Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 77 - An ensemble

This prominent request made Jing Jing a little hesitant, and subconsciously glanced at Yun Sang, seeing that she nodded toward herself, looking at the queen sitting next to Ning Emperor. Queen? King Jing narrowed his eyes slightly and stood up, “Brother Huang, this is a bit unfair. Obviously, the hydrangea is not here with the younger brother. How can it be like punishing the younger brother.”

Ning Di laughed, “Shu Fei said well, it’s you.”

King Jing was a little helpless and sighed. “The emperor brother also followed the coax and let the younger brother play the flute with this dream often dancing, but the younger brother has to drag someone into the water, can the emperor allow it?”

Ning Emperor nodded, “Since the emperor has said so, is there any reason for brothers to say so, let’s choose for you in this temple.”

King Jing nodded, swept around in the palace, and stretched out his hand with a smile. “Her brother, my brother wants Princess Huiguo to play with his brother.”

Yun Chang raised her head in a stunned way, but saw King Jing’s eyes with a rare smile, but she was full of smiles in her smile.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Yun Sang, and Ning Di smiled. “Supposedly, you just responded to you, but in your impression, Sang Er doesn’t understand the rhythm. You must want Sang Er ? “

King Jing turned to look at Yun Chang, “This song must be her.”

This song must be her? Yun Chang was a little dazed, remembering the name of the song in the plan, and her heart suddenly hung up. What does the word Jingjing mean?

“Then, Changer, come and play a song with your uncle.” Ning Di turned his head and said to Yun Chang.

Yun Sang was silent for a moment, and then responded softly, “Yes.”

Jing Wang’s Xiao was accompanied by a verdant jade flute, and the piano was ready-made. The piano that Lan Guizhen had just played was still there. Yun Chang stood up and went to the piano table and sat down.

As soon as I sat down, the sound of the flute started.

Everyone in the hall was shocked. It was actually a song called “Phoenix Phoenix”.

The sound of the flute fell slightly, Yun Chang’s hand followed, and the sound of the piano poured out, which matched the flute perfectly.

Qin Meng walked to the center of the hall, bent down slightly, and danced, raising her hands between the waist, showing charming. The carmine dress on the body seemed to be faintly glowing, accompanied by the dance of Qin Meng, like the phoenix Yu Fei’s posture.

At the end of the song, everyone seemed to be immersed in music and dancing, but no one spoke for a while.

“How honorable is the body to let King Jing and Princess Huiguo accompany the body, and the body would like to thank the two here.” Instead, Qin Meng gracefully saluted toward King Jing and Yun Chang.

Ning Emperor came back to this, and quickly clapped his hands, “Okay!” I didn’t know if it was dancing or fun.

Emperor Ning looked at King Jing, but saw that his eyes had been quietly falling on Yun Shang. Emperor Ning frowned, King Jing and Changer …

Almost everyone in the palace is exploring the phrase “This song must be her”, “Feng Qiu Huang”, which is a song seeking love, but Jing Wang said that it must be Yun Chang.

However, everyone is thinking, but no one dares to ask, including, Yun Chang.

“Dream is always in this dance, and I feel that no one can get it, but I don’t know. Hui Hui princess has played a good piano, and she said that Jing Wang’s flute is outstanding, but only Hui Hui The princess and Jing Wangqin reconciled, but there was no trace of inferiority, it was really powerful. “

“Yes, I didn’t expect it, but Chang’er learned a lot in this Ningguo Temple. He should be thankful to the abbot.” Ning Di smiled and looked at Yun Sang, but thought of Jin Fei, Yun It seems that the princess has a certain charm when she plays the piano.

Shu Fei said with a smile, “This shocking dance is like this one, and I feel like I’m playing this game. There is no need to play this game anymore, but fortunately, I have some special features in the prepared dishes. Let’s serve. “

Ning Emperor nodded, “Okay, you’re in charge of the banquet today. Everything is up to you.”

