Easy Tycoon

Chapter 982 surfaced

Chapter 982 surfaced
The question asked by Christopher Mendes was also a question that everyone present wanted to ask, and Yang Jing naturally would not fail to answer it.

"Chris, what you asked is right or wrong. The Dragon Fund has been lurking below the water surface for too long. It has developed into a giant, it is still lurking underwater, and these subsidiaries under the Dragon Fund also need to lurk.”

Yang Jing propped his elbows on the table, looked at these executives and continued: "I know it's a very unfair thing for you to do this, the dragon fund itself is fine, but whether it's KY investment The funds are still Pacific Capital, Atlantic Capital, Acatel Capital, Feiyang Group, and Meifang Group. They have been lurking underwater like the Dragon Fund for a long time. I think this is really unfair to you. Uh, there are also Henry, David, Niam and other figures of the older generation."

"We all know that if these subsidiaries of Evil Dragon Fund can pay the price, even if you appear in front of the world as the bosses or executives of the subsidiaries of Evil Dragon Fund, then you will get countless people With your attention, countless people will fall for you, and your influence is even greater than that of the US federal president!"

Yang Jing's words made everyone nodded silently. In life, after meeting the most basic needs of life such as food and clothing, what else do people want?Nothing more than fame and fortune.For these executives, they already have enough benefits. It is no exaggeration to say that if they were willing to disclose their net worth, I am afraid that the top dozens of the so-called Forbes rich list would have already included by these people.

But again, after they get enough benefits, they have to give up some things, such as "fame".

They are all aware of the trade-off, and they are willing to make it.After all, compared to the reputation of not being able to eat, wear, play, or use, the real dollars or euros in your hands are the most fundamental.

Therefore, even if they envy those who are famous and rich, such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates or Buffett, they still choose to remain unknown.

Of course, deep down in their hearts, they still hope to become that kind of big shot who can gain both fame and fortune.

As the little boss said just now, once all these subsidiaries under the Dragon Fund surface, it won't be long before they will immediately become one of the most watched small group of people in the world.What Wall Street giants, what consortium controllers, what financial giants, these titles that are daunting and envied by countless people will inevitably be placed on their heads one by one.In some respects, their influence can really surpass that of the President of the United States.

Who wouldn't want to live a life like this?Who doesn't want to gain both fame and fortune?

However, due to the strict orders of the Dragon Fund, they can only work as underground workers in obscurity for many years.
But now, the little boss actually said these words, which obviously wanted to change the rules set by the big boss before, which was undoubtedly a great thing for them.

"Chris, the reason why what you just said is right or wrong is because the Dragon Fund will still be lurking underwater for some time to come. After all, this big guy is too big. If it surfaced rashly, I don't know what kind of chain reaction it will trigger, so, just to be on the safe side, this evil dragon should lie obediently under the water! Save some dragon slayers coveted."

"Hahahaha." There was a burst of cheerful laughter immediately, and the tense atmosphere just now eased a lot.

"However, guys, if this evil dragon does not surface, it does not mean that these little evil dragons under your control must not surface. Yes, congratulations, because I have decided that from now on, KY Investment Fund, Pacific Capital, Atlantic Capital, Acatel Capital, Feiyang Group, and Meifang Group can slowly surface! You, too, will slowly become the financial and industrial elites that attract worldwide attention!"

As soon as these words were uttered, although many people had realized something just now, it still made the scene quiet down immediately.But this silence lasted for less than two seconds, and then it was suddenly broken.

Yang Jing didn't stop them from celebrating happily, but watched with a smile on his face.After their excitement gradually recovered, Yang Jing said: "These subsidiaries under the Dragon Fund can surface, but again, the speed should not be too fast, which involves what I want to say today about It is a matter of adjusting the business you are in charge of."

"Just now I said about Acatel Capital, yes, I have decided to form the Acatel Banking Group. In the future, Acatel Capital will no longer focus on investing in the IT industry, but will shift all the focus of work to the formation of the Banking Group. Reese!"

"Boss, I'm listening." Chris said seriously.

