Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 979

Chapter 979: People-oriented civilization

The proposal of Wang Yanke’s Elite Education Plan was a decision made within Jiaxing’s senior management and was not announced by all citizens. This is an action hidden in public policy to avoid public resistance. psychology.

So, on the surface, they are implementing a population reproduction plan.

In fact, the Jiaxing people are not unfamiliar with the population breeding plan. Since the end of the era, the first landlord Xu Zhe has implemented a human breeding plan. The main purpose is to increase the population by a large margin and to defend against possible interstellar. crisis.

At that time, the population reproduction plan was mainly to force women in the country to give birth for childbearing, and to introduce women into the country’s fertility system like a conscription, randomly assign work locations and jobs, and not restrict regions and races. People mate and give birth.

Some people say that the abolition of the human marriage system was a highly controversial decision during Xu Zhe’s administration. Although it did achieve the goal of quickly recovering the population from a fundamental point of view, it completely violated the original intention of the development of civilization.

The arbitrarily promoted policy of encouraging childbirth has plunged human beings into an extremely high moral low in an era. The natural fertility rate in society is extremely high. Anyway, children are all owned by the land, and the instinct of human reproduction has been expanded to the maximum.

And the subsequent collapse of the social moral bottom line is unpredictable. For the first time, the human world with family structure as the basic unit has faced such a huge challenge.

Without the concepts of husband and wife, family, father and son, mother and daughter, human society once fell into a state of low production efficiency, insufficient people’s sense of responsibility, and low enthusiasm for production work.

In the past, people used to work and live to waste sleep and food in order to raise their wives and children and make hard work for their families. However, although people in that era lived easily, they suddenly lost their life goals. The goal of human struggle in the past was to Raising children, and once you lose this goal, you will naturally become passive.

“The feeling that one person is full and the whole family is not hungry” has spread to the society, and the plummet of education brought about by the loss of human’s high sense of responsibility for future generations is only the first step.

After all, the children I gave birth did not know where they were in the country, so I didn’t have to worry about educating the next generation, and the education practitioners didn’t know whether they were educating their own children, so they didn’t have any passion for work.

The population has gone up, but the humanities and ethics have gone down.

Mankind has fallen into the abyss of loneliness and suddenly lost the concept of “relatives”. The suicide rate of the elderly in society remains high.

This was followed by the malaise of the economic environment, the shrinking of social spending power, and the plague-like negative emotions that followed the idea that aliens would eventually invade.

After Xu Zhe died, this policy was annulled by Professor Naduo. It took mankind twenty years to regain the enthusiasm for work and life. It was a reluctance to turn the tide and prevent the complete destruction of the human world.

After the third Yuan Lu Fang came to power, his policy plan also included the policy of population reproduction. However, unlike the forced promotion during Xu Zhe’s period, Lu Fang’s policy was more flexible.

In the birth plan of Lu Fangyuan’s era, the past marriage system of the human world is still retained.

However, the prefecture encouraged fertile women of school-age age to give birth out of wedlock, and vigorously promoted the spirit of individual liberalism from the level of social propaganda, and established some typical glorious model images of striving to give birth to the prefecture.

These women live independently. Because of their active childbirth, they receive high economic compensation from the country and enjoy the priority distribution of many social resources. In addition, whether it is fitness, medical beauty, etc., all areas are implemented for women who have more than three children. Half-price preferential policy, and it is a lifetime system, not restricted by any company or brand.

In this way, the lives of these women have become the objects of jealousy for women of school-age marriage and childbirth. Because this policy is applicable to women in marriage, it has become the biggest reason why women are keen on childbirth.

Imagine a girl who has reached the age of twenty and is about to enter the society to start working and life. However, the hardships of the society and the hard work of work are unimaginable, and if she can find a man she likes quickly and have three children for him.

Then this girl will be able to get a fixed and generous monthly salary from the country during pregnancy and childbirth, which is approximately equal to the average monthly income of a senior intellectual, even if it is a single woman without a job.

In other words, don’t worry if you can’t find a job, you will get a salary immediately after you become pregnant.

And after marriage, women can add an extra income to the family without worrying about food and clothing. Why not?

Lu Fang has always done a lot of things, as long as you dare to give birth, I dare to reward him, and he still has a cruel trick, that is, families with more than three children within marriage, the man must not file for divorce for life, otherwise he will be jailed.

In addition, for women who have contributed more than four children to the country, we will provide life-long welfare guarantees, so that they can support their lives and depend on their deaths.

Therefore, the country not only fundamentally solved the worries of female fertility, but also established the ideology of fertility glory spiritually. The writer created a large number of works to celebrate the glory of motherhood, and a large number of film and television works focused on the superior life of high-yield women.

The countries of that era basically left women in the family and became the protagonist of the society. Most women were born with the sole purpose of getting married and having children, and most of the final social achievements achieved came from your contribution to society. Children.

The era of Lu Fang is also known as the golden age of women.

There are even legends that Mu Hong gave birth to two children for Lu Fang, but no one knows what happened to these two children Through the efforts of the two meta-eras, the population of the earth has been racially large for the first time. Fusion, especially the racial fusion mechanism laid down in the Xu Zhe period, has gradually eliminated the difference between skin color and race on the earth, and racial discrimination has become a historical topic.

Below three generations, there are no purebred whites and people of color. Almost all children are mixed races of all ethnic groups and regions. The new generation of mixed children is healthy and strong, and the handsome men are beautiful. The mixed blood is combined to give birth to the next generation of mixed blood. It became the mainstream of society.

At that time, it can be said that you can find someone from the street and pick up three generations. It can be said that there are various skin tones.

And this also fundamentally caused the birth of the Land Kingdom period in the Lu Fang era. After human beings eliminated racial differences, the country became a superfluous thing. There is no so-called national sentiment. The world is unified, and you and I are irrelevant. Family.

This has also played a key role in political integration. Human differences are fundamentally ethnic skin color and differences in appearance. Hybridization has fundamentally solved this problem.

However, as the first-generation leader of Jiaxing, Wang Yanke’s fertility policy is bolder and more unthinkable than his predecessor Yuan…

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