East Meet West

Chapter 244: Making things easier

244- Making things easier

The reason why Orochi got shocked after seeing that the two women were surrounded was that somehow a group was still able to track them even after no one knew Orochi was related to them.

Of course, except for Alex Xavier and his entourage, no one knew that Orochi was with two women.

But now, some group knew that?

Orochi fell into contemplation,

‘Do they really know about my relationship with these two?’

‘Or do they belong to Alex Xavier’s group?’

‘Or there was some other group that by some shitty coincidence saw them escaping or doubted them, so they decided to follow them?’

‘Or there were some sharp people who knew or saw me yesterday having a conflict with Alex Xavier, so in today’s auction, they somehow got onto me after my verbal conflict with Alex Xavier? And had focused on them, after I was escorted away?’

Various questions and reasons were churning in his mind.

‘Haah... whatever. Since, they are here, no need to go.’

‘After solving them, I’ll keep one or two alive for the questioning and get to know their background.’

With this in mind, Orochi got closer to the group.

“Two ladies, how about it?”

“You just have to come and be my young master’s women, and you can enjoy wealth and glory.”

“But if you still decline our proposal, we will have to take action.”

“Then, you will regret your actions. Because when our young master gets angry, you will see how hell looks like.”

As Orochi got closer to the group, he could hear their conversation.

It seems some ‘young master’ got his eyes on Armelia and June. So, this group is an ‘escort/ kidnapping’ group that has come to surround the two women.

Thinking about this, Orochi's expression turned cold with killing intent as he quickly got closer to the group.


Armelia and June, both looked at the surrounding crowd without answering.

June was relatively calm and had maintained her cold expression.

While Armelia, was somewhat angry.

Just as the group was getting impatient, a middle aged guy dressed in green armor with a bald head, spoke in an irritated manner,

“Two ladies, it looks like you don’t appreciate our kindness. so, don’t blame us for taking action.”

“Everyone, capture both of them...”


Just as his voice fell, there was a sudden jerk in his voice, and the group that was preparing to capture the two women confusedly looked at the bald middle aged guy.

They saw that the bald middle aged guy had his hand pointing at the two women as if he was commanding everyone, and slowly that hand moved towards the back of his head but suddenly it fell down lifelessly.


Not only his hand, the bald middle aged guy’s body crashed onto the ground lifelessly, like a statue.

Seeing this, everyone’s heart jumped and immediately backed away from the bald middle aged guy’s body.

Just then someone from the crowd noticed a tomahawk was stuck to the bald middle aged guy’s head and he shouted,

“Enemy attack, enemy attack, look there is a small axe has penetrated into the head of bald Chaman’s head.”

Immediately, everyone’s eyes fell on the small axe stuck on the back of the head.

Seeing it, everyone’s scalp went numb and fear started to grow, and just when the crowd reacted,

Few air piercing sounds appeared,





Just after that, four more bodies crashed into the ground.





All the four bodies were pierced by one spear each.

Just as the group was panicked by the sudden series of events, a shadow landed near the two women like a bombshell.


Seeing the appearance of the newcomer, Armelia and June, were the first to react.


Armelia was the first to shout.

As the newcomer was none other than Orochi.

As early as when the enemy group wanted to make the move, Orochi attacked first.

First, he threw the tomahawk and killed the bald middle aged guy with it. Then with the spare spears in his storage ring, he killed another 4 members of the enemy group.

And his series of actions were executed in just a couple of seconds.

Orochi nodded towards Armelia and June, and then he looked towards the remaining people who surrounded Armelia and June, as he spoke,

“You guys made a big mistake by attacking my people. I will now give you two choices, either surrender, or I’ll send you all to the afterlife.”

His voice was full of killing intent.

Hearing these words, the remaining people shuddered momentarily and looked at each other with fear visible in each other’s eyes.

Just as everyone’s heart was giving birth to the idea of ‘Surrender’, some courageous guy couldn’t help but shout,

“Brothers don’t listen to this guy’s words.”

“Look at our numbers and look at his numbers.”

“We are still 13 people and they are only 3.”

“We have the advantage in numbers.”

“He was able to kill 5 of us because of the sneak attack. But if it was a frontal attack, this guy would have already met his maker.”

“Don’t be scared of him.”

“Not to mention he has killed 5 of our brothers and it is not a guarantee that he will spare us. So, instead of surrendering, let us all attack.”

Hearing this, all the fear and the idea of surrender immediately disappeared because the one who spoke had some sense of truth in his words, at least that’s what the remaining group of people felt.

So, the fear was replaced with courage and anger, due to the loss of their 5 brothers.

And everyone glared at Orochi as if they were watching their pray.

Orochi watched the group of people that got excited after hearing a few words, as if they got injected with chicken blood, he sneered inwardly.

To him, all the encouragement was nothing but a joke.

Actually, he was also hoping that something like this could happen.

So, seeing that someone was making his work easier, he did not bother to interrupt that person, instead, he thanked the person in his heart.


Just like the person mentioned, they are 13 people remaining.

To Orochi, solving this group of people is easy.

Not to mention, in this group of people, the lowest cultivation has reached the Beginning stage and the highest is only in the Refinement stage.

So, to him, it’s just a breeze.

But the problem is that it will take some time for him to solve all of them, not to mention such a group is quite big and if everyone runs in a different direction, it will further waste his time.

And he still has to catch 1 or 2 of them to enquire about their background.

Not to mention, some people might still be chasing after him.

So, the further he drags, the more troublesome it gets.

But if everyone present here attacks him like fools, he can easily solve them and capture one or two of them.


Seeing Orochi’s posture, the group of people got delusional that Orochi was just bluffing them and their confidence grew to the extreme, such that finally everyone took action at the same time as if they were in a tacit understanding with each other.


Seeing this, Orochi motioned the two women to back away, and a cold smile appeared on his face as the ‘Red Lancer’ sword appeared in his hand.

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