Easy Tycoon

Chapter 1032 What's wrong with this world?

Chapter 1032 What's wrong with this world?
Just when Yang Jing refuted Fujita Chuuji loudly, in a heavily guarded building far away in Yanjing, several old men who often appeared on TV were having a meeting to discuss something.At this time, one of the old men who had met Yang Jing frowned slightly, looked down at the vibrating communicator, then waved at the other elders, and then connected the communicator.

After listening to a few words, the old man ordered lightly: "Bring a laptop and come over and have a look."

The old man put down the communicator, and several other old men looked at the old man curiously. He smiled lightly and said, "There is something unexpected, so our meeting is temporarily suspended. The one we have been paying attention to The little guy seems to be talking a little big. Well, I don’t know the specific situation, I asked Xiao Li to take the laptop, and I will be able to see the rebroadcast on the Internet in a while.”

Just as the old man was talking, the door of the room was gently pushed open. A middle-aged man in his 40s walked in with a laptop, and then connected to the projector in the room. Soon, everyone The footage of Tianqu's press conference was displayed on the screen.

This video is exactly the video of Yang Jing berating Fujita Chuji a few minutes ago. It was rebroadcasted on the Internet, and it only lasted a few minutes.After watching this video, several elders smiled wryly and shook their heads.

Xiao Li quietly took out the laptop, and there were only these old people left in the room again.One of the old men said: "I can't see that this little guy is still an angry youth. But that's fine, young people need to have such drive and courage."

Another old man said with a smile: "I really appreciate this little guy, but what he said this time is a bit too much, I guess I have to wipe his ass."

The first old man shook his head and said: "I don't think we need to take action on this matter. This little guy is very capable, we just need to wait and see. Those people in the island country may not be able to suppress this little guy. Don't Forget, the Pacific Capital under his name scares our analysts."

Several elders nodded slightly.
And in Tokyo, Japan, 1 kilometers away from Tianqu, in an office in a building that is also heavily guarded, the short Japanese Cabinet No. [-] angrily threw the remote control in his hand on the ground. The poor TV remote was smashed to pieces on the ground.

The secretary who heard the voice hurriedly pushed the door open and entered. Seeing the debris on the floor in the room, the secretary who had followed No.1 for many years asked worriedly, "Your Excellency, you'd better not be so arrogant. Your health is not good."

No.1 stared fiercely at the secretary as if his eyes were breathing fire, but the gentle look in the secretary's eyes made No.1 calm down gradually.

"This damned young man dares to say such wild words on such an occasion!" No.1 said bitterly. Obviously, although he controlled his temper, he still felt sorry for the eloquent talker on TV. Young people are still very resentful.

The secretary was watching the live broadcast of the press conference on his laptop just now in the outside office. Of course he knew why his boss was angry.

But what about getting angry?If that terrifying Pacific Capital really listened to that young man, then all the cabinet members including the boss would have nothing to do with that young man.

The huge capital force that has suddenly risen in the past six months is simply unbelievable. Some super rich people, including the heads of super chaebols such as Mitsubishi and Mitsui, as well as ministers from various departments of the cabinet and their own bosses, once got together After discussing this Pacific Capital, the result was very frustrating.

This is said to be a superpower established by American capital forces, and it has penetrated too deeply in Japan. Let alone targeting this Pacific capital, even if it is a little bit of a move to this Pacific capital, I am afraid that the entire Japanese economy will be destroyed immediately. Falling into economic turmoil and even economic recession that lasted for several years or even more than ten years.It's like the economic collapse that started in the late 80s!
Japan can no longer afford such economic turmoil and recession.

Therefore, the secretary carefully persuaded: "Your Excellency, you must not be impulsive at this time, that Pacific Capital can't move. Otherwise, the result you discussed with those ministers and the heads of those chaebols a while ago is very likely to happen .Your Excellency, we cannot afford another economic upheaval."

No.1 glanced at his secretary and wanted to get angry, but in the end he sighed helplessly. He was about to say something when the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

No.1 froze for a moment, then grabbed the phone, and then his face changed several times.

In the end, the No.1 sighed helplessly, said "Got it" with an extremely unhappy face, and hung up the phone.

