Easy Tycoon

Chapter 944 Dark Night King

Chapter 944 Dark Night King
At this moment, more than a dozen armored escort vehicles rumbled over from a distance, interrupting Chris's thoughts.

The convoy soon arrived in front of this warehouse. These gray-black armored escort vehicles were large and looked extremely powerful. On the side of the vehicle, a very eye-catching and familiar name was uniformly sprayed-Allied Barton.

"Are these the armored escort vehicles of the Union Patton Security Company?" Seeing this familiar name, Chris believed what the old man said just now.If he didn't have enough right to speak in the Alliance Barton, it would be absolutely impossible for this old man to mobilize so many armored escort vehicles in such a short period of time.

Of course, if Dark Shield really holds 22% of the shares in the Union Patton Security Company, then mobilizing these armored escort vehicles in a short period of time is just a matter of a few phone calls.

After the convoy came to a complete stop, a hale and hearty old man in his 70s got out of the leading car. Chris wiped his eyes involuntarily as soon as he saw it.

"Christ, Jesus! Isn't this Mr. Brown who is called the 'Night King'?" Chris muttered in disbelief.

As for this hale and hearty old man, Chris had seen him twice before. One time was when he was still in the Titans organization. The old man is younger than now.

Another time, before Chris followed Yang Jing, when he accompanied the big boss of the Titans organization to participate in a national security conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he saw the big boss of the Alliance Button, the big boss of ADT and several other big bosses with his own eyes. The bosses of the security company were all talking around the old man, all with flattering expressions on their expressions.

At that time, the big boss of Titan was not qualified to speak up.

At that time, Chris was very puzzled, who is this old man in Niubi.

So he asked his boss this question, and the big boss of the Titan organization told him an answer: "This Mr. Barton, known as the 'King of the Night' in our security circles, is the leader of all major security companies around the world. Dear great man!"

Since then, Chris has remembered the old man of Niubi.As a result, I did not expect to see this old man here today, and what surprised Chris even more was that after getting out of the car, the old man walked over and said respectfully to his current boss Yang Jing: "BOSS , I brought you the vehicles you need, and at the San Francisco airport, we have prepared two C-17 transport planes. Once the things are delivered to the airport, they can be loaded on to New York immediately. After arriving in New York, there Someone will take care of it."

Yang Jing nodded with a smile and said, "Nathan, thank you for your hard work."

Nathan nodded slightly and said, "Then I will arrange for someone to deliver the goods now." As he said, Nathan waved to the back, and immediately dozens of armed men put down their weapons and pushed some big ones one by one. The boxes went into that warehouse and started packing.
Chris who saw this scene was really stupid.That Mr. "King of the Night", why did he call his boss "BOSS"?When did Yang Jing become the boss of this night king?
But at this time, Chris couldn't ask the boss, because the boss also walked into the warehouse and stood there watching those people packing the boxes.

After taking out these things, Yang Jing spent a lot of precious energy to do a simple "repair" on these treasures, using the restoration skills of the holy ring to protect these treasures, the effect is far better than those of the Palace Museum's cultural preservation experts Do cultural preservation work.Moreover, Yang Jing deliberately controlled not to restore these treasures completely, otherwise it would be really hard to explain such good-looking Tang Dynasty calligraphy and paintings and hand-copied Buddhist scriptures.

However, although these treasures have undergone a simple repair, they must be carefully packed. If one is damaged, even though there are repair skills to guarantee the bottom line, the loss is not small.

But obviously Yang Jing's worry was a bit superfluous. These guys who looked like big and three thick guys were very cautious when doing this kind of work, and they really managed to handle it with care.It is estimated that Nathan had told them many times before doing this job, and they probably knew the value of these antique works of art, so they were so careful when packing them.

It took about an hour or so for all the antiques and artworks in this warehouse to be boxed. Hundreds of large plastic boxes over one meter square were sent into those armored escort vehicles one by one. The escort cart was full.

After all this was done, Nathan came over to say hello, and he had to escort these things to New York along with him.Ordinarily speaking, in terms of his status, he didn't need to do these tasks in person, but this was the first task assigned by the new boss, and Nathan had to lead the team to complete it himself.

"Nathan, are these people reliable?" Yang Jing asked.

"No problem, they are all very reliable jobs." Nathan's answer was affirmative.

