Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 46 - 046046

When Chen Yuejin heard that Chen Mian actually said this, he said a little sadly: “Boss, you two are sisters, do you say that about your own sister? Xiaoyuan is not what you said, she really misses me this time. , also sent me the money, and I found the content written on the letter to someone else to read, and they all said that there is reason and evidence, so you can’t deceive people, and your father is not stupid.”

Chen Mian was getting angry. She had an opinion on Chen Yuan in her heart, and she couldn’t see her father saying something good about the other party, so she said with a sneer:

“Dad, I’m married to the village next door. I come to see you every three or five times. I usually buy you big bags and small bags, but Chen Yuan only spends money for you a few times a year? You spend a little money, but you remember her benefits. Completely forget that she used to be old at home, and she didn’t make a lot of money when she went to work. When you got married, you still asked you to subsidize so much money. When I got married You didn’t say that you would sell a cow for me as a dowry. I, Chen Mian, asked myself and was quite filial to you, but the difference between the money you gave her and the money you gave me is too big, and this is too ruthless.”

Chen Yuejin smiled bitterly. He said with conscience that he was very good to both daughters, because the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands were all flesh, and they were both daughters. How could there be a difference between the distance and the distance, but a bowl of water is really difficult to balance, he has given as much as he can. The two daughters have the best life, but even with all their efforts, they still cannot achieve the daughter’s satisfaction.

I don’t need to eat or drink, and I feel a little grievance in my life. It’s nothing, but I can’t let my daughter suffer. When Chen Mian got married, it was seven years ago. At that time, I was very poor. All the pigs and cattle I raised were owned by the public. In the production team, all farming is earned by earning work points in exchange for food, which is completely incomparable with the current conditions.

The eldest son-in-law was from the village next door, and the son-in-law was chosen by the daughter herself. Chen Yuejin saw that the conditions of the other party’s family were OK. Although he was not very rich, he was a reliable and honest family, so he agreed to the marriage of the eldest daughter.

When the eldest daughter got married, Chen Yuejin also tried every means to put together a dowry for her, but at that time he had no money and was really poor. I gave it to my eldest daughter. This is also a family heirloom. It is also very suitable for her as a dowry. As for the lack of money, it was because the family was poor. Only these jewelry were the most valuable. Good dowry.

When the youngest daughter got married, now that the land reform has been carried out for several years, they can make more money, and the conditions of the family are gradually getting better. Moreover, Chen Yuan went to another province, and Wucheng is too far away from them. For four days, and the youngest daughter had never been so far from home, where the unfamiliar living standards were different from those in small places, Chen Yuejin was worried that Chen Yuan would not be able to adapt to the life in the big city, and that she was also afraid that she would be caught there. Look down on it, the taste of being frustrated everywhere is unpleasant, but if you have money in your hand, it will be completely different. Even if her in-law’s family treats her badly, she will not live too hard, and everything can be decided by herself, and she will not be constrained by money.

Chen Yuejin knew the taste of poverty better than anyone else. The younger daughter went to such a far place, and it was not like the eldest daughter could take care of her. Only money could solve the problem easily, so he sold a cow and gave all the money to Chen Yuan. .

It was because of this money that Chen Mian had an opinion and felt that she was partial to Chen Yuan.

“Xiao Mian, if it were you who married and had no one to rely on, I would definitely not be stingy with you, but you say that I am partial to Xiaoyuan. Think about it for yourself. When I got married, I took your mother I also gave you the jewelry from the past. Those silver jewelry must be sold for hundreds of dollars now, not less than a cow. Besides, Xiaoyuan didn’t get any jewelry left by your mother. You settle accounts with me for this, right? A little too much?”

Chen Mian took a deep breath and kept her mouth shut about jewelry. She is her mother’s eldest daughter. If you don’t keep this jewelry for yourself, should it be reserved for others? Chen Yuan is so ignorant. If she gave her jewelry, it would definitely be a waste, but her father was really partial to Chen Yuan. He gave her so much money when he left, and he only got jewelry when he got married.

