Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 879

Chapter 879: 5 square buddha

Europa, the crescent base of mankind, is a piece of rubble. Under the basic habitable environment that took 70 years to build, the air is still relatively thin, but because the feathered mothership ‘sleeves” it, the mass of the huge mothership is caused The strong winds above level five formed by the tidal currents are whizzing.

The engineering construction ability of Yuren civilization really has to be impressive. Just on the surface of the satellite, a competition arena built by robots is quickly being built. Four hundred Yinggang steel plates the size of a basketball court are within reach. It has been spliced together in two hours.

The ring is simple and simple, surrounded by lighting equipment up to 500 meters high, each giant lamp emits a bright and dazzling light like a small sun, illuminating the surface of this small satellite like daytime.

On the other side of the venue, a holographic image acquisition system is installed, which can capture every detail that occurs on the ring, and then simultaneously zoom in a thousand times and project it in mid-air. Various complex and sophisticated mechanical devices are in the hands of several Yuren scientists. Working nervously under debugging.

A central command ship sprayed a huge air current, raising dust and sand slowly to the edge of the field.

The Earth’s central command ship is already quite huge. If it falls on the earth, it can completely cover two standard football fields, but on the edge of this huge field, it is like a toy car falling on a huge stadium. Edge-like.

The door of the battleship opened, and several black spots the size of sesame seeds came out. The first one was Hao Zhi.

“I’m making a song, Yuren is so proud to build such a big ring, but it saves us from having to do it!” Hao Zhi stood by the knee-high ring and stepped up with his leg, as the local stomped. Two feet, very strong!

Following him were Deng Xiaoyu, Li Weigong, and Liangzi, as well as Mu Hong and several senior commanders on her Phoenix fleet who must come to watch the battle.

The central command ship responsible for transporting them here is the “Henan”, which is huge in size, and the internal permanent staff alone is no less than 100,000. Now they are all curiously squeezed on the portholes, looking out.

Mu Hong turned around and said to his adjutant: “Anyway, the flagship of the game can’t leave anyone, ask them to come down to watch the game, so we can strengthen our momentum!”


The Earth fighters who had been ordered by the commander gushed out from the central command ship in excitement, and soon crowded on one side of the field, three stories inside and three outside.

“This is a bit interesting, haha!” Mu Hong lowered his head and lit a cigarette, smoking very hard in the thin air, “Mother Xibi, you don’t even smoke, it’s too much trouble!”

After a while, a row of white warships galloped from the horizon in the distance, hovered in the air, and then landed steadily on the other side of the field.

On the battleship, the feather soldiers began to walk down. Although the number was not as large as that of the earth, there were also 10,000 people. They were neatly divided into two teams, guarding both sides of the playing field.

Then, the five tall white feather soldiers walked slowly down the escalator.

“Swipe!” A three-dimensional holographic light blasting straight into the sky was projected from the huge equipment on the side of the venue. In the sky at the other end of the venue, the figure of a Buddha suddenly appeared. The huge Buddha was sitting cross-legged, still under him Seated on the Qianye Lotus Terrace, he held flowers with one hand, his eyes closed slightly, and it was towering and tall as if a huge mountain was suspended in mid-air.

“Wow…” The group of people on earth couldn’t help causing a stir. Those people on earth hadn’t seen the Buddha appear. They felt as if they had seen a miracle. Some people couldn’t help but clasp their hands together, mumbling silently.

“I’m rubbing it, the situation is not right!” Hao Zhi squatted on the edge of the ring and said to Mu Hong underneath, “How do I feel that his image is too cheap?”

Mu Hong squinted at the huge Buddha, and cursed secretly that he was Xibi. I suddenly felt that broadcasting this to all mankind is not a good idea. There are a large group of people who believe in Buddhism on the earth. This is probably Yuren. The best opportunity to gather people’s hearts!

“It’s okay!” Li Weigong snorted, “If we can defeat the Buddha they worship, then we are the new god!”