Although the secretary was curious, he wisely didn't ask.The mood of the boss is obviously worse than before.

But the secretary didn't ask, but this No.1 wanted to talk to someone, because the phone call he received just now was too embarrassing.



"We still underestimated the strength of that young man." No.1 sighed helplessly again, hesitated for a while, and then continued: "The call just now was made by Mr. Ibe, the Minister of Finance, and he told Me, just now there has been a very unusual fluctuation in our foreign exchange market and stock index futures market. It seems that someone is preparing to take action against our yen exchange rate and stock index futures market. According to Mr. Jingbe, this is most likely a warning.”

The secretary gasped, this action must have been too fast.

The secretary was about to say something when the phone rang again. This time No.1 moved much faster. He immediately picked up the phone. After listening to a few words, his face suddenly turned red, but in the blink of an eye, It becomes white.

After hanging up the phone, No.1 immediately slumped in the large boss chair, muttering to himself: "He is a devil, he is a devil."

The secretary looked at his boss worriedly. After a long time, No.1 said weakly: "Watanabe, you should immediately notify the Ministry of Justice and let them file a case against Murashita Fuchang."

When the secretary heard this, his face was shocked, and he couldn't help asking: "Your Excellency, Mr. Murashita is the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, what?"

No.1 waved his hand weakly and said, "I can't help it, the action over there is too fast. The reporter named Fujita Chuji must have been instructed by Murashita-kun to attack that young man on that occasion." Now people's revenge is coming, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has just received a fax, which has some evidence of Mr. Murashita's corruption."

The secretary was also stunned for a long time, and he also murmured to himself: "God Amaterasu is here."

Yang Jing suddenly went into a rage at that press conference. Not only did he throw Fujita Chuji out of the press conference, but he also directly provoked the Japanese government.

If this practice was changed seven or eighty years ago, it would be an incident that could cause war.Even in modern times, it is an extremely remarkable international diplomatic event.Therefore, many Westerners are waiting for how these two economic powerhouses in eastern Asia will split.

According to the usual international practice, the Japanese government will definitely lodge a solemn protest against the Huaxia government first, and then the two sides will sit down to discuss a specific result on this matter.No matter how you look at it, Yang Jing who suddenly lost his temper at the press conference will definitely be sanctioned, and this young man will definitely pay the due price for his outrageous remarks.

After all, individuals are really nothing between two countries.

But what stunned the melon eaters all over the world is that not only the Chinese government did not make any comments on this matter, but even the Japanese government, one of the parties involved, did not even fart.

And the most astonishing thing is that less than 24 hours after this outrageous incident, the Minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Fumasa Murashita suddenly announced his resignation from the post of Minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for personal reasons. Subsequently, the Ministry of Justice Announcing an immediate investigation into Fumashi Murashita
This sudden change made those who eat melons really confused.The young man who should have paid the price has nothing to do with it, and the Japanese government, which was insulted at the press conference, actually made such a behavior of swallowing its anger, which is simply too unreasonable.

However, although the people who eat melons are people who eat melons, there are also many capable people among them.

Therefore, after only a few hours, some clues were fleshed out.

"After Yang Jing, the owner of the Huaxia Grand Canal Museum, suddenly went crazy at the press conference, the Japanese foreign exchange market and stock index futures market suddenly experienced unusual fluctuations. This fluctuation is suspected to be caused by a large-scale capital force. The market retaliates with warnings."

"The former Minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan is suspected of corruption. The Ministry of the Interior of Japan has definite evidence. It is reported that the reason why the Asahi Shimbun reporter Fujita Zhongji openly attacked at that press conference was because of the former Japanese Instigated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology"

"It is reported that Pacific Capital has started a large-scale capital transfer, and some international hot money including Europe and the United States seems to have changed."

"Mr. Wang Jiazan, the curator of the Grand Canal Museum, said that Fujita Chuji was here to find fault. All the collections of the Grand Canal Museum have no illegal origins, and the Grand Canal Museum will mobilize all forces to stop the eyes of those pretenders "

Originally, an event that should have caused an uproar, but was accompanied by so many untrue news, suddenly became so silent.

The vast majority of people who eat melons expressed that they do not understand what is going on in this world.
PS: Bow and thank "Very Lazy Fish" for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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