East Meet West

Chapter 239: The so-called ‘Simple way’

239- The so-called ‘Simple way’

Orochi’s so-called ‘simple strategy’ is nothing but to use the two spears as springboards to climb the high town wall.

So, when he threw the two spears, he had to made sure to aim them at proper places on the wall such that when he uses them as a springboard, he would not miss them and can quickly jump onto the top of the wall.

And luckily, his aim did not miss.

The town walls which were as high as 50 meters, cannot be crossed in a single jump.

So, he aimed the first spear at the middle region of the wall, and the other spear at the lower region of the wall. Such that, the first spear was fixed at a height of 30 meters from the ground and the other at about 8-9 meters above the ground.

And just with the capabilities of a Demi-Human stage cultivator, it is not a difficult thing for him to jump as high as 10-15 meters.






As soon as Orochi made the jump, the iron spear vibrated crazily like a tuning fork and some cracks also started to form due to the crazy angle at which the spear got bent when Orochi used his body weight and his own strength to use the spear as the springboard.


And Orochi’s body shot like an arrow towards the other spear.

And when he reached the other spear, he extended both of his hands and grabbed the spear tightly.

And because of his momentum, his body made a full 360 degrees round swing and that too, more than two times, just like a professional gymnast.

Finally, his feet landed on the spear's body and the momentum disappeared.

Looking at his own position, Orochi smirked when he thought of how he would have panicked if it was in his past life.

Right now, he was standing on a thin pole body of an iron spear that has penetrated into the stone wall. And at the height of 30 meters from the ground.

This height is not a joke in his previous life?

Especially, to see that the platform on which he is standing is neither wide enough nor safe enough.

So, he is sure to have weak legs if he was in the same situation in his past life.


Just when Orochi landed on the spear, the guards standing on the wall and the other guards that were hurrying towards Orochi’s location were dumbfounded after seeing Orochi’s stunts.

No one ever thought that the earlier actions of Orochi were not that of a rookie, instead, his actions were like an expert.

They realized that they were the true fools when they labeled Orochi’s actions as foolish and idiotic.

When they finally understood that the spear was never aimed at them, instead it was aimed at the walls to allow him to climb the wall, their minds went blank.

The leading guard was the one who was deeply shocked by seeing Orochi’s actions.

But he was also the first to react.

Immediately he ordered the guards,

“Everyone, aim your arrows at him... fast. Do not let him climb the wall.”

“We have to stop him from climbing the wall, or else when he climbs onto the wall, he will kill us all and even if he doesn’t, he will surely escape.”

“If that happens, then the higher ups skin us alive,”

“So, if you care about your life and don’t want to be blamed, then make sure to stop that person from climbing the wall.”

“Everyone, aim your arrows, spears, and anything you can grab and throw it towards that person and make sure to stop him.”

As soon as his voice fell, others guards woke up from the shock and immediately, grabbed their bows and fired arrows at Orochi. While some guards also grabbed spears, rocks, etc., and threw them towards Orochi.

Although the leading guard reacted soon, and everyone was able to react quickly, they were still a step slower.

Because before the leading guard passed his orders, Orochi started jumping on the spear rod.

At first, Orochi made low jumps but as time passed, Orochi jumped higher and higher and then prepared for his last jump.



The spear also produced sounds. Not to mention, due to the actions of Orochi, the spear which was at least half a meter deep into the wall, some cracks also formed in the wall and they spread wider.





Finally, the spear bent at an angle closer to 80-90 degrees, and once again like an arrow, his whole body shot into the air.

And by the time, different objects thrown by the guards arrived at Orochi, he was less than a meter away from the top side of the wall.

But as he had not yet reached it, all kinds of objects like arrows, spears, rock, etc, hit his body like a hailstorm.

Unluckily for Orochi, his momentum was also exhausted after his body flew for such a long height and the hailstorm of objects also hit at the wrong moment.

So, before he could stop himself from falling, this hailstorm of weapons pushed him down.

Of course, none of them could harm him. But some cuts still appeared on his clothes.

But Orochi also reacted swiftly, immediately, he grabbed the two knives that were stored at his belt region.

And stabbed them into the wall. And just like butter, the knife penetrated deep enough into the wall to hold Orochi’s weight.

When the guards saw, Orochi’s move once again their minds roared,


Unfortunately, when they wanted to send the next hailstorm of weapons at Orochi, he did give them chance to do so.

Because the place where he stabbed the wall, was just 3 meters away from the top,

So, before the guards could react, Orochi used the knives to rapidly climb the wall.





Coupled with his strength and the durability of the knives, Orochi was able to rapidly stab the walls and pull his body upwards.

Within a couple of seconds, Orochi climbed on the top of the wall where more than dozen guards were standing and looking at him with blank expressions.

In their whole career or in these many years of town’s history, they have never heard or seen this kind of situation where a person uses such strength and techniques to climb a 50-meter wall.

Their minds went blank with shock and astonishment.

And unfortunately for them, Orochi did not give them the chance to react.

Because as soon as he climbed the wall, he immediately sheathed the two knives back into his belt and grabbed two guards standing nearby.

As soon as he grabbed them, and before the two guards could even make a noise, he threw them into the group of guards standing near him.




When the nearby guards saw their colleague, was thrown at them, they reacted but they were a still step late. And the guard body crashed into them and their whole group was thrown into chaos and lost balance.

Then without wasting any time, Orochi moved as he spotted someone who made things difficult for him.

The leading guard.

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