In addition to this matter, there are many facts about Chen Yuejin’s partiality. Chen Mian was really angry and said unwillingly. “Dad is really partial to Chen Yuan. It’s not false that you put her in a vocational high school, but your eldest daughter went home to work before she even finished junior high school. If there is a way out, you can let her go to school. But you said that you spent so much money for her to study for many years, what’s the use of it, because that man would have to die for breaking off the marriage, the job of the county hospital was resigned, don’t you know how difficult it is to find a serious job, if it were me Work, I will never give up so easily and go to other places, thinking that I can really live a good life, it is too naive.”

Chen Yuejin sighed: “You didn’t finish junior high school, isn’t it your own to drop out of school? If you study hard, won’t I support you? And it’s her own ability for Chen Yuan to be admitted to vocational high school. You may not be able to pass the entrance exam, I asked you to go to the tailor shop in the county town to learn your craftsmanship, but if you don’t go, I said that the management has also changed, and you are blaming me now for the path you chose?”

Chen Mian spoke this time, standing aside with a cold face and gasping for breath. Anyway, she just couldn’t bear to see Chen Yuejin working so hard for Chen Yuan, while she got nothing from her father.

“Dad, I won’t blame you, but you can’t listen to Chen Yuan in everything. You must not mess around with such a big thing as growing crops.”

Chen Yuejin shook his head: “No nonsense, I have my own opinion, you can leave this matter alone.”

Chen Mian still said stubbornly: “If I don’t care, you will follow Chen Yuan’s method and plant this year’s dealers in the ground. If there is no harvest, wouldn’t she be harmed by her.”

Chen Yuejin shook his head, disapproving of his daughter’s paranoid idea, and retorted: “How can you get nothing, then the above is very reasonable, I don’t believe it is useless.”

Chen Mian saw that his father seemed to have drank ecstasy, and he insisted on believing in Chen Yuan, so he became even more anxious: “Dad, you don’t even think about it, you have been growing crops for most of your life, if you have experience, you are no better than you. Chen Yuanduo, can she grow food just by writing a letter on paper? The harvest depends entirely on seasonal changes, you should know this better than anyone else.”

Chen Yuejin shook his head helplessly: “This matter doesn’t make sense, it’s fine if you don’t support me. What Chen Yuan said is useless if you think it’s useless, so there’s no need to talk about it.”

Chen Mian frowned: “I really don’t understand, what exactly did she write to make you believe it is like this, take it out and let me see.”

Chen Yuejin saw that Chen Mian was so opposed to using Chen Yuan’s method, how could he still send the letter to the other party, if he gave it to the other party, he would not be able to see it, so he resolutely did not take it out. In the end, he was afraid that his eldest daughter would be too aggressive to stop him. After thinking about it, I pretended to be weak first: “I understand what you said, but in fact, I may not really use her method to plant. After all, you are right, it is still the most important thing to ensure the harvest.”

Chen Mian saw that his father finally gave in, and his face finally looked a lot better. As long as his father was not deceived by Chen Yuan, everything would be fine. Next time, he took Chen Yuan’s address and wrote to the other party, asking her not to write to his father. Send this kind of nonsense to confuse people.

“Okay, take a rest, I’ll go back beforehand.”

Chen Mian left after she finished speaking. Chen Yuejin waited for her to leave before she dared to take out the letters and parcels sent by Chen Yuan and organize them. The eldest daughter had too much prejudice against the younger daughter. When something came over, he might have to say something to her. He would try not to mention Chen Yuan in front of Chen Mian in the future.

As for the method Chen Yuan gave him, Chen Yuejin still wanted to give it a try. First of all, the increase in the output of the content labeling is really impressive, and the method is also very stable. It just needs to mix some fertilizers, nutrient solutions, and pesticides. Some go to the field to test the humidity and temperature every 5-15 days, record in detail the prevention methods of various droughts and diseases, and the greenhouse cultivation method, all of which are very reasonable. Chen Yuan told him that as long as there is no accident In the event of major natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes, each mu of land can increase crops by at least 30%. This 30% is my own personal income. If I buy crops and exchange for money, life will really be much better.

