Editing the Marriage Scene of the Fan Game Was Taken Seriously

Chapter 128

Chapter 128:

After all, Hinata is not Kaguya, and he doesn’t have a very high-level divine tree physique. Now he only has [Sacred Tree Physique C-]. Whether it is Xueji level or white-eyed pupil power, there is still a lot of difference.

Kaguya’s setting is an S-level divine tree physique. (Originally S-rank, but it was downgraded because it was not in full state…)

In the game, if you don’t open the modifier and don’t take the Xiaonan Line Dragon Vessel Line, even the protagonist of Yuhi’s Red Line has to eat the fruit of the **** tree for about 500 days (mature **** tree fruit is eaten every 5 days, and each time you get About 1% of the divine tree constitution), in order to obtain the S-level divine tree constitution.

Or, about 350 days, to get S-rank Divine Tree Physique. (The difference between S- and S is about 30%) Hinata is still a few hundred days away.

But even so, the swift and dense attack still injured a large number of Yunyinyan Ninjas, sent them flying, and punched their acupoints at the same time!

With her here, no one can easily approach Hong Yuhi!

“Hyuga’s white eyes, is there such a good attack…?” In the air, an old man’s voice came.

“So, how about trying this? – Dust escape. The art of stripping boundaries!”

High in the sky, the little old man weighed Onogi for two days, and between his hands, a square transparent barrier quickly formed.

The barrier appears to be the size of a palm.

However, it can be thrown out and expanded rapidly.

Once it broke out, in the original book, even Susanoo, who was Uchiha Madara’s twenty-five wooden escape clones, was knocked out in seconds!

Even if the second drop is an ordinary Susa, with the size of Susa, the attack range or the spread range can be imagined! “Come on! It’s the dust escape of that guy onogi!”

In the distance behind, seeing this scene, Terumi Mei, who was watching the battle, couldn’t help but stare.

Dust Escape is said to be one level higher than the blood-successive limit [Blood-stalking Elimination], this technique is not so easy to deal with!

In addition, Onogi still has the ability to fly. Although he looks very old, he is quite flexible in the air.

In addition, the combat experience is also quite rich.

It can be said that this old man who has lived for a long time is the most difficult one to deal with among the five shadows!

The reason why the Fourth Raikage dared to formally provocate was because of the support of this old man!

– Or, it may be his instigation!

Although the God Generation Haruyun is strong, if you can’t deal with Chen Dun, this war will not be so easy!


At the next moment, as if to avoid the rapid transfer of the Yuhi Red Thunder Tiger, the dust escape enchantment exploded in an instant before it reached the vicinity of the ground.

In an instant, the surrounding area of tens of meters was completely shrouded in.

And then it expanded dramatically!

In the blink of an eye, Yuhika, Hinata and others below will be submerged in!

“Red! Hinata!”

In the distance behind, Temari could not help but let out an urgent cry.

Techniques like Dust Escape, as long as they are affected, they will be decomposed! Being affected is a one-shot fatality!


But at this time, on the battlefield, on the ground, something suddenly rose up quickly.

Then, that thing was like a wall, blocking the imminent dust escape in an instant.


Chen Dun instantly collided with the wall, and the wall exploded. Let out a roar.

Then, the wall was smashed into pieces by the powerful force, breaking open a large number of broken holes.

But inside the wall, Chen Dun’s power was also blocked for a few seconds and consumed very little.


Seeing this scene, countless people were shocked again at the same time.

Although it was broken by Chen Dun, but it was able to block Chen Dun for a few seconds and consume Chen Dun’s power? !

“that is.…?!”

Everyone anxiously looked at the “wall” that was beaten to pieces.

I saw that the wall was not made of earth and stone.

Instead ーー “Whoosh …”

Shredded paper flying.

That wall was actually made of paper!


Not far away, Xiao Nan took a deep breath.

As expected, the strength of his own divine paper craftsmanship was not high enough to completely block the dust escape. The art of stripping boundaries.

However, as the captain said, it also has a very special power, and in the nature of ninjutsu, it is even better than all kinds of blood.

If you are dealing with Chen Dun, you can make do with it!

Block the dust. The technique of stripping boundaries is precisely the technique of Konan’s divine paper maker with the bonus of [Sacred Tree Physique C-].

Seven or eight months have passed, and Xiaonan has become stronger again!

Moreover, like Mizumura chickweed, its strength grows linearly!

Although [Sacred Tree Physique C-] is far from reaching the level of [Blood Jisao], it was originally called the technique of the God of Paper that only [God] can use. Now, Under the influence of the [Sacred Tree Physique C-], it is not that strange to rise from the general secret technique to the level of blood succession limit and blood succession elimination.

It is like ascending from Yamato’s Mudun to the Mudun among the pillars, and in the future, it will ascend to the Mudun of the Divine Tree.

Although it is still unable to directly block the entire dust escape that Onogi consumes a lot of chakra. The technique of boundary stripping, however, can be used to block a little bit, but it is obviously still possible.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kurenai Yuhi and Hinata also quickly avoided a distance.


