Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.31 Sun, Soup, and Sleepover

I closed my eyes and tried to bask in the sun's light. We lay there for what felt like hours and on more than one occasion had Velariah's hand brushed one of mine.  

I swear she was doing it on purpose. 

This woman was no elf. Rather, she was a succubus. I was sure of it. She even had the figure to go with it and could easily pass as one. The only thing she lacked would be the wings and horns, though, it wouldn't surprise me if she pulled them out of somewhere. 

I didn't necessarily mind, per se. It's just that she didn’t seem to have listened to what I had said before. This did make me feel slightly uneasy.  

Next time I was going to tie her to the ground with silk. 

Actually, scrap that, she might just enjoy it, too. 


I sighed. 

''I don’t suppose we can stay in Dawnleaf forever, can we?'' 

This village was lovely, I had to admit. Besides the goblin attack, everything had been so peaceful. The surroundings were beautiful. The people had mostly been kind and not judgmental, especially after I had helped them out defend the village the other day. The food was delicious, though, I doubt that was really specific for the region.  

Dawnleaf truly had everything I could wish for to lead a peaceful life. 

I wished it could stay that way, but the itch of adventure was going to become too much. Besides that, there were probably going to be more shady figures out for me for whatever reason. I’d have to get strong enough to deal with them myself.  

''For now, it will do, but I get what you mean. You've seen the quest board at the guild. Gold rank is about the highest you'll get here. If you truly wish for adventure, you'd have to leave this place... eventually.'' 

She said that last part with a hint of sadness in her voice. 

I sighed again. 

''I figured as much.'' 

As much as I liked this place, I'd have to leave it behind someday. That didn't mean I couldn't return to it, but it would take a while to even get here, considering transport in this world wasn't nearly as fast.  

At least I would stay in shape with all that running if that was the way we decided to move between cities... 

I wondered how accepting they would be of me in other places?  

Valtheril appeared to be a very high placed official. ''High general of the Royal Elven Army'' is what Velariah had called him, I believe? He was bound to have friends in high places. I hated having to rely on him, but it seemed there was no way around the matter. I could use his help to get acquainted, then prove my own worth like I had here. 

Stupid nightmare fuel body. 

At least Velariah didn't mind it... 

How was it possible that Valtheril had the time to stay in a distant village like this one, anyway? Didn't he have more important things to do? Was he off-duty from the army? Should I pry?  

I decided not to.  

My mind wandered off to tomorrow... again. I sincerely hoped I wouldn't have this bad case of paranoia kick in whenever we would be gone from the village for more than a day. Even in the cave I hadn't felt this way. Then again, there were far fewer factors to worry about. Important ones, sure, but fewer. 

I sighed again. I hoped our journey was going to be a safe one and without surprises.  

''Whatcha thinking about?'' The elf next to me asked. 

''Just thinking about tomorrow and the days after. I hope everything will be alright. I can't shake off the feeling we missed something. Maybe that's just me, I don't know.'' 

''We'll be fine. You worry too much.'' She spoke confidently. 

''Yeah, no kidding.'' I replied with a sigh. 

'We'll be fine.' I tried to reassure myself.  


''So, this is where the two lovebirds have gone off to.'' 

That voice. 

That cocky voice. 

That could only be one person. 

Also, lovebirds? It was nothing like that! 

''Seralyn, what do you want?'' Velariah asked with an overly neutral expression and without even bothering to turn her face to the other elf. 

''Oh, nothing much. Just came here to get a stack of arrows or two for tomorrow when I saw you here lying way too comfortably. Decided to interrupt whatever you were doing.'' 

She was awfully honest about it. That didn't make it any less rude though. I was just going to let Velariah do the talking... 

''Well, then grab your arrows and be on your way, will you?'' 

''Not before you fill me in on all the action going on here.''  

I couldn't even see her but the smile on her face was clear in my mind when she said that. 

''Not a lot of action to be had. Just Elania allowing her body to harden out post molting.'' 

Did she really have to say it like that? 

''Suuuure, well, you gals have fun!'' 

Was she gone?  

