Earth Dies

15. First Night

The trio of friends got back on the road, returning to Alice's house. By the time they reached their destination, the sun was just setting and the shadows were getting long. Bridgette quickly walked around the house, verifying that all the doors and windows were intact, before Alice unlocked the door and led them in.

As the three sat down in the kitchen, Colin pulled out some supplies from his bag and made sandwiches for the girls. Bridgette grabbed a bucket and filled it with water from the well, which she then used to fill a pitcher she set on the table. Alice set out a few candles and lit them.

"I could have lit them," Colin pouted.

"I'm not having you throwing fireballs around inside my house!" Alice shot back. "Remember, you're an apprentice wizard."

"That's big talk coming from an acolyte," he teased back. "You're at the bottom rung, too. Besides, they're only little fireballs. I probably wouldn't have burnt the house down."

By the time the three were done eating, there were a lot of yawns being passed around. While they were all pretty active teenagers, the stress of the day combined with many hours of walking back and forth had left them tired.

Alice cleaned up around the kitchen, then "Colin, you can sleep in the guest room. If you need anything, just let me know, but I think it's in pretty good shape. I doubt Bridgette messed it up too much in one night."

"Oh? Where's she going to sleep if I'm taking the guest room?" Colin asked, innocently.

Alice blushed furiously. "Uhm, that's none of your business where she sleeps."

"Oh no, I can't possibly kick a lady out of her room. That would be improper. Would she be camping outside? I could never look myself in the mirror if I did such a thing."

"Yea, Alice. Where am I sleeping tonight? I'm a little hurt that you're giving my guest room away to Colin without even asking my opinion." Bridgette grinned at Alice.

"I ... just thought you might want to ..." Alice ran out of words, her face growing bright red as she glanced between her two friends, both of whom were grinning mischievously at her.

"Good night, Alice. Good night, Bridgette. Please don't make a lot of noise. I know my status says elves don't need to sleep, but I'm not sure what I can hear in a trance." With that, Colin decided to leave the room and let the two girls sort things out.

"So, Alice. Were you inviting me up to your room? Whatever for?" Bridgette flirtatiously batted her eyes at Alice.

"Oh shut up, you. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Sleep outside if you want." Alice stomped up the stairs, grumbling about being misunderstood.

Bridgette followed her up. The two girls changed into basic t-shirts for nightgowns and got ready for bed. As Alice slipped under the covers, Bridgette slid in behind her, scooting forward to spoon into Alice's back. She snuggled in close, burying her head into Alice's neck.

"Thank you, Alice. I know I'm teasing you a lot, but ... today was the best day of my life and I wouldn't change it for anything. I love you."

Alice smiled, warmth filling her to the bursting point. She turned over in Bridgette's arms, facing the other girl. "I love you, too. But I am serious about getting a good night's sleep." And with that, Alice quickly kissed Bridgette on the lips and spun back around.

"You little brat," Bridgette pouted. "I'll get you for that tomorrow."

But before long, the two fell fast asleep in each other's arms.

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