Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.10 Daddy issues

So far it seems it seems I will be rolling with the ''Low, medium, high'' tiers for ranks while still sticking to the same old indications on tags except for the additions of roman numerals

I being high rank

II being mid rank

III being low rank




I had been so occupied with the pain manifesting in my arm that I had not noticed the arrows fall out behind me. It was when I saw them on the ground that I knew those wounds had healed as well. The pain from those arrows had not nearly been as bad as my arm but it felt good to know that infection was unlikely.  

While I was glad the potion that Velariah had given me prevented me from screaming, it also prevented me from moving my arm. it was as if it acted as a local anesthetic. I had thought the potion would be considered ''overpowered'' but if this was a side effect it wouldn't quite be as broken.  

I had asked Velariah to carry my weapons for now lest I would draw unwanted attention from anyone. 

I pulled the sheet over my body again. Cold from the sweat I had produced from both running and the healing process started to creep in. Man, I could really use that shower now. Or a hot relaxing bath, hmmm. This village better have some options with regards to those.  

When people around us started to move away I looked around to see if anything had triggered their movement. In the distance, an armored figure walked through the gate. The people around us saw it and walked inside the large stone building or climbed up the stairs of the nearby towers. Allina was the last to leave after a short bow to Velariah, she walked down the dirt road into the direction of the forest, likely assuming her guard duties there. This left me with Velariah and an incoming storm, at least that’s what it felt like.  

She stood up and I mimicked the action. More details of the approaching male came into view. He had the same long, white hair that the elf next to me had. Gold plating adorned several parts of his armor, likely indicating certain status. He too had a large sword sheath on his hip, but this one was laid in with several blue gemstones that glittered in the sunlight. With each step he took I feel an oppressive atmosphere closing in.  

This had to be Velariah's dad, but what the hell was this aura? 

Was it my own fear? I was scared to death. Velariah didn't seem affected.  

Knowing this guy was some kind of lord I did the only thing that came to mind and lowered myself to the ground, bowing my head. I would not be disrespecting royalty, better to be safe than sorry.  

Velariah poked me from her standing position.  

Nope. Not doing it. I'm not getting up. 

Even when I was ''kneeling down'' like this I still almost matched the elf in height, Velariah was barely standing a head taller. Fear crippled me when I felt his presence. He stopped in front of me and I could see a tag dangle in front of me. The tag was a shining blue with a golden sword and ''I'' engraved next to it. Before the sword icon I could see letters that I could probably understand, but to able to read it easily I would have to turn my head sideways. That was not something I was doing at this time.  

''Velariah, what in the world have you been doing? Who, nay, what is this?'' He sounded disappointed as if he was talking about a cat that just brought in a mouse, something for which humans had no use. 

Here we go with the racism again.  

''Father, she is a powerful ally.'' Velariah responded in an overly diplomatic way. 

Did she consider me an ally already or was that just to help me out? 

''Monsters don't ally wi-'' 

Velariah had interrupted his sentence by quickly grabbing the orange vial and holding it in front of his nose. I knew she would pull that out as soon as the opportunity presented itself to help convince. Now that nobody was nearby, what better opportunity was there? 

Also, I was no monster. Not entirely. 

''I'll be damned.'' His response was delayed. ''Where did you get this?'' 

''She can make those, no need for alravine and the other ingredients, the base is enough, I found out after she saved my life.''  

I tried to look over to her face from the position I was in but found I couldn't reach my eyes that far. I could feel her smiling.  

''Why did you need saving, what kind of trouble did you get in this time?''  

Uh oh, he didn’t sound happy.  

''Uhm, a pack of wolves surprised me, I managed to kill one but there were too many.'' 

She didn't specify further, probably for the best. 

''What have I told you about going into the forest alone? Be happy you didn't run into a bunbear.'' 

A bunbear? 

''I'm sorry, father'' 

No, she wasn't. The way in which she said it sounded like she only said it to be done with it. She would do it again in a heartbeat.  

''As for you...'' He turned to me and lifted my chin up with his gloved hand so what I was facing him. His green eyes showed a strange determination. 

