Earth Dies

19. Step 3 🩷

"So, what's the last task on this quest chain?" Alice asked, shyly, as the two girls walked upstairs after dinner. "You kept telling me to wait all day, and we're running out of time."

"Hmm, I'm still not sure if I want to tell you." Bridgette eyed Alice, uncertain of how to approach the topic, suddenly bashful.

"I don't think I've seen you hesitate about any of this stuff, B. You've been guns blazing, bring the sex on ever since we met Fi, but now you're stalling. Why?"

"I just ... I want to make sure you want this."

Alice turned, leaning into the other woman. "B, I want you. I don't know how the last week has turned my brain upside down, but all I do is think about you, the crazy things you do to my body and to my heart, and how I can possibly entice you to do more of them. You want to walk back into high school holding hands and proclaim our love for each other in front of all of those close-minded jocks? I'm in. You want to finger me in public? I'm in. You want to ride my face wearing a cowboy hat and spurs while singing Back in the Saddle Again? I'm in. The other day when I said you were making me into your slutty toy, I was joking - but I now I'm realizing I wasn't. So what is it?"

Bridgette stared at Alice, stunned. She blinked a few times before finally recovering. "I think that one caught me even more off guard than last week's love confession, to be honest. And sadly, I left my cowboy hat back at my house. Okay ..." she paused. "You're in? All the way? I love you, I will never do anything to hurt you."

"I love you, too. Now quit hesitating and let's do it. I'm in."

"The quest ... says you need to take command of me, sexually, and order me around. Until Fi is happy with your progress."

Alice suddenly blushed, put on the spot. "It's ... so much easier when you take charge."

"I know, babe," Bridgette sighed. "But I think, reading between the lines, that the point was to get you to be more assertive. After all, it wasn't until you confessed to me that Fi showed up. I think this is somehow meant to tie it together. And, honestly, I'm a little hesitant about losing control - it's not my style. But I will for you. You just need to be okay with it, too."

Alice sat down on the bed, at a loss for words. On one hand, this was a simple request. All she had to do was open her mouth and tell Bridgette to do something naughty, like lick her pussy, and she'd be done. On the other hand, that would be admitting she had control of the situation and she wanted this. She could no longer pretend like she was just getting towed along in Bridgette's wake, here for a fun time but totally not responsible for what shenanigans happened.

Bridgette sat down next to Alice and put an arm around her, as Alice leaned into her friend. "This makes it so much harder, you know, right?" Alice sighed again. "I don't like having to confront my feelings." Bridgette laughed in response.

"That's the Midwesterner in you. Just shove those feelings down inside and get back to work. You'll have time to process them when the farm chores are done. Oh wait, there's always more chores. I guess there's no time for introspection! But ... seriously, A. What can I do to help?"

Alice sighed, laying back on the bed and staring at her ceiling. She'd lain in this exact spot hundreds of times over the years, wrestling with one dilemma or another. Should she tell her parents she wanted to be a doctor instead of spending her life helping with the farm? Should she tell Bridgette how she really felt? Should she be honest with herself about anything, ever, or just keep ignoring it all? Maybe that was the point of this challenge, she wondered. For once, she could be honest. She could take control, just for a minute, and have what she wanted. Alice grimaced. That would mean she'd have to say it out loud, and then she couldn't take it back.

On the other hand, she knew how Bridgette felt, and she was confident that Bridgette would say yes to pretty much anything she asked, no matter how obscene or embarrassing. So why was she having such a hard time with it?

With a snarl, Alice sat up and looked over at Bridgette. She could do this.

"B, stand up and strip for me." Bridgette let out a lusty laugh, standing up from where she sat next to Alice and taking a step away, before glancing back over her shoulder at Alice. Bridgette was wearing a fairly tame sports bra and yoga shorts, so it wasn't going to be the most exciting strip tease, but Alice was still excited to watch. She'd spent so much of the last few years fantasizing about being in a relationship and what passionate things she might get up to with Bridgette that it all still seemed surreal to her, actually having them happen.

Bridgette turned to face Alice, slowly raising the sports bra to just below her nipples, revealing the bottom of her breasts. She then started to knead her breasts together until her nipples were visible through the tight fabric.

"That's right, B. Take your top off and play with your nipples." Alice scooted further up in her bed, putting her back against the headboard, and quickly pulled her t-shirt off, leaving her topless with only a pair of gym shorts on below.

Bridgette grinned at seeing Alice's participation, and pulled the sports bra up above her breasts, leaving the fabric around her neck for the moment. She then grabbed one breast, raising it, so she could pull the nipple into her own mouth and started to suck, while pawing at the other breast with her free hand. Alice gasped in surprise, and tried to mirror the move but couldn't quite make the angle work. Maybe next time she got a boob size increase, she thought? Alice felt herself getting wet, her pussy hot and slick in her shorts, as Bridgette continued her show.

