Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.70 Weaponizing

My second opponent was a fairly young-looking human male. He wore leather armor that seemed to be adjusted for his fighting style, that seemed to revolve around speed and dexterity. He held a one-handed sword in each hand which supported my hypothesis.


I was certain he’d observed the first fight which made me doubt I would be able to pull off that move again. If his style was as quick as I expected it to be, I imagined doing the same thing would cause quite a bit of backlash.


I should practice my speed. Spiders were really damn quick in their movements. If I could get anywhere close, I wouldn’t doubt myself doing the same again.


I thought of a way to defeat my new opponent as the organizer gave the start signal. Within a second my opponent was upon me and started slashing wildly with his sword.


I got the impression this guy was far too serious about this fight and that he saw this as something more than a spar. It was as if he was actually out to hurt me. Of course, I couldn’t confirm that.


I was blocking for dear life. He was fast, indeed. The few stabs that I made with my spear were easily sidestepped as he kept up his blade flurry.


I didn’t dare to use my pedipalps out of concern of them being slashed by his blades.


Fast opponents really were not my forte it would seem.


I kept blocking and got myself backed to the edge of the circle, which gave me an idea.


There was more than one way to win.


I reached the edge of the fighting area and allowed him to keep up his flurry of attacks, counter-attacking with my spear a few times to keep him focused on his attacks. I slowly turned so that my side was at the edge of the circle and tried to sweep his legs with my spear. The attack was easily dodged, but it didn’t matter, I had him where I wanted him, his back to the edge.


I charged forward with my shields in front of me, completely taking him by surprise and knocking him outside the circle. He landed on the ground on his bum and spat in anger. He then stood up and simply walked off.


Seems like losing wasn’t for everyone. 


I walked back to the middle of the circle as I was cheered on by the crowd once more. Was this how fame felt? I really wouldn’t want to get used to this. 


I was both impressed and surprised by the fact that I was able to beat these adventurers. They had already passed opponents that were classified as low-tiered gold, which was my rank. I’d been put here as I was considered mid-tier gold for the trial, meaning that anyone who could defeat me would start at mid-tier gold and literally outrank me.


An interesting thought. 


The guild must hold me in very high regard.


I had to wait for a bit before my next opponent showed up. Another human entered the ring. He looked to be in his twenties and mail armor combined with a halberd made up his equipment. 


The halberd was a scary weapon. I knew it dominated combat back in medieval times because of its reach, simplicity to use, and power against large targets, such as cavalry. I kind of counted as cavalry and I didn’t like to see such a weapon used against me.


Our fight started and it seemed I’d worried a bit too much. His speed was nothing compared to mine and I could sidestep his blows and thrusts quite easily. The human, however, seemed to be no newcomer to combat and was quick to deter me from making any moves his way by moving the weapon around with quick motions, barring my way. 


This fight looked to come down to spear versus halberd, my other weapons just didn’t have the reach. I did have the added luxury of also carrying two versatile shields. As long as I didn’t screw this up, I thought there was no reason for me to lose this fight. 


The fight went on for a while, thrusts were thrown both ways and not a single one landed. They were either sidestepped or landed on my shield. A slash aimed at my armor was dodged by me lowering myself to the ground. It seemed the strike from the human had a little too much momentum behind it. An opening was created where he was still recovering from his swing and I was quick to close the gap. 


I held one of my blades up to his throat and the fight was over. 


I was impressed once more. This just felt too easy. I think the second opponent gave me the most trouble. If I was to improve anything, I should reflect on that fight. I already kind of knew what the issue was in that fight. 


This had actually been a worthwhile learning experience.


I was glad Velariah sent me here.




How was she doing?


I almost didn’t hear the cheers and applause. I was too busy making sure to get back home. I took off my blade gauntlets, exited the fighting circle, and left the noise behind on my way to Velariah’s mansion.


I hated her for making me feel this way. Wasn’t she the one who said to keep our acts together when we were in a fight? 


Argh, my mind was being a pain in the ass. She would be fine. She was already fine. I’d only been gone for about an hour. How badly did the love bug get me?


I found it hard to focus but I resolved two things after the trials. One, I would have to focus on increasing my speed, and two, I was going to get back in that dungeon, clear it, and have a nice long talk with Arch, whether he wanted it or not.


I kicked the door out of frustration when I arrived at the mansion. It felt good to kick something with multiple feet at once and still remain standing. I got some joy out of that thought. 


Elly soon opened the door and I dropped off my armor in the corner before beelining towards the bathroom. 


“How is she?” I asked.


“She’s still sleeping. I have fresh bandages ready for when she wakes up.” Elly pointed towards the dining table. A roll of bandages lay ready.


“Do you have any alcohol as well, to clean her wound?”


I had no idea how many times one would have to clean a wound to prevent infection, but I imagined I’d rather do it too often than not enough. Boars weren’t exactly the cleanest animals, either…


Elly nodded, walked to the kitchen, and returned with a metal canteen she handed to me. I thanked her and took the roll of bandages before making my way into the bathroom. As I opened the door, Gray ran up to me, his talk wagging.


