Eighth Crown

Chapter 133 - [Restorer] with detached status (repair)

The owner of Strip City, Gryon Ashbourne, is a magician with a transcendent status even in the Clock Tower.

What is the most important thing for a magician? The quality of the magic circuit? Qualifications in magic? Or research to produce unique results?

No, neither.

These things may be very important, but for magicians, what they value most is often the [Magic Mark] owned by a family.

The so-called “magic engraving”, in a word, is the fixed mystery, the product after the magician spends his whole life to engrave the results of his research, the fundamental reason why the magician can form a family, and the whole reason. The largest and most important asset and legacy the family has.

For all magicians, most of them aim to “reach the vortex of the root”, but this goal is too grand. Even if a magician devotes his whole life to such a cause, he may not be able to achieve this goal.

In view of this, the magician will engrave the results of his own research—that is, the obtained mystery—to form a [magic engraving], and then pass it on to his sons and nephews, so that the sons and nephews can obtain their own results. Continue to walk on the road, exhausting the strength of generation after generation, and finally try to reach the root.

For a magician, the magic circuit can only represent his aptitude in magic, but the magic engraving symbolizes the hope of everyone in a family, even the magician himself who inherits the magic engraving.

In view of this, in fact, magic engraving is the most important inheritance and legacy of a magician family, and it is also the most important thing for magicians.

Once the magic seal of this family is destroyed, it is equivalent to destroying the hopes of all magicians in a family. In the blink of an eye, the family loyalty linked by the magic seal will disappear, and finally lead to disintegration.

For magicians, even if they lose their lives, they must at least ensure that the magic engraving is passed on to the next generation intact, so that the next generation can inherit their unfinished work.

However, things in this world are always unsatisfactory.

Either because of a dispute over the right of inheritance, or because of the unexpected death of the contemporary family owner, or because of being taken away… It is not uncommon for magicians to see the damage of the magic seal.

And those who can repair the magic engraving will naturally have a generally aloof status among magicians.

Gryon Ashburn, the Lord of the Stripped City, is a very rare [Restorer] who can repair the magic engraving.

When Gryon was still around, magicians from families with damaged magic sigils would often come here to ask him to repair the magic sigils.

Gryon, on the other hand, died just last month.

The cause of death is temporarily unknown, but he left a very precious legacy.

The magicians believe that perhaps the legacy includes the secret method that can repair the magic engraving. In view of this, this castle is naturally like blood in the deep sea, attracting many sharks with ulterior motives.

As long as they can get that secret method, doesn’t it mean that they can also become the new [Restorer] themselves? Not only can the status in the clock tower be improved in one go, but also it has extraordinary significance for repairing the family’s magic engraving.

In view of this, all the magicians who were invited came here naturally.

A pair of apprentices.

A pair of siblings.

a mercenary.

A Shugenda from the Far Eastern religion [Shugendo].

An old-school magician who is at least a few decades old.

There is also a daughter from a famous Finnish family.

And a heritage ceremony host from the Clock Tower [Fazheng Division].

This is today, stripping away all the guests who arrive in the city.


“Move everything to the room for me, and then just leave Kuron alone, and everyone else will go back.”

A melodious girl’s voice came into Liu Xia’s ears from outside the door, causing him to hold his breath silently and fully activate the ability of [Breathing Interruption].

“Really, the servants in this strip city are really stingy, they are only allowed to carry one servant or something…”

From outside the door came the girl’s graceful complaining. At the same time, there were also some heavy footsteps going back and forth in the room, placing various objects of different weights. According to the previous girl’s words, it should be It was the luggage she brought from her hometown.

By the way, this girl is the eldest lady of a famous Finnish family. She also seems to be the head of the family. She should have great power, so traveling is very extravagant.

“Please bear with me a little, Miss.”

Another heavy male voice came from outside, “If you want to get the inheritance of Glyon, you can only follow the rules of the other party, and there is no way to only bring one servant.”

“Of course I know that.”

The girl seemed a little confused and said, “But why did Glyon use the [Angel] as a method of choosing the heir of the inheritance? And there are so many [Angels] placed in the city.”

While the girl was puzzled, the servants she brought also took the items out of the suitcase and placed them all over the room.

But no one came to open the wardrobe, and the servants dared not start with the eldest lady’s clothes. Because of the fact that she was going to live here for a period of time, the girl also brought a lot of personal clothes, and those things could only be arranged by the girl herself.

“Courant, you go out too, I want to change clothes.”

After the servants left one after another, the girl said to her first servant, no surprise, this man named ‘Kurang’ is the servant the girl intends to stay in the city of stripping.

“Okay, Miss. If you have anything, please tell me.”

The man named Kuron also left the room, leaving the eldest lady alone in the room.

Immediately after that, there was a sound of ‘rustling’ from outside the closet, as well as the sound of subtle cloth rubbing against delicate skin. It seemed that the eldest lady was already changing her clothes.

Liu Xia bowed slightly.

The muscles on the body are mobilized, ready to attack at any time.

After a while, slight footsteps sounded, and it was getting closer and closer to the wardrobe. The other party should want to put his clothes in the wardrobe—


The wardrobe door was opened by the other party, and the creaking sound of the wooden wardrobe came out immediately.

The next moment, before the girl could react, a hand suddenly stretched out from the closet and pinched her throat with great precision, causing her screams to get stuck in her throat instantly, and not a single sound could come out. .

After a quick “touch”, the girl’s figure was forcibly pulled into the closet by the other party, and the closet door closed quickly.

The room quickly became empty.

Thank you ~Little Mozai~ (like the dark night), the Black Pixiu of Ice, for the reward at this moment, the silence is better than the sound! Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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