Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1916 - Repression of the sword god

“The Spirit of Excalibur, I don’t want to destroy you, I hope you don’t force me!”

The sound of Ye Chenfeng passed into the sword and swallowed the sky, and the cold warning.

Although the spirit of the Excalibur wants to refute it, the threat to the brain is really too great. He has a feeling that it is really possible to devour it and destroy him.

“The Spirit of Excalibur, I have the strongest blood of the universe, the chaotic **** of the universe, and I am far better than the sword god.” Ye Chenfeng said with enthusiasm: “And the sword **** immediately To be suppressed by me, surrender to me.”

“Impossible, the sword **** can never surrender to you!”

The spirit of the Excalibur is so arrogant that it is impossible to surrender to Ye Chenfeng, whose strength is far weaker than him.

“In this way, how about we bet? If the sword **** surrendered to me, you will surrender to me. If the sword **** refuses to yield, I will give you the opportunity to choose!” Ye Chenfeng said faintly: “But During the bet, you don’t attack us, otherwise don’t blame me for killing you.”


The threat of the brain is too great, and the death is equally terrible. The spirit of the sword is contemplative, and it is helpless.

“Death, speed to deal with the sword god!”

The spirit of the Excalibur compromised, and Ye Chenfeng immediately ordered the death of the half-step virtual realm to break into the violently tumbling magma, helping the Dragon God and the Red Emperor to fight against the sword **** that merged the origin of the sword.

In fact, the origin of the sword **** by the sword gradually suppressed the offensive of the two ancestors of the Red Emperor, but the death of the death, instantly changed the situation.

“How is it possible, how can I get so many half-steps in my swordfield!”

The half-step virtual **** is also rare in the virtual world, and it rarely appears. It is attacked by the fierce attack of the three ancestors of the Red Emperor. The sword **** gradually emerged.

“Shenjian swallows the sky and helps me defend the enemy quickly!”

Unable to resist the tide-like attack of the three ancestors of the Red Emperor, the sword **** immediately communicated with the Excalibur to swallow the sky, and wanted to use the Excalibur to swallow the sky against the ancestors of the Red Emperor.

However, I received the command of the sword god, and the spirit of the sword that feared the brain was not moved. This caused the whole heart of the sword **** to fall into the trough, and the idea of ​​escape was born.


When the sword **** wants to break through, the hot magma stratum suddenly bursts into a huge gap, swallowing up a lot of the power of the ancestral veins, and the original birthplace that broke through to the six-star ancestral realm suddenly appeared, such as a hot The meteor hit the sword god.

The original road tires are far less powerful than the sword gods, but when he fiercely hits, he still hits the body of the sword **** that has not been able to do so.


Catch this opportunity, the body of the dragon **** turned into a golden five-clawed golden dragon, swaying a huge body and launching a fatal blow to the sword god.


The front was attacked by the five-clawed golden dragon. The sword **** was knocked out and the whole body was broken, and the source of the sword that could not be combined in the body could not be suppressed.

“Erosion Day, Death Scythe!”

When the sword **** was hit hard, the ancestors of the Red Emperor, the **** of death inspired the strongest power of their great artifacts, attacked him, and smashed his arms.

“This hatred, the **** remembered, wait for the **** to recover the injury, must report today’s hatred!”

The body was hit hard, and the sword **** did not dare to stay on, leaving a swearing word and wanted to break out.

But when he broke the violently tumbling magma, he found that the entire sky was covered by the five-color roots of the five-colored **** wood, which sealed his escape space.

“The Spirit of Excalibur, what are you doing, not attacking quickly!”

The sky is shrouded by chaotic gods, and there is a sense of uneasiness in the heart of the sword god, screaming loudly at the spirit of the sword.

It is a pity that the spirit of the Excalibur is not afraid to act rashly under the threat of ignoring the mind and the brain. The sword of the sacred spirit is itchy and almost mad.


When the sword **** hesitated, the four ancestors of the red ancestors chased and killed, and continued to launch a fierce attack on him, aggravating his physical injury, once again exploding his flesh, forcing him to cast secret magical powers, forcing repair.

“The field of swords!”

The injury is constantly increasing, and the sword **** is desperate. He madly urges the origin of the sword to form the field of the sword, resisting the attacks of people such as Death.

“Red Day, give me a break!”

The ancestors of Chiri took a deep breath and pushed up the Chiri field at any cost, trying to break the field of the sword.

However, the sword-supported sword field combines the origin of the sword, and its power is greatly enhanced. The fierce impact of the Chiri field does not break the field of the sword.

Next, the Dragon God, the original birthplace, the death of the dead, attacked the field of the sword, but still failed to smash the field of the sword.

“I will break the field of his sword, and the rest will be handed over to you!”

After the fierce battle, the power of the dragon’s body outside the body was running out. He slammed and suddenly rushed to the field of the sword, forcibly tearing the field into the inside.

When the body of the dragon was incarcerated by the martial arts in the field of the sword, he blew himself out of the body and formed the power of the explosion that destroyed the earth, directly breaking the field of the sword. The sword **** launched a fatal blow.

“Good opportunity!”

The field of the sword was broken, and the three ancestors of the Red Army continued to launch attacks, constantly increasing the physical damage of the sword god.

“The Spirit of Excalibur, the sword **** has gone, you still confess to me!”

Feeling that the sword **** is getting more and more serious, and can’t resist the attack of the red ancestor and others, Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief and whispered.

“You don’t want to be too early, defeating the sword **** and letting him surrender are two things!” The spirit of the sword replied coldly.

“Why, you still don’t believe that I can conquer him?” Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: “Well, let me see my means.”

“Chaos God, suppression!”

When the sword **** was unable to support, Ye Chenfeng controlled the Chaos Shenmu to suppress it, and suppressed it in the body of the sword **** who was seriously injured and unable to return to heaven.

“Chaotic God Wood, Seal Sword God Body!”

Next, Ye Chenfeng controlled the five-color roots to break into the broken body of the sword god, forcibly sealed him to prevent him from blasting himself.

A large number of five-color roots must break into the body, and the sword **** desperately resists, but his injury is too heavy, and he can’t resist the five-color roots, and he can’t tear them apart.

Slowly, the body of the sword is full of five-color roots, and he also loses the ability to resist.

“The soul-sucking brain, control!”

Chaos Shenmu successfully suppressed the sword god, and Ye Chenfeng immediately took out the extremely powerful daughter brain that had just split up before the brain, letting him penetrate into the soul of the sea through the seven holes of the sword god. Directly attack his brain consciousness.

“No, what is this?”

The brain consciousness was eroded by the brain, and the sword **** made a terrified roar and desperately resisted.

But the brain that splits the brain is extremely powerful, and he is too weak to resist.

Slowly, his brain consciousness is eroded by the soul-sucking brain, and his sense of autonomy becomes increasingly blurred.

“The Spirit of Excalibur, now do you think I can conquer the sword god?”

Feeling that the brain consciousness of the sword **** was eroded by the soul-sucking brain, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

“You…” The spirit of the Excalibur reveals the color of fear, fears the means of Ye Chenfeng, and fears the brain: “When you win, when the sword **** surrenders, I will fulfill my promise and surrender to you.”

When finished, the Spirit of the Excalibur is not controlling the erosion of the Excalibur against the blood of Hongmeng and giving up resistance.

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