Eating Melon Seeds At The Awards Ceremony, Is This Guy Really The Actor?

Chapter 76

075: Xie Heng Is Recognized! All Male Fans! Too Crazy!

Reba’s eyes lit up a lot!

Girls, even if they are already stars.

But I am still interested in makeup.

What’s more, it can still be turned into an acquaintance~!

They are very happy with this kind of work.

And listen to Uncle Chen say.

When dancing the fire dragon.

Can’t wear clothes.

This made Reba even more interested!

Not only Reba, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room reacted very fiercely.

In retrospect, Xie seems to be doing nothing but filming.

There has never been a scene where you need to go into battle barebacked!


Xie Heng nodded.

Reba sent a message to Yang Mi and the others.

Talk to them.

Xie Heng and Uncle Chen need to go to prepare for the fire dragon dance.

Let them not worry.

After the beef is sold out.

Just go directly to the Elderly Activity Center at the entrance of the village to gather.

Soon, Xie Heng and Reba took their place.

Today’s young people are basically concentrated here.

It’s funny to say.

The place with the most young people in the village.

It turned out to be at the gate of the elderly group.

Wearing some ancient costumes like singing opera.

But it is carefully designed.

It’s easy to take the top off.

And wrap it around your waist!

Still looks handsome!

At this time, there are not many make-up artists in the village who can help.

Very busy.

After noon.

They are already here to help with makeup.

It’s half past four.

There are several people!

Because, when dancing the fire dragon.

Not just a fire dragon dance.

Including the wandering god team is also going to join it.

There were only two or three girls in all.

Help with makeup here.

The amount of work is really huge!

“I told you not to move!”

“It’s over, here comes another person.”

The little make-up artist first ruthlessly pulled the ears of the boy in front of him.

It looks like a familiar village.

Afterwards, the make-up artist noticed another person coming behind him.

His face fell down.

Their hands are going to cramp today!

“Hello, please sit next to me first.”

“There may be a few more people here.”

Although stressful.

But the makeup artist politely asked Xie Heng and the others to sit down and rest.

“It’s okay, let’s borrow some tools.”

“I’ll use it as a reference to help him transform.”

Reba watched the situation.

I’m sure I’m sorry to bother people anymore.

“That’s great, and it’s actually not that difficult.”


The makeup artist said while turning around to look for a brush.

His eyes met Reba’s.

“Hot… Hot Ba!!”

“You are so hot!!”

“I am your idol, not I mean you are my fan!”

After the makeup artist recognized Reba.

Instantly excited.

There is nowhere to put your hands.

Stars that can only be seen on TV and mobile phones.

At this moment, it actually appeared in front of her!

Language has lost its ability to organize.


“Thank you.”

Reba said with a smile.

It’s been so many days.

The village is basically full of children and old people.

They have hardly ever been recognized.

Suddenly he was recognized.

There are also some small surprises.

Shake hands with makeup artist.

【Hahaha, this little girl looks so excited!】

【If I saw Reba with my own eyes, I would be very excited too!! Big magnesium aluminum!】

[And there is no preparation, chatting and chatting and looking up, I’m Zhuo Reba!!]

[Normal reaction! I feel that she has tried very hard to restrain herself!!]

Hearing the movement, the other two female makeup artists also surrounded her.

“Ah!! What a Reba!!”

“Reba is recording a show with us?!”

“I! I, I… I’m Xiaoye! I’m your fan too!”

“I really like your role as Feng Jiu!! I’m Xiao Su!”

“I’m Xiaobai!!”

The three girls shouted excitedly.

Surrounded Reba completely unable to move.

Be so enthusiastic.

Long time no see fans.

The enthusiasm made Reba feel uncomfortable!

“Okay, thank you.”

“I remember your names.”

Reba replied with a smile.

It was only by barely squeezing out that he could exhale a long breath.

The three girls also slowly controlled their emotions.

But they still looked very excited.

Although they also paid attention to Reba’s schedule before.

I know that Reba seems to be saying that she is going to participate in some kind of reality show.

However, we haven’t had time to understand it in detail.

Unexpectedly, they came to their village to record!

This mood is for star chasing girls.

It’s almost like winning the lottery!

If I knew it earlier, I would ask for leave and go home!

“Reba, I really look better in person than on TV!!”

The leaflets are thick under the eyes.

No flaws can be found on Reba’s face.

After they meet the real person.

The feeling that Reba gave them is really more amazing!

Maybe it’s because of his thick face.

So on the camera, Reba’s temperament and appearance have been sealed a lot.

But in reality, it is really lost.

