Easy Tycoon

Chapter 841 Bob's Farm

Chapter 841 Bob's Farm

Montana is located in the northwest of the United States, with an area of ​​38 square kilometers, ranking fourth among all states in the United States, second only to the three states of Alaska, Texas and California.

However, Montana only has a population of just over 100 million, ranking seventh from the bottom among the states in the United States, so this state can be called a sparsely populated state.

Montana's agriculture and animal husbandry occupies a pivotal position in the United States. Here is the granary of the United States, and the income of agriculture and animal husbandry accounts for 70% of the entire state's income.Therefore, in this state, the most is the vast farms and ranches.

Great Falls, where Yang Jing is going, is located in the north-central part of Montana, only 110 kilometers northeast of Helena, the capital of Montana.The city, named for its proximity to the Great Falls on the Missouri River, is a farming, ranching, mining, and financial center in northern Montana.

Around Great Rapids, there is little to see other than neat farms and vast pastures.After hundreds of years of development, it has become a famous farming and animal husbandry town in the United States and even North America.

After Yang Jing's American Airlines flight landed safely at Great Rapids International Airport, west of Great Rapids, Yang Jing walked out of the gate with a trolley suitcase alone, and saw two cowboys holding a writing paper outside. A sign with "Albert Young" is standing outside the gate.

There were not many tourists coming to Great Rapids from San Francisco, and Yang Jing, a yellow-skinned and black-haired Chinese, was among them, and the two cowboys immediately saw them. One of them raised the sign excitedly, and the other pointed at Yang Jing waved.

Yang Jing greeted them with a smile, and when he got closer, he realized that the two cowboys looked very similar, they should be twin brothers.

"Hey, hello, I'm Albert Yang. Did Mr. Zhao from San Francisco ask you to pick me up?"

The cowboy holding the sign put down the sign, stretched out his hand happily and shook hands with Yang Jing, and introduced himself: "Hi, Mr. Yang, I am Roy Jones, this is Michael Jones, we are brothers Two, I am the older brother, and he is the younger brother. It was Bob from San Francisco who called us to pick us up." Bob is Zhao Meng's English name.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yang Jing said politely. It can be seen that the two twin brothers have very cheerful personalities.

The younger brother Michael Jones said: "Mr. Yang, let's go, the car is parked outside. It seems to be snowing in this weather, we'd better go back quickly, otherwise it will snow soon, and the road will be difficult to walk."

Brother Roy Jones reached out to take the trolley case in Yang Jing's hand, and took the lead to walk outside.

The two brothers drove a Ford Raptor F150, a pickup truck known as a high-end car in China, and a work vehicle for farmers in the United States and even Canada.

The sales volume of Ford pickup trucks in the United States is very large. The price of the Raptor F150 in the United States is not high.

The sky outside is really gloomy, but the temperature outside is not too low, but the wind is a bit strong, how can it snow?
As if seeing Yang Jing's doubts, his brother Roy Jones said while driving: "The weather forecast says that a strong cold air is approaching Montana from Canada, and it is now late October. Once this When the strong cold air arrives, it will definitely snow here. It’s like this almost every year.”

Yang Jing nodded. He did know that Montana is the main channel for the cold air from North America to go south. Generally speaking, when the cold air from the North Pole goes south, Montana must be one of the states that suffer first in the United States.

After the car got out of the airport parking lot, it turned south and got on Interstate 15.This highway runs through the north and south of the United States, from Sweetgrass at the border of Montana and Canada in the north to San Diego at the southernmost tip of California in the south, with a total length of more than 300 kilometers.

The farm that Zhao Meng bought in Montana is located in Alm, a small town next to Interstate 15. It is only [-] kilometers away from the airport. At the speed of a Ford Raptor, it takes more than ten minutes.

However, Zhao Meng's farm is not in the small town yet, and he still needs to cross the Missouri River from the small town of Alm to the south bank of the river, and then run about seven kilometers along the country road to finally reach the farm.

Along the way, both sides of the road are full of neat farms and pastures scattered with cattle, sheep and other livestock. In the distance are the majestic Rocky Mountains. The backbone of North America is less than a hundred kilometers away from Great Falls. On the road You can see the mountain range very clearly, and you can even see the snow-capped mountains in the mountains.