Chen Yuejin took out the letter and looked at it carefully. The line of the formula on the letter was what the college student had carefully marked for him with a pen. He was afraid that he would turn his head and forget what was on it, so he came back. On the way, I have been reciting the method in my heart, and now it is all in my heart.

He decided to go to the county town tomorrow to find some fertilizers that Chen Yuan mentioned by name.

In fact, only Chen Yuejin believes that the content of the letter is not nonsense. She said that the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the compound fertilizer are all in strict proportions that are most suitable for the current crops. All brands of fertilizers were written down. She asked Chen Yuejin to go home and mix compound fertilizers according to the ingredient list on the back of the fertilizers.

The youngest daughter said in the letter that the crops should be used in strict accordance with the above proportions.

Of course Chen Yuejin knew that the crops should not be sloppy, and he planted the fields very carefully. After the college student read it to him, Chen Yuejin knew that this was more delicate than his own habit, and it was simply teaching farming hands-on.

Although it sounds incredible, if you didn’t read the above content carefully, you would definitely not believe it. The village director suspected that it was normal for Chen Yuan to think.

The next day, Chen Yuejin took the villager’s four-wheeled car into the city to buy fertilizer. The car he took was the car of a young brother named Dong Young in the village. He almost walked away. It didn’t take long for Chen Mian to hear that her father was going. county.

This made Chen Mian angry. As soon as he guessed, he knew that Chen Yuejin would definitely not listen to his advice and go to the city to fiddle with the methods Chen Yuan taught him. Otherwise, he would not be so anxious to prepare for farming.

She went to Huhu to wait at the entrance of the village, she was anxious and had no choice.

While the two were chatting in the car, Xiao Dong knew that Chen Yue went into the city to buy fertilizer and came back to blend compound fertilizer. He was surprised to hear that Chen Yuan actually came up with this method.

Xiao Dong reminded: “Uncle Chen, is your fat really easy to use? So much fat mixed with one piece, what if something goes wrong and the crops are burned.”

“This is impossible, my girl said, because the nutrients in a fertilizer are too single, so the effect is also ordinary, but as long as all the trace elements are adjusted to the best method according to the formula, there will naturally be unexpected Effect.”

After Chen Yuejin finished speaking, Xiao Dong was all tempted. He also wanted to try the effect of this fertilizer, but he was still not so courageous. He was so reckless that he really bought the fertilizer back, and his father had to scold him to death.

So Xiao Dong wants to see if Chen Yuejin will have any effect after using it, and whether to ask for a method.

Chen Yuejin quickly bought the fertilizer. As soon as he entered the village, he saw his eldest daughter Chen Mian and his eldest son-in-law Yu Xu, who were besieged at the entrance of the village. , was furious in his heart.

“Father, is this what Chen Yuan taught you? These fertilizers are very powerful. Are you sure you can use them up after buying so much?”

Chen Yuejin’s face was full of guilt, but he had already bought it back, and sooner or later he would have to meet people, so he said with a stubborn temper, “What are you doing here?”

“If I don’t stop you, I’m afraid you will really try this crooked way. Dad, have you considered the consequences if you don’t get your crops? When you owe a lot of debt, Chen Yuan won’t pay for you, you Don’t really trust her.”

Chen Mian started to cry while talking.

Yu Xu patted his wife’s shoulder and persuaded with an ugly face: “Dad, Chen Mian also kindly persuaded you, if something really happens, you don’t have to worry about regretting it. Why do so many people persuade you to listen to you? If you don’t go in, you have to believe this chasing thing, it really chills Chen Mian’s heart.”

When Chen Mian heard this, she was suddenly excited, her eyes were red and her voice was sharp: “Of course he obeyed Chen Yuan, because he only took this daughter in his heart and didn’t take me seriously at all.”

Chen Yuejin didn’t expect his daughter to think this way, and he was very anxious. He had never thought about it this way, and he treated his eldest daughter equally well, but it was obvious that Chen Yuan made sense, and Chen Mian didn’t know why. Don’t believe that.

Yu Xu said again: “Dad, just listen to the advice. Don’t make Chen Mian angry any more. It’s really unnecessary for the family to be hurt by this incident.”