''If what Velariah says is true, I thank you, and I wish to apologize for my rudeness. Do pardon me for being careful, in my long life I have never seen anything like you and this...'' He held up the glowing orange potion and shook it gently between two fingers. ''I would wish to discuss some things with the two of you.'' 

Okay, maybe I misjudged him. Also, long life? He really didn't seem that old to me, in fact, he looked in the prime of his life, maybe late twenties. So elven age really was a thing after all, or he was bragging. his face was shaven and clean, it was nothing like Valenthor's battle hardened face. Either this guy was extremely good at avoiding getting hit or he had never seen combat before. Considering this guy had a tag that was shiny blue I assumed it had to be the first one. Blue was diamond after all. At least I assumed it was, getting a general that was a silver ranked adventurer would go against any logic.  

He put the vial away in Velariah's pack and walked over to the stone building and entered.  

Velariah poked me again.  

''You can stop kneeling now.'' She pronounced the word kneeling in a teasing manner which only added to the awkwardness of not being able to kneel properly. 

''Also, stop twitching.'' 


She moved her eyes down, then back to my face. 

I looked down to see my pedipalps twitching forward and backward as if I was digging up sand. 

I could feel my face warm up from embarrassment. How had her father remained so cool in face of that? When I first noticed I had spider parts I freaked out in shock and horror.  

The elf grinned. 

''Let's follow my father.'' She beckoned me to follow while she walked over to the checkpoint building. 

Her father had walked back outside with one of the armored guards. He had pointed to me and exchanged some more words with the soldier who looked where he pointed and started shaking in his boots when he saw me. It seemed to get worse as we closed in. I had the feeling this guy was going to run when he got the chance.  

The golden armored elf leaned against the wooden doorpost and tapped it with his fingers as the other soldier went back inside. I could hear him yell through the building when we arrived.  

''Clear the building! General Valtheril's orders, nobody is to disturb him.'' 

General? Are you kidding me right now? I looked over to Velariah with shock. She simply nodded in shame.  

I couldn't believe this. She didn't think this was an important little detail?  

The building emptied pretty quickly, a few of them threw either angry or scared glances as me. After an elf in chef's garments and hat exited the building the guy that shouted left it last. After he did, he started running towards the village way faster than I thought possible with plate armor. Maybe I should start a career here as a race starter.  

After he had left Valtheril entered and asked us to join. I was lucky that the doorframe had been at least double the width of a standard Earth door. I already had to squeeze through here, I definitely couldn't fit through a normal door... My size may actually be more of an issue than I had initially thought. Yet one more struggle to add to the list that was getting longer with every passing day.  

The first thing that I ran into was a bar to the left with typical stools in front of the wooden counter. Behind that was a separate room with a kitchen. It seemed nothing was cooking right now. I hoped we didn't interrupt the chef preparing for dinner. I would hate to be the reason that these people would get dinner late.  

The room we were in seemed like a large mess hall. Long tables made up the entirety of this room with far too many chairs for the number of guards that I had seen stationed here. I guessed there were about forty chairs but I had only seen a dozen or so guards specifically stationed at the towers and road.  

The whole room was lit up by rows of torches on both long sides that also provided some warmth. I didn't see any windows. There was a door that seemed to lead upstairs judging from the stars icon that was branded into the wood. I would assume that is where the soldiers stationed here slept. To the far right was another door and when I looked at the size of the building from the outside and how large this room was, it meant that there was only very little room left on that side which let me to believe that that is where a toilet area would be located.  

Velariah put down my weapons next to the entrance door and walked through the door at the far end, leaving the two of us alone.  

I tried sitting on one of the chairs but quickly found out that it would be an impossible task. From now on I would probably need chairs without arm or backrests. I gave up on the idea of sitting in one and just stood there awkwardly as Valtheril closed the large door from the inside of the building and locked it. He pulled out a large primitive key and laid it on the counter. 

I cursed inwardly at Velariah for leaving me behind but knew she couldn't ignore nature's call forever.  

The general walked behind the counter and took something from under it.  

He then walked over to one of the long tables and took a seat opposite of where I was still standing and put down a small blue vial on the table. 

