Easy Tycoon

Chapter 1025 1 Miles

Chapter 1025 One Mile
When Yang Jing met Adrian Smith, it was already 2021 AD. Just after New Year's Day, the 77-year-old man traveled all the way to Tianqu.

Adrian is a typical white American, tall and strong, and his silver-white hair makes him look particularly hale and hearty.If you don't know his age, just looking at his appearance, most people will think that he is probably less than 70 years old, but in fact he is an old man who is nearly [-] years old.

With the name of the world's tallest building and the designer of the future world's tallest building under construction on his head, Adrian has become the most famous super high-rise building design master on the planet.However, the old man did not become arrogant because of this. On the contrary, the old man is a person who is easy to be liked.

"Hi, Mr. Yang, nice to meet you, I'm Adrian Smith." Yang Jing met Adrian in a large office on the top floor of a high-rise office building more than 100 meters away in downtown Tianqu.

Because of the imminent construction of Tianqu, Yang Jing rented the top and sub-top floors of a high-end office building in the urban area, and used it as the "Tianqu Office" office.More than half of the members of the Tianqu office who have been in the United States have now come to Tianqu, and in the next few years, they will all work here, responsible for coordinating and directing various engineering projects of the entire Tianqu construction.

"Hey Mr. Smith, nice to meet you too. Call me Albert, that's what my friends call me."

"OK, Albert, you can also call me Ade, Mr. Smith's address will alienate our relationship."

"Okay, Ade, come on, sit down, would you like some coffee or tea?"

"Let's have a cup of coffee, no sugar or milk."

Yang Jing pressed a button on the table, and after a while, Lia Alonso, who loves to travel, opened the door and walked in. As the person in charge of appearance in the team of eight secretaries, Lia became the secretary of Yang Jing's office. big secretary.

After Yang Jing gave a few instructions, Liya turned around and walked out of the office. After a while, a cup of steaming Blue Mountain coffee and a cup of green tea were served.

"Ade, try it. This is the authentic Pearl Bean Blue Mountain Coffee, which is hard to find outside."

Adrian picked up the cup and took a sip, and immediately said: "Yes, this is indeed the top pearl bean Blue Mountain coffee, but as far as I know, most of this pearl bean coffee is in the hands of the Japanese."

Yang Jing smiled and said: "Unfortunately, the Japanese companies that invested in Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica back then are now subsidiaries of Pacific Capital, and I am the boss of Pacific Capital."

"Oh Maiga! Pacific Capital? That newly-emerged super capital? That is your company?" As the world's top architectural design master, Adrian naturally knows the most popular topic in the world.And Harrison Johnson's Pacific Capital is one of the most popular topics in the world.

Yang Jing smiled and nodded, but did not continue talking.The reason why I want to tell Adrian about my identity is mainly to let this design master understand one thing, that is, Yang Jing is not short of money, and I am richer than those local tyrants in Arabia, so you can design boldly !

Sure enough, after Yang Jing made this gesture, Adrian immediately rubbed his hands excitedly, "Albert, I saw the invitation letter you sent me, I want to confirm now, you are inviting Are the things said in the letter true?"

"That's right. Ade, I can tell you with certainty that the things written in the invitation letter are true. You can design any super high-rise building you want when you come here. Responsible for financing! Of course, I have one only request, and that is that the skyscraper you design must maintain the title of the tallest building in the world for ten years after its completion!"

"Aha!" Hearing this, Adrian screamed excitedly, not at all as stable as the world's top architects, but like a primary school student who got his favorite toy.

"Don't worry, Albert, I will definitely design a skyscraper that is difficult for others to surpass! Well, at least no one will surpass her in the next 20 years!"

"Ad, I believe in your ability. So, do you have a general design concept for this building?"