“That’s right!” Deng Xiaoyu also mobilized his own muscles and bones, although he has no bones, only some crunchy mechanical parts, “This is an age of **** creation. After this battle, new idols and totems It is bound to be established, people resist killing others, and Buddhas resist killing Buddhas. We are the new gods!”

As he spoke, the five feathered warlords on the opposite side had already stepped onto the ring, and suddenly saw their wings flapping high, gliding towards this side, like five giant white eagles with huge wingspan, and they had already flown in the blink of an eye. The center of the ring.

“It turned out to be a flying race!”

“Yes, yes, there are wings, heaven, is it an angel?”

“So holy…”

There was another restlessness in the audience, and one-sided admiration began to appear in the den of the earthlings.

Hao Zhi looked at it and found that the middle of the ring was at least two kilometers away from here. He flew there as soon as he spread his wings. If the five of us walked past, it would look too low, so he greeted everyone and came up!

The head of state Didivert, wearing golden armor, was the first to stand on the ring, standing beside Hao Zhi with his head high, Li Weigong, Deng Xiaoyu and Shen Yin Liangzi also stood up, standing in a row, facing each other. Compared with a featherman warrior of the same size, here they appear to be tall, short, fat and thin.

“Take hands! Don’t open your eyes!” Hao Zhi whispered to the others. Everyone knew what he was going to do, so they grabbed the wrists of the people around them, closed their eyes, and the five people disappeared!

“Disappeared, disappeared!”

“It’s the leap! It’s Hao Zhi’s leap, heaven, I was so lucky to see the leap with my own eyes!”

“Oh my god, I saw this in comic books when I was very young, and thought it was just an exaggeration, I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“Awesome, terrestrial warrior, we only have hope if they are there!”

This time, the discussion sounded louder, almost forming a noisy shouting. If it weren’t for the commander-in-chief Mu Hong sitting on the side, someone would have whistled.

There was also a sigh of sorrow from the Yuren civilization. Although they are familiar with the space transition of battleships, their individual transitions are still a bit beyond them without the help of any external equipment Unexpected.

Ten warriors, face to face, stood at a distance of more than 100 meters apart, Hao Zhi took the lead, bowed and bowed, and five feathered warriors stood in front of him with a single palm, which was regarded as a salute.

“This is the five Buddhas of the highest level of our Yuren civilization. They are the five gods of war with the highest status after the top Buddhas. They are the central Vairocana Buddha, the Eastern Fudo Buddha, the Southern Precious Buddha, and the Western Buddha. Amitabha, and the North will become a Buddha. It is them who represent the civilization of the Yu people.” Under the ring, an electronically synthesized pitch introduced.

“I wiped it. When I was young, there was a nurse in the orphanage who believed in the Buddha. He kept telling me about the Three Worlds and Five Buddhas. I never thought that one day I would really fight with these five Buddhas. Think about it. It’s amazing!” Hao Zhi whispered secretly.

“How did I hear that the central Vairocana Buddha is the Great Sun Tathagata Sakyamuni himself?” Deng Xiaoyu just downloaded a lot of knowledge about Buddhism from the computer of the central command ship on the way here. In my mind, it is still to be digested.

Li Weigong sneered disdainfully: “Hmph, in fact, the three Buddhas and the five directions are all Tathagata himself, a clone of his own qualities. The central Vairocana Buddha represents the boundless power of mana, while the Eastern Fudo Buddha represents It is the consummation of merit. The southern treasure of life represents the equality of all living beings, and the western Amitabha represents omniscience. The north is not empty to become a Buddha, and represents all achievements…

The Buddha is the guy in the world who likes to take over power most. Buddha has a thousand faces and each has a part-time job. How can there be other people’s positions? Religion, something ridiculous, saying that all beings are equal, but I am aloof and control the power of life and death, saying that I will not go to **** and whoever goes to hell, but at every turn, others will never turn over forever, huh…”

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