Easy Tycoon

Chapter 855 Three Apples That Changed the World

Chapter 855 The Three Apples That Changed the World

"Boss, are you sure you want to buy a lot of Apple stocks at this time?" Henry Williams sat in front of Yang Jing and asked with a puzzled expression, as if he didn't believe that the boss would commit such a "low-level "mistake.

From the beginning of speculating on the exchange rates of the U.S. dollar, Japanese yen, and Deutsche Mark, to the stock market crash in [-], the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the collapse of the Japanese financial market, Henry Williams, as the CEO of KY Investment Fund, has been involved in this series of speculations. Participated, so Henry Williams had a lot of admiration for his mysterious boss.

In his eyes, his boss is an omnipotent god in the financial market!

But can God also make mistakes?Otherwise, why did the boss order to buy Apple's stock at this time?But everyone knows that Apple, which used to be so prosperous, is completely dead now, and bankruptcy is its best and only way out!Otherwise, most of Apple's shareholders will choose to jump off the building.

Last year, that is, in 1995, with the release of Microsoft's Windows95 operating system, Apple's performance took a sharp turn for the worse.This year, on February 1996, 2, BusinessWeek even put the famous Apple logo on its cover to illustrate the current headline story: The Fall of the American Idol.

Since Jobs left Apple, Apple has changed three CEOs in just ten years.Especially after computers based on the Windows operating system and Intel processors quickly dominated the entire world, the German Michael Spindler, who succeeded John Sculley as Apple's CEO in 1993, was ousted again, and Jill Amery Oh became Apple's new CEO earlier this year.

Even if Amelio is struggling, there is little hope for Apple to survive in a world where the Windows operating system is combined with Intel processors.

Amelio even chose to lay off staff and reorganize the company's various products into the following four categories: Macintosh computers, information equipment, printers and peripherals, and "alternative platforms."In addition, both the operating system department and the high-tech department have added Internet service departments in an attempt to restore Apple's market share.

And at that time, many people also offered advice to Apple. For example, "Wired" magazine published an article entitled "The Way to Save Apple", which put forward many suggestions for Apple's situation: Sell Apple to IBM or Motorola , increase investment in Newton technology, make full use of Apple's advantages in the US primary and secondary education market, etc.

Wall Street analysts hope and urge Apple to sign a cooperation agreement with Sony or HP.

But after all, these measures are unable to resist the powerful offensive produced by the cooperation between the Windows operating system and Intel processors. Apple's bankruptcy has entered the countdown in 1996!
Looking at Henry Williams' puzzled expression, Yang Jing smiled slightly, "Henry, listen to me, immediately arrange to buy Apple's stock secretly, still use the old method, buy in scattered, don't let outsiders see our intentions .”

"Why? Apple is dead." Henry continued to ask persistently.

Yang Jing rubbed the center of his brows slightly, then looked up at Henry and said, "It's very simple, because of Steve Jobs!"

"Jobs? The one who was one of the founders of Apple?" Henry was even more puzzled, "Hasn't he been kicked out of Apple a long time ago? Will he go back?"

"Bingo!" Yang Jing nodded in satisfaction, "It is precisely because I judge that Jobs will return to Apple, and I firmly believe that Apple will come back to life under the hands of Jobs and will create a more brilliant future, so I will make an order. This decision. If we don’t seize this opportunity at this time, then within a few years, this Apple that is about to go bankrupt will definitely make us regret it.”

"But boss, Jobs has been away from Apple for 11 years, can he come back?" Yang Jing's reason made Henry not as excited as before, "I know Jobs quite well, and I was working at Goldman Sachs back then. When Apple went public, Lehman Brothers was very optimistic about the company. At that time, Apple issued 460 million shares, and Lehman Brothers took a lot of it. Facts have proved that Jobs is a genius.”

After a pause, Henry continued: "However, it is difficult for ordinary people to accept geniuses. Yes, the invention of the Apple II did make Jobs the youngest billionaire in the world at that time, but similarly, Jobs' advanced management Philosophy led to a serious setback for Apple in the next few years under his leadership."

Yang Jing said with a smile: "That's right, the release of the Lisa database and Apple Iie has indeed caused Apple to suffer huge losses, especially the high R&D costs of the Lisa database have encroached on a large amount of Apple's funds. The personal PC detonated the market at that time, and caused Apple Iie to suffer a huge blow, but it is undeniable that Jobs’ business philosophy is actually very advanced. Henry, you can look back at the approved products at that time with our current perspective. Lisa database doing nothing, how do you feel?"

Henry hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "If the Lisa database persists, then there may be nothing about Oracle at this time."

