Eastward Flow

Chapter 21 - twenty


The grandfather ordered Qing Lan, a blind date with the heavens and earth since childhood, and the five elements are extremely high. Qing Lan’s master has always felt that she would become the best boss of the Chu Kingdom, bringing Taiyi, which is fading away, to its heyday. It is a pity that Qing Lan loves all things in this world, and he does not like the monarch above the throne alone. Until then, there was a better and more paranoid encounter than her. Qing Lan could finally let go of her mission as a young soldier.

Those who are close to the origin of heaven and earth are the people who are closest to the earth but farthest away. In order not to touch the cause and effect, Qing Lan never easy to test words. She only measured the characters for three people, one was Ji Jingyu who was destined to be the master of the world, the other was Li Lichen, the assassin emperor who should be the king of the country, and the other was Zhong Lishuo who was sitting in front of her at the moment.

One … a child who should have died within the palace wall at the age of eight.

In the emperor’s star track, the monarch at the end of Chu should be the emperor, and the emperor of the emperor caused Chu to fall into many years of war. For the people of the world, the general, General Jing Jing, came to the fore and replaced it with the world.

All this has nothing to do with that boy.

When Qing Lan passed Yunzhou and saw the child who was supposed to die but was still alive, Qing Lan found that she could not even count the child’s star track.

Qing Lan, who failed to calculate the orbit for the first time, decided to return to Yuanzhou City and stay to observe the world’s variables.

She watched the emperor die and watch Wanmin return to her heart. She thought that she would still see Zhong Lishuo sit on the river and continue the changed star track. But in the end, Chu’s astrolabe suddenly collapsed, Zhong Lishuo died, and the war that should have lasted for many years actually subsided within six months.

The star track has returned to what Qing Lan calculated more than a decade ago.

That variable has disappeared and everything is back on track. Wu Jingye was still the master of the world, but the people of Kyushu quickly recovered because of the years of war.

All of this is because Zhong Lishuo.

Zhong Lishuo is a gift from the East Emperor.

Holding such a thought, Qing Lan once exhausted his efforts, burned incense and asked the spirit, just wanted to communicate Yin Yang told her everything after Zhong Lishuo died. But never thought, several times failed.

Zhong Lishuo’s soul did not go to Guihui, nor did he return to the arms of Donghuang. She had been wondering where Zhongli Shuo had gone after her death, and even wondered whether the other party was really the emperor of the emperor as said in the legend of Chu. Until today, when she saw the boy, she did not know where Zhongli Shuo went.

She just returned to her original star track.

As a boss, I have seen many things that cannot be said, so there are many things that cannot be said. The deceased has gone and cannot be chased. Qing Lan is well aware of the many rules in this world, and therefore, the moment she saw Zhong Lishuo, she said nothing and could not say anything.

She knew that Zhong Lishuo understood her words, and laughed: “There are tens of thousands of strange things in this world. In the early years, I read too many miscellaneous records. I saw an extraordinary narrative that I did not expect to be alive today. In any case, it is worth celebrating . My little son, substitute tea for wine. I respect you. “

Zhong Lishuo concealed the excitement in his eyes, raised his cup, and said, “I also respect Mr. Meng, and Mr. Sure is an excellency.”

“Don’t say I’m a **** stick this time?” Qing Lan joked with a smile, obviously very happy.

“I never felt that way.” Zhong Lishuo smiled and replied frankly.

“I still remember it.” Qing Lan coughed, pretending to be stern, and said, “‘Jian Tian Si will be a festival when measuring farming, but can it be a lifetime? Say what is the Lord of the world, what is the world today? Is n’t the Lord His Majesty? How are you, the Crown Prince can be the Lord of the world, and then there is me! If you do n’t say this, you will say that the Crown Prince is going to rebel. I ’m the first to believe it. There is a lot of nonsense, people all over the place are **** sticks, and the same is true of the Tianjian Division. Your Majesty, do you believe this nonsense? ‘”

Qing Lan said what Zhong Lishuo said when he was in the emperor’s palace. She was thirty years older than Zhong Lishuo, but she didn’t mean to love her young. Holding Zhong Lishuo protecting the prince and cursing Tai Yi, he said with a smile: “The son even scolded the demon road that day.” Unfortunately, Qing Lan was also the same person. He was lying full of guns that day.

Zhong Lishuo smiled and said: “I can’t remember, sir? Do you remember?”

“Remember,” Qing Lan laughed, and said, “It’s the first time that a court official has seen such a son-in-law struggling with reason and passion, which is really admirable.”

“The son is actually a …”

Zhong Lishuo waved his hand and said, “What to do with this, in fact, I don’t remember a lot of things. It’s pretty good to be alive.”

“You ca n’t stay yesterday, and it ’s a good time.” Zhong Lishuo raised his glass and toasted Qing Lan, saying, “I’ve seen Mr. today, and my fear and anxiety are gone. Zhao Ming, I am grateful.”

“My son is as free and easy as ever.” Qing Lan nodded and said, “Although I can’t do anything now, if my son needs it, I can help.”

