Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.77.5 (NSFW/18+)

I have put the more explicit scenes in spoilers in this chapter. I reckon it should still be readable for people who are not interested in that stuff.



I stared at Velariah.


“Let’s get you all cleaned up.” She smiled.


“It’s late already, Vel. I can do this myself and make it fast.”


“Nah, I insist I help you with it.” She said as she turned on the faucet to let the water reach its desired temperature.


She walked in front of me and lifted my shirt up to take it off. 


“You really made a mess, you know? You got this shirt all sticky as well.”


Well, obviously. I hadn’t cleaned my skin yet. There was bound to be more of the strawberry juice that got itself stuck to it.


“And whose fault was that again? You know I hate spiders. Letting them surprise me like that when I’m climbing a wall is bound to cause issues.”


“You’re right. I’m sorry. How can I make it up to you?” She smiled as she urged me to lower my human torso with her hands on my ‘hips’.


“Well, if you insist on making it up to me, you could wash my hair with some of that lovely shampoo,” I said and smiled.


“Hm, that’s a good idea.” She quickly kissed me and reached for the shampoo bottle in one of the baskets under the sink. She grabbed two sponges as well and laid the towels in the sink.


She started undressing, leaving on nothing but her panties, and stepped into the tub where she plugged in the stopper, preparing for my ‘first clean’. She placed the bottle of shampoo just outside the tub and beckoned me over.


“Let’s get those legs of yours cleaned up, shall we?” She said with the most beautiful smile.


I removed the two pieces of clothing that I wore and joined her in the tub. She used the sponge to absorb some of the shallow water and wrung it out above my head.


“You’re making this more complicated than it has to be, you know?” I smiled.


“Doesn’t matter. I’m enjoying this.” She said before repeating the action she made several times, to get my hair all wet. She then ran her fingers through it, getting the sugar from the spilled drink out, before rinsing it with more water.


“Hm, I do enjoy your hands in my hair,” I said, earning a smile and a kiss from the kneeling elf before me.


“And I do enjoy your lips on mine,” She said seductively.


She took hold of my two filthy legs and brought them forward so they were in front of her. She ran her hands over them gently, earning a smile from me as I closed my eyes and enjoyed her touch. She then started scrubbing them, slowly wiping off the insect blood that stained them.


I opened my eyes again to see her checking out my other legs.


“Seems the others are still clean.” She mentioned and crawled towards the stopper, which she unplugged and then plugged again after the water had drained.


“Yeah, I told you I would be finished pretty quickly,” I replied after she knelt back in front of me.


“But then I couldn’t do this.” She said before placing a hand on my belly. Her touches so close to my belly button sent shivers through my entire body.


She put her other hand in my hair and ran it over the skin of my scalp as she pressed her body against me to kiss me again.


Heat rapidly built up again everywhere in my body, and I had my pedipalps around her back before I even realized it.


“Hmm, El, you’re delicious,” Velariah said as she broke away and reached for the shampoo bottle outside the tub.


I didn’t know how to respond to that and simply stared into her blue and green eyes when she turned to face me once more.


I regretted that she broke away, I was getting lost in her lips…


The elf shook the bottle vigorously to try to mix all the different ingredients before putting some on her hands and putting the bottle away again.


“You look like you’d like some more of that.” She smiled seductively again.


I nodded.


I wanted more…


“Happy to please you, El,” She said as she reached for my long hair and started rubbing the shampoo in it.


The scent of flowers only served to stimulate my senses more when she pressed herself against me again and kissed me passionately. I returned the favor by running my hands through her still dry hair and holding her head while we made out. My second set of hands were guided to her hips by the elf.


Velariah’s hands rubbing the roots of my hair were driving me crazy and I could feel my resistance weakening as she started kissing me more and more passionately. Eventually, her hands were removed from my head which caused slight disappointment to fill me.


It wasn’t for long. Soon, her hands were both running over my stomach as she gently ran her fingers from my carapace upward.


“Vel.” I moaned softly in the little time I had between two kisses.


The elf broke away and looked into my eyes and stared into my soul. The heat within me started to become unquenchable when I looked at her.


“Are you okay?” Velariah asked softly. “Should I stop?” She looked slightly disappointed.


I shook my head. “No,” I answered softly before she closed the gap again.




My defense was completely gone. Her soft, loving touches became irresistible for my body and mind.


“Do tell me to stop if I’m going too far,” Velariah said softly.


It only served to fuel my love for her. She was so caring and sweet. It only made me want her more.


“No, Vel. I love you.” I admitted with a soft voice as I placed my pedipalps around her back, joined by my front set of legs. I used them to press her closer to my body.


“I love you too,” Velariah said, word by word, because I kept interrupting her with my mouth.




“Hm, El.” She moaned softly.


I closed my eyes and let my instincts take over. I slowly ran my fingers over Velariah’s soft skin, completely lost in my desire for her. Our kissing never stopped, and before I knew it, I held her with four of my legs while I slowly ran my pedipalps over her back.




“As are you, Vel. You’re driving me crazy. How do you do it?”


She pressed herself against me, her chest against mine, and ran her fingers near my belly button again, causing me to slightly close my eyes and enjoy the pleasure that jolted through my entire body.


“I have no idea, El. I just love you. I do what my body wants to do and it wants to make you feel good.”


I pinned her down to the wall of the tub and brought in yet another set of legs. This one took hold of the elf’s legs, while my other two sets were still around her frame.


