Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 17 - Jin Feimou

When Jin Fei saw Yun Chang staring at her, she smiled and said, “Anyway, I heard people say that Chang Er is ill, and she hasn’t been awake, can’t rest assured, so come over and look.” Then she turned and looked around. To the man behind him, “Zheng Ye, come over and see how she is now?”

Those who followed Jin Fei also lifted their cloaks and walked to the bed. It seemed that Zheng Yun opened the door for Yun Chang when she went to the cold palace that day.

Jin Fei saw a bit of curiosity in Yun Chang’s eyes, and said, “Chang Er, don’t underestimate Zheng Ye, Zheng Ye’s medical skills are no worse than any one in the palace. I haven’t had much trouble in my body for years. It was Zheng Zheng who took out her hands and let Zheng Zheng give you a pulse. “

Yun Sang nodded, thinking, if there is anyone in the palace who can believe, I am afraid that this woman is in front of me. When I heard that I was sick, I would take a look at it even if I was in danger. Sighing that she had done so many things that hurt her in her previous life. She was here as soon as she was ill. I am afraid that many people have been planted around her because of her concern. She must have known the ruthless words of her previous life. Now she thinks that she is a bastard.

Zheng Zheng put his hand on Yun Sang’s, and for a long while, his face changed slightly. “Mother, the princess is poisoned.”

“What, poisoned?” The other three were startled.

Jin Fei’s face changed, and she quickly looked at Zheng Ye said, “Why is it poisoned, isn’t it just that you have got a cold and fever? Do you know what the poison is? Is there a solution?”

Zheng Zheng frowned, “The princess should have been poisoned by oleander, the princess’ poisoning is still shallow, and it is not difficult to solve it. Take ginseng and barley seeds for two dollars, schisandra one dollar, and decoction twice. Mix it up and take it in two doses. But the poisoning is like cold and fever, but it should be slightly better so that some people can distinguish the pulse and not be treated as fever, he thought, too The people in the hospital must have been bought. If the princess goes to get these medicines, it will definitely cause doubt … “

Qin Yi also slowed down at this time, and was a little surprised, “How is the princess poisoned? Slaves have always been cautious about what the princess eats and drinks, so why have they been bored?”

Zheng Xun heard the words, and then carefully examined Yun Sang’s body again, “Slave guess, there must be something wrong with the water used by the princess to bathe. Slaves just checked it carefully, although the princess’ body was wiped a lot. Alcohol has completely masked the smell of oleander, but slaves found the smell of oleander juice in the princess’s hair, behind the ears, and on the neck. “

“Bath water?” Qin Yi quickly thought about it in his head and said, “It’s Qin Meng!”

Qin Yi said to Yun Chang, “The water bathed by a princess was prepared by Qin Meng yesterday. After the princess told Nu Su yesterday that she suspected Qin Meng, Nu Su also paid special attention to it. This morning, it was also Qin Meng Remind the slave, saying that the princess has a title, there must be a lot of concubines to congratulate, to ask the slave to wait for the princess to get up, that the doctor also asked Qin Meng to ask, that the doctor asked the slave to wipe the princess to cool the wine. Everything must be premeditated by Qin Meng. Add oleander to the bathing water, and then ask the doctor to let the slaves cover up the evidence with wine … “

“That’s right …” Qin Meng suddenly remembered a stubble again, and said quickly, “There are still medicines, and the slave went to bring the medicine prescribed by the doctor for me to see.” Then he hurried out.

Jin Fei frowned lightly and sighed, “I didn’t expect that Li was still so ruthless. I didn’t want to compete with her, and voluntarily entered the cold palace. I just thought she could rest assured, and don’t deliberately deal with Chang’er. She didn’t want to, but she didn’t want to let go … “

Yun Chang smiled at Jin Fei, “Mother-in-law, it’s not your fault …”

Jin Fei still blame herself very much, “It’s all my fault. If I’m not so weak, I won’t be affected by this kind of grievance. She was a child without me to take care of her. If you are not careful, you will lose your life. Thinking like this, I feel as uncomfortable as a million bite in my heart. “

Yun Chang only felt that there was a slight warm rise in her heart. Although she and Jin Fei hadn’t seen it a few times before, just watching her worry about herself, she always felt that the tip of her nose was a little bit sour. This was her mother.

“Well, the medicine is here, please see if there is any problem with this medicine …” Qin Yi opened the curtain and walked in, carrying a bowl of medicine in his hand, still scorching heat.