There were many middle-aged women in the village watching the scene of the quarrel between the father and daughter of the old Chen family, and couldn’t help but talk about it.

“Old Chentou is really inauthentic. He is very old. If something happens, he can’t be raised by the eldest daughter. The youngest daughter can’t expect anything when she is married so far away. Don’t take advantage of being nice to the eldest daughter now, be more obedient, and continue to be so stubborn, be careful that no one will support him when he grows old.”

“Yeah, this child Chen Mian is suffering. His father spends money on the little one when he has money. The older one is sensible and doesn’t care if her father asks for money. The method written in the letter sent by the little daughter to him this time, It is almost like an imperial decree, and it is said that it can increase production. I have lived for such a long time, and I have never heard of this method. If it is really useful, then the country has not promoted it long ago, and those fertilizer factories have already produced it. Better fertilizers come out, so it’s definitely a lie, but the old man still doesn’t believe it, and the eldest daughter can’t help it.”

“That’s right. If this old man is disobedient, this year’s harvest will be a shame. When the food is poor, he will have nowhere to cry.”

“As the saying goes, if you don’t listen to other people’s advice, you will suffer in front of you. Miss Chen, if your father is disobedient, don’t worry about it. He can do things on his own and bear the consequences. Anyway, there is no regret medicine in this world, and he will know when he learns a lesson. , but it’s too late.”

Chen Mian cried and couldn’t speak. Many onlookers were accusing Chen Yuejin. Everyone thought that Chen Yuejin was biased.

And when I heard that Chen Yuejin was going to use the planting method sent by Chen Yuan, they were all sarcastic and sarcastic. There was not a trace of friendliness on everyone’s face, and they all thought that if Chen Yuejin really used it, he would definitely pay for it. Painful price.

In such an extreme environment, Chen Yuejin was really unsure, saying that what everyone thought might be the real truth, he alone was very different from their thoughts.

Chen Mian finally left a sentence that he would never care about this matter again, and accompanied by Yu Xu, Chen Yuejin went home naturally under the pointing eyes of the villagers.

The rumors and rumors of the villagers are much more likely than expected, and these people usually have nothing to do when they are full, and they like to gossip about others. For a while, Chen Yuejin, Chen Mian, and Chen Yuan’s three father-daughter and planting formulas have become the villagers’ leisure time. topic of.

The content of the topic is naturally to scold the old man Chen for being stupid, the eldest daughter kindly reminded him but it was not good, and the younger daughter made a bad move and was uneasy and kind.

At the same time, Chen Yuejin’s house was also trampled by curious villagers. These people also came to Chen Yuejin to inquire about the secret recipe with a mocking attitude. , What work did she do in the provincial capital, and some people came to persuade him to stop being obsessed. The village director was one of them. For this matter, the other party came to talk to him twice, and each time he took the matter seriously. Sexual emphasis is repeated.

But for Chen Yuejin, his ears have become cocooned. Sometimes he really doesn’t know what to do. He just listens to what others say, and doesn’t refute it. He has no way to talk to the village director. The other villagers debated what happened.

After all, this method has not been really tested, and no one can guarantee whether it will work or not.

Chen Yuejin was very upset. He couldn’t make up his mind. He took out Chen Yuan’s letter and recalled the college student that day. He read the content to himself several times. Here is an experiment.

Chen Yuan said that there are no test strips available on the market now, so she can only use the stupidest method to test and formulate compound fertilizers, that is, to select a crop from the crop field and use potted or small-scale planting methods to test a few first. , to see the effect.

Chen Yuejin felt that this method made sense. If it was really okay, he could make those people shut up.

Now that so many people are talking about him behind his back, they just feel that this planting method is unreliable. If they really see the effect, the villagers will be quiet.

Chen Yuejin did what he said. He went to the county to buy a lot of seedlings, and when he came back, he put them at the gate of the yard, planted a little of each, and wrote a label. One piece, it will take more than a month before sowing.

During this period, it is estimated that if the seedlings bought are growing normally, it is estimated that they will grow old and tall. If the seedlings grow in the field, it will take two months. In this way, I first used Chen Yuan to study the compound fertilizer. You can safely use it in the field.

