Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 959

Chapter 959: On the Emergence of Tyrants

Several other warships that caused civil strife were better resolved.

Hao Zhi yelled and frightened him, and after Ryoko reached the “Alert”, he shouted in the turbulent crowd, frightening everyone…

Lele went to the Silver Sword. She was relatively gentle by nature and not tall, resulting in not much momentum. The troublemaker was a tall and rugged man with a full-faced beard, and finally started with Lele. , Was tied to the pillar with a head by Lele, he still wanted to break free, but was divided into many pieces by the nanometer-sized filaments.

Wang Lele flashed out his Yinggang wings and fluttered to a high place. Everyone was so frightened that no one dared to say anything.

The Rebellion of the Thinker from Koko was more severe. Some people even seized the bridge to fight for control of the warship.

Koko quickly led out the troublemakers after entering the bridge, and her brainwave control ability turned them into obedient puppets.

Then, in front of all the crew on the ship, said softly, all kneel down!

Everyone put a dagger in front of them.

“Pick it up!” Ke Ke said softly, “Now, gently cut his throat, right… That’s it, it’s good…”

Those guys were scared to pee on the spot, even though the knife in his hand didn’t really cut his throat.

The most violent solution is probably the Rhino where Song Xiaojia is located. After arriving there, Jiajia directly called out the leader and said that we play a game. If you win, you will not only get this battleship, but also me…

People in this era have seen Hao Zhi, but no one has seen Jia Jia, thinking that she is just an ordinary woman, who looks pretty and has a very good body.

The guy began to dream of being an emperor’s harem, so he nodded in agreement.

“In this way, we rock, paper, scissors, if we lose, play a brain game?” Jia Jia said with a mischievous smile.

“Okay!” The guy nodded and agreed. After winning the first game, Jia Jia flicked on Jia Jia’s forehead. Song Xiaojia pouted, how can you make it so bizarre, hateful!

He lost the second game, Song Xiaojia smiled, I’ll lighten it…

Boom, just a finger, lightly flicked, the upper part of the man’s nose was gone, the whole Tianling Gai was instantly blasted into dregs, his eyes were glued to the wall, and his brain splashed behind the follower The readers have a look.

“Who is still playing?” Jia Jia exclaimed excitedly.

No one dared to play with her, you just win 10,000 rounds, and if you are played by her, you will eat nothing…

In fact, there are many things to criticize for the fugitive fleet’s initial handling of the riots, such as excessive blood and violence. Some people even suspect that Hao Zhi and the others have character problems.

But some jurists have explained this situation. They pointed out that the moment the fleeing fleet left the earth, it no longer belonged to the human beings on the earth.

On the surface, they are a collective representative of the escape from the earth, and they are also the successors of the earth’s civilization.

But in fact, once they leave the civilized environment of the earth, they will automatically form a brand-new social structure.

It is similar to the state when human beings have just begun to live in groups.

At this time, if we look at each warship separately, each warship is a small primitive social group. They have broken away from contemporary social systems, organizations and groups, and become a new free group, even each. A person immediately degenerates to primitive animal behavior, relying on intuitive self-protection to occupy the first place, and the rest are second.

Therefore, when it comes to the distribution of social resources, whether it is fair or not, it will cause dissatisfaction among some people, because it is inevitable that more people can feel safe psychologically.

Moreover, they have to live in confusion about the great uncertainty of the future, and are under tremendous psychological pressure such as death threats. At this time, riots will almost happen immediately.

After all, they are not soldiers. They have different beliefs and cultural and educational backgrounds. They have different personalities and different needs. Without the constraints of self-discipline, the fleeing fleet will inevitably lose control.

And Hao Zhi’s repressive actions are, in a sense, the formation of the first social rights stratification-the violence division system.

Imagine that in a pack of wolves, in a pack of orangutans, the only way to rule is violence. Absolute violence is the basis for establishing rules. In this case, any verbal and moral power is invalid. Only violence is the bottom pillar of human society.

Fear is the easiest way to establish governance, and faith, public morality, and law come next to fear.

It is the only way to build this pillar in the fastest time.

Hao Zhi and Li Weigong, as a very mature politician, almost relied on an instinct to take the shortest route, the easiest way, and the most effective means to eliminate the civil unrest in the bud. , Can be regarded as a kind of great wisdom.

After quelling the simple riots, communications between the sub-ships resumed, and the trembling ‘subjects” listened to Xin Nao Hao Zhi’s speech.

Originally, I thought it would be a high-style and passionate mobilization meeting. Hao Zhi would say something like we are already the last kind of fire on the earth, and we have to unite and work hard for a civilized tomorrow, but there is nothing. .

When the crew of the ships gathered in their respective central halls, and hundreds of thousands of people looked up at the big screen, the image of Hao Zhi appeared on it. It was an extremely serious face, a middle-aged man who had gone through vicissitudes of life. Looking at all these ignorant people with insightful eyes.

After a pause, Hao Zhi said in a deep voice: “You should be thankful for your survival in the doomsday not your character, but your luck, so if you want to maintain this luck, you must abide by the rules of the fleet! Fleet rules There are only three.

First, make sure you live.

Second, ensure that the people around you live.

Third, obey my command, and those who oppose me will die!

After saying these words, the communication was disconnected, and Ryoko’s sweet voice began to invite the leaders of each ship to the bridge for a meeting, and the leaders of each ship were all composed of former military members who were originally responsible for establishing the fugitive fleet www.readwn .com Wang Yanke carried out different divisions of labor according to their original military ranks in the interstellar fleet, from military power to management, from ship affairs to daily life, and elected different leaders.

Then, these people will appoint their subordinates, layer by layer, until the entire fleet is divided into groups of ten, and each group leader will be responsible for the daily routines of the ten people in their hands. Feedback on work and life status.

However, the people on the fugitive spacecraft soon adapted to this monotonous but regular life, and even began to like this militarized management method, with clear goals, clear directions, no lagging and divisions, and some, only rules. The rules to be enforced in order to survive.

Hao Zhi turned off the external communication equipment and adjusted the picture back to the channel where only Li Weigong, Wang Yanke and the others were the center. He suddenly laughed, “Am I being too serious? Will it scare them? Koko, you said that you told me to scare them. Is that a bit too much? I really don’t know what to say to make them obedient…”

Wang Yanke smiled approvingly: “No, you said very well. In such a speech, the more complex the speech, the less information people can remember. The more important the speech, the more concise and concise it is. Now Most people’s mind will reverberate in their minds when they do anything. Those who oppose me will die. We have to weigh them…”

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