Easy Tycoon

Chapter 931

Chapter 931 Nonsense
It seems that Yang Jing is a Chinese, but he has never been to the 2008 Yanjing Olympic Games. He watched all the competitions, including the grand opening ceremony, on TV.

There was no way, the family was not rich at that time, and Yang Jing’s age did not allow him to go to Yanjing to watch the Olympic Games alone, so Yang Jing, who was preparing for his sophomore year in high school, could only watch TV at home to enjoy his eyesight.

But it’s different now. As Cole Smith, he can easily sit near the rostrum in the opening ceremony of the Yanjing Olympic Games, and Pete Wu has already been working on this matter Well, given Pete Wu's status as a gangster in China these years, it is extremely difficult for him to sit on the rostrum, but if he wants a few seats near the rostrum, then there is no problem at all.

Originally, Yang Jing didn't want to use Pete Wu for a long time, but it turned out that the guy got better and better in Huaxia, even with the KY Investment Fund Huaxia Branch.Of course, Pete Wu's main duty in China is to spend money. Apart from buying some antiques and gems, his main job is to do charity.

As for antiques, there is so much courage in this area that Pete Wu doesn't need to worry about it at all. In addition, there was no way to transport jadeite out of Myanmar around [-] or [-]. The jade mine opened by Yang Jing in Hotan There has been no large-scale mining, so Pete Wu basically has nothing important to do in the past ten years, so he has been doing charity in China according to Yang Jing's instructions.

Yang Jing gave Pete Wu a target of 2000 million US dollars a year, that is to say, Pete Wu will do 2000 million US dollars in charity work in China within one year.
If this figure was placed in the 80s, it would undoubtedly be a foreign exchange figure that could shock the highest level, but in the middle and late 90s, especially after entering the new century, this amount of money is nothing.

However, Pete Wu has been insisting on doing it all the time, and adding 2000 million US dollars is not a big deal for China in the new century, so Pete Wu is not well-known in China, and his name is only hung by some officials. with.

Such a patriotic overseas Chinese, a patriotic overseas Chinese who has been doing charity work for more than 20 years, actually seems to be quite important in the eyes of some senior officials.

However, Pete Wu is not young anymore, and Lao Na simply retired a long time ago. Therefore, Yang Jing also began to train successors here, but this is all a digression.

With Pete Wu, Yang Jing, Old Mike, Amanda, Henry and Cesar easily got the tickets for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and the five of them also watched a great opening ceremony on the spot Mode.

After all, David and Niam were still worried, so they did not come to Yanjing, but stuck to their respective posts.Because the global financial turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis is about to break out completely, they dare not and are unwilling to leave their posts at this moment.

For them, fighting in the financial market is far more enjoyable than watching an Olympic Games.

Yang Jing also didn't finish watching the Olympic Games. He just took time to watch the [-]-meter trapeze final after watching the opening ceremony, so he didn't bubble up from this time and space.

Time is like a fleeting moment, whether it is in the original time and space or in the past time and space, it is like this.

In the original time and space, Yang Jing traveled to the past time and space every now and then to take a look, because the time node of the past time and space at this time has come within ten years, and the time flow rate has been increased to 1:2, staying in the past time and space for two days. Time and space will pass a day.Therefore, every time Yang Jing travels by night, he stays for half a day at most.

In this way, when the original time and space came to April, Yang Jing deliberately spared a few days to travel to the past time and space again.

"Mike, are you in good health?" Yang Jing asked the panting old Mike with a smile.

This is a certain day in the autumn of 2015 in the past time and space. Yang Jing came to Baton Rouge, the capital of Louisiana, which is the hometown of Mike Aller.

This afternoon, the wind was sunny and the wind was very small, so after a sumptuous lunch, the two of them went to a golf course not far from Old Mike's manor to play together.After playing four holes in a row, the old Mike, who was nearly eighty years old, began to breathe a little.

"Hey, Cole, although I am not young, my body is fine. But you, you have shown less and less time in the past few years. It seems that you are aging faster than me." Mike is old-hearted, and after hearing this, he immediately counterattacked.

Yang Jing smiled and nodded at Old Mike, and gave him a thumbs up to show his approval for his unyielding spirit.

After hitting the tee shot and a long shot of more than 300 yards, both of them refused the battery car driven by the caddy, but continued to walk slowly towards the landing point.

Today's weather is very good, neither hot nor cold, and the wind is small, so both of them like to enjoy the gift of nature slowly in this weather.

"Cole, how is the search for your successor going? I will be 80 years old next year. Although I am very disobedient, I don't know how long I can take care of the Dragon Fund for you. Cole, The Dragon Fund now needs a successor. Look at the successors of David, Henry, and Niam. They have become very mature now, even better than Henry and the others back then. But the huge evil If the Dragon Fund does not have someone who can continue to control her, I am worried that there will be no leader. I am in good health now, so I can take good care of the Dragon Fund for you, but once my health is not good "

Old Mike was obviously worried.

