East Meet West

Chapter 285: EXP Rations 1 And Encounter With The Big Boss

285- EXP Rations 1 and Encounter with the Big Boss





Looking at the army of Purple Hide Crocodiles charging at him with such ferociousness, Orochi smiled lightly as he raised his hands towards the sky and a large amount of MP gushed out of his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the MP transformed into a river of fire, and then it started to gather and concentrate in various places.

And after 1 second, about 10 Flame arrows covered Orochi’s head and they were aimed at the army of Purple Hide Crocodiles.

As previously mentioned, due to Orochi practicing his Magic Attacks so strenuously, his control and efficiency have greatly increased.

Seeing this huge number of Flame arrows suddenly appearing on their target’s head, the army of Purple Hide Crocodiles stopped charging and looked at the Flame arrows with terror.

‘Flame Arrow’ x 10

And before they could react, they saw Orochi slamming their hand downwards, and the Flame Arrows rained upon them.




Few arrows pierced the body of Purple Hide Crocodiles, and few missed the target and struck the ground.

All in all, in this shower of flame arrows, only 1 crocodile died and a few are still struggling in pain.


‘Host has killed a Mid-Level Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+3800 EXP’

Seeing this, Orochi shook his head slightly, so he used another move,

‘Wind Blade’

‘Wind Blade’

Sharp blades made of wind element fell on the nearby Purple Hide crocodiles.




The weaker ones got sliced into half or more pieces, while the stronger ones got deep cuts on their bodies.





All in all, the wind blades kept harvesting the lives of Purple Hide Crocodile continuously.

And Orochi’s Exp and levels also increased rapidly.


‘Host has killed a peak Refinement Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+2200 EXP’


‘Host has killed a Low-Level Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+3100 EXP’


‘Host has killed a peak Refinement Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+2300 EXP’


‘Host has killed a High-Level Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+4300 EXP’


Within just half a minute, Orochi shot more than 100 Wind Blades at the small army of Purple Hide Crocodiles and now almost 70% of them were dead.

As for the remaining 8-9 Purple Hide Crocodiles, they were struck with terror when they saw the bodies of their companions.

It was very brutal and gruesome.

And Orochi did not give them much time to grief, because the crocodiles that are still alive were the ones that were farther away from him, so he immediately closed the distance and attacked them with ‘Wind Blades’.





‘Host has killed a peak Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+4500 EXP’


‘Host has killed a High Level Demi-Human Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+6300 EXP’



Soon, all the Purple Hide Crocodiles that were outside their nest were killed by Orochi and even the two crocodiles that almost dived deep into the water were killed with some difficulty.

And with this small massacre, his Exp rose by a huge amount such that, he leveled up numerous times and now he is at Level 94.

Just a few more levels and he can reach Level 100.

So, he set his next step is to search the nest of Purple Hide Crocodiles and take care of the remaining ones.

Not to mention, the leader of Purple Hide Crocodiles has not yet shown up, and there must be good things inside their nest, so he needs to explore them.

With these thoughts in mind, Orochi collected all the bodies of Purple Hide Crocodile killed by him as they could be sold in the market for good money and also to prevent attracting other strong monsters as the smell of the blood is quite enticing for them.

He also dived into the river and collected the bodies of Purple Hide Crocodiles that were killed in the beginning.

After collecting all these bodies, Orochi confirmed from the system that the price he can get from selling these corpses is about 11 million Sikka, which is equal to 11,000 gold coins. But Orochi did not sell them to the system because he still needs to compare the prices with the actual market.

He feels that selling it in the market instead of the system, will yield him more money.

So, done with storing and cleaning up the field, Orochi walked towards the nest of Purple Hide Crocodiles.

But when Orochi was just a few meters away from the entrance of the cave nest, Orochi sensed slight danger coming towards him, so he immediately jumped away from his place and appeared a few meters away.


And in the place, he was standing a second ago, a huge boulder about the size of an adult human slammed into it and the earth cracked such that dust rose into the air covered the area.

‘Wind gust’

A gust of wind blew away all the dust and the whole scene was cleared.


Immediately, a roar came from the nest of the Purple Hide Crocodiles.



And two legs that were as thick as Orochi’s waist was the first thing that appeared in Orochi’s eyes. And along with the legs, a huge crocodile head came out of the nest. Seeing this, Orochi’s pupils shrank into the size of a needle and he immediately backed away in vigilance.

Every time the huge Purple Hide Crocodile took a step, the ground would vibrate and Orochi, who was now more than 30 meters away from it, could feel the vibrations that were coming towards him.

Looking at the new enemy, Orochi instantly understood that the leader of the Purple Hide Crocodile has finally decided to take action.

The leader of Purple Hide Crocodile was about 10 meters long and with a height of 3 meters. And it was about 5 meters wide.

Such a big size is enough to scare the sh*t of anyone who has come across such a monster for the first time.

And yes, even Orochi feels scared after looking at its size.

Look strength is one thing and courage is another.

And it’s not like Orochi always sees such big monsters for the first time.

It’s the first time he has seen such a big and ferocious monster and do not forget that he is also a human, so he is used to normal-sized living beings. And instinctively his body feels intimidated by the size of his opponent.

But, but if he comes across such huge monsters a few more times, then surely Orochi will not be intimidated anymore.

The hide of the leader crocodile was Dark purple in color and it gave the feeling as if it can defend against all attacks and still no scratch will appear on the armor.

It was like a Demon’s armor.

And its eyes, which were very similar to the eyes of Snake and more than the size of an adult’s head, when they fell on Orochi, it made all his hair stand straight like a hedgehog.

Teeth that were as big as a knife. Such that, even if a rock will be crushed into powder if it falls into it.

Orochi immediately used the Observation Skill on it,


‘Super Monster Stage- Level ??- Purple Hide Crocodile’


‘Fusk... a Super Monster stage?’

Orochi cursed when he saw the system message.


Just when Orochi finished cursing his luck, another roar echoed from the nest.

When Orochi’s eyes fell behind towards the nest entrance, he couldn’t help but curse again.

Because he saw another 3 Purple Hide Crocodiles crawling out of the nest.

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