''As you probably have heard, I'm general Valtheril. Since my daughter seems to endorse you, I would bid you welcome to Dawnleaf, but there's a couple things I need to know first to make sure you are no threat to anyone.'' He paused for a second. ''But even after that I would probably have to have guards with you and watch you from a distance, at least while you're in the village, I hope you understand.''  

He was just being careful. I couldn't blame him. In fact, I admired him, I would have done the same.  

I nodded. 

''First off, your name?''  

''Uhm, before I answer anything, there is something I am obliged to state first.'' 

''Go ahead.'' he looked at me with expecting eyes.  

''I ask that anything I say here is kept strictly confidential. Velariah showed you the potion, I can make those without the ''expensive ingredients'' as she called them. If I find out that any info was leaked, I will refuse to help you with those. Besides that, it will put the entire village at risk.'' I looked down to the table. ''I know I can help you out and I don't mind doing this at all, but trust me, any info that I may provide can be extremely dangerous. And when I mean dangerous, I mean war.'' 

I don't know where I found the confidence to say that without stuttering but somehow, I managed.  

He frowned. 

''that's quite shocking, truly.'' I was not sure if he responded with sarcasm or not. 

He seemed lost in thought for a few moments.  

''If what you say is true, I will swear to keep any information you share secret. I do need to know you are not toying with me, though. Which is why...'' He took he blue vial and held it up. ''I got this; you know what it is right?'' 

I nodded again. ''Yes, basic anti-venom mix.'' 

''Correct. I see you have already shared some info with Velariah, I guess you had this conversation before.'' 

''I know about the growing goblin problem and some other things, yes.''  

''Well then. I don't have to explain how important this could be to us I have been briefed that she had been struck by a goblin arrow, I assume you have seen what it can do and that I do not intend to play games here.''  

''Yes, sir.'' 

He laughed heartedly.  

''I like you. You better be right; it would be a shame to kill you.'' 

Oof. I wasn't expecting that. That was like a dagger to my chest and had me feeling nauseous all of a sudden. He wasn't messing around, that was for sure. 

I nervously accepted the blue vial before turning around to pull out the fangs from under me. It felt super awkward to do this with people watching.  

Right as I dripped a drop of venom into the glass vial Velariah stepped out of the door and startled me, causing me to drop more venom on the floor. What terrible timing! It was a good thing I had quickly retracted the vial and didn't oversaturate the mixture. The floor would need cleaning, however.  

''Oops.'' She said in a totally not apologetic manner.  

What was this elf's problem? 

I ignored what had just happened and corked the vial before shaking it. Then I handed it to Valtheril who stared at it in disbelief. He uncorked it and sniffed. 

''You got to be joking.'' 

I know, I know, I am amazing.  

''I told you.'' Velariah said in a tone that conveyed ''Hah, gottem!''  

''What have you two talked about so far?'' 

 I took Velariah to the other end of the room and whispered. 

''Should I tell him everything?'' 

''I'm not sure, I mean, you have told me. I don't know if you want too many people to know but he is technically the highest ranked official here in the village, he will be the best person to provide with whatever you need. At least in the area.'' 

I was deeply conflicted. I could use any help I could get. The thing is I had never been one to be in the spotlight and I didn't intend to start that now. I would prefer to help these people from the shadows, that's why I wanted this information to be kept between us. I sighed and decided I would spill the beans. I do not think their amazement at my ''powers'' was feigned and I had firsthand seen what this poison that was used against them could do; it wasn't pretty. They would have a certain need for me and when there was a certain need I doubted they would break promises easily. 

I turned around, knocking over a chair with my abdomen when I did so. Oops.  

''Alright, I will tell you what I know but at the end I will have some questions myself, will you swear not to tell anyone about what is discussed here and to answer my questions as best you can?'' 

He stood up and did the same move that Velariah had made back at the cave where he put a fist on his heart. 

''I swear it on my honor as a knight.''  

Honestly, that made me look as if I was in charge here when I definitely wasn't. I didn't want to, either. 