I sighed. “Elly, could you take him for me?”


“Not a problem.” She replied and took the pup.




I walked into the bedroom, stepping over the still sleeping form of the elf while closing the door behind me. I laid the canteen and bandages down in the hammock at the far end.


I took a look at her legs, mainly the bandages around them. They still smelled like garbage and I imagined refreshing those wouldn’t be excessive. For now, I didn’t dare to wake the elf, I simply stepped into the hammock and laid myself next to her, my chin on her shoulder. 

I imagined a bath wouldn’t be completely out of place either. My hair was still a mess from the blood as well. 


Velariah was eager to take a bath together before, I might just agree to it now…


What had this elf done to my heart?


I took hold of one of Velariah’s hands and slowly put some legs around her frame. I loved holding her like this.


Was I a bad person for secretly enjoying being in a position where I could nurse her?


It was such an ethical dilemma…


Velariah stirred.


Did I wake her up?


“Hmm. Hey, El.” She spoke softly.


“Hey, Vel,” I whispered before giving her a quick kiss. “How are you feeling?”


“Honestly? I feel like shit. Don’t worry about my leg, it will be fine. I just feel like shit because of my stupid mistakes.”


“I know,” I said softly. “To think you were the one telling me to keep my act together in combat, how ironic.”


“That’s exactly why I feel like shit,” Velariah said before taking hold of my head with her hands and bringing my lips to hers. 


“I feel a bit better now, though.” She continued with a soft voice.


“I imagine so.” I smiled. “How’s the pain?”


“It doesn’t hurt anymore. I think I have Nira to thank for that.”


That was a relief. 


“Yeah, she’s pretty good, isn’t she?” I said.


Velariah nodded.


“You hungry?” I asked.


“Thirsty.” The elf answered.


“Any preference?”


“Kingberry juice would be good. You should have some too.”


As if I was going to let the opportunity to do that slip by. Not this time, Vel.


I nodded and carefully stepped out of the hammock. I opened the doors and walked to the kitchen door, where I knocked.


It seems I’d been right when it came to pinpointing Elly’s location as she opened the door moments later. I asked her for two glasses of the liquid gold that was the juice, which she soon handed to me after excusing herself for a minute.


I handed Velariah, who was now sitting up, her glass while drinking mine down within seconds.


I’d been parched…


Velariah finished her drink as well before handing me the glass and lying down again. I placed the glasses on the crate of sulfur in the corner before stepping back in to hug her. 


“Is this what you did when I was out as well?” I asked.


“As much as I could between duties, yes. I spent all of my spare time with you.” She spoke.


“So sweet,” I said softly as I kept hugging her. 


I closed my eyes but soon reopened them as I remembered I’d have to change the bandages. 


I stepped out of the hammock and took a look at her legs.


“I’m going to unwrap those bandages. I’m sorry if I hurt you.” I said. 


“Go for it,” Velariah replied.


I carefully removed the bandages from her legs. When I had completely removed it from one leg, I was shocked.


“Uh, Vel?”




“Does this hurt?” I poked her leg, where the wound was, well, should have been.


“No, why?”


“Your wound is gone.”




“I’m serious. There is nothing left.”


Velariah sat up, looked at her own legs, and ran her fingers over them.


“What the fuck?”


“You think that’s Nira’s work?” I asked.


Velariah shook her head. “Healing magic isn’t supposed to work on superficial wounds. There should have been markings, holes, something.” She scratched her head. “I have no idea what caused this…”


“And how are you feeling, then?” I continued with the next question.


“Physically? I feel fine, I’m just tired.”


“Strange.” I let out. “You think Arch had something to do with it?”


“The dungeon? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m… shocked.”


“Yet more strange things to add to the list. I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore.”


“How about that wound on your head?” Velariah asked, ignoring my statement. “It looked gnarly.”


“No idea. I can’t really look on top of my head.” I moved the top of my head in front of her face. “You can, though.”


“Hmmm, I get to play with your lovely hair.” She grinned.


I smiled, but I doubt she was able to see it. I could feel her fingers gently move through my hair, the feeling was… addicting. I felt disappointed when she stopped.


“Nope, nothing. Your wound is completely gone as well.” She said in disbelief.


“Well, that’s odd. Any hypotheses?” I asked.


Velariah shook her head. “Unless you have any information that I don’t have, I’m at a loss here.”


“Honestly? I don’t know, and I don’t know if I should worry about it, either. This really doesn’t sound like a negative thing.” I said.


I sighed as I relaxed. “Can I get your hands back in my hair? I’d love some more of that.”


“Aren’t you the one who is supposed to nurse me?” Velariah grinned.


“Nurse from what? Your leg appears to be fine.”


“Hm, you’re right. Alright then.” The elf placed her hands back in my hair and started scratching and moving her hands through it. I closed my eyes in bliss.


“You sure you didn’t do this on purpose so we’d spend more time together?” I asked sarcastically.


“And miss your trials? No way. Did you already do them?” 


I nodded.


“How did that go?” She asked, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.


