Easy Tycoon

Chapter 848 Terrible Layout Means

Chapter 848 Terrible Layout Means
After the new century, with the strong rise of Huaxia, Huaxia has also become a veritable "world factory".

The world's largest shipbuilding tonnage, the world's largest cement output, the world's largest chemical fiber output, the world's largest automobile output, the world's largest steel output, and the world's largest mobile phone output
Many world No. [-]s are promoting China's strong rise, but they are also consuming huge resources.

Who would have thought that in the 90s and [-]s, China, which was still exporting oil to earn foreign exchange, would become the world's number one in oil consumption and oil imports after the new century?
In the 80s, it was also claimed that the iron ore that China could use for hundreds of years began to be stretched in the new century. As a result, as China's steel production began to be far ahead of other countries, it even occupied the world's crude steel production Half of the iron ore, which could have been used by China for hundreds of years, has also become China's Achilles' heel.

Oil is okay. After all, in the Middle East, China can import crude oil from countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, and Angola in Africa can also import a large amount of oil. South America, Russia, and Central Asia have all become regions where China imports oil.

No matter how powerful the United States is, it cannot monopolize the world's oil.

But the iron ore really stuck Huaxia's neck.

Huaxia’s iron ore can’t be said to be less. The key is that Huaxia’s iron ore is not strong, with low grade and many impurities. It doesn’t matter if it is small-scale steelmaking, but once it is large-scale steelmaking, it will be produced with such iron ore. The high cost of steel can make people collapse.

In desperation, Huaxia could only import high-grade iron ore in large quantities from abroad.

But there are only so many places in the world that produce high-grade iron ore, and all of them are controlled by the three major iron ore giants. Therefore, these iron ore giants have been tossing Huaxia a lot these years, but Huaxia has not yet The other way is to stare blankly.

Who let others pinch your neck!
Japan is also a big importer of iron ore. Although it is not as large as China, the amount is also very considerable.

However, when the price of iron ore rises, the Japanese will not only not lose money, but on the contrary, they can make a lot of money.why?It's very simple, because Japan's four major consortiums control a lot of high-quality super iron ore, and even the three major iron ore giants, Japan's four major consortiums can deeply affect it!
Because whether it is the iron ore giants or other second-class iron ore producers, the four major consortiums all occupy a large number of shares in it!
Among them, the most far-reaching layout is Mitsui & Co.

As we all know, the production of high-quality iron ore in the world is mainly concentrated in Western Australia and Iron Four Corners in Brazil.

In Western Australia, Japanese companies can be seen almost everywhere. Among the 24 major iron ore mines in Australia, Japanese companies have invested in 8 of them and participated in 16 of them. The Japanese penetrated deeply.

In Brazil, Vale is undoubtedly the largest iron ore giant, but it is such a giant iron ore producer, and Mitsui & Co. also controls 18.4% of the shares.

In Chile, India, and South Africa, as long as it is a place that can produce high-quality iron ore, the Japanese, especially Mitsui & Co., are indispensable.

Therefore, even if the price of iron ore all over the world rises, the Japanese steel companies will reduce their profits because of the price increase of iron ore, but they can't hold back a chaebol like Mitsui & Co., Ltd. that holds a large number of shares in iron ore producers. Make a lot of money with the price increase of iron ore, and then people will subsidize the profits earned to steel companies in China!

No matter how you look at it, Japanese steel companies will not lose money.

If the price of iron ore does not increase, Japanese steel companies will benefit.The increase in the price of iron ore will benefit the four major consortiums in Japan, which in turn will feed back the steel companies in Japan, and the Japanese will also benefit.

Therefore, no matter whether the price of iron ore rises or not, the Japanese will benefit from it!
Only Huaxia suffers.

Yang Jing traveled from the future. Of course, he knew how uncomfortable it was for Huaxia to be stuck by those big iron ore giants. In severe cases, it could even affect Huaxia's economic fundamentals.

I didn't have this ability before, so I could only watch the country suffer huge losses.Now that he has this ability, Yang Jing certainly won't let this situation continue to happen.

Although Yang Jing can't do anything before taking over the Dragon Fund in its entirety, this can't stop him from making plans now.Once the layout is completed, then when I take over the Dragon Fund in the future, and cooperate with Huaxia's strength, the situation of Huaxia being slaughtered by foreign iron ore giants will be completely changed!
The four major consortiums in Japan began to deploy the iron ore industry around the world a long time ago, among which Mitsui & Co. has the deepest and widest layout.

As early as the early 70s, Mitsui & Co. began to deploy in Brazil.At that time, Mitsui & Co. invested in CMM and took a 40% stake in it.

And just a few years later, that is, in 2001, Vale was preparing to acquire CMM. As a result, Mitsui & Co. had already received the news. They bought 60% of the voting shares of CMM from the Frering brothers, the grandsons of the founders of CMM. Mitsui & Co. completely acquired CMM with the previously owned 40% of the shares.

After Mitsui & Co. completely acquired CMM, it sold half of CMM shares to Vale, helping the latter successfully control CMM.

On the surface, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. seems to be helping Vale in vain, but in fact Mitsui & Co., Ltd.'s layout is far more than that.

After the success of this cooperation, Mitsui not only provided products and technologies to Vale, but also actively provided financial assistance to the latter to help the latter expand its business scope.The two sides also have very close personnel exchanges.For example, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. sent someone to serve as the account manager of Vale, and led the account management team of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. to stay in Brazil to promote various businesses with Vale on the spot.

Finally, in 2003, Mitsui once again got a 15% stake in Brazil's Valepar SA - this company is the parent company that controls Vale!
At the same time, with the help of this 15% stake, Mitsui & Co. finally acquired an 18.4% stake in Valepar SA in one fell swoop, becoming the second largest shareholder after the Brazilian government.

Although CMM is not small in scale, compared with Vale's 18.4% stake, it is clear that the value of the latter far exceeds the former.

This operation of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. is a typical example of using a small to make a big fortune, but unfortunately, they succeeded.

Mitsui & Co. has done similar operations in India, Chile, South America and more in Australia.

Mitsui & Co., relying on such a seemingly ineffective operation of a hammer in the east and a stick in the west, finally completed its global iron ore layout!

According to the information Yang Jing got from the future, the shares of iron ore producers controlled by Mitsui & Co., Ltd. on average equal to 8.4% of the shares of iron ore producers in the world!
That is to say, just one Mitsui & Co. controls almost one-twelfth of the iron ore production in the world!
This is definitely an extremely terrifying number, and it is also an extremely terrifying layout method!

It's no wonder that the Japanese are never afraid of rising iron ore prices.Because regardless of the price increase or not, the Japanese are the ultimate beneficiaries!
At present, the iron ore layout of Japan's four major consortiums has not been finalized, but at this stage, with the arrival of the wave of mergers of world mining companies, the Japanese are also speeding up the progress.

They are also very clear that taking advantage of the wave of mergers of the world's mining companies to speed up their deployment is obviously a way to get twice the result with half the effort, so they have also started to speed up now.

It's just that what they probably didn't expect was that a financial turmoil that had been brewing for a long time would interrupt this process, and this was Yang Jing's good opportunity.

The erosion plan was carried out and launched secretly, and it has almost been carried out now, and now there is a good opportunity to carry out a more aggressive plunder of the previous erosion plan.Just like making buns, you need to take a pinch to wrap the buns in the end.

And Yang Jing wants to take advantage of the Asian financial turmoil that will start next year to get the last pinch.And finally swallowed Japan's carefully prepared iron ore layout for decades!

PS: Bow and thank you for the 100 tip of "w Gentle Knife".

(End of this chapter)

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