Velariah walked around the table and sat down next to him as I started explaining. I told him about the fact that I was not born on this world or as a monster. I told him of my apparent amnesia and that I couldn't even remember my own name. I explained how his daughter and I had met and also explained the concept of a train to him. He also found it hard to believe but Velariah seemed again intrigued by the same story I had told her before. I told him about how technologically advanced our world was and about the absence of magic, different races and monsters. I also briefly mentioned that we had weapons that if known in this would undoubtedly cause war to break out. I would be willing to assist in sharing some knowledge but the far simpler kind and only for reasons of self-defense against the goblins. At the end of my story all I could read on his face was a blank expression, lost in thought.  

''I can surely see why you were hesitant. This has never happened before, not that I know of, and I have access to a lot of information. We are not currently at war, we haven't been for a long time, and I would like to keep it that way. I swore an oath to protect my people and I would highly prefer to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. The goblins are giving us more than enough of a headache.''  

Well look at this guy, truly a knight in shining armor.  

''If you aren't at war, what is with all the soldiers then?'' I asked. 

''Mostly policing and dealing with bandits. Some adventurers like to throw tantrums in the middle of the village as well from time to time, someone needs to keep them under control.'' 

Yeah, that wasn't quite like earth, at least not in modern times.  

''And goblins'' I added. 

''And goblins.'' He affirmed.  

''How come you have so many troubles with the goblins? It seems your archers are quite skilled.'' I asked.  

''Honestly? it's numbers, we do not have enough capable archers. They really aren't a threat on their own, but they multiply like rabbits and have venoms that can kill even the most seasoned of soldiers.'' 

''Why not use crossbows?''  

''Use what?'' Their shared reply came almost immediately. 

''You know, the bows that literally any peasant can use eff-'' I stopped mid-sentence realizing my mistake.  


''You don't have crossbows?'' I asked. 

''I have never heard about anything called that way.'' The general answered. ''What is it?'' 


Should I tell him? These things once revolutionized warfare by allowing the common folk to be effective killers with minimal effort whereas archers would need years of training. They weren't necessarily better than bows but they were far easier in use. I was screwed. 

I was honestly surprised they didn't exist. A crossbow was a pretty old invention. I believed this world would have passed that stage a long time ago already. If I didn't introduce them, I bet somebody else would. I wasn't sure if that was sound reasoning but it eased my mind somewhat. But still, should I? 

It would have been the to go weapon for myself. Easy to use, deadly at range. I would have gotten one of those when I was going to start adventuring but now, I learnt that that plan was shattered already. 

''It basically is some sort of bow that anyone can learn to use within minutes, it turns even the most common of people into efficient fighters. I am not sure if I can share more than that.'' 

''Hah, I knew it. The sword is superior. If mere peasants can use bows what is their worth anymore as archers! And they dare call archery an art! Hah!'' Velariah seemed delighted. That was not something I had expected. 

''impossible.'' Her father had exclaimed softly. 

I didn't have the heart to tell Velariah that guns were even worse, she would not even get a chance to get close, her armor would be completely useless.  

''I would love to help you out but as you can see, the knowledge I possess is quite dangerous. And this isn't even the worst of it.'' I apologized. 

''You're right, this is dangerous information. We have been on good terms with the neighboring kingdoms for centuries, I doubt war would suddenly break out but we can't let this fall into the wrong hands.'' 

He put his hands under his chin. 

''What questions would you have for us?'' He changed the subject. 

''I would like to know what an ''inherity'' is.'' 

I was explained that an inherity was an ability that everyone in this world was born with, it was one of the factors that made them decide on what path they took in life. From what I understood it was some kind of ability that could be levelled by doing things related to the ability. If one had an inherity that increased their power with swords it would mean they would do more damage with any kind of sword. Practicing and slaying monsters would further increase the power of the so called ''inherity''. Both Velariah and her father possessed such an inherity when it came to swords. And according to Velariah I would have one that would give me resistance to poison and venoms which was rare.  

Apparently, everyone in this world would undergo a ritual when they reached twelve years of age that would reveal their inherity so that they would have plenty of time to adjust and grow into their skill if they wanted to. Nobody was forced to follow that path specifically but it did offer a lot of benefits from what I understood. It appeared there were certain inherities that would increase the effectiveness of brewing potions for example, these would fetch a higher price than regular potions. There were many different kinds so it was impossible to find out about every single one, every year new inherities that had never seen before would show up.  

