Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 933

Chapter 933: Great Quality Treasure

“Hehe, this man sneaked into our fleet, was discovered by our people, and killed dozens of us Yuren fighters. Fortunately, the method of controlling consciousness we just acquired limited his body. Ability to catch him…”

As Li Weigang walked in, there were Guangmutian and dozens of Yuren fighters.

“Why did you get here?” Hao Zhi asked helplessly as he looked at Li Weigong who was tied up.

Li Weigong smiled bitterly and shook his head: “Oh, a word is hard to say!”

“Hao Zhi, you also know that we Yuren have broken through the technical bottleneck of space transition. What can be explained is that space transition is space folding.

Our transition technology is not actually a space-close effect after reaching a certain speed, as you might imagine.

In this three-dimensional physical world, no matter how fast you are, you must follow the laws of physics and move forward step by step.

We said before that space is like a balloon. We are three-dimensional creatures living on the surface of the balloon, just like an ant crawling on the surface of the balloon. No matter how fast it climbs, it has to walk past it if it wants to reach the other end of the balloon. The circumference of the balloon will do.

With one finger, you can touch the other side of the space faster than an ant. When you squeeze the balloon with your finger, it can deform the balloon into a figure of eight.

In this case, your location and the other side of the space are actually next to each other.

But the finger can do it because it has a huge force that exceeds the surface tension of the space. It is impossible for the ant itself to have such a powerful force to squeeze the space.

Therefore, only extremely high-quality objects can squeeze the space and form a transition.

And the core of our technology is to dig out this high-quality material from the universe. As the core technology of our propeller, it is a pity that this material is too scarce in the star field where we are. ”

“Large-mass matter?” Hao Zhi’s eyes suddenly lit up. “During the previous battle with the Blood Moon Man, in order to destroy Liu Ye Bai Zimo’s fleet, they once threw a piece of neutron material at the Earth Fleet. Could it be…”

“Hehe, yes, only neutron matter can have such a large mass! At the beginning, we once found a piece of natural neutron matter in the star field near Jupiter Nibiru. In terms of volume, it is roughly equivalent to that on Earth. One two or three basketballs…

That is a particularly precious resource in the starry sky. Since then, we have never found free neutron matter in the star field, and the nearest neutron star is hundreds of light years away, and because of its huge Mass and gravity have the ability to destroy like a black hole, and it is impossible for us to dig it close…

The hateful Blood Moon Man stole a piece of neutron material from our laboratory. It may be the piece used in the battle with you…”

Hao Zhi slowly reached into his pocket and touched the “neutron mine”, which was made after the neutron material obtained from the **** moon man was decomposed. According to the old sheep, every neutron mine is The neutron material of, but only half the size of a sesame grain, can already explode the equivalent of two to thirty thousand tons of nuclear bombs.

“Massive neutron matter is the core energy of our Yuren warship’s propulsion. Only by relying on the powerful physical properties of this material can our warship achieve space squeezing and traversal.” Buddha said, “So you know, neutrons The importance of matter to us! And after we arrived in this star field, the probe discovered that the core of your Crescent Base is a piece of neutron matter that is four meters high and three meters wide!”

Hao Zhi opened his mouth in surprise. He turned his head to look at Li Weigong. Li Weigong nodded: “I saw them secretly digging the thing under the ice, but I don’t know what they plan to do, so I came to see it. Look, the result…”

“Hehe, in order to hide our eyes and ears, after we took control of the entire Crescent Base, we immediately started the neutron material excavation. Of course, neither of you nor the Blood Moon people discovered our true purpose. We concealed the warship in the water column. It was released below the ice layer, and the excavation began secretly.

Before the neutron material was dug, we didn’t want to continue to expand the battle, so there was the Samsung Arena.

While you stupid guys are still fighting us for the so-called control of the earth, we have already excavated the most precious neutron matter! “The Supreme Buddha said, spreading out his huge palm, and in the palm of his right hand, a piece of black neutron material was suddenly suspended, like a black diamond, slowly rotating on its own.

Guang Mutian stood on the side holding his arms and became proud.

“In this way, you can already travel through space without restriction to reach far places. What use is there to find me?” Hao Zhi asked contemptuously.

“We observed your transition during the ring competition. Unlike our method of compressing space with the help of massive objects, your transition technology and ours are completely different concepts.

Take the analogy just now, our transition technique is to compress the space, compress the balloon into a figure of eight, and reach the other side.

As an individual, you did not increase any quality or speed. You are like a needle, a needle that can naturally pierce the space, enter the space directly, and then emerge at the other end.

You know, no matter how good the neutron matter is, when it is used up, if we can master your transition method of piercing the space, we can get rid of our dependence on mass matter.

At that time, the number of our transitions will no longer be limited by the energy level, reaching the end of the universe and unveiling the ultimate shady, it will no longer be an unachievable goal…

“Hmph, you achieved three goals at the same time in an arena…” Hao Zhi said angrily, “Are you going to play us humans as monkeys?”

The Buddha raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and his palms as huge as a mountain were put together, and he said leisurely: “This is the strength of advanced civilizations. The difference between us and you is far more than in science and technology, but the wisdom and wisdom that advanced civilizations should have. Foresight is beyond the reach of you people on earth, UU reading and the perfect body and stamina that we have…”

“Put p!” Hao Zhi gestured to the Buddha with a middle finger, “You say technology, I know, we have Wang Yanke, I dare not say anything else, if it is about physical skills and fighting, you are a bunch of lettuce!”

The Supreme Buddha smiled slightly: “Since you have said so, then I should also show you the strongest fighting form of Yuren!”

After the Buddha said this, the Guangmutian behind Hao Zhi came out.

“As you know, the strength of the twenty-four heavens is one level lower than that of the five-fang buddhas. I have divided the strength of the Yuren warlords. The five-fangs buddhas are the highest, the twenty-four heavens are the second, and then the bodhisattvas, There are eighteen Arhats and Jialan guardians. There are four low-level warriors, five unfolding truths, four diamonds, and ten Yamas.

The grading standard is also very simple. Each level of fighters must have the ability to defeat all fighters of the next level with one person.

In other words, a Buddha must be able to defeat the twenty-four heavens, and a Guangmu Tian can defeat eighteen bodhisattvas… and so on. ”

“Hmph, your five-fang buddhas were beaten to the ground by me. Do you have a wide-eyed view and beg for food?” Hao Zhi laughed contemptuously, but he didn’t even mean to underestimate the enemy in his heart, his mouth was hard. That’s all, he knew that this Supreme Buddha was not a small gangster on the street who likes to slap, and since he said that, there is a certain truth to it.

Ha ha… That’s because in the case of insufficient light, the Five Fang Buddhas can’t even get one-third of their strength! Now everything is different! “After the words of the Supreme Buddha, the artificial sun in mid-air suddenly lit up. The soft and warm sunlight just turned into a blazing sun like a scorching summer noon, and there was a feeling of burning fire in an instant, Hao Zhi was wearing The ghost face blue armor is better, the sweat on Li Weigong’s body immediately shed…

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