Shu Fei clapped her hands again, and a group of palace ladies rushed in, and the dishes held by the women held a bowl with cute babies. In the bowl, there were longan lotus seeds and peanuts, and Shu Fei laughed. The small banquet today is to celebrate the pregnancy of the queen and concubine, and Chen Wei prepared this longan lotus seed peanut soup. I hope the two sisters will have a precious son. “

Ning Di heard and laughed, “Okay, it seems that Shu Fei really took a lot of thought, this bowl, you should drink.”

The lady in the concubine waved her hand, and the palace ladies trainedly placed the Tremella lilies on each table, and then retreated. Then a group of maids came in with plates, and each plate contained a large jujube stewed mandarin fish.

“King Jing is about to go out, and he ordered him to do this mandarin fish, hoping that King Jing will return soon after victory.” Shu Fei looked at King Jing with a smile, and then turned to look at Ning Emperor. The dishes at the back are no different from the usual ones. Emperor, look, are you satisfied? “

Ningdi smiled and said, “Yes, since these two dishes have such a special meaning, everyone can have a good meal, but don’t let down the concubine of Shu Fei.” Then he raised the table. Wine glass, “I am very happy today, Jin Fei and the queen are pregnant. Although King Jing has not yet set out, I believe that my younger brother will be able to return triumphantly, and do it!”

Everyone responded quickly, raised the wine on the table and drank up.

Yun Sang took a bite of mandarin fish and took another sip of lotus seeds, but her brows frowned slightly. She straightened up and looked for Qian Yin and whispered two words. She nodded, and then retreated to the end, quietly out of the Splendid Palace. .

The sound of music gradually started, and everyone saw that Ning Di began to drink, and they no longer restricted themselves and respected each other. For a time, the people in the Splendid Palace were full of enthusiasm.

After three rounds of drinking, they heard the laughter of Ning Emperor rang, and everyone looked at Ning Di above the throne, and they saw what he was talking to King Jing, with a happy look between his eyebrows. King Jing and Ning Di drank a few drinks before retreating to their positions.

Emperor Ning stepped down from the throne with a smile and said, “I am very happy today, and the queen is pregnant. However, since the queen is pregnant, she should raise her baby with peace of mind. This trivial matter in the harem Then, let it be to Shu Fei, right, queen, please give your Queen’s seal to Shu Fei, she will be more convenient to do things. “

Suddenly, the splendid Jinxiu Palace, which was still noisy, suddenly quieted down. The queen was drinking lotus seeds, heard the words, and looked up in surprise, “Emperor, what do you say?”

Ning Emperor smiled and said, “Shu Fei’s little banquet today is very good, and it is extremely proper to do things on weekdays. The queen is pregnant, so don’t bother and worry about it. Wait for the child to be born, then seal the queen. I’ll give it back to you. “

The queen only felt a sudden shock in her heart, and a smile on her face was very difficult. “The emperor said it very well, and after a few days, the body will become more and more clunky. If I manage the harem, it will really work harder. In this case, she is annoying.

With a smile on her face, Shufei stood up and walked to the middle of the temple. “Thanks to the emperor and the queen’s mother for their love, she should go all out.”

Yun Chang subconsciously looked at King Jing, who was sitting opposite him. Today, I do n’t know how much it was his intention. He was about to leave the imperial city, but Shu Fei was taken up. Now Shu Fei is in charge of the entire harem. At that time, if he wants to do something, it will be much easier.

Those who live in this harem know the best to step down and hold high. Maybe there will be a change in this palace.

The hall was gradually clamoring again, and several concubines had slowly moved towards Shu Fei calmly, Yun Chang smiled, drank a glass of wine, and saw Qian Yin standing at the door, Yun Chang After groaning for a while, when no one seemed to notice the crowd, he quietly left the hall with Qin Yi.

“Princess, the medicine you gave to slave-in-law, slave-in-law has let the maiden quietly put it in the concubine’s meal. The maid said, seeing with concubine that the concubine has eaten it, it should be okay to come.” Qian Yin said softly.

