Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.56 More Bag Space

Velariah soon returned from upstairs and I opened the doors to the bathroom.


Couldn’t have Elly accidentally walk in now, could we?


Velariah first walked into the hallway to grab her pack and then joined me in my (our?) sleeping quarters. She brought three more vials of the basic anti-venom mix and, together, we turned them into high-quality potions for use. Velariah then put them into her pack and returned the pack to the hallway.


We waited several minutes, during which I created some more score sheets for Velariah’s new favorite dice game. The elf waited in silence while observing my four-hands-eye coordination at work.


I couldn’t quite believe it myself either. I was able to still draw accurately while creating two sheets at the same time. I guessed my brain had undergone the necessary changes to be able to make this work. I had, after all, gained twelve new limbs. Besides that, there was a laundry list of other interesting things this body could do.


“You’re pretty good with your hands,” Velariah remarked with a teasing tone in her voice.


“Don’t even think about it.” I smiled back at her. 


“Awww.” She pouted. 


I grinned as I finished another two sheets. Seconds after that, Elly exited the kitchen door with two plates. She then walked back into the kitchen as I observed what she had made.


Baked potato slices, hmmm.


I shoved my paperwork aside, earning a grin from the white-haired elf, and dug in.


Potatoes in this world really were something else. I wondered if they had ever heard of French fries. Wait, I could simply ask.


“Vel, are you familiar with the concept of slicing potatoes into long squared slices and then boiling them in oil?”


“Another one of your world’s delicacies?”


“Not a delicacy per se, but extremely delicious,” I answered.


“Never heard of it.”


“Well, that’s another one on the list for some other time.” 


“You’re making me anxious with all this food talk,” Velariah said as she took another bite. 


“Why, because you’re scared of exposure?” I asked. “I can completely understand that. I’ve been trying to avoid it myself... 


“No. Because I can’t have it right now.”


“You glutton!” I said.


“Look who’s talking.” She said with a mouth full.


“Hey, I can’t help that I need to carry around all this extra weight.” I retorted.


Velariah grinned. “No, but it sounds easy enough to do. If we have some more time, I’ll get the things you need. I am looking forward to whatever it is.”


“I’d also need tomatoes, sugar, mustard, eggs, and vinegar.”


“What the hell are you planning on doing?”


“You will see.” I grinned.


Couldn’t have fries without ketchup or mayonnaise, could we?


I knew mayonnaise, but I had no idea how to make ketchup. This would be a good old case of trial and error, it seemed.


Hopefully, these people would settle for mediocre.


Elly exited the kitchen carrying two more plates that made my mouth water.




Large juicy steaks.


My pedipalps were twitching in anticipation.


“Somebody is excited,” Velariah remarked.


Elly, as professional as she was, simply smiled and walked back into the kitchen.


I quickly finished the potatoes and decided not to let my spider half down. I knew how annoying it could be if it didn’t get what it wanted.


I cut the meat into strips and chewed off a piece. 


I swallowed before speaking. “This is...”


Velariah finished what I was getting at.


“Unibelea, correct.”


“So this is what it tastes like when it’s prepared properly,” I said.


I enjoyed the many flavors that the meat offered. This was far better than the abomination I’d made of it back in the cave. 


“Yeah, that was pretty bad, wasn’t it?” Velariah said.


“Well, thank you very much,” I said jokingly as I continued my dinner.


I’d finished everything by the time Velariah barely finished one steak. She shoved the plate with two more steaks my way and I eyed them with a watering mouth.


“You sure?” I asked. 


“Elania, I’m stuffed. Elly probably gave me that much to give to you anyway. She knows I couldn’t eat all that.” 


She leaned back in her chair, conveying the idea she couldn’t take another bite.


Bless this body!


More steaks!


Om nom nom.


I continued eating under the elf’s watchful gaze. I could see she took great pleasure in seeing me go at it if her smile was anything to go by.


Hmm, I really needed that.

Even though it didn’t feel that way, creating so much silk had drained me quite a bit. I’d probably be able to leave for our quest tomorrow without having the others wait for me while we had breakfast at the guild hall. 


Elly walked out of the kitchen with another plate of potato slices and a plate with one steak and sat down to eat. 


I thanked her for the wonderful meal and walked to the bathroom, taking the Yahtzee papers with me as I went. 


Actually, what was I doing with these?


I walked back and put them back on the table in shame before returning to the bathroom.