Next, Bridgette quickly pulled the sports bra over her head and tossed it to the side, leaving her topless with just the yoga shorts remaining. Alice could see every fold of Bridgette's labia through the tight, thin fabric as Bridgette intentionally pulled it taut to create an obscene camel toe. She let out a slight whimper of lust as Bridgette started to stroke herself through the fabric of the shorts.

Alice bucked her hips up, quickly pushing down her own shorts, leaving her nude on the bed. "Take your shorts off and play with your clit," she ordered, as she continued playing with a nipple with her left hand, while her right hand reached down in search of her own clitoris. Bridgette obeyed, taking her time as she peeled down the shorts and then stepped out of them. She stood, totally naked, in the middle of Alice's bedroom, staring at Alice. Alice gulped, years of fantasies coming true at this moment, before finally getting some words out. "Go on. I told you to play with yourself."

With a smile, Bridgette stuck the fingers of her left hand into her mouth, licking and sucking on them noisily until they were sopping wet. She then reached them down toward her pussy, spreading her lower lips and starting to tease her clitoris. Her right hand found a breast and pawed at it, almost painfully. Alice pushed first one finger, then a second inside herself, and started pumping. She then brought her other hand down, stroking her clit, as she gazed with lust-addled eyes at Bridgette, who continued masturbating while smiling back at Alice.

Alice could feel herself rapidly becoming undone. Normally, she'd never come this fast, but she was about to lose all control as Bridgette maintained eye contact, continuing to rapidly rub at her own clit. Alice slipped a third finger in, pounding her hand against her pubic bone almost painfully as she picked up speed. Her other hand flew across her clitoris, as she started to whine and moan.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," Alice chanted as she felt herself getting closer.

"Tell me what you want me to do, Alice. I'll do anything you want, anything for you."

"Eat me, B!" Alice gasped, bucking her hips as she tottered on the edge of orgasm. Bridgette immediately stepped over to Alice, lunging her face into Alice's crotch. As Bridgette arrived on the scene, Alice screamed and thrust her hips up again, her body starting to spasm as she lost control of her muscles. Alice felt Bridgette's face bump her hand aside and Bridgette's own hand enter her, rapidly pumping to resume the rhythm that Alice had just lost.

Suddenly, Alice felt a tongue on her clitoris and loudly moaned in a second surprise orgasm, her thighs clamping tight onto Bridgette's head as she shook again. Bridgette continued pistoning her fingers inside of Alice, driving three fingers deep inside of her at a rapid pace, while once again licking and sucking on her clit. Alice felt a third orgasm take her, a wet rush of fluids spraying onto Bridgette's face, as suddenly her clit became hypersensitive and she writhed like a python, trying to escape from Bridgette.

"Fuck, no, stop, please, so good, stop, stop," she begged. Bridgette came up for air, her face slick with Alice's juices. "Too sensitive, stop, I need cuddles," Alice gasped. "Cuddle me."

Bridgette laughed, climbing up alongside of Alice and holding the sweaty and exhausted girl to her, boob to boob, before kissing her on the forehead. "That was incredible, A."

"You aren't kidding," Alice mumbled, her head still spinning. "I didn't know I had that in me, to ask for that. And you were amazing. I wish I had gotten you off. I don't think I could move a muscle right now, though."

"Not a problem," Bridgette said. "I'll just take it out of you with interest, later." She grinned and waggled her eyebrows. Alice smiled back, happy and excited to see what Bridgette had in mind for later. She noticed the pink dot on her interface blinking and focused on it.

Step 03: Be The Dominant Partner - Completed. Claim reward?

"So, I wonder what we get?" Alice asked, crawling up to nestle into Bridgette's arms. "This is going to be the first time you got a reward, right? I kept getting bigger boobs for each step, but did you get anything?"

"Yea, no real rewards. I hope Fi was just saving up for the end."

"Here goes nothing," Alice said as she mentally accepted the prompt and claimed her reward.

Alice's body began glowing pink, and she felt dozens of tongues running across every inch of her body. They kissed their way up her legs and down her neck, loving her nipples, pussy, and ass. She felt the invisible mouths take a few friendly nips of her skin. She felt a tongue slide inside her, lapping against her clitoris while a pair of mouths bit her nipples, just hard enough to shock her. "Oh fuck, this is so intense," she gasped. Suddenly, she felt a mouth latch onto the skin just above her pussy, to the right of where she had carefully shaved a landing strip. The invisible mouth sucked, hard. At the same time, the tongue inside of her went into high gear. Right as Alice thought she couldn't take any more, she felt yet another tongue - this one licking her asshole. It was too much - she came, moaning incoherently, thrashing and whimpering in Bridgette's arms.

