. Hao Zhi was wearing a ghost-faced blue armor against the generals. Several guardians also felt the damage brought about by his powerful strength. Move forward easily.

“Weapon!” The Guardian of Sanskrit also didn’t care much. With an angry shout, he waved his left hand, and a bright blue light appeared beside him. The blue light flashed, and a giant axe was held in the palm of his hand impressively.

Materialize energy!

It belongs to the same type of technology as Hao Zhi’s ghost face blue armor.

“Kill him!” The Guardian of Sanskrit took the lead and raised a giant axe to fight Hao Zhi. When the rest of the crowd saw Sanskrit taking the lead, they also showed off their weapons, clubs, spears, swords and so on.

“Hmph, I’m in a hurry, and I’ll start using weapons!” Hao Zhi was not afraid, and a blue light appeared in each of his hands. After the blue light, there were two willow blade swords. The blades were slender and sharp. The gust of wind.

Deng Xiaoyu’s laser **** can’t do anything. In the course of this master showdown, the aiming and launching of thermal weapons takes a certain amount of time. When your muzzle is aimed, the enemy has already moved its position. hard to use.

In desperation, Deng Xiaoyu also waved his hands, and three Yingsteel sabers popped out of each mechanical forearm, sticking to the back of his hand like sharp claws, attacking the enemy again and again.

The seemingly soft skin of the Jialan Guardian is actually harder than Ying Gang, and his sword is not affected at all, which really made Deng Xiaoyu scratch his head.

However, this also made him even more amazed. Hao Zhi’s punch just penetrated the body of Guangmiao Law Protector. Wouldn’t his fist be harder than the body of Yuren Law Protector?

At this moment of distraction, a long spear from Jialan Law Guardian Tiangu whizzed over and pierced Deng Xiaoyu’s chest. That was his energy center. If his arms and legs were broken, it was enough to repair it, but if the energy center was broken If it is broken, the system that maintains the biological brain will immediately collapse, leaving a dead end.

Deng Xiaoyu said, it was too late to escape. In desperation, he thought that this was an explanation. Just when the gun tip was about to pierce into his heart, suddenly a blue figure came across, it was Hao Zhi!

That shot stabbed Hao Zhi’s chest unceremoniously!

Human flesh shield… Deng Xiaoyu’s eyes flashed, and there was a sound of collision between metal and metal, followed by a huge roar. When he hit it, Tiangu’s spear was forcibly broken into several knots, and it fell on the ground. !

“It’s such a hard metal!” GuangMu Tian subconsciously admired, “This is definitely not the technology of people on earth. There is actually a metal harder than Yinggang in the universe, and it can be energized and stored in his hands at will. In the ring, you can follow the master’s combat awareness to assist in combat, and the speed of material energy conversion is much more advanced than our civilization’s technology!

Possess the wisdom of biological civilization, the top armor of mechanical civilization, the super energy group that can civilization civilization…

This person, Hao Zhi, will definitely be the biggest obstacle to our civilization’s dominance of this star field in the future. He must be solved in a battle here, otherwise there will be endless troubles after letting the tiger return to the mountain! ”

Thinking of this, Guangmu Tian yelled angrily: “The researcher of Tian Enlightenment does not necessarily need a living body. Listen to the Jialan Protectors, don’t stick to the result of the battle, as long as you defeat him, life or death!”

Hao Zhichong gestured a **** in mid-air, and then continued to burn his Adam energy group. He swung the two willow-leaf war knives like snow flakes, shook the front, and the back of the war knives plucked the grass to search for the snake, and pierced the giant axe in his hand. The guardian chest of Sanskrit sound.

Then a stab with a knife, from the chest to the left shoulder, actually split the Sanskrit Protector in half!

The upper half of his body fell to the ground with a chuckle, and the rest of the guardian was shocked. Hao Zhike, no matter how much, shrank down, drove two swords and butterflies through the flowers, crackling and slashing, clever, beautiful sound, Tiangu, The seven protectors of Tanmei, Leiyin, Miaomei, and Tande were cut to the ground on the spot.

Those guys were severely injured by Hao Zhi. They either injured their arms or broke their legs. They were lying on the ground and unable to move. Deng Xiaoyu was happy to clean up the mess. He clicked the laser guns hidden on his forearms, and shot them one by one. It’s all gone.

The green blood and brain pulp flew all over the ground…

There are still seven guardians left, and the seven of them suddenly see that their team is reduced by half, and they feel a little bad.

The one closest to Hao Zhi, the protector of Ziyin knew that he couldn’t beat him, so he concentrated his consciousness and strengthened his body. As soon as he gathered the molecules in his body, he was hit by Hao Zhi in his stomach with a fist. It was bombarded like a stone statue. It became a piece of land…

“Ah…” The remaining six people were frightened.

Hao Zhi suddenly closed his fists, stood directly opposite them, raised his head and said to Guangmutian: “Let them go back. When these six just started my battle, I have always retained my moves. , They are not brutal and evil people, they may also feel that deceiving the few is not martial, just for this, I will let them make a living!”

“You!” Guang Mutian was embarrassed by Hao Zhi’s words, and was about to say something more, suddenly, a huge face was reflected on the bulkhead of the circular cabin.

“Buddha…” Guangmutian was shocked unexpectedly leaned down and fell to his knees. The soldiers around him followed one after another. The six guardians who were still alive also threw down their weapons and knelt down. On the ground.

Above the projection of the bulkhead, a face with slightly closed eyes appeared. What is different from ordinary feathered people is that he has a round face, thin eyebrows and long eyes, and he is dressed in a bright yellow Buddha yarn, leaning on his shoulders and sitting cross-legged. On the metal Qianye lotus platform, there is a colorful light dazzling behind his head, which is particularly majestic.

“I’ll rub, isn’t this the Tathagata Buddha?” Deng Xiaoyu curled his lips and exclaimed, “What is the situation, are we fighting against the army of Xitian?”

Hao Zhi also shrugged his shoulders: “This is not surprising. The Prophet under the Sea once told me that in the Axis Age, when the five elders appeared on the earth for the last time, among the human figures that had been transformed into each other, there was Buddhist Sakyamuni. The image of Mani, our civilization and the Yuren civilization come from the same civilization roots, and their totems have the same roots as our religion. It is not surprising that this kind of cosplay appears…”

“Hao Zhi…” The slow and majestic voice echoed in the hall, the highest elder of the feather civilization lowered his head to face Hao Zhi from mid-air, and while speaking, his slightly closed eyes did not open.

Hao Zhi suddenly felt aroused. How could this scene be so familiar?

Except for the group of feather people who fell down beside him, there is also a Deng Xiaoyu, the rest, the dark universe is beside him, and the tiny and boundless self raises his head to face a huge face, and in the light, Isn’t that pair of giant eyes in the universe exactly the plot that reappears in one’s dreams?

“Who are you?” Hao Zhi asked loudly.

“I am the elder of Yuren civilization, the Buddha of civilization, and the prophet who guides civilization…”


It’s hemp, how do I feel like a grandson monkey? Hao Zhi couldn’t help laughing.

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