“So do you, it seems.” She smiled but was interrupted as I forced my mouth on hers again. I didn’t reply. I simply let my hands and limbs do the talking.


I ran a few fingers up her long ears and felt her body shudder beneath me in reaction. I continued doing that and felt Velariah’s heartbeat rise and rise as our intimacy grew stronger and stronger.


I felt her sensations through my limbs. Every time her heart beat, it was registered and redirected to my brain. It only served to make me want the elf to feel even better. The dam had completely broken. I wanted her more than anything in the world.


The rising water only added more heat to our show of love and affection. It seemed Velariah had put the temperature higher than I was used to. I didn’t care, though.



I closed my eyes and let her do as she pleased.

“At times like this, I really wish I had four hands, too.” She spoke. Seconds later, her lips were on mine again, and her fingers were now doing what her tongue was doing moments ago. 


The heat was becoming unbearable. I needed release, but Velariah seemed too occupied with making it worse and worse. Her tongue was forced into my mouth and started exploring the insides of my lips. It then found my tongue and played with it.


She pressed her chest against mine once more as she found a way to escape from my third set of legs that held her. She was kneeling before me once more and started to take the lead that I’d obviously lost.




“Do you want to go further?” She asked softly, as she broke away for a second to speak, before kissing my neck.




“I want you too, El.” She spoke in a whisper before kissing me again.


I was completely at her mercy. The way she made me feel… I was in heaven. My love for her, combined with all the stimulations she caused brought tears to my eyes. I’d never felt this way before. I didn’t know what was going on, but I wanted it. I wanted to be with Velariah and hold her close.


“Are you crying, El? Are you okay?” Velariah sounded worried.


“I’m okay. They are tears of joy. Please continue...” I almost begged.

Velariah reacted to that by bending me over so that my head was against my abdomen. The flexibility of this body continued to amaze me. I still had my legs on her back and my pedipalps were now holding on to her legs.


“Be careful with my fangs, Vel,” I whispered. I knew full well where this was going, and the location of my fangs was close to where I knew Velariah would end up sooner or later.




I had my eyes closed and simply held my hands in her hair as she added more fuel to the fire. If she continued like this, I was going to explode. She scrubbed gently, causing waves of pleasure to ripple through me as she slowly worked up again. Velariah really knew how to play me…


Her mouth reached mine again and I heard one of the sponges fall into the water next to me. I had my eyes closed again and let the elf exploit her leading position to the fullest.



Her hands touched every inch of my skin with a light touch, causing me to want her. I wanted Velariah to drive me to the edge… and beyond. She then moved her hands lower and lower, touching and gliding over my exoskeleton, which was incredibly sensitive to her touch for some reason.


“Vel!” I let out softly in reaction.


Velariah didn’t reply. It seemed I’d only served to please her with that reaction as I felt her emotions strengthen through my limbs.




“Going well, Vel?” I asked, chucking at her hapless efforts to please me.


Velariah seemed slightly annoyed.

“It’s my first time. You’re not exactly human anymore. I don’t quite know where everything is located.”


I smiled and gave her a quick kiss. “Relax, it’s okay.”



“El, you’re so cute when you make that face,” The elf spoke softly.




“I can’t help it, okay?” I said half-jokingly.


“It’s cute. I love seeing your reactions at my touch,” She replied.




Tears sprung to my eyes again. My fangs reacted to her touch and crossed over her arm while she continued to carry me to heaven. Another pair of legs had found its way onto her back as well. It seemed my spider half wanted to hold on to the elf with all its might.


I wanted to hold on to her with all my might.


Her kissing was draining all my strength...


My limbs were becoming weaker by the second as my heart started working overtime to process the emotions and pleasure Velariah was bringing me. I even started to notice it in my human arms.




I didn’t dare to open my eyes. I felt as if I’d wake up from a dream that was long overdue. I wanted to experience this feeling with all my heart and mind.




Her heartbeat became faster and faster. It felt… empowering to be able to feel it. It was as if I had her tight in my legs and she was my prey. I couldn’t describe it any other way.


I was doing one hell of a sucky job at being a spider, allowing my prey to take hold of me instead. I couldn’t help but love the feeling, though.



I wanted her more and more.


I wanted to shout her name.


I wanted her to know I loved her with every fiber in my body.


I wanted her to feel the same way I was feeling right now. She was taking me higher and higher into the sky.


She’d granted me wings.




I didn’t want to break apart.


I wanted her to feel loved forever.


She brought her hands back into my soap-soaked hair and continued kissing softly.


I imagined she felt the same way. I didn’t want this to end.


“Vel,” I softly moaned again in the short time that I had when we broke apart. “I love you, Vel.”


“I love you too, Elania.” She whispered back.


I took hold of her arms and pinned her against the wall of the tub again, my legs supporting the underside of the elf’s frame once more. I relaxed deeply as the hot water almost completely submerged us now.


I continued the kisses and ran my fingers across her soft skin’s curves once more, making my feelings of love all the more clear to her.


I closed my eyes again and soon found myself in a hazy state where I could only feel the elf and her body. Her touches on my skin and mine on hers were all that I felt. All worries, all cares, all problems were gone. All that remained was Velariah and my love for her. 


I prayed I’d be able to stay with her forever.


Let me know if this feels like a proper way of doing the NSFW chapters.


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