“We’ll be going to bed, Elly. We’re leaving for a quest tomorrow, I don’t know when we’re back.” Velariah called out to the other elf as she followed me into the bathroom.

“Stay safe, Lady Velariah.”


“How many times have I said to drop the ‘Lady’ part?”


“I’m sorry, Velariah.”


“Good night, Elly.”


“Good night.”


Velariah closed the double doors, locked them, and then sighed.


“I swear I had that out of her,” She said.


I giggled. “Yeah, she used that the other day too, didn’t she?”


“Yeah, I had hoped it was a one-time-only thing, but apparently, I was wrong.”


“You don’t mind Draco using it?” I asked as I took off my shirt and tag.


“Draco is...” She paused for a second. “A special case. I can’t get mad at him.”


“What about Seralyn?”


“Screw her.” She grinned. “I’ll have her call me Lady until she drops.”


“What’s up with you not liking the Lady part anyway?”


“Ugh, you know me, Elania. I don’t like getting special treatment for something in which I had no say.”


“You’re talking about your father, right?”


She nodded. “He is as close to royalty as it gets. People find it necessary to treat me in a special way too. It drives me crazy sometimes.”


“Yeah, I can see why.”


I liked how down to Earth Velariah was. Well, down to whatever this planet was called I guess?


“What is this world called?” I asked.


“Oh, don’t get me started on that,” Velariah said, to which I frowned. 


She started taking off her shirt as she mumbled with the shirt over her head.


“The elves call it Terra, the humans call it Golarth, the dwarves call it Ferrol, the harpies call it… I don’t even know, I’m sure they have their name as well.”


“What a mess that must be. Everyone calling it differently, that is.” I said.


“What was your world called again? I forgot.” The elf asked as she took off her pants and socks. 


I made my way over to the pile of pillows and started to make myself comfortable. 


“Earth,” I said.


“That’s it? No weird names for it, depending on race?”


“Well, I told you we didn’t have any other humanoid races. There are only humans, at least they are the only race that can talk. Besides the obvious language differences, everybody called it Earth.”


“What a dream that would be.” The elf said as she made her way over to me. “Having a universal name for this world.”

“I’ll stick to Terra, I guess.” I said, “It means Earth in my old world so it’s easy enough to get used to.”


“How convenient.” Velariah smiled as she wormed herself under me.


“That’s an awful lot of trouble you’re going through.” I laughed at her actions.


She was wriggling herself a way under my human body. She snaked between my limbs, fangs which I had to point to the sides, pedipalps and, finally, appeared under my human torso.


“It’s so worth it though.” She said as she hugged me.


I embraced her in a loving hug of my own. 


“You’re right, it is.” I replied. “By the way, have you told Elly about… us?”


“Nope, but I’m sure she figured it out by now. She is pretty smart. Also, it’s quite obvious from the way you’re acting around me.”


“Am I that obvious?” I asked with slight shock.


I imagined our other companions would figure it out soon as well, then. That was, if they hadn’t already…


“Yep,” Velariah replied. “Doesn’t matter, though, people will find out sooner or later anyway.”


“I guess you’re right.” I sighed.


I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it, still. I was getting more confident in this relationship myself, which I guess helped with my anxiety about others knowing. It didn’t help that I was as easy to read as it seemed, though…


‘Whatever,’ I thought.


They would find out eventually. I would not let anxiety ruin what Velariah and I had built up so far.


The whole reason we got so far was that I was able to shove aside anxiety for one moment. Everything that came after that had been a blessing.


I looked at the elf under me and ran two hands through her long white hair. She giggled slightly at the touch and I took her hands in my other hands. Her eyes were sparkling and her lips were inviting. Before I knew it, I was kissing her.


I kissed her deeply and passionately before breaking away and moving next to her in the pillow pile. 


“Awwww,” Velariah said in a disappointing voice. “You’re gonna leave me hanging like that?”


“I’m sorry, Vel. Small steps at a time, remember?”


“It’s okay, El.” She turned to her side and ran a hand through my hair. “I have plenty of time.”


I chuckled. “It seems I do, too. As long as I molt, anyway. Not sure what the time limit is on this body’s lifespan in between two molts...”


“I don’t expect it to be that short,” Velariah said. “Besides, you’ve molted twice so far within a month, so, who cares?”


“I guess you’re right.”


Velariah yawned and brought her hand back to rub her eyes.


“I’m beaten. I don’t think I could do much, anyway. Let’s get some sleep and then start a new adventure tomorrow.”


