Easy Tycoon

Chapter 40 Random Events

Chapter 40 Random Events
Looking at the seven high numbers on the website (the last one is an additional number), and then looking down at the lottery ticket he just bought in his hand, Yang Jing just wanted to curse: "I'm a fool!"

The lottery jackpot of this issue is obviously the six numbers on the lottery ticket in his hand, but after Mao traveled around, did these six numbers change?

Yang Jing covered his head speechlessly, staring blankly at the mobile phone and the lottery ticket. He really didn't understand why such a situation would happen.

"Could it be that I shuttled back and accidentally traveled to another parallel time and space?" When such a situation occurred, this was the first thing Yang Jing thought of.After all, it only took me an hour to start this time travel by myself, and even bring it back, but why did the lottery numbers change yesterday?

But look at the furnishings in the room, look at the familiar mobile phone in your hand, and look at the wall clock hanging on the wall. It is true that only one hour has passed, and the time displayed on the wall clock and your watch is In agreement, Yang Jing never believed that he was teleported to another parallel time and space.

But if it wasn't for traveling to another parallel time and space, what reason is there to explain the reason for the change in the lottery ticket number?
An hour ago, the number was still the same, but after turning around by myself, why did the number change completely?
Moreover, one lucky person has already won the lottery number yesterday. Now that the number is changed, will anyone still win the prize?
Thinking of this, Yang Jing quickly tapped his phone a few times, and it turned out that he could clearly see on the website that in this lottery, there was still one lucky winner who won the first prize of 1812 million pounds!

"Hold a big grass! How could this happen?" Yang Jing was really a little confused.

Suddenly, a memory came to my mind.

"Warning: After activating this skill, the time and space where the host stays will be disturbed by the space-time paradox, causing the random events in that time and space to not follow the historical development track. Please also pay attention to the host not to waste too much energy on random events. ——The gains outweigh the losses."

As soon as this memory appeared, Yang Jing was stunned for a long time, then patted his forehead angrily and said to himself: "How can I be so stupid, why did I forget this warning? This lottery is obviously a typical example." Obviously, after traveling to yesterday, a small space-time paradox has been triggered, and then the number of lottery lottery draws has been triggered. Hey, I am really not lucky. It is very difficult for us to get something for nothing.”

Regarding time and space and the paradox of time and space, even if Yang Jing is a master in the UK, he may not be able to say anything, let alone him, even if Hawking is brought here, he will not be able to explain it. clear.

Therefore, after Yang Jing thought for a while and found that he really couldn't explain the reason why this happened, he decisively put all the responsibility on that warning.

Even the warning of such a miraculous holy ring is enough to prove that the things contained in it are too profound, so let's not waste brain cells thinking about that.

Without that warning, even if Yang Jing's IQ was as high as 142, he probably wouldn't figure out why the lottery number would change in a short time.

When Yang Jing saw this warning, he didn't take it to heart. After all, it was a warning about random events. How many random events could he encounter?

As a result, this was the first time he used space-time travel, and he wanted to find a leak over there, so he immediately gave Yang Jing a big mouth.

"Want to find leaks in this way of getting something for nothing? Tell you, there are no doors, and there is no way to have windows. You should die!"

Yang Jing is not a person who will stick to the edge of the horns. Now that he has figured out this matter, except for a little bit of reconciliation, Yang Jing quickly put this matter behind him.

Since this method of getting something for nothing cannot be used in time and space travel, then we will not have this kind of thinking in the future, so as to save wasting energy.

Picking up the phone and exiting from the lottery website, Yang Jing started to fiddle with the phone's video, and soon, the video from more than an hour ago was called out.

In the camera, Yang Jing clearly saw himself standing there wearing a hoodie, and then tapped his hands a few times in the air, but he disappeared from the camera with a "swish".

This video is the situation when Yang Jing activated the "restricted space-time shuttle" more than an hour ago.

Obviously, when this "restricted space-time shuttle" was activated, it directly transferred the physical body of Yang Jing, the host, to another time and space, not just the spiritual body as in the legend.

In addition, it can be confirmed again from this video that when the Holy Ring interface appears, outsiders really cannot see it, only you can see it.

As for the video when the shuttle came back, the mobile phone did not record it. The mobile phone entered a dormant state long after the video was recorded, and it was impossible to take pictures of myself when I shuttled back.

Yang Jing put down the phone, looked at the lottery ticket that had teased him once, and then angrily ravaged the lottery ticket into a ball of paper, and then threw it into the trash can without hesitation.

"Your sister, dare to tease me, the trash can is your final destination!" At the end, Yang Jing spat bitterly.

Pulling the chair over, Yang Jing sat down on it, put his legs up on the desk, stared at the sky outside, and said to himself: "This short time travel is not very successful, but It also proved a lot of things, and generally speaking, it was worth it.”

"I have to say that this kind of advanced skill is really a good thing. If there is enough energy to support it, you can get countless benefits just by using this kind of energy. If the identification skill is a boat that allows you to fish in the offshore A small sampan, then this limited-level space-time travel skill is a deep-sea ocean-going fishing boat that can travel all over the world!"

Yang Jing rubbed his chin, "It seems that the most urgent task now is to absorb energy for the Holy Ring. Without the support of energy, let alone an ocean-going fishing boat, even that small sampan won't be able to start!"

"It's true that I have 200 million pounds in my hand, but if I want to buy antiques with this money, it seems that it is not enough at all. Now there is still a month or so before I get my diploma, why don't I take this opportunity to go to the European continent Take a stroll? There are quite a lot of art markets in continental Europe, and there should be a lot of chances to miss out. Well, this is a good plan. After we sweep the art markets of European countries, we will return to China.”

(End of this chapter)

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