Eighth Crown

Chapter 120 - The rules of ghost eating and shuttle return (revision)

Liu Xia heard the words, mobilized the little magic power in the body, and gathered it into the stomach of the body, so that the magic power was integrated into the stomach.


Liu Xia nodded unexpectedly, the hunger in his stomach was indeed weakening.

In the hour after becoming a ghost, Liu Xia has been suppressing the hunger of being a ghost. In the world of [Demon Slayer], it is because there is a great enemy, Yiwozu, who must be dealt with first, so she returns to [Xingyue] The world is because it is still daytime.

He originally planned to go out to prey on a few humans after the night came, but now that he has learned that magic can suppress hunger, he does not need to prey in a short time.

“In our world called [Kyotsuki], ghosts have also appeared in the ancient times of this country, and many of them are not inferior, and even stronger than the ghosts you have encountered. For example, Speaking of Ibaraki-doji, Shuten-doji, etc., who are still appearing in various fantasy works, I also understand the habits of creatures such as oni.”

[Two ceremonies] Holding a finger, he introduced to Liu Xia: “Because magic power is the essence of life extracted from one’s own body, there is no problem in using one’s own magic power to eradicate hunger, but it is impossible to become stronger because of this. “

“Although the habits of ghosts are somewhat different due to the difference in the world, they are generally not much different.”

Liu Xia understood that the reason why ghosts can become powerful by eating people is also because of the nutrients in the human body—roughly speaking, it is because of vitality. As long as they absorb enough vitality, they can not only suppress their hunger, but also It can also make it stronger.

The essence of magic power is the life force extracted from one’s own body. Although it is different from flesh and blood in form, it is the same thing in the end. As long as magic power is absorbed from the body and melted into the stomach, hunger can be relieved.

It’s just because it’s self-comfort and self-satisfaction, it’s like a ghost eating your own body parts, so it won’t become stronger.

[Blade of Ghost Slayer] Because there is no such thing as magic in the world, ghosts can only relieve hunger by eating people, but the ghosts in the world of [Xingyue] are different. They only need magic power to suppress hunger, and most people eat people. Is it because of greed, or lack of magic power to cause malnutrition, or simply to become stronger.

Liu Xia silently raised her head and glanced at the [Two Ceremony].

The reason why she was able to say the name of Kiwu Tsuji Wumai and know his strength was probably because she was watching his memory again.

A subtle embarrassment appeared on the face of [Two Ceremony] at the right time, and she immediately eliminated this embarrassment and warned Liu Xia with a solemn expression.

“There is one more thing I have to tell you, Liu Xia, you’d better not eat people easily.”

Her expression was serious, and this was the first time she showed such an expression in front of Liu Xia, like a strict father admonishing his son about the rules of life.

“Is there any special reason?”

Liu Xia watched the [two ceremonies], and her eyes flowed around her, giving people a feeling of scrutiny.

“The reason? Um…”

[Two ceremonies] After a pause, he pondered for a while. The expression on his face was not so much that he was trying to figure out whether the reason could be explained, but that he was trying to make up a plausible statement on the spot.

“Hmm…you think, once you eat a human, don’t you have the same filthy demonic nature as the ghost you saw in that world? It’s easy to be targeted by others.”

As if he had found a suitable reason, the [Two Ceremony] eyes lit up, and then explained to Liu Xia.

This statement is not without merit.

[Blade of Ghost Slayer] The ghosts in the world, because they have eaten people, are always contaminated with a filthy aura that is different from people, so that the swordsmen of the ghost killing team can quickly find and eradicate each other.

If Liu Xia also ate people, his body would definitely be contaminated with that filthy aura. Although it would not affect his strength, it would undoubtedly bring trouble to his interpersonal relationships in the future.

When a person with a sense of justice senses the filthy aura on his body, he will never be willing to interact with him, which will add a lot of trouble to the benefits that could have been easily obtained, and some may even plan to eliminate evil.

Even if it is a ghost, even if it does not eat people, like Nedouzi, the body will still be contaminated with the ‘demon nature’ of ghosts, but at least it will not give people a dirty feeling. , will not be too repulsive.

Even if Liu Xia has a B-level [Aura Interruption], which can perfectly hide his own aura, this natural magic that radiates from his body still cannot be hidden, so he may need to upgrade his [Aura Interruption] to A-level. possible.

“It makes sense for now.”

Liu Xia nodded, but then changed the conversation, “But you don’t have to waste your time thinking about reasons. As I said earlier, you are better than me. As long as you tell me, I will do whatever I can.”

It’s just that he doesn’t eat people, Liu Xia doesn’t care at all, anyway, his ghost blood concentration has reached the bottom, and eating people can’t improve his strength much, as long as he can suppress his hunger and not affect his usual actions.

Moreover, the food of ghosts is not necessary for humans. Ghosts only eat humans, but ghosts can eat anything that humans can eat, but the effect is not as good as eating humans.

“If possible, I don’t really want to order you in that kind of coercive way.”

[Two ceremonies] I don’t know what I remembered, I sighed slightly, and my eyes became a little sad, “You already have a lot of mandatory obligations to complete… Well, let’s not talk about this, what other things do you have? Do you want to ask me?”

Mandatory obligations?

Liu Xia’s eyes flickered slightly. This should be related to the reason why the [two rituals] chose him… But looking at the way she changed the subject, she probably didn’t plan to say more on this matter.

[Two ceremonies] If you don’t plan to say something, even if you ask him to ask, it’s impossible to ask.

Although this woman may be kinder in character, she has been carrying out the ultimate mysticism from beginning to end, and her actions are always confusing.


Liu Xia wouldn’t dig into the horns on questions that couldn’t be answered, so he quickly adjusted his mind and asked the questions hidden in his heart one by one.

“The world I’ve been to, can I go back in the future?”

This was one of Lucia’s questions.

Although the interests of the world of [Ghost Slayer] have indeed been squeezed, this incident has reminded him that he may use [World Passage] as a way of escape in the future. If he flees without a vested interest, he must go back and search again.

“No problem, you can go back.”

The [Two Ceremony] replied very affirmatively: “After the one-month cooling time has passed, you can travel through the world again, and you can communicate with the [Anonymous Spirit Base] in your body and let it open the world channel of the previous world. There are no restrictions in this regard. , you can travel between the worlds you’ve been to at will – and you can still trigger the spiritual foundation mission when you return to the worlds you’ve been to.”

“Even after the shuttle cooldown is over, it’s completely feasible to go to other worlds without returning to this world, but directly doing a second shuttle.”

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