I hugged her with my side, my head resting on her shoulder. A pedipalp lay on her belly as my left legs partially moved under her frame. 


“You know you’re making this very hard for me?” Velariah taunted.


“Hmm, teasing you is a welcome change...” I smiled as I turned off the lights.


She’d teased me enough. She deserved a taste of her own medicine.


“Good night, El.” She whispered.


“Good night, Vel,” I whispered back.


I let myself relax when I found Velariah sneaking in a kiss in the dark. I let her have her fun as I slowly drifted off.




I yawned and rubbed my eyes. The light was already on and once I finished rubbing my eyes I saw Velariah look into them. 


“Morning, El.” 


“Hmm. Morning, Vel. Seems you had fun last night.”


The elf grinned. “Yeah, I did. I had to take what I could get, I doubt we’ll get to do that much when we’re out.”


“Yeah, kinda sucks, doesn’t it?”


That was one thing I would miss when we were going out. I doubted we could do much in the sense of relationship building. Although, I guess helping each other in combat helped in some way.


That, and I could fight with her riding on my back. Not everyone could do the same.


I moved my legs away so she could move freely. 


“Ugh, I don’t wanna!” She pouted as she slowly got up.


I chuckled. “Well, unlucky you. We’re only saving the village.’’


“Hm, I guess that’s true. I really do wonder what my father is planning to do.”


“Sounds to me he is trying to cut off resources from the goblins; in this case, poison. I’d expect a proper sweep of the forest later on. No idea how he will do that, though.”


“Possibly. Thinning out their numbers, albeit slightly, will also help. Maybe we can find some intel on other camps.” She shrugged. “Who knows?”


“Doubtful. Their language doesn’t make sense. Unless you have anyone that can understand it, it would be pointless.”


“There’s that, too.” She said.


I stood up and walked to the sink. I tossed Velariah her clothes and tag before taking my shirt and putting it on. I put my tag over it and I was done.


Another advantage of a half spider body. No pants! It still felt awkward, though. Because I was so used to wearing them, I always felt exposed. I was slowly getting used to it.


“So, breakfast at the guild?” I asked.


Velariah nodded after putting on her shirt.


I was already focused on our mission. I couldn’t wait to use my new weapons. I felt slightly guilty about slaying sentient creatures with them, but I was left no choice.


They were given a choice, I reminded myself.


I was looking forward to my companions’ reactions.


While Velariah got dressed, I was working on my hair. Having it this long made for some extra time in front of the mirror, but I would gladly sacrifice that for it. 


I finished and handed the comb to Velariah, who started on hers.


I walked up behind her and hugged her belly with all my hands. I then moved my pedipalps up to her hair and could see Velariah eying them in the mirror.

“I wonder if these work as well as a comb,” I said as I ran them through her hair back and forth. 


“I doubt it.” Velariah giggled. “It feels nice, though.”


“Another one to add to your long list of fetishes?” I asked with a grin.


“For sure.” The elf grinned back. 


I scratched her scalp with my pedipalps and could see Velariah enjoyed it. She closed her eyes and stopped combing. I gently kissed one of her long ears.


“Is it true what they say about elf ears?” I whispered.


Velariah quickly turned around and put her lips on mine. 


When she moved away again she grinned.


“I guess that’s a yes?”


“No idea what you meant, but it was probably true.”


She finished combing her hair and we moved to the dining area, where Elly was cleaning the table with a towel. She stopped what she was doing and followed Velariah into the hallway where she, as usual, helped her put on her armor. I put on my own armor, my gloves, and then my weaponized gauntlets.


It seemed I needed almost the same amount of time that Velariah needed now. By the time I had my last gauntlet equipped and picked up my spear, she was about done.


I almost cut Elly on the way out. I apologized and fixed my stance. I should probably carry the blades with the blunt face facing forward and the blades pointing at the floor at my sides.


Velariah finished up, went back to the bathroom, and came back with her pack at her side.


Oops. I’d almost forgotten.


Well, I hadn’t done the usual check I always do, so it was fine, right?


There wasn’t much for me to forget, though.


Except for the saddlebags that we had commissioned! Good thing I remembered now!


We headed out the door and I told Velariah about them.


“Good point. We better make a quick stop at Dworag’s.” She answered.


“Don’t you want breakfast first?” I asked.


“We’ll be done pretty quickly, might as well go and get them.”


“Alright, no problem.”