"Yes!" Adrian replied very positively, "In fact, as early as more than ten years ago, I was already designing a super high-rise building that was taller than the Burj Khalifa. Hehe, I guess you can also imagine Xiang People like me are really restless, and constantly surpassing ourselves has always been the life principle I uphold. It is for this reason that after I finished designing the Burj Khalifa, I designed a A taller skyscraper. When the Kingdom Tower was being built in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, I submitted this design proposal. At that time, Prince Alwaleed agreed to the proposal and planned to allocate funds for the construction of this super tall skyscraper. However, the local geological conditions and climate conditions do not allow the construction of this one-mile-high building. In desperation, the Kingdom Tower can only be cut off 600 meters in height. This is the current design of the Kingdom Tower."

Hearing this, Yang Jing asked curiously: "Then why didn't the Saudi side use your original design plan? Isn't it just that the height is insufficient? Your design plan should have no effect on the Kingdom Tower, right?"

"No! I'm not allowed to do this!" Adrian's face became serious, "For us architects, every design plan is our child, and I have to make decisions according to the differences of each child. Come and choose a place for him to grow up. The one-mile-high skyscraper I designed back then can only be built at a height of 1609 meters. If artificially cut off 600 meters, it is equivalent to cutting my child from the waist If they are all cut off, can the child still live?"

very good!This reason is really very powerful, and Yang Jing couldn't help giving Adrian a thumbs up.

"So, I would rather abandon the previous design and redesign a new one for Prince Alwaleed, and I will definitely not use a deleted design."

"Ade, I can understand your feelings. But I really have a question to ask you. Do you think that the one-mile-high skyscraper you designed can really be built with the current construction technology? Is it? That's a full height of 1609 meters."

Adrian nodded affirmatively and said: "With the current construction technology, it is indeed difficult to build a 1609-meter-high building, but it is not impossible. As long as the local geological and climatic conditions Allowed, then with sufficient funding, building a mile-high supertall is not an insurmountable problem."

Yang Jing nodded, and then he asked again: "Then Ade, do you think if a building with a height of 1992 meters can be built with the current construction technology?"

"1992 meters?" Adrian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I can't guarantee this. According to the current construction technology, this height can be built, but in that case, the area occupied by this building The area will be a scary number. Back then, the Burj Khalifa I designed had an area of ​​more than [-] square meters just for its foundation. And the Kingdom Tower I designed had an area of ​​more than [-] square meters. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the local geological conditions in Jeddah, but it is undeniable that the greater the height of the building, the larger the construction area of ​​the foundation, otherwise the weight of the building will weigh The foundation is broken! Albert, the higher the super high-rise building, the higher the requirements for the foundation. When the height of this super high-rise building exceeds a certain limit, every time the height of the building is increased by one meter, the foundation The requirements will be greatly increased.”

After a pause, Adrian continued: "Still comparing the Burj Khalifa with the Kingdom Tower, the Kingdom Tower is only 171 meters higher than the Burj Khalifa, but the foundations of the two are simply not on the same level. Burj Khalifa has a pile tip depth of only 70 meters, while Kingdom Tower has a pile tip depth of 110 meters. And my mile-high super high-rise building has even higher requirements for foundations. Ai Burt, I have also read the documents you sent me about the local geological conditions in Tianqu. The geological conditions in Tianqu are much better than those in Jeddah. But even so, in my design plan, if If you want to build that building in Tianqu, then the area of ​​the foundation alone will exceed 1992 square meters, and the area occupied by the entire building will be even larger. As for the question you just asked, if you want to build a 1 meters tall building, then I estimate that the foundation alone will cover an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, and the floor area must be at least [-] square kilometer. Are you sure that such a large area of ​​land was spent in order to build this building area?"

"Such a tall building cannot be built without a large enough foundation. Similarly, if the footprint of the foundation is enlarged, the cost of the building will increase exponentially. Therefore, as my personal Generally speaking, it is not recommended that you build such a tall building, and the height of one mile is enough to ensure that no one can surpass it in the next 20 years."

"Well, I took it for granted." Yang Jing admitted with a smile that his guess about the 1992-meter tall building was a mistake.It is not impossible to build such a tall building, but is it necessary to build such a tall building?
In fact, the height of a mile is also very shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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