Easy Tycoon

Chapter 879 The Graveyard

Chapter 879 The Graveyard
The layout of the small town of Ita is similar to that of Chascomus. It is divided into "tofu blocks" by narrow streets. The whole city looks like a Go board when viewed from the air.

The small town is dominated by Hispanic and Italian Paraguayans, and there are also some Germans and Indians in the city, but in general, whites still make up the majority.

In a community near a cemetery in the northwest of the city, Yang Jing and the others found the house where Martin Bowman lived at that time.

According to the information obtained by Yang Jing, after Martin Baumann fled to Paraguay again from Chascomus, a hermitage in Argentina, he came to Ita under the pseudonym Hermann Schroeder and stayed here. Purchased a house and continued to live in seclusion.

It's a pity that not long after coming to Ita, Martin Bowman suffered from stomach cancer. He persisted for four years. In the end, the executioner did not die on the gallows of the Allied forces, but died in a local school. in the hospital.And his body was also buried in the cemetery not far from the house where he lived.

As for the skeleton excavated at West Berlin's Leerte Station, although it was undoubtedly Martin Bowman after DNA testing, Yang Jing believed that Martin Bowman had indeed died in Ita at that time, but it was later discovered by some intelligence The personnel bribed the local officials, secretly dug out the remains of Martin Baumann, transported them back to Germany, and buried them near Leert Station.

As for why those intelligence personnel did this, it is actually very simple.

After all, Martin Bowman was a very high-ranking war criminal. As Hitler's secretary-general, he knew a lot of secrets about corruption, and the crimes he committed were enough for him to be hanged dozens of times.But it was such a war criminal who should have appeared on the gallows, but finally escaped from Berlin, which was tightly blocked by the army. It would be strange if there was no trick in it.

The reason why this kind of thing happened, I can figure out why with my butt.

It's very simple. Martin Bowman has a lot of secrets about the German government, and many of them have clues to the hidden treasures. He was able to escape from Berlin, apparently in exchange for some clues to the hidden treasures.

Don't think that the Soviet Red Army controlled by Stalin is a good person. In the face of huge interests, it is estimated that few people can hold the bottom line.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Martin Bowman was let go by the Soviets.

Later, since Martin Bowman died of stomach cancer, his body was still useful.For example, take the above-mentioned method, smuggle his remains back to Germany, and dig them out at an "appropriate" time.

How about it, Martin Bowman didn't let us go, did he?He himself committed suicide here!
So, don't blame us for letting Martin Bowman go!

Maybe someone let Martin Bowman go because he was greedy for wealth. This was a very serious mistake.But since the mistake was made, find a way to make up for it.Obviously, using this method to make up is a very good way.

For such a simple matter, Yang Jing asked himself, if he were a high-level executive in those countries, he would use this method to quell the condemnation of the domestic people.

Moreover, based on the information in hand, it is enough to prove that although Martin Bowman escaped from Germany and has a follow-up trial, the executioner has always been under surveillance.But why didn't the intelligence personnel of these countries take Martin Bowman back for trial?It's also very simple.

The reason why Martin Bowman was able to escape to Argentina smoothly all the way, there must be a shady exchange insider, and if a person like Martin Bowman is re-arrested, he must undergo a public trial, and no one dares to keep it secret Kill this guy.

Then the problem arises, once Martin Bowman accepts a public trial, the shady story of his escape to South America will inevitably be exposed, which will undoubtedly be a huge humiliation to the Allied government, and may even trigger a certain The government fell.

Under such circumstances, rather than bringing this guy back, it is better to let him fend for himself.

Whether it is the United Kingdom, France, the United States or the Soviet Union, it is not as radical as the Israeli agents arresting Adolf Hillman. The governments of these countries have too many things to consider, because their own buttocks are not clean. Is it open?
"Boss, it has been confirmed that that house is the house where Martin Bowman lived." On the third day after arriving in Ita, Chris gave Yang Jing an answer with certainty.

With the experience of Chascomus, Chris and the others are naturally becoming more and more familiar with doing this kind of thing, especially in a poor country like Paraguay, where money can settle almost everything.