One could find out about their inherity before the age of twelve if they had enough money to pay for the resources, they weren't cheap but it appeared tax income was in part used for those which is why everyone got one for free. Sometimes people could figure out without the ritual which could be a huge boon for that person. If they could start ''grinding experience'' early they would be much more effective at a later age. It appeared this is how Velariah's father got so good with a sword and that's why he was able to climb the ranks to general and become a high ranked Diamond adventurer in such a relatively short time. Time really seemed relative for him because it turned out he was already sixty-four years of age. I learnt that the treemender had been over four hundred years old! 

It appeared the ritual also made clear whether one was able to use magic or not. I guessed magic was cool and all, but if I could do without, I would probably even prefer that. I really wasn't looking forward to one of those cheesy ''school arcs'' with learning how magic worked, weird classmates that would not stop looking at me and of course, the mandatory ''shared bath episode''. I hated school. I got through it once, I wasn't about to do it again. Besides, I was part spider now, I had all kinds of cool spider powers! Like shooting webs and killing stuff with venom! Yeah, no, whatever.  

Velariah had suggested I could work and pay for the ritual myself; it would be quite useful to know exactly what I possessed.  

That didn't seem like a bad idea at all, I just had no idea where to start, what it would cost and what money was worth. Besides that, I didn't even have a proper place to sleep. I discussed those simple matters with the two of them as well and the subject of adventuring came up again. It would be the easiest way to start and Velariah convinced me that my combat capabilities were quite profound. She told her father that I had single handedly felled a forest troll and almost single handedly felled a Saibon boar at which he was clearly impressed. She did leave out the part where I burnt off the forest troll's face with concentrated acid.  

I learnt that a forest troll was classified as a high ranked silver monster and the Saibon boar as well. Valtheril would be willing to endorse me and allow me to enter the adventurer's guild skipping the trial and starting at mid ranked silver in return for my continued help with creating anti-venom. That seemed reasonable to me so I was quick to agree. Velariah decided she wanted to start adventuring as well and she would be making her way over to the guild to start her trial. She did not have a lot of combat experience yet and she hadn't actually killed anything that came even near the rank of the boar or troll which I pretty much killed on my own. Well, Velariah was invaluable with the boar, but her father insisted she would go through the trial anyway.  

He did have a point though, if I had prepared for the fight with the boar and created the web line before making my presence known, and not be overburdened, I could probably have killed it on my own. Velariah wouldn't be able to do it without a party. I still felt kind of bad for her, though. I wouldn't be leaving on my own so I had already arranged that I would accompany her after the trial, she was also the only person in this world that I actually trusted, well I trusted her father and Allina to a certain degree but still.  

I brought up the part where I would like my abilities to stay hidden as much as possible and after some ideas we came up with a plan. I would provide my venom in one of the vials to Valtheril who would use them to create the anti-venom potions in the village's army alchemy workshop without supervision (except for me of course). He could use the excuse that he used personals funds to procure the more expensive materials. He would have to be careful not to make too many at once or people might get suspicious. He could also use the excuse that he found an area that was rich in the necessary resources but that would put him at risk. Whatever he did, I would be out of the picture.  

As for my silk, well, I didn't get into that too deeply. I was rather dodgy about the subject but Velariah had pushed the idea forward. Ultimately, I agreed to give them some samples to work with and see what the options were. I hoped nothing much would come from it but knowing my luck I just knew it was going to be in high demand soon. How was I going to do any adventuring done like that? I heard there were dungeons that needed exploring. Dungeons! That is, if I fit through the entrance! 

When it got to accommodation there would be no problem for me staying in this village. The only issue was that as I expected the buildings were not built to support me, the only buildings that I would be able to enter was the giant tree in the middle of the village, the adventurer's hall, the alchemy workshop, the barracks, the armory, this checkpoint building and their own home. There would also be certain shop backdoors but those were reserved for their respective crafters.  