The scenery here has a strong rural style, not as rough as Texas, nor as barren as Siberia. Although the land is sparsely populated, it is full of vitality.

"This is the largest town within a radius of ten kilometers, and it is also our hometown." Brother Michael Jones pointed to the town of Alm and said, "There are only a few hundred people in this town, and most of them are nearby farmers and herdsmen. , run their own farms and ranches here, or work for farmers and ranchers.”

Yang Jing asked, "Do you two have your own ranch or farm?"

"My brother and I don't have our own farm or ranch for the time being. The subprime mortgage crisis ten years ago caused our father to lose a lot of money in his investment. My father sold our family's ranch. Now I My brother and I earn money by helping other people manage their farms or ranches, and Bob is one of our employers."

Roy Jones, who was driving, turned the steering wheel, and the car passed a bridge across the river steadily. Then he said: "Bob is a good man. At that time, Julio's wife was seriously ill, and Julio needed money. He was about to sell the farm in his hand. But those vampires wanted to lower the price. At this time, Bob made a move. He bought Julio's farm at the market price, so that Julio had enough money to pay for him. Madame is cured."

The younger brother Michael Jones took the conversation and continued: "Bob said that he bought this farm just to have a vacation place, but he is not good at running the farm, so my brother and I volunteered to give it to Bob. Bob also gave us a very good salary. Although Bob has not been to the farm for two years, our salary has never been less. In return, my brother and I, Oscar and El Vin has done a good job on Bob's farm."

The car was driving steadily on the flat country road. To the north of the road was the winding Missouri River. On both sides of the river bank, Yang Jing could clearly see many well-organized farmlands.In the hilly areas far away from the river, most of them are pastures.

Obviously, the farms near the river should belong to the better farms. After all, water resources are also an intangible asset. Whether it is the United States or China, the farmland near the river is the first-class farmland.

The car walked along the country road for about ten minutes, and there were two houses, one big and one small, and several tall granary storage bins.

"This is Bob's farm, to the northwest of the house, surrounded by rivers on both sides, it is a very good farm." Roy Jones said.

Here the Missouri River makes several successive hairpin bends, and these two houses sit at the bottom of one of these hairpin bends, close to the bank.

The car parked steadily in front of the big house. Yang Jing got out of the car and found that the place was cleaned very clean, and it didn't look like it was cleaned out on a temporary basis. It can be seen that the Jones brothers really Well looked after here.

The big house in front of me is a two-story wooden house. Its appearance is no different from the American private houses that often appear in American movies, but the area is a little bigger. Yang Jing estimates that the house covers an area of ​​[-] square meters. .

"This house was originally lived by the Julio couple and his children. After Bob bought the farm, almost no one lived here. But don't worry, Michael and I clean it twice a week. , the quality of the house is not a problem." Roy Jones introduced while pointing to the smaller house next to him and said: "There is the agricultural machinery warehouse, all the agricultural machinery is stored in that room, there is also a The maintenance room is used to maintain those agricultural machinery and equipment. There is a smaller house behind the house, which is blocked and you can’t see it now. It is the utility room, where some sundries and so on will be placed.”

Yang Jing nodded in satisfaction.The main house in front of me looks a bit old, but it is not in decline. At least from the outside, the house is quite good.

The whole of the house is white and looks clean.The agricultural machinery warehouse next to it is red, which is very conspicuous against the green farmland.

Roy Jones took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and took the lead to walk forward, while Michael Jones carried Yang Jing's trolley case and followed Yang Jing to the door.

Opening the door with a key, Roy Jones said with a smile: "Welcome to Bob's farm as a guest. Mr. Yang, you will be the owner of this farm for a while."

Michael Jones put the trolley case aside and said with a smile: "Yesterday we received a call from Bob, knowing that you are coming to live for a while, so my brother and I bought some food and vegetables in Great Falls this morning. , Flour and rice are in the storage room over there, vegetables and meat are in the refrigerator, I hope you can use them.”

Yang Jing smiled and said: "Roy, Michael, thank you very much, you are so thoughtful. I think, if you are not busy at night, I would like to invite you two to have a dinner with me. I think you guys should like Chinese cuisine.”

(End of this chapter)

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