Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 985

Chapter 985: New enemies appear

Wang Yanke input the starry sky map of Star A and the nearby star regions where the earth is located into the computer, and try to match the starry sky map stored in the crystal skull. There are nearly 400 billion star systems, which are compared and retrieved one by one. The computer cooling fan is light. It rang softly, and after a while, after a ding sound, the search data jumped out…

Wang Yanke’s eyes widened and looked at the final comparison result on the screen. The blue represents the earth, and the green represents the current star A.

Her hands were firmly grasping the armrest of the seat, and she could hardly believe her eyes.

Because what she noticed first was not the distance between Star A and the earth, which she was most concerned about, but another phenomenon that caused her scalp to explode!

The original appearance of the Milky Way is completely different from what traditional human scientists have speculated!

Wang Yanke’s previous knowledge of the Milky Way mostly came from the description of it by few cosmologists:

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, and its diameter is generally considered to be 100,000 to 120,000 light-years, but it may also be 150,000 or 180,000 light-years in diameter. It is estimated that the Milky Way has 100 billion to 400 billion stars, and it may even be as high as 1 trillion;

Moreover, the Milky Way may have 100 billion planets.

The solar system is probably located in the silver disk, a dense gas at 27ooo light-years from the center of the Milky Way, called the inner edge of the spiral arm of the Orion’s arm. Stars within 1oooo light-years inside form a protruding bulge (or a rod-shaped structure) and one or more short rods extending from the bulge. A strong radiation source very close to the center, named Sagittarius a, may be a large black hole.

Before this time, humans’ observations of the Milky Way were done blindly, because they were in it, and because of the limited means of observation, they could only guess the structure of a certain part of it.

Therefore, even for such a rigorous scientific question, ambiguous words such as “probably”, “approximately”, “estimated”, “usually thought” and so on have to be used extensively in the concept.

The traditional concept believes that the Milky Way may be a celestial body with four spiral arms similar to the Buddhist symbol ‘swastika”.

But now the Milky Way star picture presented in front of Wang Yanke has only two simple spiral arms, which are biting up and down and one is bright and one dark. The middle part is full and the tail is sparse and dim. It is just a huge one. Tai Chi diagram!

Yes, a completely standard and dense Tai Chi diagram, yin and yang fish!

“Heaven… The Fifth Elders left us the knowledge of the Milky Way galaxy chart back then, but we have never understood its true meaning!” Wang Yanke woke up like a god, Hao Zhi said, the Fifth Elders When he returned to Earth for the last time, one of the elders was incarnate as Laozi Li Er, and the dualism he proposed was the basic algorithm of binary computers.

Haha, we are really stupid…haha…

Wang Yanke patted his forehead and laughed!

If the root of the world is duality, how can the Milky Way have four spiral arms?

Therefore, in his time, Lao Tzu had already described the knowledge of the origin of the world in a framework, and left a “Tai Chi map”, which is the galaxy star map, for us, but in the era, people did not understand What does it mean to have so many ink dots on a piece of white paper, and in an era when there is no copying technology, people want to pass on this knowledge of the saint, they can only simulate it.

The Taoist of the second transcript could not awkwardly simulate the absolute position of each ink dot on the original star map, so they could only simplify the star map with the best method of the Chinese, and outline a general shape, which is Yin Yang fish.

This is also in line with the Chinese people’s traditional philosophy of seeking simplicity and pursuing “likeness”. After all, whether it is calligraphy or painting, Chinese people have never deliberately pursued exquisite performance like Westerners, but imitated a general, ignoring most of the details. .

This Taiji map of the ‘similar” star map has been handed down in this way. Although it contains the most important knowledge of cosmology, it has been retained as a religious symbol. Can guess what it represents, and the dual world represented by black and white fish may point to any aspect.

Men and women, day and night, life and death, black and white, cloudy and sunny, day and night, blessing, flying birds, fish, morning, bell, and drum, etc… Even the fundamental laws of dialectical materialism are unity of opposites. The binary and anti-material theories based on contemporary science are all dualisms. One of the branches!

Laozi had already put forward in the pre-Qin period: “There is no mutual growth, difficulty and easy formation, long and short phase, high and low phase inclination, sound phase and sound phase, followed by each other… Qu is complete, vain is straight, hollow is surplus, and so on. New, the least is the gain, the more is the confusion, the weak wins the strong, the soft wins the strong, the misfortune, the blessing relies on; the blessing is the misfortune.”

Moreover, there is even a sentence in the Book of Changes that is almost impossible to understand: “An image is formed in the sky, formed on the ground, and changes are seen!”

Wang Yanke slowly stopped his smile and wiped away the tears. It turned out that the knowledge of cosmology that we have been searching for so hard has always been by our side.

The Milky Way, a huge Tai Chi world, what it contains, Wang Yanke couldn’t guess.

But for now, what she wants to know has surfaced, that is, the distance between Star A and the Earth, one is at the back of the middle of the first spiral arm of the galaxy, and the other is at the second spiral arm of the galaxy. Middle.

It happened to be separated by a distance of 100,000 light-years!

Wang Yanke never expected that they would cross most of the Milky Way directly after passing through the wormhole, 100,000 light years, according to the current highest sailing speed of the A star civilization 150 million kilometers per hour Counting these 100,000 light-years, it would be almost 72 years for the maximum altitude of the entire journey, if it was almost a voyage above the fairy-level civilization.

The person she loves is 72 years away, and the life or death is uncertain.

Fifty years have passed. Whether Hao Zhi is still alive is still unknown. Wang Yanke’s firm belief that Hao Zhi must not have died in a black hole at the time has gradually shaken. Love, after waiting for three lives and three generations, it is still out of reach now.

While Wang Yanke was alone in the laboratory facing the holographic display screen, suddenly the sirens of the experimental base sounded loudly, and Li Weigong’s panicked face flashed on the communication screen: “Nothing, Zenith III There are a large number of strange warships in the direction of o’clock, and there is an invasion of alien civilization!”

Wang Yanke was taken aback, alien warship?

She hurriedly connected the computer to the data display database of the Earth Country’s Astronomical Telescope. After a few flashes on the holographic screen, a picture finally appeared. On the background of the dark space of the universe, a group of millions of warships was formed. The huge space fleet is slowly covering the light of the star system behind, the huge space battleship group is densely packed like migratory locusts and ants, and they are rushing toward the face with a murderous aura with the momentum to crush everything!

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