He knew very well that no matter what the reasons or explanations were, even if he said a great truth, other people would not believe him, let alone what Chen Yuan said.

Chen Yuejin wants to use facts to prove whether Chen Yuan’s method is really useful, not only to fight for himself, but also to correct Chen Yuan’s name, and also to make Chen Mian realize that this method is right, not that he is deliberately biased. daughter.

Only when things are successful, those people will understand, they will think it is reasonable, and they will not be ridiculed by others.

Two days later, Chen Yuejin had already adjusted the fertilizer and planted the seedlings in the yard. The soil in the yard was brought back from the field by him, so there was no difference in soil.

Chen Yuejin was very careful when distributing fertilizers, for fear that if he added too much, if he added too little, there would be no effect, or the crops would be damaged. Therefore, every step was done carefully and strictly in accordance with Chen Yuan’s instructions. Good every thing.

The planted seedlings cannot be fertilized immediately. It will take two or three days to get used to it before starting to fertilize.

Chen Yuejin took the fertilizer bucket and carefully watered several crops in the yard, including common corn, sorghum, and wheat.

He took a soft ruler to measure the height of the crops, and remembered their state at this moment. After everything was done, Chen Yuejin relaxed. He went back to the house and took out the dry cigarettes that he had not smoked for a long time, and lighted them. Taking a deep breath, he lay on the bed to rest his tense and tired body.


Chen Yuan’s hand injury is almost healed. She usually does some light activities, but there is basically no problem, but there is still a long scar on her wrist up to the palm of her hand.

Shen Huai gently stroked the very obvious scar, and gently applied the ointment from Feng Tao on it. The color of the ointment was transparent gel-like, and there was basically no trace on the skin.

However, judging from the use of these days, the color of the scar has not become darker, and there is no protruding hyperplasia. The overall impression of the book is almost the same as when the stitches were removed. The wound surface of the skin is flat, which proves that it should have It does work, but it takes time for the scars to fade away.

Liu Chuan was waiting for Chen Yuan to resume the update. The day lily was cold. The more than one month break really drove him crazy, and it has been discontinued. The publishing house really doesn’t have a new manuscript that can be published Now, I am still eating the old manuscripts, and the sales of the old manuscripts are also considerable. It has been on sale for about three months now, and a total of 100,000 copies have been sold. This number is something he never thought of.

In other words, he never thought in his life that he could sell so many comic strips. Besides, it’s only been three months, and it’s only a city. The only way to promote it is in newspapers. This speed is really amazing and terrifying.

However, the follow-up is broken, and the strong urging of the readers is also very amazing, and he can’t stand the pressure soon after urging him.

Liu Chuan brought Chen Yuan’s manuscript fee and came to Chen Yuan to urge him to change due to helpless pressure.

This time, Chen Yuan’s manuscript fee is very high, about 50,000 after tax.

Chen Yuan’s share is very high. Her comic strips are also the most popular works this year. The sales volume is amazing. Although it is shocking that she can get so many royalties, she may be the first author of the top comic strips in Wucheng. There should be no one. The royalties are more than hers.

But with so many thick RMB in front of Chen Yuan, she suddenly began to think about how to manage money. She should be able to follow the development in the novel and find a prosperous area in the future to start buying houses and land waiting for the equivalent value, or speculating in stocks. , the downfall of national debt is also a good idea.

However, financial management is financial management, and it is still necessary to be a low-key rich woman who does not reveal her wealth.

Chen Yuan made money, and agreed with Liu Chuan on the date of resuming the update. He would submit the manuscript to him next Monday. When Liu Chuan left, he sent her a letter saying that it was from Hongqi Studio.

This time it was Hongqi Studio who wanted to find Chen Yuan and adapt her comic strip.

When Chen Yuan opened the letter and looked at it, she was instantly annoyed by the contents.

“Mr. Chen, our Red Flag Studio appreciates your work very much, but your work is too advanced for the current environment, and it is difficult for many audiences to digest and understand it, and it is also very difficult to adapt it into an animated version, in other words. In other words, there is no other company in the market that can adapt your work. Our Hongqi Publishing House is your best choice……. Now the copyright of comic strips on the market is 1000-3000 yuan, But we value your talent, the copyright price is 5,000 yuan, I hope you will consider carefully and don’t miss this opportunity.”