Yang Jing smiled, and then said very confidently: "Mike, based on your physical condition, you can work until you are 90 years old. I can assure you of this. You are really as good as I gave you and me 20 years ago. Vivian's body conditioning is for nothing, right? Just look at Vivian's physical condition now, and you will know how your body is doing!"

Old Mike nodded with a wry smile. His own body knew best, so Old Mike had no doubts about what Yang Jing said.

This is indeed the case, as Yang Jing said, even though Old Mike is 80 years old, his physical condition is much better than most of the elderly people in their 80s. It is extremely difficult to see in the elderly who have reached the age of [-].

And it’s not just old Mike, his wife, Vivienne who once suffered from leukemia, is in great health now, if no one else tells her, no one knows that she is an old man who is nearly 60 years old, you say she is more than [-] years old Some people believe in age.

Old Mike hesitated for a while before saying: "Cole, you should know that what I said just now was not to shirk my responsibility. I am very willing to take care of the Dragon Fund for you. After all, the Dragon Fund is something I watch Established and grown up, for her, I think it is like treating my own daughter. But Cole, you should understand that Frank, Harrison, Joseph and Christopher need to have a clear allegiance They are still young. Although they are extremely loyal to you now, what will happen once we are all old? Who will they be loyal to? So Cole, you should find a qualified successor as soon as possible. Passing on the Dragon Fund is also re-establishing an object for Christopher and the others to be loyal to wholeheartedly."

Yang Jing stopped, looked at the caddy more than 100 yards away, nodded thoughtfully and said: "Mike, you know that it is not so easy to find a qualified successor. time."

"But you have been looking for 15 years. Since the Millennium Annual Meeting, you have said that you want to find a suitable successor, but now it is 2015"

Yang Jing made a slight pressing motion with his right hand, and then said: "Mike, you can't be anxious about this matter, and it's useless to be anxious. You know that my master's inheritance is a lineage full of fantasy, so I want to find The successors in your eyes are different from the successors in your eyes. Mike, let me tell you the truth, the inheritance of our lineage is extremely miraculous. For example, my master who has passed away long ago, part of his consciousness is actually always in the back of my mind"

Hearing this, Old Mike involuntarily widened his eyes and looked at Yang Jing in disbelief.

Yang Jing nodded and said: "That's right, the skills of our lineage can actually allow a person to live another life. In other words, if I find a successor that suits me, then even if I My body is dead, but part of my consciousness can also be passed on through my successors, until the death of my successors, that part of my consciousness will truly die."

Old Mike pointed at Yang Jing tremblingly and asked: "You mean, once you find a suitable successor, part of your consciousness will continue to exist in your successor? The time is."

Yang Jing nodded affirmatively, "Yes Cole, you are right, this is the biggest secret of our line, I will tell you now, I hope you can keep this secret for me."

Old Mike sighed, then nodded sincerely.

Yang Jing continued: "It is precisely for this reason that it is very difficult for me to find a successor suitable for our lineage of skills. It is like fishing for an embroidery needle in the sea." Yang Jing sighed. Tone, "So, Cole, this matter is not only you who are anxious, but I am also very anxious. You know that I can roughly calculate how long my life expectancy is. If my calculation is good, I My lifespan should be about five years, so no matter what, I have to find my successor within five years."

Hearing this, Old Mike was shocked, "Cole, you mean your lifespan."

Yang Jing smiled slightly and said: "Mike, my master once taught me a word, that is, sometimes you must have a hit, and when you don't have a hit, don't force it. Therefore, I am very open to many things. After all, I still have five years to go." I don't worry about it for a few years, what are you worried about? Besides, I already have some ideas about my successor or my disciple. In the next few years, I need to investigate him carefully. Fan, if he can pass my approval, then you don't have to worry about the successor of the Dragon Fund. The most important thing is that even if I die, part of my consciousness can still survive through my disciples in this world"

Even though it was nonsense, Yang Jing thought about it for a long time before he came up with it.Yang Jing had no choice but to do this. If he wanted to successfully take over the Dragon Fund and get the support of Old Mike, his current incarnation, Cole Smith, had to say this, so that Old Mike would fully support him in the future. .

After a pause, Yang Jing looked at the old Mike and said sincerely: "Mike, I need you to support my disciple. Once he fully takes over the Dragon Fund, I need you to support him without reservation!"

Old Mike nodded heavily again, "Don't worry Cole, you entrusted the Dragon Fund to me to take care of it, and I did it. Now you entrust your disciple to me, and I will take good care of him as well!"

(End of this chapter)

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