Zhong Lishuo waved his hand and laughed, “Mr. No work, I’m doing fine now, I don’t know how much happier I was, but …”

“My son can’t rest assured? Your husband and wife are natural, if you are interested, it’s not difficult to continue your marriage.” Qing Lan thought, these two are really a match made in heaven, whether they are born or dead, they will be in one place, Rare butterfly life.

It seemed that Qing Lan was in the middle of it, and Zhong Lishuo smiled a little embarrassedly and asked carefully: “Is she her?”

Qing Lan nodded and said, “Your Majesty came to Taiyi to watch the incense, and today is Emperor Zhao’s meditation.”

Zhong Lishuo’s heart was tense, half happy, half sad, and sighed, saying, “So she still remembers it?” She still remembers her birthday, does it mean that she has her in her heart? No matter what kind of feelings, I was very happy to know that Zhong Lishuo was remembered by the queen.

“The son can’t talk to others, why not find an opportunity to talk with your Majesty?” Qing Lan knew that the prince of a country was thinking of Zhong Lishuo in his heart.

However, Zhong Lishuo shook his head and said, “Can’t say. This is the reason that my husband can believe that my status is so useless to say more.”

She was a king. If she told the queen, how would the queen choose? The man’s upright nature will certainly give her insignificant honor. But Zhong Lishuo didn’t want this. She wanted a happy life, and this life also included being with the queen.

She had thought that she wanted nothing, but never thought that she had so many extravagant hopes.

Qing Lan understood the meaning of her words, but thought in her heart that there would always be an identity for them to be frank. And this identity, only Zhong Lishuo can fit.

It’s been too long since they have not been involved in political affairs. It is imperative to insert a gesture in this matter. As for Her Majesty, it always made her willing.

Zhong Lisuo and Qing Lan sat opposite each other for an afternoon, because neither side could make the words too clear, and the two spoke a lot like playing a puzzle. In this life, he devoted himself to the calculation of astrology, and was curious about Zhong Lishuo’s experience.

Such as physical changes after waking up, and experience. Perhaps Zhong Lishuo was submerged by the fire before his death, and she remembered a lot of things, such as the emperor of the assassin, and the affairs of the court. But I remember the days when I was with my queen as a teenager.

The grandfather comforted her and started again, only to live a happy life. Da Siming only thought that Zhong Lishuo would forget the death of the emperor and all those grudges. But I don’t know. She didn’t forget it, but let it go.

Because Zhong Lishuo felt that both merit and sin disappeared with her death.

Now that she has a life, she has to live a good life for Le Zhengsui.

Her life with Le Zhengsui will be a life without suffering.

Life is like flowing water from the east to the sea. A life that can only flow to the east, whether it is a magnificent one or a calm one, must live well.

The two talked in the afternoon, and after Zhong Lishuo talked well, Qing Lan got up and sent her out. Zhong Lishuo originally wanted to refuse, but Qing Lan smiled and said: “Master Lezheng takes great care of you. You haven’t seen you at noon. I’m afraid I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I will follow you to make your family feel more at ease.” Moreover, it can also find a good excuse for Jian Tianji’s behavior.

“Let’s go, little boy.”

Zhong Lishuo could no longer refuse, nodded, and followed in the footsteps of Qing Lan. Sure enough, the two steps out of the unknowable, and they heard Mei Zheng shouting everywhere in Lelin’s name. Zhong Lishuo only felt helpless. Under Qinglan’s loving eyes, he answered the call of the waiter and was then brought to the elder sister.

When Le Zhengyi saw her, he ran over, looking at her heavy robe, and anxiously asked, “Go back, did you hurt, where have you been?”

Zhong Lishuo had to pose innocently and whispered: “Sister, I’m fine.”

“Little boy just went to my place as a guest, Master Le Zheng, please rest assured.” Qing Lan on the side spoke, which attracted the attention of Le Zhengzheng.

Le Zhengxuan turned his head and saw Qing Lan’s youthful face for decades, bowing down and saluting, “I’ve seen Da Shiming. This time, my younger brother has more trouble with Da Shiming.”

Qing Lan waved her hand and said, “I’m very happy to have her as a companion.” Then Qing Lan said to Zhong Lishuo: “Since the little boy has met his family, then he will leave. . Little boy, he has a fate in the future, let’s talk about it again. “

Zhong Lishuo nodded and smiled. Qing Lan smiled, then ignored others, and left with her hands down.

Le Zhengsong looked at Qing Lan away, and then she was relieved. She turned to look at Zhong Lishuo, and saw her innocent appearance. She was so angry and funny, and said, “How did you go to Lord Dashuang ? “

Zhong Lishuo pretended to be surprised, saying: “Is that Mr. Qing Lan the boss?”

Le Zhengzheng nodded, believing, and said, “You can find it. Don’t run that far in the future, you know?”

Zhong Lishuo responded, and then heard Le Zhengyu said, “If there is another time, I have to go to Jian Tian Si’s person to figure out where you are going. I’m really overactive.” body of.

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