East Meet West

Chapter 296: Specialties Of Gold

296- Specialties of Gold

Author’s announcement:

Hey readers, I know there has been a problem from my side and I have been making irregular updates. I would like to apologize for that.

Since, I have taken up doing something that I am interested in as a career path, like writing; that has led to the situation where I am completely staying at home and not finding any jobs or unable to find one.

This has put me in a tight position. Pressure from the family and relatives is very stressful when you have already graduated and still not landed a job.

Hence, I have been trying to upgrade my skill set and take some time for my career. Hence, I could barely find time to focus on writing new chapters.

Of course, I am not giving up this or giving up writing, because I found myself enjoying this and this has become something that can put off some stress. But surely, life cannot go just like how one wants to.

So, I have planned to build some games that can at least generate some revenue for my living and stop everyone’s complaints. If not, at least it could get me a job.

So, I have been engrossed in learning those, hence got busy.

Not to mention, since this covid and with no job, I rarely step out of my house and that has led to the situation where I got overweight and fat.

Hence, I had got myself a New Year resolution to exercise every day. So, last month I prepared my rusty body to adapt to normal exercises. And this month, I started to go to the gym to get my body in shape. Hence, lots of time and energy is used on these things.

But I assure you that I will try to publish chapters regularly, as much as possible.




If it was someone else, they would have surely felt happy with the concentration of spiritual qi present in this valley.

But for Orochi, this concentration of Spiritual Qi is still not enough because his conditions are much different from the average people.

If the body is considered, then his body might be the strongest of all present in the Mortal realm. His strength, body’s toughness, speed, etc., are all comparable to an average Super Human stage cultivator.

If his Dantian Potential and Dantian quality is considered then, it has already broken the norms of this world. And it has even surpassed many Human stage cultivators and has approached Super Human stage cultivator’s dantian. Or it may have even surpassed them.

And the same goes for the purity and quality of his Spiritual Qi inside his Dantian. According to Orochi’s estimate, it has completely surpassed the quality of all the Super Human stage cultivators he has seen; as for what level it has reached, he can only find that after someone who has surpassed the Super Human stage takes action in front of him.

The Charm Stat has a relationship with his soul, and from what he has seen, read, and heard; in the Mortal realm there is almost no increase in one’s soul power or there is no growth, but Orochi has felt his soul being strengthened after increasing the Charm stat. So, what others cannot do in the Mortal realm, he has already done it. And what others cannot achieve in the Mortal realm, he has already achieved it with the help of the system.

So, from all these, it can be concluded that Orochi’s level is way higher than everyone else in the same realm - The Peak Demi-Human stage.

Since his level is higher than everyone, the things he needs to prepare for his breakthrough when compared to others also increases by multiples times.

Hence, even an increase in Spiritual Qi concentration can only be considered that his preparation has only been completed by a small percentage.

But if he arranges a Spiritual Qi gathering Array inside the valley, then it will further help him in his breakthrough and his preparation will also be completed by a large degree.

The way a Spiritual Qi gathering array works is something that has both the characteristics and features of a Vacuum and a magnet.

When a Spiritual Qi gathering array is arranged, it attracts the Spiritual Qi present in the atmosphere within a certain range. And the Spiritual Qi then gets collected in an isolated area that has already been arranged.

According to the book- Spiritual Qi gathering manual, obtained by Orochi from the auction, different Spiritual Qi gathering arrays have different ranges and capacities, such as:

A Red Grade Level 1 Spiritual Qi gathering array can attract Spiritual Qi within a radius of only 10 meters and its maximum capacity is 500 low grade energy stones worth Spiritual Qi.

A Red Grade Level 2 Spiritual Qi gathering array can attract Spiritual Qi within a radius of only 50 meters and its maximum capacity is 1000 low grade energy stones worth Spiritual Qi.

A Red Grade Level 3 Spiritual Qi gathering array can attract Spiritual Qi within a radius of only 100 meters and its maximum capacity is 3000 low grade energy stones worth Spiritual Qi.

A Red Grade Level 4 Spiritual Qi gathering array can attract Spiritual Qi within a radius of only 500 meters and its maximum capacity is 5000 low grade energy stones worth Spiritual Qi.

A Red Grade Level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array can attract Spiritual Qi within a radius of only 1000 meters and its maximum capacity is 10000 low grade energy stones worth Spiritual Qi.

And during this time, Orochi had always spent some of his time and put lots of effort to learn and perfect these 5 Spiritual Qi gathering arrays. And with his learning speed, it was easy for him to do that.

But of course, even the Red Grade Level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array and its 10,000 low grade energy stones worth Spiritual qi, still cannot meet his requirements but it can still play a small role.

His thinking is simple, don’t leave a single way to strengthen yourself.

Hence, before cultivating, Orochi decided to first layout a Red Grade level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array.

So, with June’s help, Orochi found the place where the Spiritual Qi was at a maximum in the valley.

And there he dig a small cave to cultivate and started to layout the Red Grade Level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array.

In his last visit to the Border City, Orochi bought lots of materials required for the Spiritual Qi gathering array from the Golden Chamber of commerce and other places.

And the main item required formation is called the Gold Powder.

Gold, a metal that is most widely used in making ornaments and jewelry, let it be in his previous world or the current world.

Unlike Iron, Steel, etc., which are known for their toughness and strength, Gold cannot even compare to them in these fields. But still, Gold is widely sought in both worlds.

According to ancient texts, it is said that Gold has a very unique trait that puts it above all other metals and it is also the reason why it is most popular among many people- the ability to attract and gather positive and good energies spread throughout the world. And bring luck to them.

In his past life, whenever Orochi went to temples, marriages, or any other traditional gatherings. And in all those places, the most common thing seen were people wearing various gold ornaments and jewelry. Women were the ones that wore many gold items, while men wore a smaller number of gold items.

If it was a normal person, then they would simply think that these people wore gold jewelry to flaunt their wealth or to look good for the occasion, and even Orochi felt that. But after coming to this world, he learned a few things that made him realize the uniqueness and hidden knowledge about gold.

In this world, it is a known fact that Gold has the ability to assist one in their cultivation and it can also affect the spiritual qi in the atmosphere, and any weapon or artifact that has gold mixed in can greatly enhance its quality. And there are many more uses of gold.

But the most important one should be it can gather luck.

Luck is an invisible thing that can hardly be felt or seen, but it still exists.

In the path of cultivation, luck is one of the biggest factors that can decide the future of a cultivator. Let it be any kind of fortuitous encounter, or saving oneself from a situation where one would die 99.99% of the time, etc., all these depend on Luck.

Even in the ancient texts of the previous world, it is shown that the ancients would not even wear any clothes on their upper body, but they will surely have many gold ornaments covering their chest and arms. The prime example would be all the ancient drawings and shows related to Ramayana, Mahabharata, and different ancient epics that have been passed through such a long passage of time.

Of course, in modern times, there was hardly any description or proof of supernatural powers, but in ancient times there are lots of mentions and recorded texts of such supernatural powers.

Since supernatural powers existed then surely that world also had its own cultivation path that was lost for some reason.

And with the knowledge of this world, Orochi can spot many similarities between the current world and ancient stories that he heard in his previous life.

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