"Okay, then you don't have to follow. You can hand it over to someone in charge and let him escort these things to New York. It's OK. You stay and I want to tell you something."

Nathan Brown was stunned for a moment, then nodded, then turned around and waved at a man in his 40s. After the man trotted over, Nathan said a few words to the man in a low voice, that The man nodded, turned around and led the convoy away.

"Come to Nathan, let me introduce you to a good buddy. This is Chris Barton, a good buddy who has been with me for more than three years. Chris, this is Nathan Brown, the CEO of Darkshield Security Company."

Chris shook hands with Nathan with an excited expression, "Mr. Brown, I'm your fan. I've known you since seven or eight years ago."

Nathan Brown looked at Chris and asked with some doubts: "Have you worked for Roberts before? I have a little impression of you. We seem to have met before."

The Roberts that Nathan said was the big boss of the Titan organization.Nathan's memory is excellent, even if he met Chris seven or eight years ago, he can still vaguely remember it.

"That's right, Mr. Brown, before I followed Albert, I was indeed working in the Titan organization. Later, Bob Zhao brought us here to be responsible for Albert's safety. Later, Albert asked me to leave Titan, and I Always by Albert's side."

Yang Jing said: "You two don't come here to compliment and compliment, let's go, let's go to the airport first, and we'll talk about it carefully when we get on the plane."

Yang Jing and Nathan got into Old Mike's car, while Chris and his group of bodyguards got into their respective cars, and drove to the airport south of San Francisco together.

Old Mike's Boeing BBJ3 is big enough, although there are not enough seats including Chris, but it doesn't matter if Morris and Kevin Martin take seats or not.

After the plane took off, Yang Jing called the bodyguards who had been following him over, and Nathan Brown came with them.

As for Nathan Brown, apart from Chris, the other bodyguards did not know him, but they had also heard of the nickname of the Night King. The group of bodyguards immediately showed the expressions of fans seeing their idols.

"Nathan, I heard from Old Mike that you and Austin want to retire?" Yang Jing asked Nathan Brown who was sitting opposite him.

"Yes, BOSS, in fact, as early as a few years ago, I mentioned it to Mr. Smith many times, but Mr. Smith has never agreed. Austin and I are not young, and some things are deeply involved. Feeling powerless, so the two of us really wanted to retire seven or eight years ago."

"Well, since you have this plan, let me recommend a successor to you now. What do you think of Chris? He is now one of my most trusted people, and he is very capable. I think you and Austin Stick to it for two years, train Chris well, and then you can retire and travel around the world with your family."

"Wow, that's really good. If Austin knows the good news, he will be so happy that he won't be able to sleep. As for Chris, no problem, leave it to me and Austin, we will use the shortest It took a lot of time to develop Chris."

As Nathan said, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked in an inquiring tone, "Boss, do you want the Dark Shield to surface?"

"Well, I have this idea, but I still have to ask for your and Austin's opinions. Nathan, do you think the Dark Shield should surface after Chris takes over?"

After hearing this, Nathan thought for a while before saying: "Boss, in fact, both Austin and I think it is good for Dark Shield to maintain the current situation. Just like our name, Dark Shield, we are hiding in the dark Shields. If we surface, some things will not be so easy to do. On the contrary, hiding under the water can be very beneficial to us."

After a pause, Nathan continued: "And I think fame is of no use to us. Like now, we use capital to participate in the internal affairs of major security companies around the world, which is equivalent to those security companies doing things for us. .We can just hide behind those security companies and do what we want."

Yang Jing nodded, and he also knew that what Nathan said was actually very reasonable.After all, the Dark Shield was established under his own order. At that time, the idea of ​​​​establishing the Dark Shield was to control a trustworthy and powerful private armed force in his hands.

Over the years, Dark Shield has developed extremely well, especially with the huge capital advantage of the Dragon Fund, Dark Shield has penetrated into major security companies around the world. With these famous security companies standing in front of them, Dark Shield is even more Safety.

So Yang Jing also thought for a while and said: "Well, you are the experts. If you think it is best not to surface, then the dark shield will continue to maintain its current state. However, you two should teach it with all your heart Chris, try to get him to take over from both of you this morning."

"Don't worry, boss, even if you don't tell me, Austin and I will do our best. We both want to retire and take care of our retirement." Nathan Brown said to Yang Jing with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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