Qin Yi helped Yun Chang put on her cloak. Yun Shang nodded and lifted her foot out of the Splendid Palace. “That’s good. Although I gave my mother-in-law some medicine to protect my child, I still can’t rest assured. The manner in which Shu Fei’s medicine is used today is very concealed, but it is not easy for people to notice. I’m afraid … “

“There is no medicine in Jin Fei’s bowl.” A low voice suddenly came from behind her. Yun Chang was startled, turned her head, and saw King Jing’s face appearing behind her. With a slight laugh, they disappeared for a moment.

King Jing slightly hooked his lips, “The king greeted Shu Fei before, the child in Jin Fei’s belly could not move. Today she wanted to give it to the queen, but the king has already talked with her. Speak, don’t do that. “

Yun Chang froze and did not speak.

“You will be quite a lot, Shu Fei’s method of medicine is very difficult to detect, but you still know it with a taste.” Jing Wang said softly.

Yun Chang lowered her head, and a smile arose at the corner of her mouth. “It is true that Shu Fei has worked hard. No wonder she has never missed before. The father is now more than forty and he has not had a son. However, the hydrangea passed to me previously. When I was in my hands, I smelled a faint saffron smell. Although it was covered by incense, it still had a faint taste. Angelica was placed in the lotus root, and motherwort was placed in the mandarin fish. Although It seems to be some medicine to nourish qi and blood, but if it is used with saffron, it has only one effect, which is to make people quietly lose their children. Moreover, this method will not cause people to attack on the spot, let people look I thought it was because of weakness … “

King Jing heard the words and clapped his hands. “Yes, the king is looking down on you.” He paused and said, “Princess Hua Jing is out of the imperial city. Your threat in this palace is much smaller, but it is still normal. Not at all, those of the Li family are not vegetarian. If the king meets Hua Jing in Bianguan, will the king help you deal with her? “

Yun Chang heard the words and laughed out loud, “Uncle Huang, she is also your niece. Thank you Uncle Huang for your kindness, but Hua Jing, I will definitely take her life by myself.”

“My King has investigated. You and Hua Jing don’t seem to have any deep hatred. Why do you …” Jing Wang’s eyes were a little puzzled.

Yun Chang smiled, “Who says there is no deep hatred, between me and her, don’t wear the sky together, endlessly.”

King Jing shook his head. “You are fierce when you are fierce.” He paused and sighed quietly. “The King of Japan is about to go out. You are in the palace and take care of yourself.”

Yun Chang was stunned, some did n’t respond, and still thinking that King Jing seemed something wrong today, then he heard him say again, “It ’s the first time that the king does n’t want to go so far. Come back sometime. “

Then he turned and left.

Yun Sang was still in a daze, and for a long time he didn’t want to understand why today, King Jing suddenly said this to himself. When the figure of King Jing gradually disappeared into the darkness, Yun Chang suddenly remembered that he had not yet asked him. At the banquet at the Fairview Palace, what did he mean in front of everyone? .

Yun Chang returned to the Qingxin Hall, Qin Yi and Qian Yin kept secretly looking at her. When Yun Chang turned her head to look at the two of them, they quickly turned her eyes.

“You guys have been watching me secretly today, since I came back, say, what’s the matter?” Yun Chang said with a stern expression.

Qin Yi and Qian Yin are not afraid of Yun Chang at all. Qin Yi smiled and said, “Although King Jing is colder, he is also a good person, but he is older, but he has always been one No one had a wife or a concubine. Before that, the slave followed the princess to the palace of Jing Wang, and there was not even a maid in it. Such a person would be very loyal if he liked someone. “

Qian Yin also took the stubble. “The slaves looked good. The slaves heard that King Jing’s martial arts were very good, and the marching was well-versed. The slaves looked at them, and they were also very suitable.”

Yun Chang had been thinking about the abnormalities of King Jing today, and was teased by the two girls, frowning, “What do you think, he is my uncle, uncle.”

Qin Yi smiled and said, “It’s not natural, it should be fine.”

