Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 88 Don’t come to pick one up

Although the Nanshan County Timber Factory also has a furniture workshop, he hasn't made a decision yet, because he plans to buy from the provincial capital furniture factory, so he doesn't pay much attention to Director Duan.

Last night, Lao Duan called and asked him to go to a state-owned restaurant for dinner.

He declined politely.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything.

Song Yunuan asked worriedly: "Do you know the people at the lumber factory? What if they don't agree?"

"It's okay. I know Factory Director Duan. I'm just asking for a leave. He will definitely agree to it. Just don't worry."

Song Yunuan then seemed to smile reassuringly: "Then I won't worry anymore, otherwise I would be really scared to drive to the provincial capital alone."

Zheng Dong felt embarrassed and guilty and hurriedly ran to push the bicycle, and then Song Yunuan also got on the carriage.

So, Lao Songtou, who silently decided not to interfere, drove the carriage and the carriage rattled towards the county town.

Followed by Zheng Dong who was pedaling hard on his bicycle.

After a few minutes, the carriage stopped.

Song Yunuan greeted Zheng Dong: "Brother Dongzi, do you want to take a carriage?"

Zheng Dong wiped the sweat from his face. He preferred riding a carriage to riding a bicycle.

After all, you can ride a bicycle at the age of six.

Today's bicycles all have large bars. When children learn to ride a bicycle, they hold a handlebar with their left hand, grasp the frame of the bicycle with their right hand, step on a pedal with their left foot, step on it for a while, and then pass their legs through it to pedal another pedal. , so the car started riding.

Zheng Dong didn't care about riding a bicycle. He put the bicycle on the carriage and got on it.

Seeing Song Mingsheng, he said sheepishly: "Wait until my brother brings you candy next time."

Little Asheng: "Thank you, brother."

"Hey, you're so good!"

Not to mention, this kid is pretty good-looking.

When we arrived in the city, because we had a train ticket for one o'clock in the afternoon, Zheng Dong said, "I'll buy the ticket first, and you guys do some work first. After I buy the ticket, I'll go to the lumber factory to ask for leave for your uncle."

Old Songtou over there moved his mouth, but Zheng Dong didn't dare to explain: "Grandpa Song, I'm leaving first. Thank you."

Then the man got on his bicycle and swished away.

Song Yunuan curled her lips indifferently.

Then he pulled Grandpa over and said to him, "I'm going to the provincial capital with my uncle this afternoon and I'll be back tomorrow morning or the day after tomorrow."

"What are you going to do?"

Song Yunuan thought for a while, then gave a rough explanation, and then said to Old Song, "I'm going to find a chance for my brother-in-law, but it's hard to say whether it will work out, but I do want to go to the provincial capital. Lu Feng's place He's not a bad person, but if something happens to him if he gets hungry, the Lu family will come to trouble me. Besides, my brother-in-law is here, so don't worry. "

Old Songtou had a bad look on his face: "Don't worry about your brother-in-law. You don't want to do anything about this. He loves life and death. It has nothing to do with you. If he can't think about it in the future, then it's up to you. This is not bullying. person?"

Old Songtou was very angry and hated himself for not being able to protect his granddaughter.

And those people are too bullying.

If your child doesn't live up to expectations, why should my child deal with it?

When Lao Songtou was normal, he didn't express his opinion, but this time he really disagreed.

Song Yunuan thought for a moment and said, "Grandpa, Lu Feng and I grew up together. In fact, he is very good to me, really very good. Even though the engagement has been terminated, I don't want to see anything happen to him."

When Old Songtou mentioned the unknown seventeen years, he was speechless.

After convincing Old Songtou, we went to the Agricultural Machinery Bureau together and successfully bought tires and other things and put them all on the carriage.

This should be Chu Zizhou's advance greeting.

Otherwise, you can't just say it's from Erdaohe and issue a ticket right away.

Now that he had money in his pocket, Old Songtou gave Song Yunuan one hundred yuan. After Song Yunuan accepted it, he said to Song Mingsheng, who was looking at her eagerly, "I'll take you there, that's all."

Little Asheng immediately hugged Song Yunuan: "Sister, you are so kind. I promise not to cause any trouble."

The little guy is so sensible and heartwarming.

When he was at the Jacheng Guest House, he actually helped Song Yunuan clean up her room, fold her clothes and wash her feet, acting as a housekeeping nanny.

Just say, he wants to go to the provincial capital, can he disagree?

Anyway, I'll be back the day after tomorrow at the latest, so I don't have to go back to the village to get anything. It's just good to have money in my pocket.

Oh, by the way, I happened to go to the provincial capital to buy two sets of toiletries for brushing my teeth.

She knew where in the provincial capital she could buy tickets without a ticket.

And watches.

Go to the export-to-domestic sales counter, and if you're lucky, you can buy a good watch.

After finishing the work here, Lao Songtou drove the carriage to the lumber factory. Over there, Zheng Dong booked two tickets and a guest house near the compound. The manager of the guest house was Zheng Dong's cousin.

Zheng Dong told this matter in annoyance.

Cousin Zheng said: "I know, the fourth aunt still scolded you for being nosy, and now she has to persuade her, but Lu Feng is determined. It's already been the second day, if you don't eat and something goes wrong, who knows?" As for venting his anger, Uncle Lu is taking a step forward recently. It doesn't matter if he offends his family, but the question is, has Xiao Nuan really given up? Don't try to take advantage of her. "

Zheng Dong's heart skipped a beat.

Then he remembered Song Yunuan's appearance.

It’s hard to talk about this either.

"It doesn't work, others can't solve the problem. A heart ailment needs a heart-healthy medicine. Don't talk nonsense, especially don't mention the Lu family and the Qin family's re-engagement. Just make arrangements for them." Zheng Dong added He continued to warn, "Second brother, please remember to treat me well and book your tickets for your return."

"Don't worry, no matter how fake Xiaonuan is, she grew up in this compound. I... am not that cruel to turn against others."

Zheng Dong arranged the tickets and accommodation for Song Yunuan and her brother-in-law, and breathed a sigh of relief. As for asking for leave, that was a trivial matter.

So, Song Nian, who was busy in the workshop and sweating profusely, was called to the door of the workshop.

The workshop where Song Nian worked was the most basic processing workshop. Sawdust was flying inside and the buzzing sound of the electric saws made people shout outside.

Coincidentally, rumors spread yesterday that part of the factory's temporary workers would be cleared.

Although Song Nian and his wife could go home and farm, they were unwilling to do so.

Moreover, for people like them, if they want to give gifts, other leaders will not accept them.

For example, the satchel and bouquet that Sun Jinrong carried could not be given away.

When the workshop director called him out, Song Nian was extremely uneasy.

It's over, he must have been fired.

He has to go home with his wife to farm.

Huzi can no longer study in the city.

In the midst of his wild thoughts, he saw the director of a means factory standing not far away. A young man next to him looked at him with a smile.

Director Duan's expression was as gentle as ever: "Song Nian, Xiao Zheng has come to ask for leave for you. You can pack up and leave."

Song Nian was already sensitive, so he became even more nervous when he saw his leader. He didn't hear what was happening in front of him, but he could hear what was coming behind him clearly.

Song Nian's expression changed drastically: "Director Duan, I...I..."

I wanted to say why I was let go, but I felt like my eyes were red. After working for several years, I couldn’t bear to leave.

Director Duan immediately understood that the factory did want to eliminate temporary workers.

However, Song Nian, a temporary worker, really cannot be dismissed!

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