Easy Tycoon

Chapter 994 Picking up the Bride

Chapter 994 Picking up the Bride

On September 2020, 9, many red lanterns were hung up in the entire Grand Canal Leisure Park, and where there were pillars, there were all affixed with big red 囍 characters.

And in the compound of the National Cotton Factory across the road, the trees on both sides of the main avenue that traverses the east and west of the compound of the National Cotton Factory are also covered with red lanterns.The trees are also plastered with the word "Happy".

The wedding of Yang Jing and Bai Yugege will be held today.

At first, Old Mike suggested that the boss's wedding be held on a private island in the Caribbean Sea, which was also bought by Cole Smith more than 20 years ago and is now owned by Yang Jing.The island was big enough, with a small airport and yacht marina, and enough residences on the island to entertain dignitaries, tycoons, and other celebrities from all over the world to watch the ceremony.

At first Yang Jing was quite tempted, but there were two reasons that made him abandon the island. One was that according to the weather forecast, the island was very likely to be hit by a hurricane on the wedding day.The second and most important reason is that neither Father Yang nor Mother Yang agreed to hold a wedding abroad.

In the words of Father Yang, we are descendants of Yan and Huang, so why go abroad for the wedding?Just do it at home, no one says it won't work!

Yang's mother naturally stood with her wife on this matter, so when Yang's father and Yang's mother objected, Yang Jing had no choice but to put the wedding venue in Tianqu.

Now Yang Jing's family has moved to live in the villa in the Grand Canal Leisure Park, and Yang Jing's grandparents and uncle's family have also moved here, so the house in the National Cotton Factory is vacant.

Gege's hometown is in Jinling, so it was impossible for Yang Jing to go to Jinling to pick up his bride on the wedding day, so according to the local customs in Tianqu, he temporarily regarded his grandfather's apartment as Gege's natal home. Gege's parents, uncles, aunts, and aunts The little uncle and her cousins ​​and cousins ​​all came, as did her grandma.

So on the day of the wedding, Yang Jing only needs to walk about a kilometer more to bring Gege from her "natal home" to her home.

The master of ceremonies for the wedding was a well-known male host of the National TV Variety Channel. As for the manager, it was Yang Jing's uncle.

Speaking of Yang Jing's uncle, Lao Sun, he is the famous wedding director of the entire National Cotton Factory. Back then, there were more than 100 couples sent out from Lao Sun alone, so for the position of wedding director, Lao Sun is doing his part.

Tianqu City currently has one five-star hotel and two four-star hotels, plus the extremely high-end Liuhu Courtyard although there is no star, it is enough to handle the celebrities and dignitaries who came from all over the world to watch the ceremony.

Yang Jing's secretarial team had already booked all these four hotels, and all the celebrities and dignitaries who came from all over the world in the past few days were arranged to stay there.And as early as half a month ago, the secretary's team ordered as many as 4 Mercedes-Benz S600s and some Mercedes-Benz GL-class SUVs from Mercedes-Benz [-]S stores in several major cities in China for use by these celebrities and politicians and their teams.

For such an arrangement, those celebrities and politicians would not say anything. After all, Tianqu's conditions are limited, and it is already very good to be able to achieve this step.They were not very concerned about the quality of the reception, they were most concerned about Yang Jing.

As the Acatel Banking Group, KY Investment Fund, Pacific Capital and Atlantic Capital, Feiyang Group and Meifang Group have gradually surfaced in the past month or so, celebrities and politicians all over the world immediately realized that in this world there will be another Several super consortiums will be added.

And it just so happened that the Yang Jing who got married today turned out to be the largest shareholder of these major groups, so this Yang Jing's status is quite extraordinary.

The Acate Banking Group is okay to talk about, but KY Investment Fund, Pacific Capital and Atlantic Capital are the largest holding institutions of many multinational groups in Europe, America and Australia. What does the common largest shareholder of these three multinational groups represent?
Therefore, when Yang Jing's invitation was sent to these celebrities and dignitaries, almost no one could refuse the invitation.They came to this small Tianqu City, one is to see who this newly rising tycoon is, and the other is that this wedding is also an excellent communication platform.

It is definitely not an easy task to have so many super rich and core figures of the consortium and those politicians appear together.But today, at this wedding, these super rich people and those celebrities and politicians were able to get together. This is undoubtedly an excellent exchange gathering.No one can resist the allure of a meeting of this class.

Therefore, out of the more than 150 invitations Yang Jing sent out, except for those who were really unable to come because of something, there were a total of 130 or two important people who came to the small Tianqu City.

There are so many big figures gathered in the small Tianqu City, among them there are many heavyweights such as the former president of the United States, the top ten super rich people on the Forbes rich list, and the core figures of major consortiums, which immediately aroused the attention of Huaxia. Pay attention, officials even visited Tianqu in person to meet with these celebrities and dignitaries.

Those things are not considered by Yang Jing, no matter what other purpose those celebrities and politicians gather here, they are not what he cares about today.Yang Jing's most important task today is to marry his daughter-in-law into the house in a good manner, and everything else has to be put in the back row.

Since the wedding is going to be held at home, it is natural to hold a wedding with Chinese national characteristics.Therefore, Yang Jing and Ge Ge decided to hold a classic Tang Dynasty wedding.