Zheng Zheng took a deep breath and frowned, “Don’t look, it’s already smelling.” Zheng Zheng turned his head and said, “This medicine has the smell of oleander juice, and it smells like this should be returned Not small.”

Qin Yi heard his words and suddenly turned his face away. “It’s really a poisonous method. If it weren’t for the master and Zheng Zheng coming, the slave would just go and give the princess medicine. If the princess took this medicine …”

Zheng Zheng took the conversation calmly, “If you drink this bowl of medicine, I’m afraid that the princess will not live tomorrow morning.” Then she sighed again, “Queen Yuanzhen is really a good plan, let me first The princess bathed with water mixed with oleander juice. The oleander juice added so much water, the effect was weak, plus it was just a bath, and there was no way to take his life. Mostly, it was fever and coma. In order to ask the doctor to treat the princess, I will add oleander juice to the medicine. If something goes wrong, I will say that the princess is too weak, has a fever, and can’t stand it … “

Yun Chang smiled, with a bit of self-deprecation, thinking that he was cautious everywhere, thinking that he must be able to bring down Queen Yuan Zhen and Hua Jing, but he didn’t want to, and almost lost his life. Sure enough, she still underestimated the woman’s effort and underestimated her power in the palace.

Jin Fei also changed her face. “I remember that Li was still just a clever woman, but she didn’t want to. Her cleverness was used in this harem. Hey, how can I get medicinal herbs to detoxify Chang’er? “

Zheng Xun walked back and forth in the dorm several times before he said, “In this palace, I want to bring medicinal herbs and fry them unconsciously and feed them to the princess. There is almost no way …”

Jin Fei quickly stood up, “What? What should we do? Or find our maid in a separate palace to pretend to be sick, go to Tai Hospital and ask for these two medicines, then send them over and fry them on our side And then come to Sang Er? “

Zheng Zheng shook his head and said, “My good master, do you say that a palace doctor is sick and needs ginseng?”

Jin Fei sat down suddenly, with a look of frustration. Yun Chang quickly pulled Jin Fei’s hand and smiled, “Don’t worry, mother, don’t you say that? The daughter is still poisoned, but she can’t lose her life. If you suffer a little, it ’s good to just carry it over. Mother and concubine, do n’t worry, it ’s okay. ”

Zheng Zheng looked at Yun Chang a few times, with a little appreciation in his eyes, and then thought, “For the sake of today, only the princess will be sent out of the palace …”

“Out of the palace?” Jin Fei heard the words and was silent for a long time before she looked up at Yun Chang and said, “Although my mother and concubine can’t bear you, nowadays, going out of the palace is a good choice. My mother and concubine know that you have just recently After being sealed, the mother-in-law is very happy for you. However, the mother-in-law is afraid because of this, the queen will certainly not let you go. The higher you climb, the greater the threat to her, and she will certainly take advantage of it. Except you when your wings are not full. “

Jin Fei sighed, “I heard Qin Yi talk about your affairs, and I feel that Chang Er is a very smart person, but no matter how clever you are, you are definitely not Li’s opponent now, not to mention her mind, just because she is here Each palace has its own eyeliner. Her father is a highly respected prime minister from the former dynasty. You can see why Hua Jing and the queen were banned because they framed you, but they were released after less than a day. Come out? That’s because there was a riot in the northwest. Li’s brother is the commander of the northwest garrison. Your father and emperor must rely on the Li family … “

Yun Chang sighed, “Does the father and the emperor have to bear?”

Jin Fei frowned and lowered her voice. “Sanger, don’t talk nonsense. If you are heard, you will say that you have deliberately talked about court politics. The foreign power is a taboo, but even if you want to get rid of the Li clan, It’s not too late, the time is not ripe … “

“As long as this former dynasty is still under the control of Li’s family, Li’s position as the queen is still stable. Chang’er, now she is not something you can shake. You must be insecure in this palace, or Go out of the palace, although your grandfather has retired, but among the friends you make, there are all kinds of talents. The queen in the palace will not let you learn anything. If you want to learn, you can only go out of the palace. If you can learn all the talents of your grandfather’s friends, my younger son will surely be the world’s biggest talent. “

Yun Chang lowered her head and thought for a long time. After all, she sighed softly. Her mother-in-law said nothing wrong. She is now only eight years old, and she has no influence of her own. She is restricted everywhere in the palace. If you can go out of the house, it is a good way to cultivate your own power.

Thinking like this, Yun Chang nodded, “Shanger obeys the arrangement of the mother-in-law, but how should I go out of the palace?”

Jin Fei smiled, with a bit of sly taste, “This, you look at the mother-in-law.” <

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