Easy Tycoon

Chapter 61 Preparing for Zhang Family

Chapter 61 Getting Ready to Go Home
Seeing the fat man feasting, Yang Jing asked with a smile, "Fatty man, what's going on? Why did Professor Wilson help me?"

The fat man put down the knife and fork, and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. He was very satisfied with the meal. Even though Yang Jing had only been out for three days, the fat man had already been hungry for three months, so he was really satisfied with this French meal .

"Actually, there is no reason. I often went to Professor Wilson's house to grab a meal these days, but the old man quit. He asked me why I didn't eat at my own house and insisted on coming over to eat with him, so I said you are rich. I went to France and Germany to wander, so the old man took care of it."

"Damn, you're just a prodigal, I'm going out to relax, okay?"

The fat man laughed, "Actually, Professor Wilson is concerned about you. You know that France and Germany are not very stable recently because of the immigration problem from the Middle East, and the whole of Europe is not very good, especially France. A terrorist attack? So the professor is afraid that you will go out alone and have an accident. Besides, the dissertation defense is just like that. If there is a relationship, it can be arranged in advance. The relationship between Professor Wilson and Professor Fishbold is so good. It’s okay to arrange a defense for you in advance.”

Hearing Fatty's explanation, Yang Jing was quite moved.

Professor Wilson is not his mentor, but just because of Fatty's words, he has settled this matter for him with affection, and he must find an opportunity to thank the old man properly later.

"Fatty, what does Professor Wilson like? You are so familiar with the professor, you must know."

The fat man picked up the knife and fork, and ate a piece of steak. "The professor is getting old, and apart from antiques, the only thing he likes is black tea. Lao Yang, if you have a chance, buy some black tea for the professor. He really likes this kind of thing."

Yang Jing remembered it in his heart.

Afterwards, the two chatted while eating, and ate a French meal for more than two hours before returning to their rental house.

This hut may not look too big, but I have lived here for two years, and after going out for three days, I still feel that this hut is kind.

In the next few days, Yang Jing plunged into the library to prepare for the upcoming first debate.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare. The initial defense is very simple. Several old professors gather together to ask you a few questions, and then point out some minor flaws in your thesis, let you go back and revise, and finally conduct the final formal defense.

Although the defense of a master's degree is a bit more complicated than that of a bachelor's degree, it is actually the same.Yang Jing, who had already had a graduation defense experience in China, was not too nervous.

However, since Professor Wilson was moved to help him, if he didn't pay attention to it, he would really feel sorry for the old professor.Even if it's just a superficial appearance, it's better than making Professor Wilson unhappy.

In fact, defense is just a method of testing, and the real core lies in your graduation thesis.For this, Yang Jing is still very confident. After all, he is also a top student with an IQ of 142. A small graduation thesis will not trouble us!

The initial debate on Friday went very well, and the graduation thesis written by Yang Jing was unanimously praised by several old professors. Yang Jing also really worked hard on this thesis, so the initial debate was basically not picked out by several old professors What's wrong.

Professor Fishberg was obviously very satisfied with himself as a Huaxia disciple, and he happily told Yang Jing to go back and correct a few minor flaws in the thesis as soon as possible, and then prepare to defend his graduation thesis next Friday.

Yang Jing couldn't wish for Fishberg's sudden request.

He really had enough time in the UK, and it was a great thing for Yang Jing to be able to go home one day earlier, so he readily agreed to Fishberg's request and promised to pass the final defense once.

The following week was also spent in a busy schedule. After Friday passed, Yang Jing, who was full of smiles, walked out of the defense meeting slowly.

The final graduation thesis defense was the same as the initial defense, and went very smoothly. Yang Jing also answered the questions raised by some old professors that were extended from the thesis very calmly and brilliantly.

In the end, the old professors who participated in the graduation thesis defense agreed that Yang Jing's graduation thesis was passed.

This also means that Yang Jing has successfully graduated from Royal Holloway College.

However, if you want to get a diploma, you need to wait until after the graduation ceremony.The graduation ceremony is scheduled for the first ten days of November, and there are almost 20 days left.

Regarding this, Yang Jing didn't want to wait any longer.If he hadn't defended his thesis in advance, Yang Jing might have been patiently wandering around the European continent for a while.But suddenly the defense was held ahead of time, and the defense was successfully passed, so Yang Jing couldn't hold back the idea of ​​going home anymore.

And once this kind of thinking can't be restrained, it will seem like a fire rising into the sky, making Yang Jing wish he could fly back by plane the next day.

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own grass nest!
Yang Jing, who has lived in England thousands of miles away from home for two years, cannot understand this sentence more deeply.Especially after Yang Jing came to the UK, he never went back home. Now that he has finally graduated, there is nothing that can stop him from going home immediately.

Anyway, the graduation certificate can also be collected on behalf of the fat man. This matter can be entrusted to Fatty. It is also feasible to collect the graduation certificate on behalf of the UK.

Seeing Yang Jing packing up his things there, the fat man sighed helplessly, and said something polite: "Alas, there is always a banquet in the world, so let's close it for 1000 years, and there must be a day of separation."

Yang Jing was in a good mood, turned around and joked, "What's the matter with you today? Isn't it just my brother, I'll go home a few days early? You have been here for six years, so it doesn't matter if you wait a few more days. Wait After returning to China, can't we two brothers meet again?"

The fat man was fiddling with a corner of the bed sheet, and said angrily, "You can go home early if you're fine, but who will cook for me after you leave? When I think about eating hamburgers again, I feel that life is really too much." It's boring."

Yang Jing smiled and shook his head speechlessly, and continued to pack his things.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up, Yang Jing is not as good as before, and in terms of the thinking of young people like them, as long as they have money in their pockets, they don't need to bring anything.

So Yang Jing just packed the three pieces of Wenwan, some clothes and the laptop he bought from Lao Huang, and he was almost done. Yang Jing didn't plan to take the remaining things back home, so he left them to the landlord.

Of course, Yang Jing would take out the three watches from the bank safe before leaving, and the most precious one would naturally be worn on the wrist, and the ones bought for mom and dad would carry two watches with them in the backpack. security check.

The security checks at UK airports are not as perverted as those in China. The security checks at domestic airports would like to strip you for inspection, while the security checks in the UK are much more relaxed.If Yang Jing's two watches were in China, he would definitely have to pay taxes, but in the UK, they can usually pass the security check with a backpack.

As for the watch on the wrist, the British security check basically does not check it, and that is the safest.

PS: Bow down and thank you for the 500 rewards of "Ice Cold Octave" and "Ziyan Tianjiao", and the 73 rewards of "Riding a Turtle to Heaven" and "ljx100"!
(End of this chapter)

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