After the whole article was written down, Chen Yuan only saw what was written on the letter. We are willing to adapt your work. I hope you will not be ignorant and arrogant, but the price offered is stingy.

Her works are only worth 5,000 yuan, which is a bit too little, right?

And seeing what was written in the letter, it is estimated that this price is already the highest price that the other party thinks given, and it is estimated that he is still complacent.

Chen Yuan was helpless. Why didn’t they do market research? As long as Hongqi Studio could be more cautious, they wouldn’t offer this price.

The above attitude is far from that of the previous 28 studio. The letter written by the previous director Lin was very polite and respectful of his book, but Hongqi studio is fine, she definitely doesn’t consider the other party cooperate.

On the other side, after Jiang Anqiang, a technician from Hongqi Studio, sent it to Huayu Culture, he thought that their studio had set such a high copyright price this time, and the other party estimated that they should reply soon.

A work of 10,000 yuan is already a very good price in the market. Even if this comic book sells well, it is not necessarily suitable for adaptation into an animation, and even if it is suitable for adaptation, the ratings may not be good.

How can their studio also consider the risk of production and cost. If the ratings are not good, it is very likely that the file will be withdrawn in advance, and they will definitely lose money for the loss.

Qian Huaicheng, director of Red Flag Studio, asked Jiang Anqiang, “Have you contacted the author of “Future World”?”

Jiang Anqiang said: “I have already sent a letter to the author, and it is estimated that the other party will receive it soon.”

Factory Manager Qian nodded: “It’s better to keep the price lower, as long as you can get the copyright, you can leave it alone, and now the future world is so hot, as long as you find an investor, you can definitely get the money.”

Jiang Anqiang also agreed with Director Qian: “I understand that what we need is copyright. As long as the copyright is in hand, won’t the other party let us handle it? The price I offered is already very high, even if the other party will not agree immediately, it is estimated that We will also be considered first.”

Director Qian said: “To keep an eye on other studios and prevent them from cutting off the hustle, we must ensure that we get the copyright first, and then we can consolidate our position as the industry leader.”

Jiang Anqiang and Qian Huaicheng planned to buy Xiao Jiujiu back even if they didn’t adapt it. After all, this might be an opportunity to be published in the newspaper. Now that “Future World” is so famous, if the rumors are released, it will give them the copyright of Hongqi Studio. , no doubt added fame to their studio.

As for whether it can be adapted or not, this is not something that needs to be considered now.

After all, before this work came out, as long as there were other popular works on the market, Hongqi Studio would give priority to buying them. It can be said that what they did was to monopolize the good works, so as to ensure that the works they produced became more and more excellent.

In this way, they will always be the largest studio in the industry, and other companies will have to stand aside. The purchase of Chen Yuan’s copyright this time is no exception. The fight is to monopolize it first. As for investors, when the copyright is obtained, are you afraid?

Red Flag Studio also has a lot of ways to buy copyright from authors, mainly to create some companies like us that can find you, just to give you face, and then make some empty checks to tempt, set traps on the contract, and wait until other producers After the factory also found the same work, and destroyed it, the other party gave up the purchase and gave it to the author. If it is not sold to Hongqi at a low price, it will not be sold.

They have tried this method almost a hundred times, and most of the works can be obtained.

The two are also confident about “Future World”.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed. I had sworn that there would be no problem, but there was still no news. Jiang Anqiang and Qian Huaicheng could not wait, and rushed to the publishing house again.

I didn’t expect to meet my colleagues this time. The person in charge of 28 Studios also appeared in Huayu Culture Publishing House. Lin Wei brought his technicians here for almost the same purpose as Jiang Anqiang and Qian Huaicheng. They all want to get the copyright of Chen Yuan.

The meeting with peers is particularly jealous, and the scene is full of flavor.

