Easy Tycoon

Chapter 852 Rescue

Chapter 852 Rescue
Although the snow on the road has been cleared, the road surface is still a bit slippery. After all, this is just a country road, and there are not many vehicles on the road. Unlike those major roads, the rolling of vehicle tires alone can wipe All the dark ice on the road melted away.

Yang Jing didn't install anti-skid chains, so he could only drive forward slowly at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

Walking on this country road, the song "Take me home, country roads" played on the radio, which was very suitable for the occasion.It's a pity that the speed of the car can't be increased, which is somewhat regrettable.

The area where Great Falls City is located is not a plain area in the true sense. It is actually still in the Rocky Mountains. If you want to think of the real Great Plains, you have to go another [-] kilometers to the east.

So when driving on the road, you can see rolling hills everywhere.If it is in summer, then the scenery here must be extremely beautiful. At that time, it is full of lush green and full of vitality.But now, although monotonous white is also very beautiful, people's eyes can't bear it after a long time.
Fortunately, this section of the road is not long, only seven kilometers. After running for more than ten minutes, Yang Jing came to the small town of Alm.

When crossing the Missouri River in the south of the town, Yang Jing could clearly see the frozen Missouri River from the bridge. The river surface was nearly 150 meters wide, and it was completely frozen at this time, but Yang Jing didn't know this. How thick is the ice and can it bear the weight of a person?

If the ice on the river is thick enough, you can make a hole in the ice and fish after you go back.

Yang Jing couldn't help thinking of the winter when he was a child, the old uncle took him to break the ice and fish in the Cha River east of Tianqu.
The car quickly crossed the bridge and drove into the town.

The town of Alm is very small, with only a hundred households, but it is distributed in a huge area with a radius of two kilometers.It can also be seen from this small town that Montana is vast and sparsely populated.

Since Interstate 15 crosses the town, the most prosperous areas of the town are on both sides of the interstate.Therefore, here Yang Jing can easily see such things as restaurants, second-hand car dealerships, car repair shops, and a small convenience store.

The town is too small to afford a large-scale supermarket. Only such small convenience stores provide some convenience for local residents.

Anyway, it’s not far from Great Falls. Residents in the town will drive to Great Falls if they want to make large-scale purchases. There are supermarkets in that city that are large enough to meet any of your purchasing needs.

Yang Jing hasn't eaten his lunch yet, so after seeing that restaurant, Yang Jing decided to settle his lunch here.

When he parked the car and walked into the restaurant, Yang Jing met two acquaintances, they were the Jones brothers.

"Hey, Albert, why did you come here?" After the greetings were over, Big Jones asked suspiciously.

"I'm going to go out to buy some things, but because I haven't had lunch yet, I'm here to make a living. What are you doing? You look very tired."

Before Big Jones could answer, a crisp voice sounded. "Roy, Michael, your steak and potatoes are ready, please enjoy."

Hearing the sound, Yang Jing looked up and found a beautiful girl in her twenties standing beside her with a tray. On the tray were two generous servings of fried steak and baked potatoes, and two glasses of red wine.

Little Jones stood up politely, "Thank you Jenny, but I have to trouble you, we still need a fried steak and baked potatoes, our friend is here, we need to invite him to taste your father's cooking, I think I Friends of yours are sure to love your dad's handiwork."

The beautiful Jenny glanced at Yang Jing, and seemed a little surprised by Yang Jing's skin color and hair color, but she still nodded very gently, "Don't worry Michael, my dad's craftsmanship will definitely satisfy your friend of."

Michael looked at the beautiful figure who turned and left, and he was unwilling to take his eyes off for a long time.

Yang Jing knocked on this guy angrily, and said in a low voice: "Why, do you like someone? If you like someone, you should take the initiative to pursue him boldly. Use your eyes to pursue his back, but he will never walk with you. "

Yang Jing's words immediately made Little Jones' face turn red, and made Yang Jing very amused.This is the first time since he met the Jones brothers, he saw this kind of expression on the carefree little Jones, a full-fledged virgin in love
Roy Jones smiled and said, "Albert, don't pay attention to that guy. Michael has been in love with Jenny since he was in kindergarten, but until now he dare not confess. God, my brother is not like this , he can tame the most violent horse, and he can also control the most violent bull, but why doesn't he dare to express his love to Jenny?"