“Won all three.” I smiled at her.


“Neat. I knew they’d be no match for you.”


“Next time I want you there,” I spoke softly. “I really missed you there...”


“Awww, poor El. I’ll be there next time. Don’t worry.” She sighed. “If it were up to me I’d already be out and about.”


“Yeah, not gonna happen,” I stated sternly. “The earliest you’re going to be doing anything will be tomorrow.”


I hugged her again. “I’ve found out a few things about myself again,” I said with a low voice once more. “Thank you for having me go to the trials.”


“What did you find out?” She asked.


“Speed,” I stated. “I need to improve on my speed. I’m slow.”


“Nothing wrong with your speed.” She said.


“I meant in combat. With my arms… and possibly my legs. I only won my second fight because of my strength, I was getting manhandled by a guy with two swords.”


“Let me guess. You blocked his attacks instead of parrying and then knocked him out of the ring.” Velariah grinned.


“How did you guess?” 


“I know you, El. It was a good move, for sure, but I can see what you mean.” She paused for a moment before taking hold of the pedipalp that rested on her belly.


“You tried using these? Or your legs, even?”


I shook my head. “I was afraid I’d get them slashed.”


“Well, there’s your answer,” Velariah stated. “Improve your speed and weaponize your legs.”


“Weaponize? How?” I asked as she continued to play with my limb.


“Oh you know, cover it in armor or something. Maybe add a weapon?” She said in a serious tone that almost made me laugh.


“You’re trying to turn me into the most brutal killing machine that ever walked this world, aren’t you?” I said with a smile. “It might be an idea, though. I was thinking about visiting Dworag tomorrow either way. I should get some sheathes for my blades.”


“I was hoping you’d come to that conclusion sooner or later.” The elf spoke. “Good job.”


“Thanks, I guess?”


The idea of using my legs as proper weapons made me think about my anatomy. How far could I push this body?


I loved cuddling with Velariah, but I could also use this time to try a few things.


I decided to step out of the hammock and walked up to the wall across from the toilet. 


“I’ll probably need some good protection for my arms too. That wolf showed me I’m still vulnerable if I’m not fast enough.”


“Not a bad idea,” Velariah called as she looked over the edge of the hammock. 


“But first. I’m going to spend the money on the ritual. I’ve waited long enough. Are these walls tough?” I asked as I ran a hand over the wall.


“Tough as nails. What are you planning to do?”


“Weaponize my legs.”


I struck the wall with a pedipalp. I didn’t put too much force behind it because I didn’t want to hurt myself. I was merely checking out the movements I could make with my spider limbs, starting with these two. I then struck with my other pedipalp. 


These, I knew how to use properly. That wouldn’t be an issue. My only issue was that my legs and pedipalps also served to grip onto things that no human was supposed to be able to grip. If I armored them, I might lose that functionality. 


I then moved my front set of legs next to my human torso, lifted them, and struck. It went easier than I expected, and it seemed I could put quite some force behind them. My spider legs were probably far stronger than my human arms. 


“Vel, I love you. If I can pull this off, I’d be much stronger.”


“I know you do. You also look great doing that.” She replied.


“You better not say that in combat.” I grinned as I struck again. 


I impressed myself. I had killed with my legs before, but I didn’t use them in the same way I was doing now. I had created even more arms I could strike forward with. I imagined having me as a serious opponent would be quite the morale shock. 


The reach of my legs was insane as well. They had greater reach than my swords if I moved them forward. They didn’t quite match my spear, but they would be a hell of a lot deadlier when weaponized properly.


I decided to try a bit of a gamble and pulled up my second set of legs as well. I placed them on the wall below my front set to check their reach. They ended up short of the first set, but they would still be viable to use as combat tools.


Oh my god. I could strike with four legs and two arms and a spear at once.


I really was the ultimate killing machine…


I didn’t know how to feel about it.


I removed the legs from the wall and found that I had no problem keeping my balance with only four legs on the ground. I moved back slightly and struck forward with my front set of legs, followed by the second.


I repeated the movements several times to build up muscle memory. I then did it a couple more times while moving around.


“Hot damn, Elania. You’re looking sexy as hell when doing that.” The elf interrupted my training.


“Really? I’m trying to bash up your wall and that’s what you comment?”


I continued to throw some ‘punches’ with my legs. I was now trying to stab in quick succession with individual legs, instead of stabbing with both legs of a set at once. 


“I wish I could be that wall.” She continued flirting.


“You’re trying to distract me to see if I can keep focused, right?” I said as I continued.


“You could see it that way...” She answered.


“You seem to be right in the fact that weaponizing my legs would be a major improvement, at least in head-on combat.”


“Yep.” She said with a broad smile.


“Now I’ll need to figure out a way to armor them without losing function.”


“Dworag will probably find a way.” Velariah shrugged. “You have any plans for tomorrow?”


“If you are in decent condition, I’d like to pay Arch a visit and force some answers out of him,” I stated with a hint of anger in my voice. 


“I’ll make sure I’m fine again. I’m looking forward to those answers myself.”

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