Today happened to be the day when Chen Yuan handed over the manuscript to Liu Chuan. By the way, I came to the publishing house to finalize the figure and peripheral supplies of “Future World”. Before Liu Chuan found a small robot customized by the factory, it had already been done, but After Chen Yuan injured her hand, she didn’t bother the other party because of this trivial matter.

Now that Chen Yuan’s hands have been restored, Liu Chuan asked Chen Yuan to come to the warehouse of the publishing house to see the ready-made figures. If they are suitable, they will produce hundreds of them in batches and use them as exchange rewards for collecting albums.

The rule set by the two is that if you buy 5 copies at a time, you will get a postcard of the same style, and if you buy 10 copies at a time, you can get two exquisite cartoon stickers of the same style of “Future World”, whether it is the popular version or the collector’s version. .

Cartoon stickers are children’s favorite things. Whether it’s a boy or a girl, the temptation of stickers is absolutely irresistible, and stickers and postcards are very cheap. A collection of 24 different postcard and sticker patterns.

In other words, if you buy five copies, you can only get postcards and stickers of one type of robot. If you want to get other styles, you have to buy five more copies. Some of them are robot patterns of rare styles. You can buy repeatedly without restrictions on chapters, but the regulations must be purchased in the required quantity.

The others are stationery boxes and school bags printed with cartoon patterns, as well as robot model bracelets. These two are also required to purchase more than 20 copies before they can be exchanged.

Finally, there is the robot figure. This custom-made price is relatively high. It must be 30-60 episodes, a total of 30 hardcover editions or collector’s editions that cannot be repeated, in order to exchange a figure.

There are also robot figures for family portraits and five-piece suits for robot figures. The exchange conditions are more stringent. In short, all the purpose is to stimulate sales and make money.

The drawings that Chen Yuan gave to Liu Chuan were very beautiful. In fact, it was a miniature version of the robot model. The appearance was very beautiful, and the details were lifelike. Every robot’s joints were movable. The robot’s hands are mechanical fingers, and the workmanship is very realistic , The screws on it are so small that they are only millimeters in size. It can be said that from the outside, except that they cannot be powered on, the others are really no different.

Although the readers have not seen the real thing, and they don’t know what the robots in the future world will look like, as long as the figure is released, it will definitely convince the readers that it is real.

After Chen Yuan and Liu Chuan were determined to be good figures, they didn’t expect the heads of the two studios to block the door of the publishing house. Liu Chuan was a little nervous, because after the news was released recently, no fans or readers came to the publishing house to wait. There is also a lot less attention to the publishing house, but I didn’t expect to be blocked by people from the studio. It would be bad if Chen Yuan’s identity was exposed.

Chen Yuan understood what Liu Chuan meant, but was not afraid of anything. After all, she had never seen Chen Yuan’s real appearance outside. How could the two studios know that she was the real author? So it doesn’t matter if you go out, just pretend to be the employees of the publishing house, just by the way, you can listen to what they have to say.

So when the two publishing houses came out, what they saw was a female employee who was born to Liu Chuan.

Director Qian and Jiang Anqiang couldn’t hold it any longer. When they saw Editor-in-Chief Liu, they hurried forward and asked, “Editor-in-chief Liu, Editor-in-chief Liu, did Mr. Chen reply to the letter? It should take so long. There is an answer.”

Liu Chuan couldn’t help but look at Chen Yuan’s face next to him, he didn’t know what the other party’s opinion was, but Chen Yuan said to Liu Chuan next to him: “Editor Liu, Teacher Chen called in the morning, and she said she refused. Work with Red Flag Studios.”

Director Qian and Jiang Anqiang were dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it: “Ah, how is this possible? Did you make a mistake, how could Teacher Chen reject us, is it because the conditions are not satisfactory, we can continue Talk, don’t be too busy to refuse.”

Contrary to the expectations of the two, after all, after they had calculated, they had already offered the highest price, but the other party refused? This is simply unacceptable, and if it were any higher, wouldn’t the lion open his mouth.

The two people from Hongqi Studio were very angry. At the same time, they stared at the competitors next to them. They pointed at them and asked Liu Chuan through gritted teeth: “Editor Liu, what answer did Teacher Chen give them?”

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