Yun Chang saw the two eyes staring at each other brilliantly, and he was very speechless, waving his hand, “Go and go, while you go, what are you thinking about day and night, believe it or not, I will find someone to marry you two Now. “

The two quickly pleaded for mercy.

Yun Sang didn’t care too much, she fell asleep early, but just tossed and turned up, she couldn’t sleep anymore, she kept thinking about what Jing Jing said today.

However, Yun Chang knew that there was definitely more than one person who couldn’t sleep tonight, at least, the Queen.

In Qiwu Palace, the queen’s dormitory was really on. The queen was sitting on a chair, kneeling in front of a room full of people.

“Okay lady, when this palace is just for her good performance in front of the emperor, but she did not know that her purpose turned out to be the seal of the queen in the hands of the palace. Let it be for her? Really good means! Good intentions! “The queen was extremely angry, and patted the table fiercely with her hands, and a person kneeling below her continued to say,” The queen’s mother is angry … “

“The anger, the emperor let the palace personally talk about the Queen ’s seal and give it to Shu Fei. How could this palace be angered, maybe it won’t be long before this Qiwu palace has to be replaced. By then, Shu Fei is virtuous, and you do n’t need to do that. Kou Qiuquan begged her to be angry, presumably you are the happiest. “The queen smiled coldly, glanced over the kneeling crowd.

The crowd repeated, “Slave (slave) dare not.”

The queen snorted. “All go down. There is another one living in this Qiwu palace. If she hears that this palace is losing her temper here, she doesn’t know how happy she is, and she will roll down this palace.”

Everyone rushed out and rushed out, leaving only one embroidered heart.

Xiuxin sighed, stood up, rubbed the queen’s hand in her own hand, and whispered softly, “Mother-in-law, slaves have been by your side for more than 20 years. You can see your hard slaves, slaves know your It ’s not easy, but, mother, we have passed through so many hurdles. This time, it ’s just an ordinary hurdle. It has passed across. The management of the harem is not so easy. Why be angry. According to the emperor, give the seal to the concubine in front of the emperor, and the emperor will certainly praise the maiden’s magnanimity. However, if the maiden gave the seal to the concubine, she would not be able to manage the harem. Well, at that time, Shu Fei’s plan will fail, and the emperor will naturally be disappointed in her, and she will never have such a thought in the future. Yu Niang is also very good. “

The queen held up her forehead and whispered, “Why didn’t you know this? This house just felt bad.”

Xiu Xin walked behind Shu Fei and rubbed her shoulders. “The mother should be happy. The emperor is concerned about you. Thinking that you are pregnant, naturally raising a child is the first thing …”

The queen put her hand on her belly and smiled bitterly. “But this palace …”

After talking about half, I couldn’t say anything. After a long while, I sighed, “Anyway, this palace has swallowed. The priority of the palace now is Jin Fei’s swollen belly, as long as it can be removed. Losing that confidant, even if you can endure these days, Shu Fei, after this palace has dealt with Jin Fei, she will naturally deal with her slowly. “

The queen held her forehead as if she had lost all her strength. “Did my father send you a message? What happened to the mirror?”

Xiu Xin responded quickly, “Master Xiang spread the word and said that someone had been chased after, and the border customs had arranged a person to answer.”

The queen nodded, “Father will surely not look so good. After all, he is disgusted. Jinger is a girl. The girl is only married to her father’s use, but Jinger’s trouble is like this, no wonder his father Would be angry. “

Xiu Xin didn’t answer. After a long time, the queen said again, “When Jin Gong was in charge of the harem before, Jin Fei lived in Qiwu Palace, and the palace couldn’t find a chance. Now, Shu Fei is in charge of the harem, but It also happens to create an opportunity for this palace. “

The embroidered hand paused for a moment, and smiled, “The queen mother said what she said.”

There was a flash of light in the queen’s eyes, “Minger, you will be wearing the House House, Shang Shang, Shang Yi Bureau, Shang Shang Bureau, the director of the Shang Bureau will come to this palace, this palace must explain things to them, It’s easy to explain that they obey Shu Fei … “


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