"Isn't that enough?" Yang Jing clapped his hands, "Although Jobs was defeated by the Lisa database, you have to admit that it was only because Jobs' business philosophy was too advanced, not his business philosophy. It is wrong. In fact, if you can really study Jobs carefully, you will find that this guy is really great. I think he is no worse than Bill Gates and Larry Ellison. Even in some aspects, he is stronger than the former two, especially in terms of business philosophy and grasp of the market. I think Jobs is a very amazing guy. So, if Jobs really returns to the Apple, then in terms of his ability, he will definitely lead Apple out of the predicament and to glory again, just like he created Apple back then. And after the failure of the Lisa database, Jobs will be more stable than before and pay more attention to the market experience and feedback. If he can return to Apple this time, then he will not make any mistakes again. And Jobs, who can’t make mistakes, is an extremely terrifying guy!”

Seeing the rare expression of appreciation on the boss's face, Henry couldn't help but pay more attention to Jobs.Although this guy is still doing well after leaving Apple, even better than when he was at Apple, but after all, he is not concerned with the same level as the KY investment fund, so Henry didn't know much about Jobs in the past two years .

"Boss, but Jobs is now a billionaire with Pixar animation, is he willing to return to the big quagmire of Apple?"

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back. Apple is his real child, how could he watch his own child die?" Yang Jing's words made Henry nod involuntarily.

In fact, although Jobs is very beautiful now, it is because Pixar animation brought him.

In 1985, Mr. Joe failed in the power struggle of Apple, and he had to resign as the chairman of Apple and left Apple. Later, he invested 1000 million US dollars from Lucas, the producer and director of "Star Wars", Bought the computer animation effects studio in Emeryville, a subsidiary of Lucasfilm, and turned the computer animation effects studio into an independent company. This company restructured from the computer animation effects studio is the famous Pixar in later generations. animation studio.

Even though Mr. Joe left Apple and started playing animation, the computer is still his favorite, so while he was banishing Pixar, Mr. Joe started the NeXT computer. He hoped that the NeXT computer could be Become the second Apple Computer, and beat the current Apple.

It's a pity that Gangzhu Qiao, who left Apple, has been reciting words in the past few years. Even though he invested a huge amount of money in NeXT computers, the sales of NeXT computers have always been tepid, and it can even be said to be dismal.

From the establishment of NeXT computers to the acquisition of NeXT computers by Apple, in the past ten years, NeXT computers have only sold a poor 1995 units.Especially when the powerful storm generated by the combination of Windows operating system and Intel processor swept the world in [-], not only Apple computers were fatally hit, but NeXT computers were also hard to escape.

The NeXT computer, which was not selling well, became a tasteless computer!

At this time, the leader of Qiao's gang was really about to become the leader of the beggars' gang. At that time, he was also so poor that he almost sold his blood and essence!
But the east is not bright and the west is bright, maybe God can't see the former genius being so downcast, so God quietly opened a window for Gangzhu Qiao.

Pixar animation, which Joe Gang didn't care about at first, unexpectedly produced the first computer 3D animated film "Toy Story" in human history after a few years of planning.

A movie immediately changed the gang leader Qiao's guns, and the gang leader Qiao who was almost forced to sell his blood and semen immediately transformed into a billionaire with a net worth of one billion dollars!

After solving his own difficulties, Qiao Gangzhu immediately turned his attention to Apple, which he once loved most.Apple is his own son, and now his own son is facing the danger of death, how can the father, Chief Qiao, allow his son to die?

Therefore, at the end of this year, under the operation of Jobs, Apple will acquire NeXT Computer for [-] million US dollars, and Joe, who was ruthlessly kicked out of Apple back then, will return to Apple again as a savior!
Then everyone knows what happened next. As soon as Gang Leader Qiao took office, he immediately took the initiative to contact Microsoft, which was in a close relationship with Apple, because Microsoft was desperately trying to explain the monopoly issue to the US Department of Justice. If Apple went bankrupt, it would definitely be detrimental to Microsoft. Influence.Joe's gang leader grasped Bill Gates' worry and persuaded Microsoft to inject 1.5 million US dollars into Apple, allowing Apple to obtain extremely valuable funds.

With this funding, Apple was stabilized, and then Chief Joe began to display his talent that had been suppressed for more than ten years. The great success of the iPod in 2001 was a concrete demonstration of Jobs' talent.

With the great success of the iPod, Apple has ushered in a turning point. Mr. Qiao made drastic reforms to Apple again. Using his keen sense of the market, he launched many popular products in succession, and continued until the launch of the iPhone!
It can be said that when the iPhone came, Apple ushered in the most glorious decade!

Some people even described the appearance of the iPhone as "one of the three Apples that have changed the world".

In the history of human development, the appearance of three apples changed the world.The first one is the apple eaten by Adam and Eve in the Bible, which changed the world’s cognition; the second one is the apple smashed on Newton’s head, which changed the physical world; the third one was the bite in the hand of Jobs Apple, which changed the technology world.

It may be an exaggeration to say this, but I have to admit that Apple mobile phones have indeed changed the world.

And this is also the ultimate goal of Gangzhu Qiao's life-to live is to change the world!

he made it!

(End of this chapter)

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