"Roy, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!" Michael blushed fiercely, but Yang Jing was amused.

"Michael, the whole town of Alm and half of Great Falls know that you like Jenny, and even Jenny has been waiting for your confession, but what about your courage?" Roy glared at his brother angrily.

"I" Michael scratched his scalp in distress.

Yang Jing was really happy now. He really didn't expect that a tall American man would be more reserved than a Chinese in terms of feelings. This is really too rare, at least in Among American men, Michael's subtlety is even rarer than giant pandas.

But Yang Jing also knew that it wasn't that Jones' character was weak. On the contrary, Yang Jing knew that Jones' character was actually stronger than that of his older brother Jones, but he met someone who could absolutely subdue him.

As the saying goes, tofu in brine, one thing drops one thing, if that beautiful Jenny is brine, then Little Jones is an unformed piece of tofu.
This kind of thing cannot be interfered by outsiders, it must be realized by Little Jones himself, otherwise it will be counterproductive.Therefore, Yang Jing wisely moved the topic aside.

"I said Roy, I see that you two brothers are so tired, and you look even more embarrassed than cleaning the snow that day. What have you two brothers been doing these two days?"

Yang Jing asked this question just now, but was interrupted by Jenny's arrival, so as soon as the question was uttered, the brothers' attention was immediately diverted.

Little Jones, who was still a little melancholy just now, immediately said, "Roy and I have been saving people for the past two days."

"Save people?" Yang Jing looked at the two brothers suspiciously.

"That's right, it was saving people, and nine people were saved in total!" Little Jones said triumphantly.

Roy coughed, and said with a very satisfied expression: "Michael is right, we have other jobs these two days. Although we are very tired, we rescued nine from the wild buffalo in the north. Visitors from New Orleans."

"New Orleans?" Yang Jing was confused for a moment, and immediately realized that this place is only [-] kilometers away from Great Falls. Running to the northwest corner to play, it can only be said that Americans really know how to play!

"Yes, New Orleans. Two newlyweds."

Yang Jing patted himself on the forehead. He knew that there was such a custom in the United States, that is, newly married couples would drive a car for a romantic self-driving trip, which was an alternative honeymoon.But driving from New Orleans to Great Rapids, these two newlyweds are crazy enough.

"There are eleven people in total." Roy's voice was a little low, "These eleven people are all from Louisiana, two of them are newly married couples, and seven of them are self-driving donkey friends. They bumped into each other on the road, and they came to Great Rapids together."

"After admiring the Great Falls on the Missouri River, they originally planned to go to Yellowstone Park, but they learned from the locals in Great Falls that there is a national-level wild buffalo protection park north of Ulm, so they We went there together to watch the wild buffalo at close range, but we encountered that blizzard."

Michael took the lead and continued: "These eleven people used to live in the warm state of Louisiana. They may have rich experience in how to resist hurricanes, but they don't know how to defend against blizzards at all, and they don't know how to deal with blizzards. The power of the hurricane is actually more terrifying than a hurricane sometimes! As a result, after they arrived in the park this time, they ignored the cold wave warning and camped in the park."

"As a result, when the blizzard came, all their camping tents were crushed, and they didn't see the road buried in the heavy snow in their panic. Three of the four cars in total drove into the deep ditch. The last car Although it didn't fall into the deep ditch, it got stuck halfway up the hillside."

"We didn't get the distress signal until the night after the snow fell." Big Jones took up the conversation again, "It was the three people in the last car who climbed out. However, after working hard for a long time, they found that they could not do this at all. At that time, due to the snowstorm, there was a major power outage in that area, and the mobile phone tower had no signal. So two of them One of the wounded stayed behind, and the other young girl with minor injuries walked for three hours before meeting Mr. Drizzt who was driving home, and then the town got the news that rescue was needed."

"You two also followed?" Yang Jing asked.

"That's right, we are very familiar with that place, so Michael and I were pulled out of the bed by Sheriff Roberts and went to the rescue together. The professional rescue team from Great Falls City also went, but the terrain there was too dangerous. We worked hard for a day and two nights, but in the end only nine people were rescued, and the newlyweds who fell into the deep ditch first had stopped breathing when they were rescued because of severe hypothermia."

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

PS: Bow and thank "Very Lazy Fish" for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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