East Meet West

Chapter 292: Rank 106 Dantian Potential

292- Rank 106 Dantian Potential

Since he has reached level 100, Orochi could hardly control himself from testing his theory and to see if he could really raise his Dantian Potential to Rank 106, without consuming ‘Earthly Sea Coconut’ fruit.

Hence, he wanted to quickly test it so he took out a bottle of Stalactite milk and emptied it in a few gulps.

The bottle of Stalactite milk was already used and only half of it was filled with Stalactite milk, approximately another 400 drops of Stalactite milk were present in it.

So, with his current physical body condition, it is not a problem for his body to handle such a large quantity of Stalactite Milk.

And he doesn’t even have to concentrate on guiding the large river of energy stream generated by the Stalactite milk towards the dantian because his Dantian has reached a state where it just needs to be urged and it can suck away all that energy without wasting a trace.

So, when such a large amount of Stalactite milk entered his stomach, Orochi simply urged his Dantian. And like a high suction vacuum machine, it immediately started to draw all the energy released by Stalactite milk.


And the amount of energy that Dantian absorbed in one second could only be described in one word- Monstrous.

And just like that, Orochi partially concentrated on his dantian and the remaining part of his mind on enjoying the scenery and continuing his journey back to his house.

In just an hour Orochi reached the town where he was temporarily staying. Due to his appearance that he had been maintaining with the ‘Physical Modification and Enhancement’ ability, he easily got past the town gates and no guard stopped him.

When he reached his house, he hid inside an alley and reverted to his original appearance, and walked back to his house.

And by this time, his Dantian also reached a critical stage and it was very close to crack and transform.

The moment of truth is here.

So, Orochi hurried back to his room and immediately isolated himself.

Soon, a sound rang inside his body,


Finally, a crack appeared on his dantian and in Orochi’s expectant eyes, a golden ray of light came out of the crack.




More and more golden light started to escape from those cracks and soon the whole dantian was covered with crack.

Seeing this, Orochi could hardly suppress his joy and excitement but he had to.




Soon, the outer shell of Dantian exploded like a nuclear bomb and transformed into a huge golden stream of energy

And this huge golden stream of energy spread throughout every corner and part of his body and wanted to integrate into it but due to the help provided by the system, his body has developed to its limit, at least it has reached the limit of Mortal Realm, so this golden stream of energy could only become dormant and wait for certain conditions that need to be fulfilled and then it can integrate into his body and strengthen it.


‘Congratulations to the host for raising the Dantian Potential to Rank 106.’





Seeing this, Orochi breathed out in relief.

This means that his theory was correct and now he can raise his Dantian Potential to Rank 108.

He wanted to continue cultivating, but he was very tired and after coming back he did not even rest and got back cultivating, which made him more fatigued, so he decided to take some rest and then continue cultivating.


After sleeping for almost 5-6 hours, Orochi got up and met June.

“Aunt June, I am about to step into the peak of the Demi-Human stage, so could you help me in locating a place with a good concentration of Spiritual Qi. Because I want to break through to the Transformation realm as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, June thought for a moment and then nodded and said,

“Alright, I will look for a place that has good spiritual qi concentration, and presumably you want a deserted place...”

As she said this, she looked at Orochi and he also nodded to express his positive answer.

“So, that makes things a little difficult but still, I will try my best to find a place that meets your requirements.”

Hearing this, Orochi thanked June and after exchanging a few more words with her, Orochi got back to the room.

Since he wants to step into the Transformation realm as soon as possible, he needs to make sufficient preparations such that he will not encounter any kind of problem when he tries to make a breakthrough into the Transformation realm.

And according to his knowledge and things he learned from various books and experts, it is very important for one to find a suitable place where the concentration of Spiritual Qi is high because the Transformation Realm, as the name suggests is a realm where a cultivator breaks away from the shackles of the Mortal body and steps into the path of a higher level of cultivation and completely transforms his/her body into an extraordinary one.

So, when such a magical phenomenon takes place, it is important to have made sufficient preparation, or else, things might go wrong and could lead to defects.

When a cultivator steps into the Transformation realm, their whole body goes through a series of transformations, and for that lots of energy is required. So, it is important for one to breakthrough in a place with sufficient spiritual qi that is required when the body goes under magical transformation.

Therefore, he had to request June to find a suitable location for his breakthrough.

Of course, just finding a suitable location is not enough for Orochi, not to mention that with the potential of Orochi and his Dantian, he feels that he needs to prepare at least 100 times or 200 times more when compared to others when they breakthrough to the Transformation realm. Or else things might seriously go wrong, and even after the Transformation, there will be many defects in his body that might be detrimental for his future path of cultivation. Or worst case, he might even fail to breakthrough.

So, to prevent such things from happening he still needs to prepare many things that can help him in his breakthrough.

And he already has a few things that can assist him in this.

With a thought, he searched his ‘Storage Box’ and took out 3 fist sized black stones and a Ruby like stone.

Looking at them, Orochi smiled and walked back into his room.

Because the most important thing that needs to be done is cultivate to the peak of the Mortal realm as soon as possible.

So, after isolating himself in the cultivation room, Orochi took out the ‘Earthly Sea Coconut’ fruit and immediately took a huge bite.

Normally, one will drink the water inside the ‘Earthly Sea coconut’ and then cook its shell to obtain all its medicinal properties.

But doing so will still waste some of its medicinal properties and Orochi feels that it is also a waste of time.

So, he went for the most primitive way and simply ate the ‘Earthly Sea Coconut’ fruit raw.

And he was not worried about any digestion problems because his Resistance stat also strengthens his Internal organs, so his stomach can digest food as if it was the avatar of ‘Gluttony’.

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