Velariah had convinced me to stay in their home for now. I wouldn't be able to enter certain rooms but their entrance, the dining room and ground floor bathroom had large doorways. I had said anything would do. They would provide me with some means to be able to sleep as well. I may not fit in a bed, but there were options. Those were Valtheril's  words, not mine. I guessed anything would be better than forced to sleep in a haystack in a barn. At least I would have a degree of safety as well.  

I was given permission to use their bathroom! What was more, they apparently had a huge bathtub that would fit me! They even had warm running water! I couldn’t remember being this excited in a long time. It seems I had been quite spoiled back on Earth. 

When I asked how that worked it turned out they had basic plumbing like back on earth using metal pipes. One of the pipes went through something that sounded like a boiler, except the water was heated by some kind of heat stone. When I asked what it was, they had answered it was some kind of magic absorbing material that was charged with fire magic.  


I wondered if I could potentially design appliances from Earth that would be able to work using this technology. It seemed that they had some sort of refrigerator that worked in the same way, except it used a cold stone charged with ice magic. Couldn't I make some sort of steam engine using both those stones?  

I would have to stop considering things like that. I was incognito, after all!  

It seemed like I would be able to build up a mutualistic relationship between me and this village. When it came to money it seems I would have a lot to learn. Velariah had pulled the coin purse that I had looted from the archer from her pack and laid the coins out on the table. It was the first time I actually had a good look at what exactly had been in the pouch. I couldn't really make out the colors in the cave but in here I could clearly see the materials.  

All in all, there were five copper coins, seven silver ones, three gold ones  and one square black coin that seemed like it had been charred by something. It seemed that the logic the currency followed here wasn't too difficult to understand. It was ten coppers to a silver, ten silvers to a gold, and ten gold to a ''black'' coin. It did seem to be some special material but I had no idea what it was. It turned out that a square coin would be worth five of the corresponding material.  

There seemed to be two issues. These were human coins and apparently one would have to pay more of these than one would pay with the elven variant in elven territory. At least they were universally accepted.  The other issue was that a mid-ranked iron adventurer was not supposed to walk around with black coins, let alone a square black one. They seemed to be worth a small fortune and Valtheril was skeptical about a random lone human walking around the forest with a square black coin. He confiscated the coin and would inquire several people about the matter. He informed me that even the gold coins were rare on such low ranked adventurers but I was relieved when he told me I could keep those.  

Okay, so financially I would be fine for a while. I would have to figure out exactly how much food cost and try to get an understanding of economics. I didn't like the idea of having to learn everything there was to economics but I should at least figure out how much it would cost to buy a bread. Or coffee. I missed coffee.  

I was happy with the hospitality that was offered me. I had expected for things to go way worse when I eventually ran into civilization. I guessed being able to save lives with my new ''abilities'' was one of the things that kept me alive. I hoped it wasn't the only thing that was appreciated about me. These people didn't strike me as if they were out for blood, they were just scared of the unknown. Except for the treemender maybe, that guy was evil, I was sure of it.  

With that, our talks had ended, for now. Valtheril would keep me updated with regards to our ''trade agreement''. He would get a couple guards to oversee me from a distance and protect me if necessary. Velariah suggested we used the rest of the day to visit the local adventurer's guild to get my registration out of the way and sign her up for the trial. I thought she was still training? She seemed eager to get out there. I guessed she wanted to team up with me, it would not be a bad idea to be honest.  

She told me that if there was any time left, we could have a look at some clothes or armor.  

''Clothes'' I had said. ''Clothes would be nice.'' 

''Very well then.'' Valtheril stated firmly as he stood up from his chair. 

He tossed me the coin pouch which I had missed and had to pick up from the ground, and walked over to hand Velariah the orange potion, which she quickly put away in her pack.  

''I will talk to a few people, I'll see the two of you at the guild soon. Vel, please help her get her tag ready in the meantime.'' He spoke as he turned the large key around and opened the door. Then he walked out of the building. 

The way he had said her name with a deadpan expression had put a wicked grin on my face. Finally, it was my turn to smile. 

Velariah noticed and quickly turned away in obvious embarrassment.  

''Alright then Vel,'' I said with an overly sweet voice, ''let's go.''  

I was going to have a lot of fun with this nickname. 

She wasn't. 

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