Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 393 What is the truth?

Even though thirty years have passed, Mr. Gu still remembers it clearly.

It's like it happened yesterday.

He continued: "We entered the valley, and sure enough we got stuck in the mud pit. Our soldiers all got down to push the carts, one by one. Depending on the situation, we would be able to push out of the mud pit in more than ten minutes.

Unexpectedly, a group of ragged villagers suddenly rushed down from the mountain.

Among them were old people, women and children. Some of them shouted loudly that the car was full of food and they should go and grab it quickly.

In 1950, our Dragon Kingdom had just been established, and it was in a state of complete waste, and many places had not yet been fully recovered.

We fired warning shots, but it was useless. More than 300 people rushed over, including a child about five years old who ran too fast when he heard there was food and fell down and never got up.

Her mother held the child's body and cried loudly. After some people saw it, they even rushed towards us fiercely.

We had no choice but to shoot, because two soldiers were beaten to death by the villagers who rushed over. "

Speaking of this, Mr. Gu had tears in his eyes.

His voice became hoarse: "At this moment, Murong Feng suddenly raised his gun towards me. One bullet hit my shoulder and one in my right leg. In fact, he was running towards me. It hit his head, I dodged quickly, and then I immediately fired back, and a bullet hit him between the eyebrows..."

Gu Huaian was really surprised this time.

He looked straight at Mr. Gu.

Mr. Gu pointed to his shoulders and legs and said nonchalantly: "There are still shrapnel fragments inside, which is strange. It always hurt when I was young, but it didn't hurt anymore.

I didn’t tell you, and very few people know about it, because this operation cannot be mentioned. After the investigation, it was found that except for a few leaders who were local special agents, the other 200 or so people were refugees and poor people. Begging is to prepare to return to your hometown. "

Mr. Gu's voice was choked and his eyes were scarlet. He hurriedly wiped his face to wipe away the tears.

"...Although the remaining villagers were frightened and did not dare to rush, there was a sudden loud bang and a flash flood broke out, and turbid muddy water poured in..."

When Mr. Gu said this, his eyes were filled with pain.

Gu Huaian stretched out his hand, hesitated for a moment, and then gently patted the back of his grandfather's hand.

Mr. Gu said: "In the end, we only rescued 380,000 taels of gold and seven boxes of antiques, and the rest was missing."

Gu Huaian: "Why is he missing?"

Mr. Gu: "We searched the lower reaches and nearby areas, but nothing was found. More than 100 of the more than 300 villagers survived. Seven of the leaders of the troublemaker died, three were captured, and two ran away to a certain island.

Murong Feng is a traitor. He has colluded with the X people for a long time. Haicheng has been taken back and the warehouse will be discovered sooner or later. It will be impossible for them to transport it back.

Therefore, they pretended to be informers and provided information, but in fact they had already colluded and were waiting to be moved out and hijacked on the way, and then drove our cars and pretended to be our people to take a detour to the seaport.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to transport things out.

Unexpectedly, a flood rushed over, and the people who were hiding in secret were washed away. They didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

I didn't die, and I didn't go to the hospital. I held my breath and tried to find the remaining 420,000 taels of gold and five boxes of antiques.

However, after searching for a whole month, covering hundreds of miles in radius, and even digging three feet into the ground, there was still no clue.

In the end, we had no choice but to return to Beidu, and the case became a secret, a secret that could not be disclosed to others easily.

Murong Feng died, and your grandfather Qian was also injured. He took the initiative to tell the leader that they agreed to follow the original route. Because the village was unfamiliar and unsafe, we did not choose to take a detour. The two of us asked for punishment.

Later I heard that Murong Feng failed to complete the task and exposed his identity, so the whole family was silenced..."

"Now I don't even know why the investigation needs to be restarted, but it's okay. If we can really find out, I can die in peace."

Gu Huaian frowned: "Grandpa, are you sure Murong Feng shot you?"

Mr. Gu: "Yes, the black muzzle was two trucks away from me. I could see it clearly. I was shocked at the time and my reaction was a little slower, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hit me."

Gu Huaian thought for a moment: "Does the Murongfeng family have no descendants? Since he was planning to cooperate with the inside and outside, why didn't he send his family away? This time we restart the investigation, who is the advocate? Is it related to the Murong family? What happened back then? Why do Murong Feng and Grandpa Qian have the same insistence? Have you investigated the village we passed by? "

Although Mr. Gu was asked so many questions, he still looked at Gu Huaian with admiration.

Then he answered his questions one by one.

"According to Dite's explanation, he was the commander of this operation. His first target was me, and the second was Lao Qian. I blocked it and hit me on the leg. However, there was also Dite who raised his hand. arms.

Therefore, your grandpa Qian’s leg is also injured. Every time the weather is cold, it will be extremely painful.

As for why his family was not resettled, Murong Feng probably did not expect that I was not dead and Lao Qian was only injured.

Murong Feng has a descendant, who is currently in Xiangjiang, and will be called Murong. He will come to Beidu in a few days. She mailed the materials and a letter of application for investigation. The person in charge of this matter is your Grandpa Chu. "

"Didn't you go check nearby later? Was it washed into the crevices or mud of the canyon by the flood?"

Mr. Gu: "I've seen it. I go there every year. Your fourth uncle is in charge of the local work. When he retires, your second cousin will take over."

Mr. Gu sighed: "There are 420,000 taels of gold and five boxes of antiques, but there is still no trace. Hancheng was in a semi-liberated state at that time, and the composition of the various forces was very complex, and there were also bandits.

In fact, there are indeed doubts. What are the doubts? I have wronged Murong Feng, but there is still a bullet in my body that cannot be removed. I don’t know if I will be able to see the sun tomorrow if I sleep tonight. "

Gu Huaian felt very sad. He patted his grandfather's hand, pondered for a moment, and said, "My grandpa Qian...haven't you ever suspected it?"

"There is your grandpa Qian's nephew in the team. He is the posthumous son of his eldest brother. His only son was twenty years old. Because he did not fight back immediately, he was torn apart by the refugees and hit in the head with a stone... Later he died I was stupid, I didn’t know anything, and I passed away after lying in bed for ten years... Your grandpa Qian also hated me, but I took a bullet for him. Anyway, that’s all I hate. "

Even though he said this, Mr. Gu's expression still showed unspeakable pain.

"Grandpa, have you ever thought that the village is actually more dangerous than the valley?"

"I thought about it, but the village was washed away by the flood. Even if there were clues, I couldn't find them. After all, it was 1950."

Speaking of this, Mr. Gu paused and then said: "Huai'an, you should know my grandfather's character. Even if your grandfather Qian took the responsibility, I still reported to the leader and told the truth. The leader said that as the commander-in-chief, stick to the original path. No problem moving forward.

The unfamiliar village and the sudden appearance of the cowherd boy were all dangerous and uncertain factors. The leader also comforted me that maybe the village was more dangerous, and maybe our entire army would be destroyed. "

Mr. Gu smiled bitterly and said: "But no matter what, I still feel sorry for your grandpa Qian..."

Thanks to Xiu Xiu-aA Bao for the reward. It’s the end of the month and the monthly tickets seem to have doubled. Please ask for monthly tickets~

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