I looked around and saw her leave. Thank the gods that put me here. 

''Well, that was awkward.'' Velariah stated. 

''You made it ten times more awkward than it had to be!'' I blamed her. 

''Maybe.'' She giggled. ''We should head back to the mansion soon. We have to leave early tomorrow.'' 

How late was it? 

I looked around and saw the sun almost completing its descent to the horizon. It wasn't quite late enough for dusk's red glow to set in but that would happen anytime now. Considering days started very early here, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to call it a day soon. 

Velariah stood up and I was about to try to roll over when she grabbed one of my legs and held it firmly. 

''Vel what are you do- ahahhahahaha.''  

Before I could even finish my sentence, she was running her hand over the short hairs in a tickling motion. 

''What the hell Vel, that tickles, stop I- ahahaha.'' 

''Maybe you will learn this way. it's Velariah, Vel-a-ri-ah.'' 

''Velariah, stop it I can-.'' Another burst of laughter came from my lips as she put her finger in the small claw like protrusions at the end. 

''I've always wondered how that would feel. Now I know, I guess.'' She grinned wickedly. 

The ticking sensations became too much, tears started to stream down my face from uninterrupted laughter. It was as if somebody ran their fingers under my sole tenfold. These hairs were far too sensitive to the sensations. The molting had left them even more vulnerable than before and I was positive I would pass out due to lack of air soon. 

''Vel, please!'' I begged. 

I couldn't control my leg anymore. Normally it would be powerful enough to easily break free but it appeared the white-haired elf had found my weak spot, or rather, spots. 

''Tut-tut, what did I just say?'' 

''Ahah, I'm sorry Vel-ahha-ari-hahaha.''  

''There we go. You're a quick learner when you want to be.'' 

She released my leg and I fell back on my back, panting heavily from the elf's antics. I could swear I saw stars dancing in the sky above.  

When I had finally (mostly) recovered from my laughing fit Velariah extended a hand to help me get up. 

''You know you aren't strong enough to do that, right?'' I hard smirked at the gesture. 

''You calling yourself fat now?'' She grinned back. 

''I guess I did, huh?''  

I accepted her gesture and pulled my human body up before rolling my legs around to get to an upward position. 

''You have no idea how much of a hassle this is.'' I said when I finally stood upright. 

''Sure looks like you're having a hard time with it.'' She answered. 

''Believe me, I do.'' 

I cast a glance to the forest and came up with a question. 

''Velariah, if the goblins are unwilling to forge peace and they just keep attacking, have you ever thought about completely exterminating them?'' 

The thought may have been a weird one for my pacifistic self, but I knew that once I were to leave Dawnleaf behind, they would lose a huge safety asset. The goblins had been given several opportunities to make peace before, from what I had been told, but they were all turned down. It seemed they had no interest in anything of the likes and just continues to harass the village.  

I hated to think that way, but total extermination would give the village relief from the theat entirely. 

''You think we haven't tried? They may not have the highest intelligence, but there are many of them scattered all throughout the forest. We eliminate one small camp and another one pops up elsewhere. Besides that, some camps have huge numbers that we can't possibly deal with. Not in enclosed space, they have the advantage in the forest, and they know it.'' 

''So, again, numbers?'' 

Velariah nodded. 


We would probably need an army to sweep the forest and root them out entirely before Dawnleaf could be called completely safe.  

And to raise an army we would need money, lots of it.  

It's quite striking how much work we were given by something as simple as goblins. This, I would have never expected from such ''simple'' lifeforms. I guessed they were a prime example of a variation of monster that you would run into at level 1 in an RPG and then fight an evolved variation when you hit max level. They were truly such a pain to deal with. 

''We will find a way to secure Dawnleaf before we leave it. I don't want to leave it vulnerable when we depart. Even if we can get more soldiers protecting it, I don't think it will ever be truly safe, will it?'' 

The elf shook her head. 

''We were lucky to have your help earlier. It made things at least ten times easier, we would have lost one soldier, if not more, if it weren't for your help. Now, imagine that was a relatively small force.'' 

That sounded depressing. 

