East Meet West

Chapter 270: ‘Spiritual Qi gathering Array’ manual

270- ‘Spiritual Qi gathering Array’ manual

Lehri Dhun picked up a thick book and spoke,

“In this [Spiritual QI gathering Array] manual, from Red Grade Level 1 array to Red Grade Level 5 array, all 5 arrays are recorded.”

“So, that means if you can learn all the 5 arrays recorded in this manual, you have a high chance to gain the status of an expert Array Guru.”

“And please note that the status of an Array Guru is much higher than a Formation Guru.”

When everyone heard this, the scene exploded like thunder.

Many people’s eyes were shining like bright torches.

The manual had a Red Grade Level 5 array in it, which means the recorded Array is very popular among Human stage cultivators. Not to mention, even some Super Human stage cultivators in the VIP rooms, wanted to get their hands on this.

So, people started to get impatient and wanted to acquire the Spiritual Qi gathering Array manual as soon as possible.

“Miss Lehri, please tell us the starting price of the manual.”

“Yes, yes... please start the auction.”

Seeing everyone’s excited expression, Lehri chuckled slightly and spoke,

“Very well then. I hope everyone here understood how precious this Spiritual Qi gathering Array manual is.”

“The starting price of the ‘Spiritual Qi gathering Array’ manual is 20,000 gold coins. And each increase in bid must be greater than 1000 gold coins.”

“Now please start bidding...”

As soon as her voice fell, a crazy bidding war set off...

“22,000 gold coins.”

“I bid 23,000 gold coins.”

“Don’t waste our time by bidding with such a low amount. I bid 26,000 gold coins.”

“You are also wasting our time. I bid 30,000 gold coins.”

“Fusk off..... poor people. I bid 34,000 gold coins.”

“I bid 36,000 gold coins.”

“40,000 gold coins.”



Within just 10 seconds, the price was raised to 50,000 gold coins.

And there was still no sign of competition dying down.

Looking at the huge number of people making bids, Orochi started to get impatient and he also made his bid,

“100 thousand gold coins.”

As soon as his voice fell, 70% of the bidders went quiet and got back into their seats with some helplessness, indignation, envy, anger, etc.

Although many people gave up bidding as Orochi increased the bid to such a big amount, but new competitors also joined the bidding war.

“105 thousand gold coins.”

The new participants were those people from the VIP rooms, who only take shots when the situation reaches its climax.

These people who were sitting in the VIP room were waiting and looking at ordinary people as if a dog fight was going on.

But since someone raised the bid to 100,000 gold coins, they also joined in.

And increased the bid to 105,000 gold coins.

But that did not stop there, soon someone else increased the bid,

“110 thousand gold coins.”

“115 thousand gold coins.”



Every few seconds, the price would be raised by 5000 gold coins.

And Orochi wanted to get his hands on this ‘Spiritual Qi gathering Array manual’. So, once again he increased the bid by a large number.

“200,000 gold coins.”

And this time, almost everyone gave up and the auction hall went quiet.

Many people looked towards Orochi’s room with some envy, fear, jealousy, greed, etc.

But the most common emotion present in everyone’s heart is envy.

Envy because they do not possess such a large amount of wealth to spend.

Envy because Orochi could get the ‘Spiritual Qi gathering Array manual’.

Envy because they have no background and will continue to stay at the same level.


Seeing that no one was making a bid, Lehri Dhun tried to encourage others,

“Guest from Gold Room no. 4 has made a bid of Two hundred thousand gold coins.”

“Is there anyone else willing to increase the bid?”

Her eyes swept across the audience and VIP rooms, as she expectantly looked at them.

“210,000 gold coins.”

Suddenly, someone from the room next to Orochi increased the bid.

But just as his voice fell, Orochi’s voice once again rang in the auction hall,

“230,000 gold coins.”

This time the person sitting in the room next to Orochi did not increase the bid again.

Seeing that no one was willing to increase the bid, Lehri Dhun started the countdown.

“230,000 gold coins for the first time.”

“230,000 gold coins for the second time.”


“230,000 gold coins for the third time and sold.”

“Congratulations to the host from the VIP Gold Room no. 4 for getting the ‘Spiritual Qi gathering Array’ manual.”


Inside the Gold Room No. 4, Orochi smirked slightly.

Because in his opinion, this ‘Spiritual Qi gathering array’ manual is worth more than five hundred thousand gold coins.

But people in this auction do not understand the worth of it and underestimated the profession of Array guru and Formation guru.

But Orochi did not blame them, because in his opinion these people in the VIP room are trying to save their money for the other main attractions of today’s auction.

So, there is nothing wrong with giving up something that they are not knowledgeable about.


The auction continued and other items were also sold at good prices. Many of them crossed the ‘100,000 gold coins’ price mark.

Few of Orochi’s items were also sold at a good price and he earned another 550,000 gold coins from them.

Orochi was waiting in his room patiently as the main reason for attending today’s auction is to get his hands on 4 things or items which were marked by him as ‘Special’.

And one of them is the ‘Spiritual Qi gathering Array’ manual.

Which he obtained without much stress.

So, of course, he is happy and waited patiently in his room.

As for the other 3 special items, he will get them even if he has to empty his pockets.

Between the auction, Orochi indirectly learned the identities of a few people sitting in the VIP rooms.

Of course, he did not bother to spend his effort to learn their identities, instead, the situation was like they themselves revealed it when they competed against each other for some good items that were being auctioned.

And from their identities, Orochi easily deduced that their background is multiple times better than the Chan clan and Willow sword sect.



Quick Recap:

Formations have different grades and the grade division is similar to the weapons grade divisions.

Red grade, Orange grade, Yellow grade, Green grade, Blue grade, Indigo grade, and Violet grade.

The Red grade is the lowest grade formation available and the Violet grade formations are the best formations that can be made. There is no Normal grade.

Unlike 12 levels of weapon grades, formation grades have only 8 levels.

1st level is the lowest level formation in each grade, while the 8th level is the highest level formation in each grade.

There is a higher level to ‘Formations’, that is Arrays.

Arrays are the combination of 2 or more formations and are more complex to learn and make.

Arrays are also divided into different grades like Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet grades. And instead of 8 levels, each grade is divided into 5 levels.

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