Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 927

Chapter 927: Li Weigong’s follow-up

A series of question marks kept beating on Li Weigong’s heart, and then, the digging machinery began to pack up their things and planned to leave. It’s very dangerous. If you are one step late, I’m afraid you won’t see this scene.

Li Weigong didn’t dare to act without authorization. He had closed all the mechanical parts of his drilling ship, and only kept a window of the visual detection equipment, and the fluorescent light shining on his nervous face.

It can be seen that the fossil is very heavy, the Yuren’s probe is unusually slow, and the large drilling rigs surrounding it are not simply onlookers.

They are using their external anti-gravity devices to form a huge gravity-free magnetic field around the fossils!

Otherwise, I’m afraid that thing will falter at any time and fall back into the huge pit that has been dug.


Li Weigong knew in his heart that this enemy’s action was definitely not random, and the plan that allowed Yu Ren to avoid the sight of the two civilizations so carefully to implement it must have a very important position.

A mission more important than the invasion of the earth!

Slowly, the huge halo surrounded by dozens of drilling rigs rose toward the surface of the sea, and the surrounding ridges plunged into deep darkness.

“What to do?” Li Weigong asked himself.

Wang Yanke’s plan for himself was to penetrate the moon core. Originally, he should have been shed to continue to complete the task, but the current situation could not be let go.

Suddenly, he patted his head. Whatever happened to him, Yuren had already dug out such a huge pit, why don’t I explore it?

He looked at the speed of the departing fleet and knew that he still had a few minutes to delay. They were very slow, perhaps because of being too careful. The floating speed of his own drilling ship would not be a problem to catch up with them.

Li Weigong relaxed, driving his own drilling ship around the ridge and drifting to the entrance of the huge submarine cave dug by Yuren.

“Scan the internal structure!” Li Weigang activated the airborne radar. One minute later, the radar data showed that it was a huge hole with a depth of more than 800 kilometers!

Yuren civilization has penetrated the moon core! The black fossil just now was taken out from the center of the Crescent Base!

Li Weigang is even more curious now. Europa is a naturally formed satellite. How can there be a fossil dome of a mysterious creature in its core?


Li Weigong thought hard, egg…

Suddenly, a terrifying thought came to my mind, should Europa be a man-made celestial body?

Maybe it’s a huge “egg” left by an advanced civilization, isn’t it? Think about it, this very smooth and huge satellite has a smooth “egg shell” 200 kilometers thick. The bottom is 100 kilometers of sea water. Water is the source of nourishing life, just like the egg white in an egg.

Further inside, there is a rock layer of 300 kilometers, isn’t it more like an egg yolk?

And the core wrapped in all of this is a mysterious lifeform, which has existed for hundreds of millions of years, even billions of years…


Li Weigong was shocked by his own horrible hypothesis. The universe is so big that everything will exist. We don’t even know what the new moon base is around our earth every day.

However, since Yuren helped me dig the hole, it saved my time. Li Weigong secretly rejoiced. Otherwise, relying on his small drilling ship to drill to the lunar core, I’m afraid I will get the year of the monkey.

Put down the bomb and chase Yuren immediately, be sure to see what they are doing!

Li Weigang made up his mind and pressed the launch button to launch the missile carrying the proton bomb. The propellant of the submarine missile flew directly to the core of the Crescent Base with the proton bomb.

Li Weigong looked at the detonation remote that Wang Yanke had prepared for him. The eye-catching red button marked its danger.

Go and see what Yu Ren is doing!

He secretly said to himself, and then, driving the drill ship to drain the water and decompress it, he floated towards the sea.

Soon, the shadow of the white fleet was already seen from afar, and when Li Weigang caught up with them, he had already left the thick solid water area and reached the clear and cold deep sea area.

At this moment, above the fat hen, a huge carrier opened the bottom hatch, and together with the big hen, they were slowly sucked into the huge cabin with lights on.

Are you going to close the net?

Li Weigong adjusted the cabin pressure and kept it suspended. He stared at the door of the enemy’s cabin, and saw that the “hen” was in a suspended state after being sucked in. Li Weigong knew that cabin. The interior must also be an anti-gravity space.

For a small object less than five meters in size, it takes so many warships to activate the anti-gravity device at the same time to form a magnetic field to capture it. How heavy is the thing?

This question aroused Li Weigong’s curiosity. He probably calculated it mentally, even if it was cast from Yinggang, which has the largest specific gravity, no more than fifty tons.

That is to say, it is definitely not Yinggang, but other things with greater proportions!

But then again, how can something with such a high density be a living body?

As one of the smartest people in the country, Li Weigong felt this kind of suspiciousness for the first time.

The intense curiosity made him hardly care about his own safety, and he wanted to follow up and find out.

Although it is not a good choice to approach the enemy ship at this time, most of the current Yuren warships use the bottom of the warship to face the center in order to form an anti-gravity magnetic field loop.

They may not have thought that an enemy would appear in such a deep seabed, so they would not use radar detection, as long as they avoided the enemy’s visual detection, there would be no problem!

And Li Weigong knew that most warships in the land country had a special function, which was camouflage. In fact, it was just a very small piece of software called the “chameleon” system. When it was activated, the color of the hull of the ship could be changed, and it was invisible. In the environment.

The original inspiration for the development of this system is said to come from before the Doomsday a conscious person named “Zhang Yu” on the earth. After he stole that many notes, he has been lurking inside the Dawn Organization.

Later, after the Blood Moon descended on the earth, the Dawn Organization followed the Lord of the Eighth Hall and returned to the land. Later, he was incorporated into the Ability Department led by Lele. Later, Xu Zhe discovered this talent, so he ordered the Ministry of Science and Technology to study him. , Simulating his ability on the external camouflage of the battleship, half of the experiment was interrupted because of his own coup.

Later, after Lu Fang took power, he restarted this plan when he established the interstellar fleet, although it seemed that on a modern battlefield full of radar detection equipment, visual stealth might be a tasteless setting at all.

However, based on the principle of more art without pressing down, Lu Fang still invested a sum of money to complete this extra software that seems to have never been needed, and may never be needed.

This is the opportunity for those who are prepared. I didn’t expect Li Weigong to actually use it today!

He quickly browsed the operation interface, found the chameleon program, and activated it. In less than half a minute, the outside of the drilling ship had completely changed to the same color as the surroundings.

In fact, there is no color at all, it is pitch black. However, when the blue light beam from the bottom of the enemy ship shines on the hull, it shows how powerful this software is. It simulates the light passing through its own path, and During the movement, the picture of the exterior of the cabin is constantly changing.

Visually, it is as if it is a transparent body.

Even if it is not absolutely invisible, no one can find it in the dazzling underwater world.

The hatch at the bottom of the enemy ship is slowly closing!

“Opportunity!” Li Weigang turned off all the power of his drilling ship, relying only on the upward force, leaning towards the bottom of the hen’s belly…

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