''We were actually lucky my father stepped in. There should be no risk of goblin attacks in the near future. We should be able to make our trip to the Searing Peak without leaving the village vulnerable.'' 

''Good point.'' I commented. 

''By the way, what is up with adventurers? I ran into Draco while I was carrying that wounded guy to the treemenders and asked him to get help from the guild in repelling the attack. He answered something along the lines of ''I will try but I doubt they will help''. Are adventurers in this world just lazy or what?'' 

''How do I put it...'' Velariah started.  

''They are... careful. And greedy, mostly greedy.'' 

I sighed. 

''So, the village can literally be destroyed under their noses and they wouldn't care?'' 

''I doubt they would let it get that far, but in a way, you are correct.'' 

''That's not what I have been told. My world would always depict adventurers as heroic people who would rise to the occasion whenever someone was in danger.'' 

Velariah grinned before looking down at the ground. 

''Can't have everything now, can we? If there's money involved, they would probably do it, though.'' 

Velariah fixed her hair as I did mine. I should look into cutting it down sometime soon. Maybe this was a bit too much. 

''Come, let's grab some dinner. I believe Elly prepared chicken soup today.'' 

Had she read my mind earlier when I was thinking about my favorite soup?  

A succubus I tell you. 

''That would be lovely.'' I smiled from ear to ear at the prospect. 

We made our way back into the village. I had stopped for a moment to take in a delicious smell coming from the guild hall's kitchen. The place was completely packed as it was dinner time. I simply dismissed it as I knew what was waiting for me. I had to try hard not to drool thinking about how good Elly's homemade chicken soup would be. 

Long live this body. I had a full seven course meal this afternoon but I could still find space for more.   

I was sure I was the bane of every woman on Earth. Both in a positive and negative way. 

After all, who wasn't scared of spiders? 

Besides the crazy people, that was. 

I guessed that meant Velariah was crazy, too. 

I shrugged. That seemed about right. 

''Huh?'' Velariah asked when we were in front of the doors leading into her home. 

''Oh, nothing.'' 

''Suuure.'' She smiled but didn't inquire further. 

Elly soon opened the door and helped the elven knight out of her armor again. It would seem she already had dinner prepared, it would just need re-heating.  

'Neat.' I thought. Re-heating would only make soup more delicious. 

Valtheril soon walked down the stairs as well. The man knew how to time things well it would seem. This was also the first time I had seen him without his fancy set of armor. The clothes he was wearing were very simple, I think he had been wearing these beneath all that metal.  

The result was... as I expected. A simple white shirt tucked in his brown linen pants really accentuated the muscles that I expected he would have after years of training and fighting. Because a belt caused his shirt to envelop his form closely, a six-pack could clearly be seen. His arms were more or less free of body hair which surprised me. Maybe that was an elven thing? Anyhow, his biceps would surely attract a lot of female attention.  

Velariah waved her hand in front of my face. 

I'd been staring.  

Fortunately, Valtheril hadn't noticed. He had welcomed us home before taking his seat. A large book was in his hands and he hadn't taken his eyes off of it. 

I felt embarrassment flood my body. I hoped I hadn't hurt Velariah. I mean, how could I not stare at that? 

I looked at the female elf and saw her face form a smile. Wait a second, was that a hint of jealousy I saw in her eyes? 


But no, I wouldn't see Valtheril in that way. That would just feel plain wrong. Especially after what happened to her mother not too long ago. I actually wondered what that meant in elven culture. Would he eventually look for another wife? Would he stay single for the rest of his life? I believed there were some species of birds that would not find another mate after theirs had died. 

I shook my head. I wouldn't interfere with that kind of stuff.  

Valtheril interrupted my thoughts. 

''You're leaving for the Searing Peak tomorrow, right?'' 

I turned to see him still with his nose in the large, musty tome. It appeared he was looking up certain information and then writing it down. Seriously, this man did more reading that actual fighting. 

''Yes.'' Velariah answered. 