And so, we walked through the village center until we reached Dworag’s shop. Velariah went in… and soon the dwarf came out with her.


Here we go again.


“Ahh, ‘tis good to see you, Miss Elania. Always a pleasure for the eyes.”


Velariah had the saddlebags in her hands and walked over to my rear.


“He wanted to see me put this on you...” Velariah said.


I wanted to comment on it but refrained from doing so.


Velariah went to work and placed the saddlebags at the side of my large abdomen, fairly close to where she would be seated. She then connected the two with a leather strap that went all around me. I stretched my legs and stood at an intimidating height to allow her to have easy access.


I now turned myself into a jack.


This body kept amazing me.


Once car mechanic Velariah was finished, I lowered myself again and looked behind me.


The bags could carry about as much in them as Draco’s large backpack. These would make carrying large amounts of goods a breeze.


“Looking good on you,” Dworag said. “But then again, anything looks good on you, missy.”


“Thanks, I guess.”

When Velariah paid the dwarf I noted that the total cost didn’t even reach a gold coin. That was a nice change for once.


The dwarf took a small bow before wishing us luck and walking back into the shop.


I rolled my eyes at Velariah, who was looking at me incredulously.


“This dwarf,” I said softly.


Velariah grinned. “Won’t let him take you from me.”


I smiled. “Don’t worry about it.”


We arrived at the guild hall which was starting to empty up. Seralyn and Nira were already present and having a drink. Velariah ordered two drinks from the waiter and we sat down next to them.


“Good morning to you two. Any word on Draco?”


“He was getting a couple more items,” Seralyn answered. “He’ll be back soon. We already ordered for him too.”


“In that case,” Velariah said, as she beckoned over the waiter again. “Let’s get us something as well. How much do you want, Elania?” She asked.


“I’ll have whatever you’re having. I had a decent amount overall, yesterday.”


“No stuffing today?” Seralyn joked. “Unfortunate.”


“Bet you’re just jealous I can do that without getting fat.” I fired at her.


“You’re calling that.” She eyed my behind. “Not fat?”


Oh, she had me there. Quickly, come up with something witty!


“That’s not fat. It’s all muscle… and silk, apparently, want a demonstration?” I chuckled.


“Uhm, no thanks. I’ll be fine.”


Elania:1 Seralyn:0


The waiter returned with our drinks and Velariah placed her order. Meanwhile, Draco entered the guild hall with a stuffed backpack. It was literally bulging.


“Wanna drop some of that in these fancy, new saddlebags?” I asked as he sat down and put his bag next to him.


“I’ll be fine, Miss Elania. It would be much better to keep those free for anything we find so we don’t mix things up.”


Fair enough.


“By the way,” Seralyn said. “I’ve been breaking my head over what the hell you just showed up with and I’m at a loss. Care to demonstrate?” Seralyn asked.


“Ah, I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”


I brought up one of the shields with blades attached and laid it on the table. 


“You see, I can use these to block and attack. We tried them partially on a Bunbear quest yesterday, and, though I haven’t fully tried their limits yet, they are quite handy when you have as many hands as me. Now, imagine when Velariah is on my back and I hold these out on both sides of me and charge through a group of enemies.”


“That.” Nira started and paused. “Seems quite... horrifying.”


“Well, that was my plan,” I replied.


“How do you come up with all this?” Seralyn asked.


I shrugged. “Dunno, finding a use for my extra hands, I guess?”


“I was about to comment that.” Draco started “I wouldn’t quite say it would be useful for anyone else. They don’t quite have the reach of longswords, and you can still use your spear behind all this.”


“Exactly,” I replied.


I put my hand back under the table as I saw the waiter approaching with food.


“Well, I’m curious how they will do in a fight,” Seralyn added while taking her plate.


“They should be versatile enough to help in all situations,” I said. “That’s why I didn’t have the blade longer than this. Coldanus knew exactly what I was aiming for, it seems.”


“Yeah, you can say what you want about the bastard, but he is good at his trade.”


“So, I’ve heard,” I said when the waiter returned with my plate. “So, I’ve heard.”



Ideally, I'd like to release 2 chapters every 2 days like today. I am now 15 chapters ahead on Patreon and would prefer to keep that gap. I will see if I can keep up with this schedule or whether I'd like to change something. 

As always thanks for the support


and a special shoutout to my new Patron

the raging gamer


Be sure to check out my Patron page and/or discord server. I post WIP for the artwork on both!



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