In mid-air, Oh Yemu looked at the shredded paper that blocked his technique of peeling away the dust escape, his face was full of surprise.

To use this kind of shredded paper to block the dust escape trick that he used to use a lot of chakra? !

Next to Kamidai Haruyun, the woman named Xiao Nan, who even “does that kind of thing” with Kamidai Haruyun in the future video, she used a very special paper secret technique in the last joint Chunin exam. , Of course, Oh Yegi has heard of this kind of information.

However, he still didn’t expect that that mere piece of paper could actually block his own dust escape trick? !

Even if it’s just barely blocking it!


And after barely blocking the technique of stripping the dust escape boundary, on the ground, at this time, a large amount of shredded paper suddenly flew towards Ohnogi in mid-air.


Da Yemu suddenly flew high into the sky.

Although the shredded paper looks very fragile, it can barely block the dust escape. It is obviously not an ordinary thing. When fighting against such an unknown thing, it is obviously necessary to be careful. “Shhhhh!”

And as Onogi flew high into the air, the endless shredded paper below even caught up.

Like Gaara chasing Deidara with sand! “!!”

Onogi frowned.

It was the first time in his life that he was being chased and attacked by a 14- or 15-year-old girl! “Dust escape. The technique of stripping away the realm!”

Onogi quickly turned his backhand into a dust escape, hitting the long paper arm that was chasing after him. “Hoohoo!”

However, the ordinary-strength Dust Dun, hitting the arm of the paper, did not directly kill the opponent in seconds, and did not directly turn the opponent into an atom.

Although a part of the paper was successfully decomposed, the dust escape energy was quickly consumed by the opponent, and the paper arm was damaged, but it was not interrupted!

It’s like Deidara blasting sand’s arm with a normal bomb!

As for the previous high-intensity ultimate move – Dust Escape. Although the technique of stripping the boundaries can quickly break the pieces of paper, it is not a trick that can be used all the time for Ohnogi.

Chakra is not allowed!

He is an old man after all, and the spare chakra is not that sufficient.

Dust escape. Although the technique of boundary peeling is high in strength, it cannot be used all the time!

On the opposite side, Xiao Nan’s pieces of paper seem to be endless, with hundreds of billions!

In the blink of an eye, more paper immediately caught up and filled it up!

What kind of art is this, and what kind of woman is this!

It’s just that her technique is not afraid of ordinary dust escape. Is her chakra also calculated by tons? !

Obviously just a fourteen-year-old girl!

Onogi was shocked.

There is no doubt that the fundamental reason why that little girl can be so strong must lie in her future husband, who is known to the world, Ichigo Dai Qingyun!

That God Dai Qingyun, was able to develop a 14-year-old fiancee to such a degree!

Not to mention his own strength, this development and training ability alone is already terrifying!

But the shock was useless, Xiao Nan’s paper attacked again in a blink of an eye, and Oh Yemu had to dodge quickly.

At the same time, he fought with his little remaining chakra, and used dust to occasionally block a piece of paper that was chasing.

Xiao Nan pursued with all his strength.

Her attack range seems to reach hundreds of meters!

In mid-air, a fierce battle of dodging and chasing began in an instant!

“that is…?!”

Looking at this scene, Yun Yin Yan Yin side, countless ninjas, and again, looked shocked.

That blue-haired girl, Xiao Nan, turned out to be…

Fighting the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi to run around? !

How unbelievable this is!

You know, that is the third generation of earth shadows! Three generations of Tsuchikage who can use the powerful dust escape!

“Then, that’s Xiao Nan…?!”

In the distance, some hidden place, Obito Kazue, was also shocked.

It’s possible that Oh Yemu could have beaten Xiao Nan in seconds?

Now, do you want to rescue Ohnogi?

Otherwise, this war may soon be favored by the gods and Qingyun!

That Xiao Nan, when he just used the [Elephant Transformation Technique] a year or two ago and turned into a 12- or 13-year-old state, his strength was obviously only at the level of absolute ninja.

I was there at the time, that’s for sure.

But, in less than two years…

“It’s not good to go on like this…” On the other side, in another hidden place, Ghost Shark said leisurely, “Maybe we need to attack that Xiao Nan.”

Things have changed! Attack Xiaonan and help Ohnogi!

“Someone has already gone.” Beside him, Uchiha Itachi said calmly.

“Shuh!” Before he spoke, on the battlefield, a figure, with lightning and lightning, struck a dozen meters in front of Xiaonan in the blink of an eye.

“Lei Plough Hot Knife!”

The next moment, towards Xiao Nan, he rushed over.


But at this time, an equally sharp figure suddenly flashed from the side.

The next moment, the silver long sword with strong chakra in the hand of the purple-haired figure slashed sharply towards the key point of the thunder and lightning figure.

Seeing this, the thunderbolt man’s pupils shrank.

In an instant, at a very fast speed, he raised his right arm wearing the iron protective gear and Lei Dun Chakra coat, blocking it in front of him. “call!!”

The silver long sword collided violently with the Thunderbolt protective gear.

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