''I've heard there's been some issues with the local fauna at the foot of the mountain. It seems some of the mountain lynxes have been forced to leave their territory and I'm not quite sure why. I'd be careful if I were you guys. I've sent out scouts yesterday to investigate, but I don't expect a reply anytime soon.''  

There it was. I knew this wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded. Lynxes didn't seem like the most dangerous animal to encounter, though. Especially if I had my armor equipped. I guessed we would be able to live with that.  

I had probably jinxed it by thinking that, but whatever. I was getting used to it by now. 

''We'll be careful, don’t worry.'' 

I had to admire her confidence though. 

We didn’t have to wait long for Elly to come out of the kitchen with a coaster. She put it on the table before returning with a large pan of soup. The smell made my mouth water. We soon dug in with the four of us. 

During dinner Valtheril had actually been looking at the sheer amount of food I could take in. I hoped he wouldn't mind me needing so much sustenance... I'd hate being kicked out because I ramped up their food bill. 

A sincere smile coming from him dispelled my doubts. Deep down I knew he really wouldn’t care. I was, after all, bringing in quite a bit of coin for Dawnleaf. I wondered how the coffee business was doing. I decided to ask during my third of many bowls.  

Elly's cooking was the best... 

''It's coming along well; I believe the fields are already mostly prepared. Soon, we will be able to plant and have the treemenders do their magic. If this fertilizer stuff of yours is as effective as you say, we could potentially speed up things quite a bit.'' 

''I won't be able to take much with us, though.'' 

''Oh no, I meant later on. I've already started talks with the guild about the options of canal digging. I plan to leave for Goldleaf soon and call upon some of their artisans for planning of it.'' 


''So, I'll be out for a week or two, you better not get in any trouble while I'm gone.'' 

I was tempted to say ''Yes, dad'' but I feared that would be out of place for me to say. Moreover, Velariah might take that the wrong way entirely... 

''Yes, sir.'' I simply answered, earning a smile. 

After dinner he went straight upstairs with the book from before. I wondered if he had an entire library up there. This was not the first time I'd seem him with one of those gigantic tomes.  

If only I could fit through doors, bah.  

Elly cleared the table and Velariah was off to the toilet, I think? 

I actually had to go as well. Fear crept up my spine as I realized I'd have to use a toilet. Why was this awkwardness always out to hunt me? 

I made my way over to the bathroom and made sure to lock the door. I pulled up my shirt and lowered my front end slightly inside the bowl. 

Here was to hoping I wouldn't turn this place into a mess... 

Everything went... well... better than expected, except that it took a while to empty my bladder. I had thought it was still in the same place judging from the familiar pressure, but the sheer amount that came out made the rethink my hypothesis. 

Anatomy had surely failed me as well. 

Velariah knocked on the door as I finished up and pulled the chain to flush.  

I opened the door to an energetic elf who rushed in and jumped into my pile of pillows while taking off her shoes. 

So that was a thing here as well.  

I had actually never realized before, but it appeared people wore their shoes indoors here. I believed over in Europe, people would mostly leave them at the door and walk around on socks instead. I had done the same, it felt pretty liberating. Then again, I didn't go out the house much. Now, I had even less of an excuse for wearing shoes. I doubted medieval ones were very comfortable in the first place.  

Hooray for spider legs. 

''What the hell are you doing?'' I asked the elf. 

''Preparing for bed, what does it look like?'' she said as she took off her socks. 

''In my room?'' I frowned. 

She was awfully straightforward, wasn't she? 

''Yes? Also, technically this is my room.'' 

''You know what I mean. I believe your bed is upstairs, young lady.'' 

How old was Velariah anyway? I'd never bothered to ask. 

''But moooom.'' She started pleading with fake puppy eyes. 

''Out you go!'' I pointed at the door with two hands. 

''But I slept here last night as well!''  

Those puppy eyes were becoming awfully real.  

''Ugh, fine. Just this once because we're heading out tomorrow. Once we get back, you'll be sleeping upstairs again.'' 

''Yay!'' She happily exclaimed as she clapped her hands. 

She was so easily satisfied. 

Why did I get the ominous feeling I wouldn't be able to stick to that plan either...?



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