"Most of your subordinates were in charge of investment before. Therefore, within the scope of the entire Julong Fund, you can give priority to selecting talents who are proficient in banking. You will still be the CEO of Acate Banking Group in the future. I need you The Carter Bank Group was successfully established. As for the procedures for mergers and acquisitions in the United States, which government departments and financial regulatory departments need to deal with, you are in charge. If there is anything that cannot be resolved, old Mike, Henry And David and Niam are still there, I ask them for help. I know that Master invested a huge amount of money in many developed countries a long time ago to expand political contacts. What Master invested before can now be returned. It's time."

Henry and David nodded with a smile.Especially Henry said very simply: "Chris, if you really have trouble in some aspects, you can call me directly, and I will help you settle everything."

Christopher Mendes said: "Boss, with Henry helping me, I will definitely complete the task you entrusted."

Yang Jing nodded, and said to Frank Abbas: "Frank, the KY investment fund you control will mainly invest in many companies in North America and South America in the future. The KY investment fund will invest normally and then get dividends. Master. All North American and South American companies participating in the investment under the Julong Fund will be handed over to KY Investment Fund in the future. The specific issue of equity changes is up to you to handle. In the past, we supported BlackRock Group and Vanguard Group As well as other companies holding shares in the name of investment funds, they all changed to the name of KY Investment Fund.”

Henry smiled and said: "Frank, you are still lucky. The KY investment fund I was in charge of back then showed up briefly during the stock market crash in 1987, and then plunged into deep water and never came up again. Now The boss agrees that the KY investment fund will go up again, then you must not lose the name of our KY investment fund!"

Frank smiled and said, "Don't worry Henry, I was brought out by you, I know what to do."

Yang Jing smiled and said: "Frank, don't just go up and down, you must control your speed and pay attention to the reaction of the outside world. Well, besides the Boston Consortium, you must have known the core figures of the other major consortiums a long time ago. We can have more exchanges with them in due course and win over more allies."

Frank nodded heavily.

Yang Jing turned his attention to Harrison Johnson, CEO of Pacific Capital, and Joseph Hunter, CEO of Atlantic Capital, and said: "Harrison, Joseph, the businesses you two are responsible for basically remain the same, Harrison, you are still in charge of Asia except China. Everything other than Oceania. Joseph, you are still in charge of the business in Europe and Russia. Of course, like Frank, you can go up.”

The two CEOs looked at each other and nodded excitedly.

The two of them are also the two leaders of the Four King Kong under the Evil Dragon Fund, not to mention their personal wealth, and now they are about to reap the belated reputation. It would be a lie to say that they are unhappy.

"Michael, your Feiyang Group can also show up at the right time. After all, Feiyang Group is currently the largest shareholder of the three major luxury jewelry groups. We have no reason to remain silent. We are in the business of luxury goods. If the head is not loud enough, who would buy our luxury goods?"

"Don't worry, boss, I know what to do. I promise to make our Feiyang Group famous all over the world." Michael Bulk, who is over [-] years old, said with a smile.

"And you, Donald, the Meifang Group you control can also exert its strength in the world. I want to see a real estate company that is so huge that it is the number one in the world in the next few years."

"Yes Sir!" Donald Tomitz made a funny salute of an American soldier, causing everyone to laugh again.

"Also, since our capital is too large, and I don't have the keen vision and judgment of my master, so even if the Dragon Fund conducts financial speculation in the future, it will control the scale. I plan to set up another The department dedicated to financial speculation and investment is, after all, the tradition of our Dragon Fund and cannot be lost. So I plan to wait until our Acate Banking Group is established, and the Acate Banking Group will establish an investment bank. Chris, it's OK for you to take charge of this."

"In addition, I have two more things to announce here, that is, I am going to set up the No.12 subsidiary of the Dragon Fund, the name is Rongbao Mining Holding Group, and this Mr. Guo Dabao will be in charge of the group. CEO. Frank, Harrison, and Joseph, you transfer all the small and medium-sized mining companies under your control and hand them over to Mr. Guo. As for the shares of more than a dozen mining giants in your hands, they will not be used for the time being. We need to give the newborn Rongbao Mining Holding Group a strong umbrella!"

"Yes, boss, we will complete the handover in a short time." Several people answered in unison.

PS: Bow and thank "Very Lazy Fish" for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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