Eighth Crown

Chapter 142 - Clues of the second stage (repair)

It is said to be a statue, but in fact, including the base, the entire statue has been torn apart and turned into a pile of rubble lying on the ground. It can only be inferred from the size of the base that it should be a statue of one person high. , I don’t know if it was ‘my angel’ that Gryon was referring to.

“Is it here?”

Heine looked at the statue in front of him and took out the paper in his arms. It was a short word of ‘Ariel’, which was the angel he was given.

At this moment, a faint light appeared on the paper, and a new sentence gradually appeared below the angel’s name.

“—Angels are beasts, glaring at the sky in the west and devouring the sun.”

Heine nodded thoughtfully.

“Only with the magic wavelength of a specific leyline, the words will appear. It is a simple but practical technique. That is to say, only by finding this place can you get the clues for the next step.”

As Heine muttered to herself like this, she turned around and looked in the direction behind her, a faint smile appeared on her upright face.

“I didn’t expect that I would also become a cicada being targeted, so who is the mantis who is staring at me as a cicada?”

What he said, it was obvious that someone was following him.

Luvia was very helpless, so she could only withdraw the magic that concealed her breath, walked out of the woods, and stood in front of Heine generously, while Liuxia still stood behind her in a servant-like manner.

There was also a piece of paper in her hand, which was emitting a faint light at the moment, on which was written the exact same sentence as Heine’s hand.

“I didn’t expect to be pitted by this piece of paper.”

There was a helpless smile on Luvia’s face. Neither she nor Liu Xia’s tracking was exposed, but because she was close to the correct place, the next sentence as a clue naturally appeared on the paper she was carrying. Heine felt the extremely weak magic power fluctuations.

“It turned out to be Ms. Edfield.”

Heine looked at Luvia in surprise, “I thought it would be the astrologer Frenger. After all, he is the only [Magician] among us, and he is also known as the ‘Master Killer’.”

There was a hint of irony in Heine’s words.

First, he satirized Frenger’s identity as a magician, and secondly, he satirized Luvia through Frenger, thinking that her behavior was close to that of a magician.

He is an orthodox magician, and it is natural to look down on magicians.

“Just say what you want, but since you have solved the puzzle of the first stage for me, I won’t care about you.”

Luvia waved the paper in her hand, a proud white swan smile appeared on her face, “I didn’t expect it to be the zodiac sign, I really didn’t think of it for a while.”

The seventy-two letter name itself can correspond to the zodiac, and the zodiac can refer to a direction. In other words, the three hundred and sixty degrees around itself are divided into seventy-two equal parts. , in this way, the direction is naturally clear.

Heine’s face became a little unhappy. Anyone who knew that his achievements were stolen by others would be unhappy.

“Hmph, you may be right, but I’ve got the clues for the second stage now, how about you? Miss Edfield?”

Luvia raised her brows, and there was a clear look of surprise on her face.

The hint for the second stage has just come out, but does this alchemy genius actually already have a clue? When she just saw this sentence that appeared on the paper, she didn’t think of any clues.

“I’ll go back tonight, I hope you can gain something.”

Heine had no plans to continue the search, otherwise his next step would be stolen by Luvia. He cast a dreadful look at Liu Xia, then bypassed the two of them and walked towards the castle from the other direction.

Liu Xia did not stop him, but silently let him leave here.

After Heine’s figure completely disappeared from her eyes, Luvia sighed, and fluttered her golden curly hair with some distress, “As expected of the genius of the Istari family, I didn’t expect to reach this point… Nothing has been found yet.”

“The clues he was referring to should be those footprints, right?”

Liu Xia pointed to the direction of the shattered statue, and said to Luvia, his eyesight is strong enough to see the whole area within one thousand meters, even if the vision is affected in the night, it will not be tense. The scene from a few meters away can’t be seen clearly.


Luvia was stunned for a moment, then walked to the shattered statue, pushed aside the grass, and immediately found different shades of marks on the soil.

“It turns out that he is just pretending to be mysterious.”

A confident smile appeared on Luvia’s face again, she took out a blue gem from her pocket, and activated magic.

“Call (wake up).”

This seems to be the pre-preparation for her to start magic. Every magician needs a high degree of concentration to start magic. Once the spirit is slack, the magic will fail immediately. The ‘switch’, as long as you turn it on, you can concentrate immediately.

For Luvia, this preliminarily chanting is what she needs to do to focus her mind.


Luvia threw the sapphire in her hand and let it fall to the ground, and then the gem lingered on the edge of the footprint for a while, as if a police dog were sniffing the prisoner, and then suddenly shot out in a certain direction.

“Let’s catch up.”

Luvia greeted Liu Xia, and the two of them chased after Sapphire.

Sapphire followed the footprints of the owner of the footprints, left the woods, and shot towards the castle like an arrow.

“In the castle?”

Luvia looked at the trajectory of the sapphire movement, and there was a deep look of surprise on her face.

But she didn’t hesitate, and continued to run towards the castle. At the same time, Bai Nen’s five fingers also secretly clasped several gems of different colors.


The next moment, before Luvia arrived at the gate of the castle, a violent beast roar came from the direction of the castle, causing Luvia’s complexion to change instantly.

It was not an ordinary beast roar. The ordinary beast roar would never make the daughter of a daughter from a famous magician’s family change her face. In fact, the reason why she was shocked by it was because the beast roar actually contained The powerful magic is enough to cause a substantial physical blow to the person who hears the sound, injuring the eardrum and internal organs.

“It’s a monster!”

Luvia judged the true body of this beast almost instantly.

Immediately after, a black shadow of a one-person-high beast flashed out of the castle and disappeared into the bushes in the distance at a speed far exceeding that of a cheetah.

Luvia’s face suddenly turned ugly.

With her ‘enhanced’ vision, she saw that the beast’s forelimbs seemed to be gripping a **** limb that looked close to an arm, or a leg.

“Could it be that!?”

Luvia seemed to suddenly think of something, her complexion changed, and she quickly said to Liu Xia, who was following her side by step: “Liangyi, you go after that beast, I will enter the castle!”

Thank you ~Little Mozai~ (like the night), the unparalleled gentleman here, the unarmed gentleman, and the unarmed Shen Er for the reward! Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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