You will be amazed at the level of living!

This is why they are so excited!

A girl’s mood when she sees a beautiful woman.

Sometimes it’s more exciting than a boy seeing a beautiful woman!

“Reba, what are you doing now?”

Xiaoye asked Reba.


“Yes! I remembered.”

“I still have to help Brother Heng with makeup.”

“He wants to dance the fire dragon together tonight!”

Reba suddenly remembered and said.

She just wanted to borrow cosmetics just now.

Then he put on makeup for Xie Heng’s face.

Just forgot about it!

“Brother Heng? Is it Xie Heng?”

“Is he here now!!!”

Xiao Su and Xiao Bai became excited again.

It was already very exciting to see Reba.

Even Xie Heng is here?

They didn’t notice it just now.

“It’s right behind me.”

“Huh… Where’s the person?”

Reba looked back.

But he couldn’t see Xie Heng’s figure.

It was clearly still here just now.

How come it’s gone.

Until, Reba’s gaze swept to the corner of the wall.

Just found a bunch…

A bunch of people… No, a young man in the same state as an arhat.

All piled together!!

At first glance, it looks like a mass grave.

From the crowd, one hand is raised high!

Symbolizes indomitable!

Symbolizes the desire to survive!

“Brother Heng!! I’m your male fan!!”

“Alive!! Caught!!”

“I just said Brother Heng is in our village!! Why didn’t I see it!”

“Brother Heng sticks it!!”

Enthusiastic male fans can’t help but talk!

Xie Heng originally thought that only Yuan Linqing would do this!

I didn’t expect people to be so virtuous!

Enthusiasm is good!

But it’s not enough to be so enthusiastic!

Who would have thought—

What the hell, the entrance of the old group is full of male fans!!

In that instant, Xie Heng was surrounded!

Careless, no flash!

In other words, it can’t flash at all!

As a result, in the next second, it became the current state.

Big guy!

Xie Heng struggled in the crowd, showing half of his head.

“Give me a hand…”

Xie Heng said.


“Brother Heng, you are so welcome hahaha!”

Reba couldn’t help laughing.

She originally thought that these three female fans were already very enthusiastic.

Look at Xie Heng again…

Once male fans catch up with stars, they are really more terrifying than female fans!

At least you can’t get started…

Damn it, as soon as the male fan gets on top.

All rushing to post!

“I’ve never seen such an exaggerated star with male fans!”

Reba laughed.

I have worked in the entertainment industry for so many years.

Stars with fan portraits like Xie Heng.

Really unique!

Can’t find another one!

“Let Brother Heng come out!”

Xiaobai said quickly.

Among the three female makeup artists and Reba.

As well as Xie Heng’s own efforts.

Only then did he barely get out of the crowd.

“Brother Heng!! I really saw myself!”

“The world is far and wide, Brother Heng is the most beautiful! Thank you for having you, eternal joy!”

“Xie Heng flies bravely, and the crab will always be with you!!”

“Brother Heng!! Brother Heng!!!”

A fanatical male fan seems to have not calmed down yet.

He was still shouting his own words of support.

Even the fans made a fan group name for themselves.

It’s called…crab sticks.

Xie Heng:


Reba next to her was already out of breath from laughing.

Normally, her fans have never yelled such cheers to her.

A big man with five big and three thick.

Standing right in front of him, shouting the lines of ‘Brother Heng is the most beautiful’ at the top of his voice.

Reba felt very sorry for Xie Heng.

【Ahahahaha! Brother Heng has nothing to love!】

【If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it. Brother Heng’s male fans have gone crazy to this extent now!】

【I really want to die laughing!】

[Brother Heng: Kill me, right now. 】

“Brother Heng, how are you? We’ll give you the words of support we thought of on the forum.”

“Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”

“Don’t worry, what female fans can give you, we male fans can also give.

“I feel the enthusiasm, how do you feel now?”

The male fan came up to him and asked in satisfaction.

Anyway, he feels very good about himself during this period of performance.

“Where is the evildoer…”

The copper coin sword in Xie Heng’s hand was about to move.

if you can.

He really wanted to be the first to beat up a fan.

I believe this situation, everyone can understand……

“Ha ha ha ha!!!”

Everyone on the field laughed together.

The atmosphere improved instantly.

“The support is very good, I don’t need it next time.”

Xie Heng sighed.

[Brother Heng is numb, if it wasn’t for recording a program, I would feel

He can really draw a sword!]

【As a male fan, I express that if I catch someone alive, I will still dare!!】

0…asking for flowers…

【Xie Heng: It is my good fortune (bad luck) to have you all!】

[Hahahaha! Cowhide cowhide!]