"Wow... I'll have what she's having." Bridgette murmured.

As Alice came back down from her high, she stared down at herself. Her breasts, a week ago her single biggest source of shame, had gone from an A-cup to a majestic D-cup in size. They jutted obscenely from her chest, with half-inch long nipples that stood at attention. As she sat back up, her boobs wobbled enticingly, but otherwise continued to stay perky. Past them, she could see what looked like a hickey on her inner thigh - except it was bright pink and appeared to be glowing. She also had what looked to be more pink marks on her left leg, but couldn't see as clearly.

"Uh, babe. What's that?" Alice pointed.

Bridgette scooted around to take a closer look, bringing her head in line with Alice's dripping wet snatch. She reached out, touching the mystery mark, poking it a few times. She even leaned in and sniffed it, then rubbed at it. She let her gaze drift down Alice's leg, looking at the rest of the marks, then sat back up.

"You have ... I don't know. If it didn't sound so crazy, I'd say you have magic pink tattoos that look like a lipstick kiss marks. They trace around your leg, leading up your inner thigh until they're right above your bikini line. I'm pretty sure any outfit you wear is going to show them off, but they look really fucking hot."

"Mmm, I had never really thought of myself as a tattoo girl, but I kind of like that. It's freeing, in a way. A good reminder to embrace what I want." Alice smiled. Somehow her life really had spun in a wild direction in the last week. "I have one more blinking notification to accept, this one looks like the overall completion reward."

Be A Good Girl - Completed. Claim reward?

Alice again mentally nudged the yes option, curious to see what would happen next. A glowing pink oval appeared in front of her, roughly the size of a basketball, floating in the air. It almost ... Alice squinted suspiciously, staring at it. If she used her imagination just a little, she could imagine it as a floating, glowing vagina. That would be pretty on-brand for Aphrodite. Alice sighed and reached her hand forward, previously unseen folds parting to allow her hand inside the shape. She heard a faint "Unf" noise as her hand entered the oval. It felt tight and wet as Alice reached in, almost like she was reaching her hand into a tunnel of flesh. Alice blushed, knowing that was exactly what Fi had intended for her to experience.

She felt a solid object, small, maybe the size of an acorn. Alice pulled her hand back out, grabbing on to the item tightly. When she had retrieved her hand, the pink oval vanished with a sparkle and a moan, and she glanced down to see a plain gold ring in her hand.

Basic Storage Ring: 3 of 20 slots in use. Bind?

Alice again mentally nudged yes, and watched as the ring floated onto the middle finger of her left hand, sliding into place, perfectly sized. Suddenly, she saw a new section open up in her status panel - an inventory.

"B! It's a magic storage ring! I have an inventory! No more carrying around backpacks! Make sure to claim yours!"

Alice immediately glanced to see what items were already in the storage ring, taking them out.

Basic Healer's Robe [Aphrodite] - provides +1 to all healing spells, adds your charm to armor class. Provides minor climate control benefits.
Basic Healer's Staff [Aphrodite] - provides two additional first level spell slots, can be upgraded with ritual over time. Staff may be adjusted in length as needed by bearer.
Basic Healer's Sandals [Aphrodite] - improves movement speed.

As she pulled the items out to look, she noticed the Aphrodite tag with a mix of curiosity and amusement. The healer's robe was definitely not a robe, though. It was an almost sheer white sundress, with a slit cut high up on her hips and a deep into her cleavage.She could absolutely not wear underwear with this dress and her new giant tits were going to be at risk of falling out if she sneezed.

Alice thought she'd look pretty sexy in it, although a week ago she'd have been horrified at how scandalous it was. This wasn't even something you'd see advertised in a lingerie magazine, more like a fantasy porno. She'd half expect a tentacle monster to burst out from the under the bed and ravish her, wearing this. The sandals were a pretty cute touch, Alice thought. They were strappy heeled sandals that laced all the way up her calves, showing off her legs.

The healer's staff ... Alice sighed. I mean, who was she kidding? It looked exactly like she'd have designed a staff, if she was a goddess of lust. The six-foot length was a polished smooth wood, looked to be ash, with veins running down the length. A bulbous head affixed the top of the staff. It was definitely a giant cock. She was going to be walking around, carrying a six-foot-long penis, dressed like a slut. This was her life now.

As she slipped into her new outfit, she realized just how thin the fabric was. Her nipples were absolutely going to be showing the entire time she wore this in addition to everything else, but it was too good not to. In fact, depending on how the light hit it, she was going to be displaying a lot to folks.

Alice grinned. If nothing else, life was exciting in an apocalypse. "So what about you, B? Get any good loot?"

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