Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1929 - 太神天

“Fat Tianzu…”

Feng Tianzu is famous in the Tianzu. Many people know him and see him appear. He sits on the fact that the Yaozu is relying on the heavenly people.

“Fishing, are you already loyal to the Terran Kid? How come here?”

Qingtian Shen’s eyes swelled in the corners of his eyes, glaring at the blood-red eyes, glaring at the sudden emergence of the ancestors, and the voice was sullen and loud.

At this point, he finally knows that all of this is being pushed behind, and that person is most likely to be the Ye Chenfeng who saved the dragons.

“Well, I don’t want to act, the patriarch told me to tell you that the plan has changed, let you leave here quickly!” Feng Tianzu said loudly.

When finished, the ancestors did not hesitate to fly outside the city of the sky.

When he flies out of the city of the sky, as the world evaporates, the strange disappears.

“Qingtian, now you have something to say!”

Guyi, the emperor stood up and stared coldly at the sturdy Sky God, and said with anger.

And the face of the feathered **** has become gloomy, but no one knows what he thinks.

“Going to the sky, since they are not willing to form an alliance, then forget it!” At this time, an old man in a dark gray robes, seemingly ordinary, stood up in an inconspicuous corner, stepping on the void I came to the sacred **** of the sky.

“Want to go, what’s easy!”

The real demon betrayal, the ancients, the emperor is ready to use this opportunity to suppress the celestial gods, weaken the power of the demon, and ask the tomb of the wild.

“Hey, the old man wants to take the demon people to go, just because you can’t stop it!” The gray-clothed old man snorted and said with arrogance.

“Yes? Let me teach you the best tricks.”

The emperor snorted, without saying weakness, as his physical strength grew stronger, a golden dragon broke his body and surrounded his body.

“The Great Emperor of Kowloon!” Looking at the nine golden dragons around the body of the emperor, the old man in the gray coat did not change his face. He said faintly: “Okay, let me teach, the first supernatural power of Kunlun Holy Land.” The power.”

“God predecessors, let’s go!”

Successfully destroyed the alliance of the three tribes, and Ye Chenfeng did not wait for a long time to chaos, flying with the gods to the sky.

Glanced at the direction in which Ye Chenfeng left, the old man in gray clothes had a look, and immediately let the three seemingly ordinary men follow them and left the chaotic Shengcheng.

“Kowloon Breaking!”

When the gray-haired old man was distracted, the Emperor immediately seized the opportunity, and the nine golden dragons around the body were simultaneously attacked, turning into nine speeding golden light attacks to the gray-clothed old man, and wanted to take the opportunity to hit him.

“Destroy space!”

The nine golden dragons that evolved the mysterious meaning of the Tao, the space in front of the gray-haired old man was suddenly destroyed, and the terrible power of destruction constantly destroyed the nine golden dragons and did not give them a chance to be close.

“The eighth rule of space!”

The Emperor looked at the space in front of the gray-shirted old man, and a golden light was reflected in the palm of his hand. The palm of his hand swayed, and the chaotic space was cut open by this rival sword, and it was smashed to withstand the nine golden dragons. The space of destruction has turned to his body.

Looking at this unparalleled sword, the old man’s body was opened, and his old body suddenly turned upside down. The time in front of him was suddenly still.

The next moment, he combined the power of powerful space, slammed a punch at the golden sword of the splitting space, and directly shattered the golden sword.

“You, you are too god!”

Looking at the old man in the gray coat who smashed the golden swordsman, the heart of the emperor picked up the big waves. Through the change and the Tao of the fist, he vaguely guessed the identity of the old man in gray.

“Too God!”

The voice of the emperor has just fallen, and almost everyone’s eyes are concentrated on the old man in gray.

Tang Shentian, the **** patriarch, known as the first person in the virtual world, is the most likely person in the universe to become a god.

“Not bad, good eyesight, I didn’t expect you to recognize me!”

The ordinary gray-haired old man smiled slightly, and the illusion of his body disappeared, revealing a face like a knife, a sharp edge, and a deep-eyed face that reveals who is domineering.

“That God, I didn’t expect you to come. Our triads failed to form an alliance. Your conspiracy did not succeed. Is it very disappointing?”

Although the strength of Taishentian is terrible, but the emperor also has his own card, he believes that in the end, it is too difficult for God to kill him.

“I did not expect that this alliance will destroy an ant ant!” Taishen’s face said calmly: “But if you are allied in the air and want to fight against my genius, should I give you a painful lesson?” .”

“Hey, if you are here, you have this strength, but unfortunately, you are just a avatar.” The stunned eyes of the emperor shot hundreds of millions of rays and saw through the gods. False and false, whispered.

“Haha, this **** is a avatar, still sweeping you!” Taishen arrogant laughter: “Qingtian, the speedy demon people leave, these people handed me, I Will give them a painful lesson.”


The celestial gods worshipped the gods of the gods and immediately left the sky platform with the people of the Yaozu.

There is too much threat to Taishen, so that the Emperor, Gu Taihong and others have not shot the Guardian and others, and are prepared to deal with Taishen.

“Let’s go together, I hope that your strength will not let the gods down!”

Although the gods in front of him are only avatars, the tone of his speech is still arrogant, and he does not put the two great emperors of the Terran and Gu Taihong in his eyes.

“Reassured, won’t let you down!”

The Emperor’s pupil shrinks into the most dangerous pinhole shape. The Kunlun Holy Land Zhen Zongzhi, the golden light, reveals the whole golden sky of the golden sword of the Emperor’s sword.

When the Emperor held the Emperor’s sword, his whole person’s breath changed dramatically, and the smoldering of the King’s spurt out of his body, causing the space in the square to tremble.

When the Emperor summoned the Emperor’s Sword, the ancient sacred **** Gu Taihong, and the thoughtfully feathered **** also summoned a powerful virtual artifact.

Looking at the virtual air, there are three virtual artifacts that suppress everything, and the people on the stage of the sky are scared to escape, fearing that the destruction caused by the three virtual artifacts will be swept away, and they will die.


The emperor’s mind was moved, and the man’s sword was held in the air.

And the ancient Taihong, the feathering **** at the same time, the powerful artifact of the horror of the horror, bombardment to the Taishen avatar, want to force the smashing of his avatar, counter-attack too god.

But it’s too horrible to be too sacred. He is completely integrated with the void, and he has become a world of heaven and earth, resisting the attacks of the three virtual artifacts by the power of heaven and earth.


The three virtual artifacts were simultaneously smashed, smashing everything, and the stage suspended in the sky in the sky was shattered into powder, and the whole Shengcheng City was shaken.

This battle has alarmed the entire virtual world and attracted the attention of all parties.

This battle, the day is dark, the sun and the moon are dull, and it will last forever.

In the Taishen Heaven, the unbeatable magical powers, the incarnation of the heavens, and the three great masters of the virtual artifacts, Ye Chenfeng, Shendaofei left the chaotic victory of the ancient city at a very fast speed. Prepare to go through the space wormhole to the Dead Sea.

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