Everyone adjusted for a while.

Only then did the work continue.

Reba is in charge of putting on makeup for Xie Heng.

These lads who have already put on make-up.

None of them left.

Just stay here.

All surrounded Xie Heng.

A feeling of tranquility.

It made Reba a little embarrassed.

I’m afraid that I won’t transform myself well.

The cosmetics are not the same as the usual ones.

But some facial makeup like singing opera!

Oil paint is used!

You don’t need your whole face when you’re melting.

Some specific textures need to be added.

Don’t say it, Xie Heng changed his clothes again.

Under the weird collocation.

It looks really nice.

“Yeah! Very high street!”

“Now the outfits played abroad are left over from our ancestors’ play.”

Reba gave a thumbs up in satisfaction.

For this outfit of Xie Heng.

Very satisfied!

“Brother Heng is so handsome!”

“Brother Heng, please post another one!”

“The sky is far apart………”

The male fans haven’t finished talking yet.

It has been held around the neck by Xie Heng’s copper coin sword.

Then he shut up resentfully.

Now give Xie Heng the feeling.

It was as if there were many Yuan Linqings around me!

Reba couldn’t help Xie Heng either, and silently followed by her side.

It’s getting dark!

The elderly group has also prepared the fire dragon dance tonight.

The dragon head is made from the dry rice collected by every family in the village.

Of course, some wooden frames need to be added inside as a skeleton.

The position shape, and the blessing is fixed!

But the dragon body is not so particular.

Various leaves, branches or trunks.

Can ride in!

You don’t care what it is!

Anyway, with the craftsmanship of these old men in the old group.

The dragon that came out in the end just couldn’t look too bad!

Especially the faucet, the salesman!

“Come on, let’s divide up the positions.”

Uncle Chen helped organize the road.

Xie Heng was probably placed somewhere in the middle.

This part is a little easier to walk around.

There are people supporting them.

Uncle Chen still takes good care of Xie Heng.

This position is not difficult to distinguish.

It will be divided in a short time.

At this time, Yang Mi and the others just rushed over.

“Brother Heng!!”

“we are coming!”

“It’s gone all afternoon! Quickly post one…”


Yuan Linqing hadn’t finished speaking yet.

A big bump has grown on his forehead.

Fans can’t do it easily.

Professionalism is required.

But Yuan Linqing didn’t need it.

“Damn it, when did you bless the weapon?”

Yuan Linqing covered her head and muttered in dissatisfaction.

“Brother Heng, come on!!”

“Don’t forget the bond in our village!”

The male fans shouted.

So shamed that Xie Heng didn’t even know how to answer.

Yang Mi: “Hahahaha! So many male fans!”

Zheng Kai: “Yuan Linqing’s model has already begun to be replicated.”

Xie Heng:

【Xie Heng: One copper coin per person, don’t grab it!】

【Brother Heng may have already regretted becoming a top class!】

[Brother Heng’s current thinking is that I don’t really need so many fans…especially male fans!

【This is the star with the most male fans and the craziest I have ever seen!】


“So this brother is such a big star?”

The big brother in black who was in charge of watching Duzhu Piao’s challenge yesterday.

At this time, I also changed into a specific costume for dancing the fire dragon.

Looking at Xie Heng and their faces, they were shocked!

I didn’t expect Xie Heng to be such a big star!

And, the first reaction is…

“You’re such a big shot, you’re still earning me 880?!!”

The elder brother in black complained in his heart.

Thinking about going back and asking for an autograph.

If you can get it, you will definitely get your money back!

You can even make some money!

The big brother in black is the youngest Excellent talent in the old group.

This relationship is rattling!

It was directly arranged at the position of the leader.

Although he looks young.

But in fact, last year was due to lack of age.

There is no way to lift the faucet yet!

Finally, it was his turn this year.

It’s just that I just raised my hand.

It took a lot of effort to just lift the faucet up.

However, it withered in an instant.

Put it back on the ground!

“This year’s faucet is so heavy?!”

The elder brother in black was surprised.

It’s not enough just to lift the faucet up.

Because as a leader.

There are so many actions to be done!

It was the custom here before.

The villagers threw firecrackers directly at the fire dragon dancers!

And in this process.

They need fire dragons to fend off firecrackers.

However, it was later abolished for more dangerous reasons.

But it also needs to be at the intersection of eighteen townships.

Eighteen dragon dance teams are vying to light the firecrackers hanging on the overhead!

This is also the only criterion for determining the outcome!.

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