Throughout the 5000 years of China, the most powerful era of the entire China was the two dynasties of the Han and Tang dynasties.It's just that the Han Dynasty was too far away from modern times, so the young couple decisively chose the Tang Dynasty.

Today, many of Yang Jing's high school buddies and college classmates came, and there were thirty or forty couples. With these guys, at least there would be no shortage of people for the wedding.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Yang Jing was wearing a crimson official uniform of the Tang Dynasty, a soaring crown made of pure gold, and a pure white thoroughbred horse under his crotch. The stunned celebrities and dignitaries cupped their fists and saluted.

As the so-called red men and green women, since the wedding was held according to the wedding customs of the Tang Dynasty, Yang Jing, the groom, must wear a bright red Tang suit.As for the thoroughbred horse, it was purchased by Michael Burke from England more than ten days ago, and it cost Yang Jing more than 60 pounds.

And Yang Jing's buddies and college classmates were also wearing Tang suits, laughing and laughing, leading horses, clearing the way, like the henchmen of ancient young masters, it was very lively.

The gong and drum team invited from Tianqu Art Troupe also wore festive clothes and played in front of them. The festive music one after another pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

After bidding farewell to his parents at the door, Yang Jing rode on the steed and headed west with a "da da da".Many nearby residents who watched the excitement followed loudly, and some children ran around excitedly.Today is Sunday, and there are many people off work.
More than ten minutes later, Yang Jing, who was riding a tall horse, came to Ge Ge's "natal house", but this was originally Yang Jing's grandfather's house, and today it is not so close.

Because in the wedding customs of the Tang Dynasty, after the groom's official arrived at the bride's home, he had to recite a makeup reminder poem, urging the bride to dress up as soon as possible, and then come out and take a car to the groom's home to get married.

Yang Jing also recited two makeup reminder poems, and today he can take out one of them to show off.However, even after reciting makeup poems, this gate is still not so easy to enter, because there is still a link of "becoming a son-in-law" in the wedding customs of the Tang Dynasty.

The so-called "son-in-law" originally refers to a wedding custom when the son-in-law returns home to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law in the wedding of the Tang Dynasty. For fun, until the son-in-law is beaten dizzy, it can be understood as a woman's demonstration. In ancient times, it really meant equality between men and women. Since there is a bridal chamber to tease the bride, then the son-in-law must be beaten when he returns home game.

However, in modern times, some customs have to keep pace with the times, and this "son-in-law" etiquette has been moved to the wedding process, that is, when the groom marries the bride.

Although there are not many natal family members of Gege who came to the scene today, there are many girlfriends, handkerchief friends and female classmates who can't stand Gege.A group of women headed by Ge Ge's girlfriends really tormented Yang Jing. It can't be said that they beat Yang Jing into a pig's head, but they still made Yang Jing run around with his head in his arms. In the end, if Ge Ge didn't protect Yang Jing , I'm afraid Yang Jing, the new bride, won't be able to pick it up.
There were quite a few celebrities and politicians who came with them, and when they saw this scene, they all burst into laughter. Where had they seen such a festive and interesting wedding?

After completing the "saddle seat" and "barrier car" and other links in this house, Yang Jing finally received Gege smoothly to the eight-carried sedan chair parked outside.

Yang Jing picked up the bride on horseback today, and the bride naturally had to take a sedan chair after going out.But what made everyone laugh was that the eight bearers of the sedan chair, each with a strong back and waist, looked full of strength, but they were all blond and blue-eyed foreigners
These bearers were all bodyguards sent by Andun, but on this occasion, there was no business for them, so Yang Jing was arrested as a coolie.

A group of blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners acted as bearers, which amused the surrounding crowd to laugh. This is really a Western scene.It is estimated that since ancient times, no one has been able to use foreigners as bearers so well.

A large number of people had surrounded the white horse and the sedan chair, almost blocking the wide road.

It took about twenty minutes for the bride's sedan chair to arrive at the door of Yang's villa.

At this time, Yang Jing took over a golden bow and arrow handed over by the guys. Before the bride got off the sedan chair, he, the groom official, had to "shoot the sedan chair curtain".The so-called "shooting the sedan chair curtain" in the Tang Dynasty wedding is to let the groom hold a bow and arrow, and shoot three arrows at the sky, the earth, and the bride respectively, with the intention of raising the bow to avert danger.This ancient custom is said to be able to drive away the evil spirits of the bride. At the same time, it also has another meaning, which is to give the bride a blow and remind her to abide by women's ethics and be a virtuous and virtuous wife after becoming a new daughter-in-law.

When she was playing with the sedan chair curtain, Yang Jing would help Gege down with tulle on her head, and then they would walk over the brazier placed in front of the door together.This hall is called "Cross Brazier".

This "crossing the brazier" means that the bride and groom step over the brazier together to avoid evil spirits and pray for a prosperous life in the future.Of course, there is another theory about "crossing the brazier". According to legend, it is to prevent the "following ghosts" from tracking. Ghosts are afraid of fire and cannot cross the brazier.

After stepping over the brazier, the real climax of the wedding will come soon.
PS: It’s a thousand chapters, and Yang Jing also took his daughter-in-law home. Don’t you fellow book lovers express their congratulations?
(End of this chapter)

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