Eighth Crown

Chapter 125 - pit oneself

Even though they came to worship together, the other party somehow played the role of a priestess.

“Don’t look at me like this, I’m very good at pretending to be a witch, and I’ve played it many times before.”

[Two ceremonies] Keep your head up and your chest up, with a look of ‘I have rich experience, you don’t have to worry about it at all’.

In terms of her young girl’s appearance, it is inevitable to give people a feeling of being a little charming, and her appearance is indeed very good. Although it looks exactly the same as the two ceremonies, it has a soft feeling that is completely different from the two ceremonies.

However, Liu Xia was still unmoved, just silently walked to the offering box, put a coin into it, clasped his hands together, clapped his palms, and made a wish in line with the expectations of the [two ceremonies].

“What did you wish for?”

[Two ceremonies] He asked the question he was looking forward to.

“Can’t you read my thoughts? Why are you asking me?”

Liu Xia glanced at her indifferently, without showing the slightest joy or anger on her face.

“In order to maintain the sense of anticipation at this moment, I deliberately turned off my omnipotent and omnipotent power just now.”

[Two Ceremony] explained: “Apart from my consciousness occupying the surface layer, I don’t use any power on my body, this body is just a body of style.”

The next moment, as if to confirm her statement, while a gust of cold wind whistled—

“Ha chirp!”

[Two ceremonies] One was excited, and then sneezed softly, giving people an inexplicably cute feeling.

“nothing special.”

Liu Xia glanced at her, and as if nothing had happened, she erased the question in her mind, ‘If I kill her now, will she be able to be resurrected’, then she opened her mouth.

“It’s just a wish of ‘hope for peace in the future’.”

This is a very common wish, and probably nine out of ten people who come to worship will make such a wish.

[Two rituals] Rubbed her nose, frowned, and seemed to be rushed by the sneeze just now, and then she regained her omniscient and omnipotent power, Liu Xia’s thoughts poured into her mind uncontrollably.

Liu Xia didn’t lie, which made [Two Ritual] a little happy, even if he knew that he couldn’t lie to her, but compared to his previous state of being indifferent, this was enough to make her happy Something happened… I feel that she is a little humble, what’s going on?

“Then write your wish on the board and hang it up.”

[Two rituals] I expel the strange feeling in my heart, and then I don’t know where I took out a wooden board and an oil-based pen, and handed them to Liu Xia. After Liu Xia Yiyan wrote the wish on the wooden board, she put it Hanging on the wish board on the side.

“This is a good start, Lucia.”

[Two ceremonies] Pack up your mentality, and once again showed a motherly gentle smile to Liuxia.

Lucia was undecided.


New Years pass quickly.

Apart from being called out once by the [two ceremonies], Liu Xia never saw anyone again. During the very lively New Year, Liu Xia still stayed at home alone, practicing swordsmanship and sleeping~www.mtlnovel.com~ very regular and boring. spent the new year.

He doesn’t feel lonely, nor does he feel bored because of it. With his weak feelings, he will never feel lonely because he is alone, and he will never feel depressed because of the boring life.

Two days after the new year.

On the night of January 3, Liu Xia went out again.

It’s not for any special reason, it’s just to prepare for the next [World Shuttle].

Many of the supplies he prepared for the last shuttle had been consumed in the world of [Ghost Slayer], so he had to go out to make purchases, or if he encountered a world with an extremely backward civilization next time, will become very inconvenient.


Because many stores were closed, Liu Xia went to a few more stores and took a detour.

When returning to the apartment, Liu Xia took a shortcut and walked towards the apartment from the alley in the residential area.

However, on the way back, Liu Xia met an acquaintance again.

A girl in a kimono and a red leather jacket walks leisurely in the alley, with her hands in her pockets, her long hair covers her ears, and hangs down naturally, giving a sense of transcendence over gender The handsomeness above.

The two met unexpectedly in the alley, and the moment their eyes met, they stopped together.

This scene is very similar to the first time we met.

“Oh! Isn’t this my brother?”

After the two ceremonies saw Liu Xia, a mocking smile appeared on his face, and his expression was very straightforward, giving him the impression of a sunny youth.

The identity of the younger brother of the two rituals that Liu Xia lied to Hei Tong Gan in order to obtain information at the beginning, but now it has become a kind of talking point for the other party to ridicule Liu Xia.

“Aren’t you afraid of being targeted by someone again?”

With a backpack on her back, Liu Xia’s eyes converged on the body of the two rituals, and his eyes turned around her, “The people of the Liangyi family are really too reassured about you.”

“I’ve grown up so much, and I’ve encountered a lot of assassinations, and I haven’t seen anything like that.”

The two rituals shrugged helplessly, and their expressions became a little depressed, “But when you say this from your mouth, there is always a feeling that people have to be convinced.”

After all, Liu Xia almost succeeded in assassination for the first time so far… But the reason why his assassination failed, until now, the Liangyi family has no idea why.

Liu Xia didn’t care about this. If it wasn’t because the two ceremonies were the carriers of the [two ceremonies], he wanted to maintain a good-level relationship with the other party, then he wouldn’t even say a word to her.

Her voice was subtly hoarse, a bit like a cold. If you look closely, you can still see the tip of her reddish nose.

Liu Xia glanced at her body, although it was not cool, but it was also unsuitable for the thick attire, and she silently guessed in her heart that she was not conscious of her own physical condition?

However, Lucia did not intend to care about her.

With the [two rituals] in her body, even if everyone else on this planet were to die, she would never die. With her uniqueness, it was totally impossible for Liu Xia to care about her.

Thinking of the [two ceremonies], Liu Xia suddenly remembered.

In the early morning of the new year, in such a low temperature weather, the [two rituals] seemed to have turned off the ability of omniscience and omnipotence once, and then sneezed… Only two days have passed, and I am afraid it is already the beginning of the new year. It’s a cold, she’s cheating on herself.

“The two over there, are you interested in coming to my old lady’s shop to do a divination?”

While the two of them were standing still, from the depths of the alley, a voice of an elderly woman with a somewhat inarticulate voice suddenly came from the depths of the alley, as if she was soliciting guests.

Liu Xia and the two rituals turned their attention to the depths of the alley.

The hands in the pockets of the two rituals have already grasped the short knife in their sleeves.

Liu Xia also silently gathered the magic power in his body. As long as he thought about it, he could dispel the spirit of his sword and manifest it in his hands.

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