They want to inquire about some information for more than 60 years, and directly opening the dollar is more effective than any other method.So they easily found relevant information from the archives of the Ita City Government that had been dusty for more than half a century.


Looking at the yellowed documents in his hand, Yang Jing also felt that the charm of money is indeed full. Chris and his gang actually took out all the original files from the archives of the city government.

These files clearly record how Martin Baumann, whose alias was Hermann Schroeder, entered Paraguay, how he bought a house in Ita, how he died, where he died, and where he was finally buried. It's clearly documented everywhere.

"Boss, this house is now owned by a Hispanic family. We have observed carefully. The family now has an old lady in her 70s who is suspected to be the owner's mother. The owner is a husband and wife. There are three children below. Two boys and one girl, the youngest girl is in elementary school, and the two boys are already in middle school. This family is normal and there is nothing suspicious. Moreover, this house was purchased by the old lady's father in the early 60s Yes, more than half a century ago."

Hearing what Chris said, Yang Jing nodded.Obviously, this house was returned to the public after Martin Bowman died, because Martin Bowman had no heirs, so after his death, this house must not be inherited to others.Then after the city government took back the house, it was sold to the grandfather of the current owner after a while.

"Come on, take me there to see that house, and, have you found the cemetery where Martin Bowman was buried?"

Chris nodded and said: "I found it. Martin Bowman's cemetery under the pseudonym Herman Schroeder is still in that cemetery, and it is well preserved. But it is estimated that it is empty below." He smiled kindly.

Some things in these materials Yang Jing did not hide from Chris, so he also knew a lot.

"Okay, let's go and have a look now!"

The result of looking at the house is naturally that there is no P. Like the house I saw in Chascomus, the owner of this house has changed a long time ago, and the owner of this house has not changed in more than half a century. Knowing how many times this house has been repaired, even if there is something hidden in it, it must have been discovered long ago.

Yang Jing used the Sky Eye skill, but naturally he couldn't see any clues, so he could only retreat and took a group of people to the cemetery.

The cemetery is not far from the house where Martin Bowman lived, just two streets away.The cemetery is not big, surrounded by lush trees, and judging from the trunks of these trees, these trees are at least 100 years old.

A small Catholic church is located on one side of the cemetery. The combination of church + cemetery is very common in Western countries. When Yang Jing was hunting for treasure in the Philippines, he had seen many such combinations.

Both the Philippines and Paraguay were formerly Spanish colonies, so most of the Catholic churches here have cemeteries.

Today's weather is a bit gloomy, and it is rare to be cooler, but the cemetery is very quiet, and there is no one in sight.

Yang Jing told Chris and the others to wait outside. He and Gege walked towards the church with two bouquets of flowers bought from a flower shop outside.

"Yang Jing, why did we present flowers to the executioner?" Gege couldn't understand Yang Jing's actions.

"Hehe, don't worry, I naturally have a reason for doing this. Because intelligence shows that when Martin Bowman lived here, he would come to this church every week and donate a lot of things to this church So, I would like to use the identity of the descendant of Herman Schroeder to chat with the priest in the church to see if I can get any useful clues. You will say this when you meet the priest in a while."

Gege was a little unhappy, she knew the identity of the guy who was going to pay homage today, even if it was pretending, she felt a little uncomfortable.

While talking, the two walked into the church, and a priest greeted them when he saw them.

The reason why Ge Ge was pulled was because Yang Jing didn't understand Spanish, but Ge Ge understood it and spoke it very slickly.

Sure enough, the priest chattered to the two of them in Spanish.

Yang Jing didn't understand, so Gege pushed forward. According to Yang Jing's previous instructions, Gege explained the reason for coming, and after the two of them exchanged some more, the priest said in broken English: "Mr. , the cemetery of the Herman Schroeder you are looking for is in the southeast corner of the cemetery. After you go out from here and go there, you will soon see Mr. Schroeder’s cemetery. Schroeder It’s been a long, long time since no one has visited Mr.’s cemetery, forget it, let me take you there.”

(End of this chapter)

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