Eighth Crown

Chapter 1304 - Reasons for disagreement with pan-human history

Which era of the Mahabharata era was, and how many years ago it was, can no longer be tested.

After all, Indian mythology is notoriously exaggerated. A single Yujia cycle is more than four million years long. This exaggerated time ratio is very rare in mythology of all systems in the world.

In short, in the era of the great war, Arjuna, as the center of the story, the hero closest to God, went on a different path from himself in the pan-human history.

Arjuna of the Pan-Human History is considered a success, with many descendants. Although he is not happy, at least he is not a loser. He was just tired of the world and about to retire, and fell on the way to the Milu Mountain where the gods are located. to heaven.

But Arjuna here is different.

The first is Vishnu.

In mythology, Krishna, who exists as Arjuna’s groom and teacher, is actually one of the incarnations of the supreme **** Vishnu, who will almost unconditionally satisfy all of Arjuna’s desires.

In this Lost Belt, Arjuna devoured Krishna in some way, thus first obtaining the divinity of the patron saint Vishnu, then Shiva, Brahma, and Indra.

Step by step, Arjuna devoured the three supreme gods and **** kings, and became the **** who rules over all divinities, and has ruled the entire Lost Belt. It has been at least thousands of years since today.

In this endless time, Arjuna dominates the reincarnation of the whole world, and wipes out all the existences that are not recognized by him in the reincarnation of Yujia.

In the beginning, a Yujia lasted hundreds of years, and then this cycle gradually shortened as the world became smaller. When Peperonzino arrived, a Yujia only lasted for dozens of days.

“The Yujia cycle gets shorter as the world gets smaller?”

Liu Xia noticed a piece of information that was easy to ignore, and raised her brows slightly.

“That’s right.”

Peperonzino heard the words, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

“You think, the bigger the world, the more time it will take to destroy and create, doesn’t it? It must have taken hundreds of years for an Earth-level world to be destroyed and reset at first, right? The unneeded parts are cut off like scraps, and after repeating this process, the world will only be so big, and of course it won’t take long to reset!”


No matter what era, in terms of population and territory, India is a rare power in the world.

But in this Lost Belt, not only the territory and Pan-Human history are quite different, but also the population is incomparable. The distance between Biqiu Town and Divar Village is at least 20 kilometers away, but only within 20 kilometers. A few villages and towns add up to only about a thousand people.

That’s probably because in a long time, those “useless, worthless, immature people” have been wiped out by the dissatisfied Arjuna.

It is naturally much simpler to destroy and create a small world than a huge world.

“After all, he is an almighty God. I deal with him carefully. First, I try to control him cautiously. Don’t look at him as strong, but his personality seems to have been affected by his omnipotence, and he has become a lot more mechanized. , so the early stage is relatively smooth.”

“But the problem is that not long ago, the apostle of the alien **** came to this Lost Belt and made contact with that god. After that, Arjuna’s actions became a lot tougher…”

Although the previous Arjuna also carried out the reincarnation of Yujia, it would not be chaotic. In fact, the accident was quite Buddhist, but after the arrival of the alien **** apostle, he instigated Arjuna to speed up the Yujia cycle and put One Yujia was shortened to ten days.

Because the policy of governance has changed, there are a lot of trivial things to do, so Arjuna forcibly took the horse’s neigh.

“As expected of a god, he can do whatever he wants.”

Peperonzino’s face became free and unrestrained again, and his demeanor gradually lost control.

“He didn’t do anything, so he easily covered the contract between me and Ma Nei, not to mention the connection of the magic circuit, and even the causal contract was erased… Hahaha! It’s incredible!”

From his Yan Yi’s face, one could sense the unhappiness in his heart.

“Then the apostle presented the heroic spirit summoning technique, which made Arjuna summon three new servants one after another, but you all know this very well, so I won’t talk too much.”

After Yan Yi had a pass, Peperonzino’s mood gradually improved.

“All in all, this Lostbelt is completely dead. Arjuna’s goal is to create his ideal Utopian world by constantly erasing evil things.”

“What an idiot. There is no evil world, which means there is no good. He is obviously an almighty god. Why don’t you even understand such an obvious thing?”

Peperonzino made another taunt.

The ideal is a world without evil, and looking at it in his current way, maybe it is indeed possible to create such an ideal world in the end.

In an empty world, of course there is no evil, not even good.

Such a world can indeed be said to have entered a dead end, and there is no need for even the world to exist.

If what he said is true, then Arzhou is obviously a god, and I am afraid that it is not as far away as Peperonzino.

“What’s the matter with you? Is there something wrong with you?”

The two rituals were originally looking at this conceptual universe boredly, but noticed that Liu Xia beside him was in a daze for some reason, as if his mind was not here at all.

“No, it’s fine, it’s not about the injury.”

Liu Xia came back to her senses and shook her head towards the two rituals.

“I just noticed something…”

He can create an infinite number of himself.

But after all, the ability to think is limited. Even if you learn the alchemist’s method of dividing thinking, dividing your thinking into seven or eight parts at most is the limit, so some clones will appear sluggish.

Just now, he entered an unimaginable place, shocked all the threads of thinking, and involuntarily closed his thoughts.

But I have to say that the existence of that place really exceeded expectations.

“In this way, maybe we can find a way to decipher His omnipotence.”

Lucia thought silently in her heart.

However, he wasn’t sure if he could do it, so he didn’t say it right away, but planned to try it first.

“What happened to the Apostle of the Alien God you just mentioned?”

Lucia came back to her senses and asked Peperonzino again.

“Ah, do you want to ask me this?”

Peperonzino covered his mouth and chuckled softly, and he pondered a little.

“Well, although the hider and the apostle cannot interfere with each other, since he did the first year of the first year and interfered with my Lostbelt, I may not be able to do the fifteenth and tell you about them.”

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