Easy Tycoon

Chapter 896 Niubi's Martin Bowman

Chapter 896 Niubi's Martin Bowman
Now that this notebook has been deciphered, everyone has understood the layout of Martin Bowman.

It has to be said that it is absolutely impossible to be able to achieve the position of one person under one person and above ten thousand people in the Third Reich without sufficient IQ and EQ.Especially if he was able to become Hitler's secretary-general, if he didn't have something in his stomach, without Hitler telling him, Martin Bowman would have been troubled by those wolf-like bosses long ago.

The seat of Hitler's secretary-general is a position that countless leaders dream of.And Martin Bowman was able to sit in this seat all the time, eventually even replaced Hitler as the real master of the Third Reich, and even witnessed Hitler and Eva committing suicide together, which is enough to prove Martin Bowman's power place.

Is Goring better than a cow?Nor would he be marginalized by Hitler in the end.In comparison, Martin Bowman is undoubtedly better than Goring!Because the reason why Goering resigned and even was arrested was actually behind Martin Bowman's tricks.

A few days before Hitler's suicide, Goering never saw Hitler and could not learn about Hitler's situation, so this idiot, at the instigation of others, even sent a telegram to Hitler. Ask Hitler whether the law of succession promulgated by Hitler on June 1941, 6 is still valid.

This telegram is also very famous, and the main idea of ​​the text is this: My head of state, do you agree that I will immediately take over the entire command of the country in accordance with your order of June 1941, 6, and act on your behalf in the country with full freedom? action?If I do not hear from you by 29:10 tonight, I shall consider you to have lost your freedom of action, and that the conditions are in place to carry out your order, and I will act in the best interests of the country and the people.You know that my feelings for you cannot be expressed in words at this critical time.May God bless you and make you come here quickly against all odds.

——Your faithful Hermann Göring
If it had been half a year ago, this telegram might not have caused much confusion to Hitler, but at this sensitive moment Goering sent such a telegram.
Martin Baumann and Hermann Göring have never been dealt with. They are political enemies.So at this moment, how could Martin Bowman not get in trouble?
So Martin Bormann, who was always by Hitler's side, said to Hitler: "My great head of state, you have to be careful with that kid Goering. That kid wants to rebel and seize your power!"

Perhaps Hitler wanted to hand over the succession to Goering at the time, but Martin Bormann made such a fool, and the Air Marshal of the Third Reich immediately gave a sad reminder.

Hitler was so enraged by Martin Bormann's words that he ordered Goering to be arrested immediately before committing suicide, and he was expelled from the party and held secretly in a villa until the Allied forces captured Goering.

From this incident, we can see how amazing Martin Bowman is!
This thing can't be accepted, the facts are there, you say that it's Martin Bowman's bullshit!Otherwise, why was it you Goering who was arrested instead of Martin Bowman?
so.Such a smart person, if he wanted to leave some information that he didn't want outsiders to know, the method he used must be very, very powerful.

It seems that the way this guy used to transmit or retain information this time is extremely clever.The first is the notebook he left behind. It seems suspicious on the surface, but no matter how you study it, you will never get in, because this notebook needs another book to match, and that book, Martin Bowman had already donated it to the local church. It is estimated that even the intelligence officers would return it to the church after checking that there was nothing tricky in the "Bibles" or books.

After all, this involves the issue of belief. If you dare to take things out of the church, the local police will not arrest you, and those church members will never let you go!

Therefore, this most important tool is actually concealed among donations.

Taking a step back, even if those intelligence personnel got both the notebook and the "Bible", it is estimated that those intelligence personnel would never come up with such an incredible way to dismantle the "Bible" to match the notebook.

Even if they took a step back, those intelligence personnel got lucky and fell for this method to the death. They tore out all the pages in the "Bible", but could they draw a map of Argentina?Will they be able to find the coordinates of that Chascomus?
You must know that it is possible to crack this step today, which is the result of several people colliding with each other. If someone does not know the correct cracking method, it is absolutely impossible to crack this step.

From here, it can be seen that Martin Bowman is really awesome!

Anyway, Yang Jing boasted that he couldn't come up with such a powerful way of transmitting and retaining information, even if he has almost cracked it now, it's because the blind cat ran into the nest of dead mice.
In fact, this method of deciphering is not so difficult. The key is that one link is one link, and each link is beyond the thinking of normal people. Once there is a problem in any link, then this problem will not be solved. .

Now it seems that the secret in this notebook is just short of the last hurdle.That is to dig out all the suspicious words in the forty or so pages of the "Bible", and then dismantle them one by one and rearrange them, using the most stupid exhaustive method to try to get this last hurdle down.

In fact, until now, the rest of the work is almost a very simple matter.But if you use this exhaustive method to crack the secret of this notebook at the beginning, it will be almost impossible.

Among other things, this special printed version of the Bible alone has more than 600 pages. Although Martin Bowman did not leave a mark on every page, he at least left a mark on more than 500 pages. How many words do you have?Not to mention too much, if two words are marked on one page, that is a thousand words, and if a thousand words are recombined, using the exhaustive method, what a huge project it must be?
But now there are only about forty pages of the "Bible" left, and there are not a hundred words marked in total.

The most important thing is that the previous main clues have been found, so the final scope will be limited.As long as the exhaustive method is used to exclude within this range, the correct answer can be found out quickly.

Of course, this kind of work must be handed over to Brian Scott, and Yang Jing's words also made Brian very motivated.

"Bryan, if you can solve this last level in the shortest possible time, the boss will give you a big red envelope of 88 yuan!"

This made Brian feel like a bull in heat, and made everyone else envious
PS: After a series of treatment measures, the old lady's condition stabilized, and Lao Mo felt much more at ease.At present, Lao Mo is already living in the hospital, and the laptop that has not been used for a long time has come in handy, but he is not used to using the laptop to type.
(End of this chapter)

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